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CONSTITUTION AND September, 2012 BHARATIYA JANATA PARTY CONSTITUTIOIN AND RULES BHARATIYA JANATA PARTY Atco NAME ‘The name of the Party shall be "Bharatiya Janata Party" (hersinter refered t38"The Party) Artete 1: OnjECTIVE ‘The Party is pledged to build up India a a strong and prosperous ation which iemodern progressive od enlightened Inoutiokandwhich proudly dave inpiraton fom nds ancient fullureand value and thusisableto emmge as great workd poner paying anefiectveroleinthe comity of nations forthe establishment bt seona peace anda justinternational der. ‘The party aims at establishing « democratic state which gurantee al eizens respective of caste, creed ore political Socal nd economic justice, equally of opportuly and Ubeet of faith and expression “ThePacty shal bear euefath and aleglanceto the Constitution of indi as hy law established and tothe principles of socialism, Secularism ad democracy and would uphold hesoverigny ess nd intogity offi Aicte MI: BASIC PHILOSOPHY {Entel Hurnanim halle the basic philosophy of the Paty Ariee 1V:COMMITMENTS The Party shall be commited to nationalism and nations) integration, democracy, ‘Gandhlan approach to socio-economic issues lending tothe establishment oan egalitarian society free from exploitation, Positive Secularism, tat is, Sarva Dharma Samabhav' and Value-based politics, The party stands for ‘decentralisation of econo and politeal power 4 Article VoFLAG ‘The Fag of the Party shal comprise of two vertical colours satéran and green, inthe ratio of 1 wh the election yb ofthe Partyin Bae coloarin themida ofthe sation portion equals halt of sie, The geen portion willbe near the maa. Article 1: ELECTIONSYMBOL. ‘Theelection symbol athe Pasty shal be Lotus" ‘Aile VI ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE 1 National level (@) ThePlenary or Special Session ofthe Paty: (©) The National Counc and (© TheNational eocutve 2 statelevel: (@StateCounc:and DpstateEsecutve 2. Raglonal Commitee | Distret Commits. 5. Mandal Commits 6-Geam/Shahai Kenden 1 Lacal Comins, Note ‘Thearea fa Mandal ara Lal Comite will be eterna bythe Sate Executive concerned. NoLocalConnmitte shall ave ‘more than 5000 population 1. Area of a District shall ordinarily be the same as of an ‘sdmissteaive distil ina State nen he State Executive ‘determines others, but all ities with mone than 3 ak ‘population maybe tented as separse dist 2. Aciy area with more than 20 lakh population maybe ‘vided ito more than one Distct asmaybedeternuned by ‘the State Exsctive doncered “Article VIN AREA OF STATE UNTIS ‘The State Units ofthe Party confor tothe State and Union temitries mentioned in the Consiitonofindia, Provided thatthe National Executive may sanction setting up of Replonal Conus fr asnlropoltan area eyo tee 2 are within he ussdictin ofthe Sate Unt The powers and Encabre fsa shade mlebude dye ‘tat Secatve dee MEMBERS (ots Ay mans cin aera oar wns ‘iti Arce an he Cneton salon SSSEy ete curse nie sianbosap en oe Banfonpmyentor precited mtectpton becomes ember ead at ei ee Inyo pat pay 2 Ther ormanterhip wl oul te f 6 yes tested he atonal encom ttn) Wah Soeguligsacawcnauatesaarr Osea! Keb al nto fen egun in be mectiae ‘enborkipwll aac dent igen even 4. No pron Sl bes menber sep n is pla of ee wud cw ace aca Fecrvontutt oe une shal tbe mente tae thanene place Themomber wl hve apy in wing tthe iste iuaoninckentan © ®) The subscription receive from the members shall be ordination commie [MANDAL The Mana hesidnt wil consttaeaanandal co ediation connie consisting of ele ofthe bck level panchayats and two representatives of gram panchayats comnpased within the mandal and thre embers of mandal committe of which one will be ry {general secretary. The mandal president will be President ofthe corte, This cont wl ela [nd co-ordinate the activities of panchaysteunder the ‘andal and wl be under the supervision, direction find guidans of district co-ordination omitee Aste XXDC:STATE FUNDS AND ACCOUNTS A Gvemembe nance connie a sal lve fremont ‘of panel of ten names submitted by state present ‘walle constituted Out of the fice members one wl be thestatetressurer. This five member corte wl be ‘onstitted bythe national treasurer aod will be ‘esponsbiefor the collection of funds expentitie ant ‘maintenance of account ineach sae. This committee ‘will funcion under the ditection of state president ant ‘willl guided by national treasurer Avie XXX: SCRUTINY OF REGISTER OF MEMBERS “Thestate Executive an the Distr Commitieshal andere periodical scrutiny of the st year tera Repister of Members Iaintaned by each Mandal and shall dispise ofall complaints regarding iregularites and rectly the records, if lage scale inegulanties ae reported, the National Executive may take such Action as itconedere necessary. The State Returning Cicer wil not proceed withthe eletons ales the registers scrutinised