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Assessment Pen Pal Rubric:

After reviewing your notes on the Friend Fact Sheet, please select the one organelle that you
believe would make the best friend for you as your assigned organelle.

Write them a letter explaining why you think the two of you would be good friends.

In this letter, please include:
- The positive qualities about yourself that would make you the ideal organelle friend for them.
- The positive qualities you noted about them that make them the ideal friend for you.
- One activity that the two of you might work together on as organelles in a cell.

Feel free to be as creative as possible! Doodles, metaphors, and jokes are encouraged!

Category Criteria Score Compliments and Suggestions for
Completion An attempt was made to
write a letter. (2)
Handwriting is legible. (1) /3
Qualities about Qualities about self are
yourself scientifically accurate. (2)
Qualities relate to the
needs/interests of pal. (1) /3
Qualities about Qualities about pal are
your pen pal scientifically accurate. (2)
Qualities relate to the
needs/interests of self. (1) /3
Pair Activity The activity is one that the
two organelles would
actually participate in
together in the cell. (2)
The activity is described
with scientific accuracy. (1) /3

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