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Elementary Pre-ServiceTeachers: Can They Experience Mathematics Teaching Anxiety
Without HavingMathematics Anxiety.
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(Teacher Attributes).Creswell, J. (2010). Mapping the Developing Landscape of Mixed
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Design For A Culturally Affirming Indigenous Computer LiteracyCourse.
Scilite2002 Annual Conference of Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary
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Educational Research: An Introduction
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Mathematics Anxiety.
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(Curriculum).Harper, N., dan Daane, C. (1998). Causes and Reduction of Math Anxiety in
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Action in Teacher Education
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Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education
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College Student Journal
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Ashcraft dan Faust (Zakaria dan Nordin, 2007) juga menyatakan bahwa kecemasan
matematika yang tinggi akan mengakibatkan kemampuan berhitung yang rendah,
pengetahuan yang kurang mengenai matematika, dan ketidakmampuan dalam menemukan
strategi khusus dan hubungan dalam bidang matematika

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