and ‘ected asmentioned above. Article NXE MORCHAS AND CHES. 1. Mahila, Youth Nisan, Minorities, Scheduled Castes ena Scheduled Tries Morchas will be consutedatall levels, sand Cells formes a the Nationa, State nd District level or ther eld, according to the rules famed by the National Executive Article DON: ELECTION DISPUTES Suljct to themes frame by the National Executive, State Executes, Distt Comte arc Mandal Commits shall make ssangementsfor dealing and disposing ofl disputes eising ot lations to Unis and organs within telson " Ati XXXII :INTERPRETATIONOF CONSTITUTION ‘TheNational Esecutivehasthe power and authoty tointepeet the Anicler and Rales of the party constitution and algo import thers whenever an occasion aise forthe same. The National Executive desisionin espest athe above shallbefinal and binding omallmemberor units Article XXXIV: AMENDMENT OF THE CONSETRETION The Conetstioncan be amended aller andaddodto,only by tho Natianal Council of the Party, provided that the National Executive shall have the powers to amend) alte and add dis CConstnticn also, The changes ro made by the Executive shall be placed before the vxy next session ofthe Natonal Couns for ‘fication, but they may come in operation even before such fatileaton from a date as may be peescaoed by the National Bective 6 RULES AmtictesI%Xoud XI ‘Membership forms othe Paty shallbe printed by thenespective ‘State Unit only “Membership forms shal be erally pumbere. After asi year term, the serial Number wll again be frm 1. They shall ay the signature ofthe State President “Mernbership frm shal be inued in he fren of books. Inthe fimt year ofthe membership being taken up inthe aes for the fest ime «book contanang 25 forms wllbeiaoued Normally & book will have 10 frm [A District Mandal unit hall primary he responsiblefor the tenmmimentof members. The state nt shal iste membership formsto the Dstrctunis As aspecalcase membership fms tillasa be ssid individual members bt not more tan 50 fonneshalliessuedstonetine Aatitonal membership om shall be issue to the individual ony when fal accor of he fons alten dy issued srendered and fees posited Ithere ae complains that any Distt units ots forms properly ‘estate unit after due veniabon of facts may ssueforms to the Party units or individuals and indorm the District unit concerned acondingy \Whenmembaship forms sresuedssignedacknowledgement shall be obtained bythe State Dist Mandal unt In the ‘ovontot any inavikialfaingto return the unused forms and! Draccount of used forms in tine he shall be disqualised from Contesting ongaisstional elections for that term. (@) TheDistrst unisshall prepare thelist of members for every term, lal cimmites and Mandal Wise. New members fnroded would be added tothe ist detaded proforma the total number of members, each local committee aid Mandabise would be sent to the State office. While reparigte proforma the numberof those members who have dled or resigned oF were removed during the term ‘would soe mentioned al hei rumberrediced fom the total © Aaivememberappiston fons willalso be print by he ‘State unt The competed forme recsved by the Mandal ‘tom themembers would be fom tothe District Party 0 ffcefor their approval The approve forms wold be sent tothe Dstnct Gttce wharealetof active members wondd be prepared Mandalwse. Copies ofthese ste would be sent tothe Mandal tate and Central ofices and unt these lists reach central office sections cannot be held for the smandallevelunte (© Nomember of hePartyonenvulhimselfinmore than one place inelifer of thelist prepated ure sub-dause (a) or (b)-tfe member wants a change of pce he will have to apply under AmleDX(a) 4 (@) The amount received by the State from District? Mandal gust Active Memberforms would bedstbutad aude Mandal 5p Distice Ope. State pe. Cente 10pe. 17. Any Stat ot suboedinate ae which al to commply with ‘hererles shal liable to dsciplinary action, 8. Rules fr disposal of objections or appeals therefrom forthe preparation of electra oll wil be fed by the National Executive 9. RorParty elections, generally hele every thw yas the National ‘Execuice would prepare the timetable 10, Peary and final publication of prsary metnbar sts shall be one at Lacal- Mandel and District offices Final pubbction of ‘Active Members st shall ke daneat Mandal Disictand Stale Oe, Article XIU: LOCAL COMMITTEE Allene f the Local Comite shall meet at an appeited time, date and place, fed for coctions, Candidates will ie theit ‘urniaation papers (Farm C) an hour befor the ane of pl, ‘After scrutiny and withdrawals, elections if necessary, shall cortinaniy be by show ofhands and declaration of result shall bean the Bass of geting more votes. ArtieeX1V-MANDALCOMMIFTEE ‘Mandal Commitee elections will beheld only when at least 2opercentaddltonal members have been envlled forthe new tem » Aico XV: DISTRICT COMMITTEE _Elecon forthe DistictPresdentand State Counc members