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A Clear Window of Words

substantial EN[s?b?stn??l]
Anything having substance; an essential part.
(Adjective)COMmore substantialSUPmost substantial-
Having to substance; actually existing; real; as, substantial life{
if (`window -ex mg_headsUpSceneDetailsUI `)
deleteUI mg_headsUpSceneDetailsUI ;
window -t "Heads Up Info -"
mg_headsUpSceneDetailsUI ;
formLayout mainForm;
frameLayout -l "Enter The Details You Want To Show Up "
-la center
-lv 1
-mw 2
-mh 2
-bs etchedIn

formLayout inForm;
button -l "Create Heads Up Display" -c "mg_CreateHUD()" applyButton;
button -l "Remove Heads Up Display" -c "mg_removeHUD()" cancelButton;
frameLayout -l "" -lv 0
-mw 2
-mh 2
columnLayout -adj 1 -cat both 5 disCol;
text -l "Owner Name :" -align left ownertxt;
textField -text `getenv "USERNAME"` -enable 0 owner;
separator -h 4 -style "none";
checkBoxGrp -l "cut : " -l1 "yes/no" -value1 1 -columnWidth2 85 80
textField -text `file -q -namespace` -enable off sceneInfo ;
separator -h 4 -style "none";
checkBoxGrp -l "Date | Time : " -l1 "yes/no" -value1 1 -columnWidth2
85 80 dateSwitch;
textField -text `date -format "DD - MM - YYYY | hh:mm "` -enable off dat
e ;
checkBoxGrp -l "Frame HUD : " -l1 "yes/no" -value1 1 -columnWidth2 85
80 frameSwitch;
setParent inForm;
frameLayout -l "" -lv 0
-mw 2
-mh 2
columnLayout -adj 1 -cat "both" 5 ableFrame;
checkBoxGrp -l "Artist Name : " -l1 "yes/no" -value1 1 -columnWidth2
85 80 artistSwitch;
textField -text `getenv "USERNAME"` artist;
separator -h 4 -style "none";
checkBoxGrp -l "Scene Number:" -l1 "yes/no" -value1 1 -columnWidth2 85 8
0 sceneNumSwitch;
textField sceneNum ;
separator -h 4 -style "none";
checkBoxGrp -l "Current Status :" -l1 "yes/no" -value1 1 -columnWidth2 8
5 80 statusSwitch;
textField status ;
menuItem -l "Work In Progress" -c ("textField -e -text \"Work In Progres
s\" status");
menuItem -l "To Be Approved" -c ("textField -e -text \"To Be Approved\"
menuItem -l "Approved" -c ("textField -e -text \"Approved\" status");
separator -h 4 -style "none";
//checkBoxGrp -l "Frame HUD : " -l1 "yes/no" -value1 1 -columnWidth2 8
5 80 frameSwitch;
//setParent mainForm;

formLayout -e
-af disFrame left 5
-af disFrame top 5
-ap disFrame right 0 48
-af ableFrame right 5
-af ableFrame top 5
-ap ableFrame left 0 52
-ac applyButton top 5 disFrame
-af applyButton left 0
-ap applyButton right 0 52
-ac cancelButton top 5 disFrame
-af cancelButton right 0
-ap cancelButton left 0 52
formLayout -e
-af mainFrame top 5
-af mainFrame left 5
-af mainFrame right 5
-af mainFrame bottom 5


showWindow mg_headsUpSceneDetailsUI ;

global proc mg_CreateHUD()


string $owner = `textField -q -text owner `;

string $artist = `textField -q -text artist `;
string $sceneInfo = `textField -q -text sceneInfo`;
string $sceneNum = ` textField -q -text sceneNum `;
string $date = `textField -q -text date` ;
string $status= `textField -q -text status ` ;

if (
(($artist=="") && (` checkBoxGrp -q -value1 artistSwitch `==1)) ||
(($sceneNum =="") && (` checkBoxGrp -q -value1 sceneNumSwitch`==1))
(($status=="") && (` checkBoxGrp -q -value1 statusSwitch`==1))
error "Head Up Info : - load the inputs correctly !";

if (` checkBoxGrp -q -value1 artistSwitch `==1)
headsUpDisplay -l "Animator "
-allowOverlap 1
-b 2
-s 5
-dataFontSize large
-command ("mg_string" + " " + $artist)

if (` checkBoxGrp -q -value1 sceneInfoSwitch `==1)

headsUpDisplay -l "cut "
-allowOverlap 1
-b 4
-s 5
-dataFontSize large
-command "file -q -namespace" //"mg_scen

if (` checkBoxGrp -q -value1 sceneNumSwitch`==1)

headsUpDisplay -l "Scene # :"
-allowOverlap 1
-b 2
-s 2
-dataFontSize large
-command ("mg_string" + " " + $sceneNum
if (` checkBoxGrp -q -value1 dateSwitch`==1)
headsUpDisplay -l "Date | Time "
-allowOverlap 1
-event "idle"
-nodeChanges "attributeChange"
-dataFontSize large
-command "date -format \"MM / DD / YYYY
| hh:mm \""
-b 3
-s 5

if (` checkBoxGrp -q -value1 statusSwitch`==1)

headsUpDisplay -l "Status "
-allowOverlap 1
-b 2
-s 7
-dataFontSize large
-command ("mg_string" + " \"" + $status
+ "\"")
if (` checkBoxGrp -q -value1 frameSwitch `==1)
headsUpDisplay -l "Frame "
-allowOverlap 1
-b 2
-s 8
-nodeChanges "instanceChange"
-dataFontSize large
-preset "currentFrame"

global proc string mg_string(string $string)

return $string;
global proc float mg_float(float $float)
return $float;

global proc mg_removeHUD()

if (`headsUpDisplay -exists versionName` )
headsUpDisplay -rem versionName;
if (`headsUpDisplay -exists artistName` )
headsUpDisplay -rem artistName;
if (`headsUpDisplay -exists ownerName` )
headsUpDisplay -rem ownerName;
if (`headsUpDisplay -exists sceneName`)
headsUpDisplay -rem sceneName;
if (`headsUpDisplay -exists dateName`)
headsUpDisplay -rem dateName;
if (`headsUpDisplay -exists status`)
headsUpDisplay -rem status;
if (`headsUpDisplay -exists sceneNum`)
headsUpDisplay -rem sceneNum;
if (`headsUpDisplay -exists frameCounter`)
headsUpDisplay -rem frameCounter;

Not seeming or imaginary; not illusive; real; solid; true; veritable.
Corporeal; material; firm.
Having good substance; strong; stout; solid; firm; as, substantial cloth; a subs
tantial fence or wall.
possessed of goods or an estate; moderately wealthy; responsible; as, a substant
ial freeholder.
Large in size, quantity, or value; as, a substantial amount of money; vast.
Most important; essential.
Ample or full.
A substantial amount of people in this buliding
Significantly great.

(Word Lists) ( )
Wiktionary : Frequency lists 1-10000
SCOWL (And Friends) : Alan Beale, 12dicts 4.0 Compiled from 3 ESL Dictionaries
(Part-of-Speech Hierarchy)

... ?
FR substantiel
EN substantival
EN substantials
EN substantive
FR substantive
EN substantiality
EN substantials
EN substantially
EN substantialize
EN substantialism
0 0

, "substantial" . , ,
: 2
: 8

wordow.com 2017

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