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One Note
Class Notebook
Workshop Facilitator: LaChaka Tatum March 9, 2017 @1PM

Learning Targets Objectives: Website - http://onenoteworkshop.weebly.com/

By the end of this workshop, you will be able to

1. Describe the benefits of OneNote class notebook.

2. Create and organize OneNote class notebook one class you teach
3. Upload content into your content library and distribute pages

NETs-Teacher Standards Addressed: (http://www.iste.org/standards/ISTE-standards/standards-for-


1. Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity

2. Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments
3. Model digital age work and learning
4. Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility
5. Engage in professional growth and leadership

Materials Needed:
Pre-packaged folders
Printed Handouts
Distribute Pages to Students
Class Notebook Creation

Flyer for workshop!

Step By Step Instructional Plan Workshop PowerPoint
Use PowerPoint to guide instruction
As participants enter, have them sit with their professional learning community
colleagues. Point out the labeled prepared folders with necessary documentation
Folders include teacher instructions for creating a class notebook, student
instructions for accessing class notebook, agenda, ISTE standards and student
rosters with O365 consent information.
Side 1 Activator As participants to view the screen and be ready to
answer the question posed on the screen. Which image represents your
current reality?
Slide 2 Ask participants to take agenda handout out of folder and view as
you go over the schedule on the screen.
Slide 3 Have participants take 20seconds to read the three objectives to
be accomplished for the 1 hr workshop
Slide 4 Objective #1 Read the list of benefits of One Note
Slide 5 Display student samples and ask; How can you see yourself
implementing OneNote into your own classroom?
Slide 6 Begin creating class notebook by accessing the one drive and
clicking on create a class notebook
Slide 7 Name your notebook your course name
Slide 8 View all components of notebook and read their description
Slide 9 Add students from one class to the notebook. Type first and last
name to find student. All name should populate as you begin to type.
Slide 10- View and point out what should be inside of every students
notebook. Mention notebooks for each class can be customized.
Slide 11 Preview notebook
Slide 12 Open notebook to look and inside and discuss the three main
areas. Collaboration Space, Content Library and Students In addition, point
out tutorials with in all notebooks for additional support
Slide 13 View upload content video, pausing for colleagues to upload
preexisting content on computer and allow time for asking questions
Slide 14 - View distribute pages video, pausing for colleagues to upload
preexisting content on computer and allow time for asking questions
Slide 15 Allow time for colleagues to ask questions
Slide 16 Direct colleagues attention towards additional resources and
how you can be reached; Tell colleagues youve printed guides for
accessing their class notebook on a handout in their folder
Slide 17 Give everyone a thank and have them check their email to
complete ticket out the door class notebook form
OneNote Class
Thursday, March 9th 2017

Opening (10min)
Welcome and Activator
Learning Targets and Objectives
Benefits of OneNote and Student Exemplars
Work Session (45min)
Create and organize OneNote class notebook
for one section you teach
Upload content into your content library and
distribute to students

Closing (5min)
Assessment/Evaluation Method:
Ticket out the door

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