to belated frum thedlistrict will beheld any when 50% ofthe a) Mandalein the Disticthave been daly constituted Method Voting 1. Alleectons ofthe Paty, excepting fr the Local Connie, shall beheld by seretballot 2. Timeableforthe elecon of National and State residents ane National Council wal be deswrn by the Nato Executive, 3. Fordectionsto Mandal Distt and Stat the nominations shal be accepted one day before voting, Time for witheawal of fdtiaaions shall Be fined ater scrutiny, Even thee is Possibility ofa unarimous election, theresltshallbe declared baile nextday atthe tine of wong. 4 Aftewithdeawal ielecionisnecssiey, then voting shall tke placeonthe nextday. Separatist of candidatesforthe post Ue Prosdent ane member the Connie salle peep in legible hand by the Returning Offi, ectrwise ane pton he walls tthe Polling Staton tall. he ver shall cate wote by Ywnting nates on the allot paper provided ta him fom the Tate 5 Only oneagenteach along with the candidate shall be allowed to-enterthePolling Station After poling over, votes shall be ‘counted and the result shall be delase, 6. Fortheclectioncf President only ane ame will heveiten cn the ballot paper. One who secstes he highest umber of wots would be dear elated. Forelections of Maal Comnttcomnembers voles will write not more. than, 30/5/60 as the case may be names from ‘mong dhe candidates, Those, 0/15/@0aa the case aay be securing the highest aumbersof votes would be elected, 8. Elections for Mandal Committee, District President, State Coun, National President and National Counc Member, willbe by simple majority trough secret allot 8. Onewho will not beable fill uphisown ballot paper cantae helptom any other voter ofbls choice Provided hateuchhelper ‘would not be permed to help more than once none election 10, As notnination and ballot papers of many elected posts are a generally sina separnte papers should be printed on ciferent oloured papers for differant pont. ‘Conduct Hection ‘The National Executive shall app a Returning Oier for cndcting the triennial elect the Paty ‘The Alldndia Returning Officer shall appoint a Slate Returning Officerfor each Stateforthecanduicto elections ofthe Distt resident and embers of the Site Counel fron howe itil The State Returning Officers will in turn appoint District Returning Officers fr conducting Mandl elections The Distt etuming officer will appoint Mandal reuring offices to ‘Conduct Lacal Commis elections. The Distt snd Mandal etarning offices must be from outside the are for which ‘lacion i to be conducted. These wil be no bar for State Returning Officer to bea candidate forthe National Cone ‘ection deputes during election up tothe Manda level would bbe decided by the District Renaming offer These must be submited within’ days ofthe dispute They vale cisposed ot ‘within days Appeal wlliewith thethmeemember State appa ‘Commutteeappausted by All india Returning officer win 10 aay, ‘Hetion disputes during the election of the District President ‘nd the election ofState Counc Members would be slbmited to the State Returing offcer within S days who will pose ‘hem of within five ays Appeals wile with the All ina thece member appeal connitise appointed by All India ‘Returning officer within 10 days The appeal shal be dispored oF ithinn month, Returning officer toconduct election of he State President and tember ofthenatenal councrom that State vl be by the Allindia Retuming orfcefromoutside thatstate With the permission ofthe Al ndia Returning officer, theelecion of ‘he State Presidenct can also be conciced said downuunder ‘ule ty making poling arrangements tall Disuitcentes of ‘he State under the supervision of polling afcers appointed by {he state Returing offer. Thesesled balotboxesyrillbelaken to thestate office On the ay xed forcouring of votes, votes ‘Wouldbe counted and one who ecuivs the highest votes would bbedevdared elected, Others the election of the State President ‘and the members of the Natonal Council shall be held 2 (Somninations, Srutny and withdrawal of names on first day tnd "Voting" on second day) at the ne of conference of Patni Sabha of the state, “The process of electing the State President or members ofthe [National Gaanalum the State woldstartonly when 50 the Distt President aad State Council ummbers have Dee Ally eet “The pcan or the eacion of All india President would begin onlyafter50% ofthe election of National Couned members as ‘benoit FH there are more dan one name let after expiry of sme for ‘withrawals then onthefied day of pl inallte Sates, Polling will be conducted by pling officers appointed bythe All India RetuningOifice. The sealed ballot bones wil be bronght to Deiat the eles On the day xed ur contig ne who secures highest votes, would bedecared ected. After the announcement ofthe result of election by the State Rotuming Oricer, election pestors Which are Sed within 15 days, illo heady a Three Member Parl tobe appoint by Ui State Executive Appeals led within one month el behead bbyanll nia Thrve Member Panelshich wl be appointed by ‘he National Eaccutve, whose dasson Wall bef. Ale XXV: DISCIPLINARY ACTION ‘scplinay Action Commitee f natmarethan Smenbers wil becuse the Natonaand’statePecute especie ‘tthe National nd Site leves, These Commitee shall rae ‘heir own procedures A State Disciplinary Action Committee cin take action only ‘gainst ants subordinate to it and individuals other than “Mernbers ofthe National Cour and Members of Paiacnent COnewcept ofa complain forbreach a icipline, the National President or thestate President ithe so desires may suspend an individual ofa Unit followed by «show cause notice within eek of thsi order “Manan 10 days tine from the date ofreceiptof sich tice say be given tou person to reply The State President within? ‘laysaferthe de date ofthe explanation shall forward thesid complaint alongwith explanation, #f any, #0 the State Disciplinary Acton Commit: % 5. Disciplinary Action Committe will submit its report to the restent in not mone than 15 days. The State Posse shall {ale action on the recommendation of the Disciplinary Acton (Commit withina week final order isnot passed even ater the prescribed time, the case wil referred otheimanedste ‘no meeting of the State Exocutive for dacsion, The State President wl cmmtinieate dhe action taken fo the concerned person ce uit withina month, 6. Nofina decision for breach of aiseplne shall be taken against ‘any individualora Unt withoutan opportunity being given to ‘he individual or Unit concerned to explain and answer such charges as are made agalnstt or him/her 7. Any disciplinary action tthe State vel sballbeveperted tothe ‘National Prslent within aweok of taking euch action, 15 Any Unitor member aggrieved by the cisiplinary action taken ‘by he Slate Uaitmay goin appeal win 1Sdaystothe Cental Disciplinary Action Comittee. The appeal shall be dispuned offwitintwomonts Butany appeal faite desionota State Bective will le conscered only in he nest meeting of {he National Executive The State President shallcommutucate the appellant de ation taken onthe decision ofthe Cental Discipliney comanitee within one nth, 9. Anymember conterting election aginst the oficial candidate ‘ofthe Pasty wil be suai expelled ror the Party by the ‘State President the Al India President. 10, The National President if he so destes, may suspend any memberand then stat disciplinary proeeings against him, Breach of Discipline ‘Breach of aisciplin inches the follwing @)_Actingorcaryingonpropagandaagninst any programme Sedecsionot the Paty. (©, Opposing the oficial candidate of the Party in elections to public bodies excluding those here party symbols are not ted (Violating any sule or dicabaping any onder pased by a ‘Competent authority of he Pact (4) TakingaParty dispute to any ther agency outside the Pay Including pristandeectonicanedia, m (@ Collecting funds forthe Party unauthorised, misusing the Pasty funde or indulging in malpractice in encolment of embers orinthecondactof Party eesions (® Actingina way cakulated w lower the presigect the? ary cannon propgandeaanstany Try Uni rite sIrines ‘Sings ofthe various Unit ofthe Pasty hell ondinuiy be held atlenst under National Council and State Cone = Once every Yous. [National Execitive and Sate Executive Once every three months District Regional and Mandal Comanitee - Onceevery two months, Local Camamitee Onceevery month. Incxsonomosting ofa Regional Distct ora Manda Commitee isheld even oncesn six morte, the Unit wll atomically stand dissolved Ifa Unt becomes inactive the State Executive will have the power to deslve the Unt upto the Distt love afer going snopportuntyto explain, “The National President and the State President as thecase may’ be, will nominate an aoe body to lok after the work of the dissolved nik Normally, elections wil beheld withinsis months bfthead hocanargement But fevenattersixmonthsa dul elected unit at forme, the earlier annoancedadshoe boy shall be rephiced by ancher acrhoc atrangement [NOTICE FOR SITTINGS Ondinary —— Emnegeney Mocings Meetings {ocal Commitee Bdays 2aays Regional ind Mandal Commitine 10days 3 days DistrictCommittee Bays 5 aays State secutive Ddiye Taye National Eset Zidays 7 days Siste/NationslCourcil days 10 days » ‘VACANCIES 11. Members sbucating without approval for three consecutive icetings oftheir int willbe iablets bereaved by areclaton of the conceemed Unit. 2. Presidentof a Local, Mand District oa Regional Committee can beremoved by aeslution passed hy 22/ Smajonty ofthe ‘members present an win meeting othe rat conoered, Provided a wien notice signed by not less than al of the members of the Commitiee i sent to the President of the concerned Higher Committe, an receipt of which he will ‘ominate an office- hearer member of his commit t ell an eiegenceymeetangof the ower Commitee under te noeee's ‘haiemanehip where the notice wil be taken ap 2 APresidencanremave ancffice banter ominata by him only er amitionto the effects adopted his Commies, 4. The Allindia Presdentora Sate Presidentcan be removed by he National Cons othe State Coxe escliten passe ’by2/Smajoity ofthe members present which shall bot less ‘han 50% of the total number of Council members, at eguisioned meeting by a least 1/3 of the ‘al number of ‘members of theCouncl The reise meng shall beheld ‘within 29 days tom thedateof the receipt the maton by the euncered president 5. Tofll vcancy in any Cornmitie o & Counc the remaining lectedmenbersofthatbod will be ented ofl the vacancy Bata vacancy ofthe womanmember, SC/ST members willbe filled up by members belonging tothe respacve categorie only 66 Vacancy ofthe President of any lst wl be filed in the same manne as was done originally Til thenanad-hoc appointment twilbemacde bythe President ofthe higher body wh in um ‘willnominatehis oie bearers rom amongst te members of theexisung Cammitee/Eencutve, 7. Nopostwillremain vacant formore than 6months ‘quorum (Quoeum fr all Committoe/Eaecutive mectings shall be one. ‘hind ofthestrength ofthe Unit oten, whichever xs, ‘Quorum forall Counc meetings wil be one-tenth of he total a strength he Cour A mstng sdjxuned for lak of quam wl ‘eet again althe etme placeand ae fo tranenct the eam busines, Provided thatthe shallbeno needa quorum eran resting DELEGATE A delegate shall aot be permited to take partin any seslon or rmeetingot the Counc unless he pays the requisite delegate ee. REPRESENTATION OF MORCHAS AND CELLS Presidents of National Marchas willbe permanentiaviteeto the National Coun and National Executive meetings. State Marche presidents willbe persnanent invites tothe Sate Counc and Sate scetive meeting Convenees of Nation Cele wil be permanent ine to the [ational Council meeting and the conveners of State Cell willbe povmanentiavie athe Sinks Counal meting FUNCTIONS OF THE OFFICE-BEARERS PRESIDENT 1. ToTresdeoverthesitingsofthe concern Comair or Counc 2 Tonominate as per the Constitution members/ ace bearess tohis Comittee Exceutive, 4. Toallocate the wark and dates among the ofice-besrers and emer ofthe Commie/ Executive A. To exercise any power of his Executive/Comauite, in an emergency, when snot sesso provided that any such {tion wi haveto beappeoved ints subsequent mesting 5. To take part in talks with other Partias nd to nominate repmesentativestom teary forthe work. 6 Todecide the date ofthe Committe/Txecutive meeting and to ‘coavenethe seeing as pe ules the Pasty Conatitlson, J. ‘Toappoiet Presideats convenes for the various Morchas and Calls othe Pasty anda co-ordinate thei functioning, 8. Toconduct workers Study Campsan Conferences as onganisel by theCommltie/Exccunve ©. To guide the Committee/ Executive in implementing progrsminestor furthering the organisational and conetrctve a ctivtos and agitaticnalprograminesof the Paty 10, ThePresdents ofthe varousunis will e authorised to spend up the following mountson tei own Local Committe 2s. 5,0/- ‘Mandal Commitee Rs. 2000/- Reploal &DistictComaitee —— Rs. 10,000/- State Commer 50, 000/- ‘National President Any ammount considered tobe appropriate 1 under unavoidable cixcumstances, amounts more than suthoried are spent, it would be essential to get the necresary Spproval ofthe same athe very next meeting of te Comte) eeotive, VICERRESIDENT. “Tocamy out the responsibilities as directed by the Present. In the absence ofthe President, the Vice-President specially authorised by the President in writing, will preside over the ‘meeting Irho such dzectionhas en made, any oneor the Vie Presidents, an if ll the Vice Presidents are absent then the (Comite /ecutivecancalen any one fis members present topresioe: SS In place of dhe Prosdeat, the Vice Prasident dzected by the President will discharge ll the functions and powers of the President (GENERAL SECRETARY, 1. Tocanvene meetings as per the instructions ofthe President, asus ireuars ned opendeas wel ato cngariae the meetings 2. Toshainti theininutes afte mesting and occult nang semis 3. Toorganise programmes, meetings conferees, agiations and olookate pubis. 44 Tonunthe office ofthe Party and mabe necessary appointaents with heconsentot the Presiden. 5. Toexocutothe decisions ofthe Posidant and the Committee/ ecutive ‘SECRETARY 1. To discharge the functions allocated by the President and to helpthe Genel secretary in hie duties “TREASURER 1L To maintain the income and expenditure account of the Committee Executive “Togetthenccosnesexamined audited ant meprt thesame te Commits anual 4. To auditthe accounts ofall bordinate un, REQUISITIONED MEETING. “The sutnberseuied for making » quorum for dhe Executive Committee or coun meetings, will enecessary formabing aint representation tthe concerned President petting the subpct for ‘which a requisitioned meeting i asked for. On receipt of such = Fequiston a Committe or Foscutvemoeting sallecaled Within tendaysand s Coanllmestng within one month PARTY FUNDS. 1 Fund collection secepte willbe painted at the National and ‘State level only. ach receipt willbe duly numbered and issued in books contain 20 receipts Each rctiptshall bear facsimile signatuse ofthe concerned “Treasurer The eounterfil wl bosighedin ull ky the member who collects the snaney 41 Bank Account wall be opened i the name ofthe Party upto a “Mandal Commitee leve to be jointly operated by any to Amongsthe Teaser ad th Presiden ore General Secetary btthetnit 5. Amountofa purse presented toa State ender salle divided sunde Mandal = 0px Datict = Ope Sete ope tn case where a purse has been presented toa Cental Lead, a 1/2 of Sate’ shace would be remit to the Cente. Accounting yearstallbeomFastpri. Annual accounts afesch Comite wl le suited bya person ‘appointed by a resolution of the conctoned Commutce and Spproved anally Anjeewan Sahayog Nidhi, Any indivi conttbating Rs 11000/5,000/ 10.00 per yee against coupons wil be engl ‘as Anjewan Sahayopintomber, The central share of the funds ‘lected hy the states for Aaa Soha, Nidhi shall Be 25 patoent bo. [RULES FOR MORCHAS AND CELLS ‘TheNotional resident of 8 willnominate Aad Presidents forall the Morchae and cel, 8)? State Presidents will nominate State President ofa Morcha with he alice of All india Presiden ofthat Morcha ‘The Allindia working coma of Morcha will compe of: (@)AlState Presidents of hat Morcha: and ®) Members not move than 60 nominated by the All Ind Presidentofthat Morcha, ‘The Alindia Morcha rorident wouldnomsinatenotmare than seven Vice Presidents, trae Genaral Secures, one Treasrer And seven Secretaries from amongst the members of his BJP. District President will nominate District President of Morcha. with the concurrence of te State Present of that Marcha concurrence coult te obtained then State Presi shall nominate the District President of the Morcha in ‘onsulaton with the State Pesidentaf the Morcha ‘TheStateworking Comite of x Morcha wil compeis of (@) Alister Presidents ofthat Morchacand (Members not more dan 5 nominated by the Se Posie ofthat Morcha “The tate resident of the Morcha would nominate not more ‘hans Viee Presidents, two General secretanes,one Treasurer and skSeretanes rom amingst the members of Commit: ‘TheDistict Committe of Morcha wll comprise of (@)AllMandal Presidents of hat Maechs:and (8) Members not more than 30 nominated by the District President ofthat Meecha, “The Distriet Morcha President would nominate not mare than four Vice Presidents, wo General Secretaries, one Treasurer {nd ive Secretaries fom annongsthe memes oth conites ‘BP. Mandal President will nominate Mandal Presdeat of Morcha with the concurence ofthe District President of tat Motch i concurence could not be obained then Distct, President ofthe BY shall nominate Marv] President o the “Mors in consultation wit te Distt Preident ofthe Morcha, a 1, a 4 8 16 v. 1% ‘Mandal Morcha President wil nominate withthe advice of ‘Mandal President not more tha 21 meters for his Mandal ‘Morcha Committee out of whom there willbe two Vice Presidents, one General Secretary, four secretaries and one Treaster ‘istrict Committee and above of Mahila, Youth and Kisan Morchasshallhaveat east two members ofSC/ST. ‘istrict Committe and above of Youth, Kin, SC. and ST ‘Morchaeshall have atlesstone woman member Cells wil be constitute at National State, Distictand Mandal leveltocatertatheinterests oe solder Trader, Empliys, Labour, Washermen, Weavers, Catle breeders, isberinen. Thugas-Thonpadi dwellers, Hawkers, those working in ‘cooperatives. _Allinda Convener f the Cells fice bearers and members of ‘he commute willbenwinatedy the Alia BP President ‘State Conveners of the cell fice beens anderen of the ‘committe wall benoainatedby the State Present of BP. The ‘istrict Convenes ofthe Cells office bearers and members of ‘the Comutoe wil be nominated by the Dist President of Br. ‘Punds forthe Morchas and cells willbe collected only om 37? Receipt Booksissuetby the corespunding BT exmmutter with the Morcha/Cell stamp affixed of them The amount wal be epee with the corespunding BI acinun under aseparate Ihetd and would bespentonly withthe consent ofthat Mowtha President or Cell Cnweners. Funds collected by the Morcha ‘and Calle at diferent levels would be divided as under: @) 25% ofthetotalamountcollected by aMorcha or Cellupto ihe Distt evel would be eanterre othe Sat nd of that Morena Call and © 10% of thetotal amount collected by a Morcha oraCell upto ‘he tate level would be teshareo the Allin ne the Morcha or Call. Additonal fund required for Morchas or Calls activites ‘Would be the esponelliy of he comeeponding SIP Unite ‘A Morcha ora Cell All indi /State Presiden/Convener with the concurrence of Natonal/State BP President s the case may he can suspenddany memberr ita the Morcha/Celit 2 2». a. cx of breach of discipline ofthe Morcha Calis brought 0 ‘ispotce The agraved member or Unit wll be eeeved with, notice and asked to explain. Themater then wil be refered 0 ‘he Cetral/State 81? Disciplinary Commnitce (slong with he reply received), representative ofthe Morcha/Cellsppoieed by the Morcha, Cll resident/Cmvenersat the Central/ State level wil also be associated with the Disapinary Commitee ‘when the matters conse All activities ofthe Morcha/Cell would be governed by the Constitution and Rules of the BP Only Acve Membar of would be ligibetobomembers of All India working Comauttee, State Working Committees 2nd District working Comnttees the Morchas snd Col ‘BP members adinaly upo the ageof years wouldbedlghe to work nthe Ysa Morcha, FORMA BHARATIVAJANATA PARTY. STATE Primary Membership Applicaton Fomn Date ‘Term. SeNo. 1 wish enkecameameberot the Bharatiya Janata Paty. Thave completed 18 years of age. promiseto abidey the pledge printed tthe back {was fitenvolled asmemberaf the Part inthe yearn smn herby depasting Re sas Membership Fee, Name so Datoot ith Fathers) Husbands Name. Sex: Male/ Seale WorkPhce oe ‘Adee atin ‘Adee Assan rane Gy. ‘Mandal Pi\Code-svnocncnne Ward Village Phne() Paling Bont Na, EM ecupstion| Education Saal Category Signatureand addres of the ‘Thumbtmpeession/ volling person ‘Suture of Applicant PLEDGE 1 belive nSntegral Humanism which she sic philosophy ofthe Bharata Janata Paty am committed to Nationalism and National Integration, Democracy, Gandhlan approach to socio econamiclssues ening totheestabishmentofanegalitavan society feefrem exphitato Posie Secular, (Sarva Dhara Satna Bhave) and Value-based pols. { ebscrib to the concept of Secular State and Nation nol based on religion nmly baie that this tsk an beacieved by peaceful means sone 1 donot beliovein discrimination based on cast, sex religion 1 do not observe or recognize unouchabiity in any shape or 3 fom, ‘am nota member of ay other pottical Paty. undertakto abido by the Constitution Rubs and Discipline of heParty. reer BHARATIVAJANATA PARTY wn. STATE Primary Membership Application Term Dive SN Received application farm for membership of HHARATIYA JANATA PARTY along ih 25 /-fe Nameand Adaress Seal the ‘Signature of the enclling person ‘StotePresdent Ades, etegenl Humanism” ithe plouophy ofthe Party ‘The Bharatiya anata Party is committed to Nationalism and ‘National tegration, Democracy, ‘Gandhian approach to soci economic ise leading othe establishment ofan egalieriensocey fee fom exploitation, Poste Secularism, (Sarva Dharima Sama Bhavs) and Value-besed pois “The Pasty sande for dacentlisntion of sconomsicand plea over. FORME BHARATIYAJANATAPARTY. STATE Active Mentersip Application Foon Teter Dae. SNe. “TheStateDresident 7 Sate tam athers/ HusbandsName R/O. PinCode.. Telephone = Fino, ‘Mobile PagerNa ‘ail 7 Dateof Bini DD/ADM/ A) aa/oa/o3 Sex Mate Fenale Education: Oess than 0:2 02 Sedu pst Gre] Social Category: OScheduled Caste Ochadule ibe Backward Deane Pole Ades ee Asset (Nan): Constituency Taluka /Panchayat Nagar Pail (SelectOne) Dstt Panchayat Block Development (Makengas Paln/ Wad {Local Commitee: Booth No: Village Name: Ward: 7 Locationeategory:OMegaCityACoxpartion ity (SelecrOne) CINagarPalka ONagarPanchayat Rata Panchayat ‘semua population less than 500) AnyElactodOfficeheld: Yes No Aang Postin Paty held ves No Any Govt Postheld ves No 2. Lamamemberof Pin. _My membership form No 9. Kamdepostng Rs personally or thewugh cullen. 44 No amount / account is due from me tthe Party funds. My ‘namemay beinehidestinthe Active Member's istin, ‘Mandal forthe term, * 5 owe allginance othe sovereignty, unity and inte of INDIA ‘nd certify tha have never been convicted by a courte ina for ‘ny criminal offence. Iam aware tht if te found that X have Fashiched falesinformation o acspise active membership BP ean ‘cancel my active memershiphenseforth Date ‘Signature of he Applicant ull Adaress i Pathers/Huskand’s Nan Information as given above by Shri/Smt/Kum 1s Correct. So his/her application may be ‘cepted or application maybe favourably consiered to enced inthe Active Members under Article (3). Date Received by Signatureofthe Dist President Applicaton acepted/Notasoupted. Dstt Mandal Se, 1 2 3 Date RubberStampofthe Signature of Dist, Distt Preset ‘Sub-Committee Note: Applicants whose forms havenot been accepted willbe commnnicted intedntely BMIARATIVAJANATA PARTY, RECEIPT Reveved anamauntot Rs fromStr/Sent/Kum alongwith his/her Active Membership application form, Date. ‘Signatut of Dist President STATE PROFILE Occupation: OPevateSector IPublieSeevice cencher rade Ahndsty ‘MsformationTechaologist — Advocate actor AAgrcutae Chartered Accountant others Please write Morcha: Mahila Youth OKisan ‘atest schedled Castes) Scheduled Tribes cal: ex-Serviceman traders ‘unskilled Workers Chilled Workers Cinomation Technology Media Cooperative suite: [PablicSpeaking Door taloor Canvassing Telephone Campaign Publishing Congacsing ‘Computers sports (erforming Ast Active Partcpation mother ilds (education Co operntiveinttations (Banking conomic Feds (CRiterature artsand Preparing Arts Sports Service oriented inttations (Ge: Women, Disahied) abou & Union activites Details OF Higher Elected Office ay held) Tie inert Representing Temafottce Details of Highest Post in arty Qt any held). National ste Mandal a Tite Representing oe ‘Termot Ottice 7 Details of Highest Govemment Post (any hel): Tite central Govt, OBtateGort, Municipality ranchayat Mandal Ward Department dal “Termet Ottice a ‘Accomplishments Giles year): FORM(C) NOMINATION FORM FOR THEELECTION OF _PRESIDENT/MEMBER OF LOCAL COMMITTEE propose the maine of Shei forthe Presdent/membershp ofLocalCammtice Date Tin. r Date Tene Signature of the Proposer Serial No. inthe Voter's List agrees the tbuve Nomination, Signature ofthe candidate Serial No. inthe Vorershist Nomination acepted/ejected REASONS (INBRIFF) Signature ofthe Returning 7 Oftoer RECHT Received Nomination paper of Shri for Presidentship Membership of Local Commitee Date Time Signature at Returning Otion FORM(O) [NOMINATION FORM 208 THE ELECTIONSOF MANDAL COMMITTEE/MANDAL PRESIDENT/DISTRICT PRESIDENT/STATECOUNCIL. 1.-...--whoisanelactd member af Locl/ Mandal Commitee of Blatt derby pepe te name ofS toe ‘Mandal Committee/ Mandal Present /Distrit President/State Conan Signature ofthe proposer Date, ‘Serial No-in the Voters List Time 1... whoisanelected member of ocal/Mandalcommitze of ‘sect doherey send teabove proposal Signatut of the seconder Date, ‘Serial No, the Voters List of Tne. Mandal/Distrct Boos AMHOB NACHE MemberOf oon Mandal ofDistect “for_tenns and primaty member for... yeas agreto ‘eatoveNmination Fam amnotamemberufSceduled Csts/ Tubes ‘Signature ofthe candidate Dite_. ‘SerlalNo. inthe Active members List Tine lection for Presideny/Membershipof Manda District Preideot State Cou] ‘Nomination acepted/cjeted. easons din brie) ‘Signatur of Returning Otic Date Time. RECEIPT Received Nomination per of Sha. forMombecship of Mandal Commatto/ Marva Presdentship District Presidonshyp/ State Council, Signature at Remening Oto Date Tie FORME) NOMINATION FORM FOR THEELECTIONOF NATIONAL COUNCIL MEMBERS L whoisaneieced member of State Council do hereby propose the name of Sha {or the membership of National Counc. ‘Sgnatureotthe Proposer Date Serial No. inthe electoral college ist Time 7 £ .attho isamelected member ofthe Sete Coun do here secant the above proposal ‘Signature ofthe swconder Date Serial No. jn the electoral college ist Tene p whoisan Active Member of Mandal of Dist in the State of for. agree tothe above Nexon ion aa naam of Scheduled Castes Tbe, Signature ofthe candidate Serial No, inthe ative members ist " Nomination paper sccoped/rejected ‘Resone in bet Signature ofthe Retuming Oficer Date. Tie RECHT Receive Nomination Paper ofS... frmembeshipof ‘National Counc. Signatu of Returning Oftione Date. Tne FORM [Nomination Fem foe the Flection of tata Fresident/ National resident, ‘We, the following memes, wh have been duly elecetto the ‘State Nao Couneldaherdby peopoaethe namect Sh foe theState Presiden National President Sea Name, Numberia the Heston Cage oT T 7 2 2 3 13 4 cn a 15, 6 16 7 u. 8 28 8 w 0. 20 Dit, Presentndby Tne ‘Signature Ewhowan AciveMember af. Mando. Dace fn the Ste of. for.-.temne and prmary member for 2 yes do hereby agree tothe shove Nomination. Date ‘Signature ofthe Candidate Timon Serial Non Active Members ist, "Nomination paperacceptedeejcted Reasons in brief) Signature of Returning Oticer Date Tine. ECE Roceived Nomination paperof he forStatePresident/ National Pesident Signature Remening Oe Date Tee. FORM (G) BALLOT PAPER FOR THEELECTION OF PRESIDENT, MANDAL/DISTRICY/STATE“ALLINDIA ‘Sera No SeialNo inthe tof Candidie Name Signature of Retening Office FORM BALLOTPAPERFOR THEELECTION (OF MEMBERS OF MANDAL COMMITTEE Seriado, ‘Sri No ihe it Name the of Candidates Candidate ‘Tignatare ot Rewmning Oe 2 FoRM() BALLOT PAPER FOR THE FLECTION OF MEMBERS OFSTATE/NATIONAL COUNCIL Sera No Seal ine lata Canvidie Name ofthe Candidates Signa of Returning Oftione FoRM@) Application forcontesting an Eeation 1 want to contest the forthcoming election for ‘Sa Maal ‘aman Active Member of Bharatiya Janata Party fr... tenn and pitty memberfor years given persion to contest heelection I promise tonbide by the dessin and dzlpline of the Party -Evenif vam not permite Til workas a dsciplinedlmember of herary Alwierecord omy cotributiontothe public and Pasty works ssfolows: Signature ofthe Applicant Pull Addhess Active Mesnberehip Socal No ‘Mandal Commitee Distt. Sate RECHT Received application fron Shi... sor contesting lection Dat ‘Signature cf Uhe General Secretary Place sodal/ Distt Stte Committe doo “

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