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Why do we need nitrogen?

What are the sources

of Nitrogen?
Nitrogen is essential for all living things: animals and plants. Nitrogen forms a part of
the proteins and DNA that are found in cells. Animals get nitrogen by eating plants
and other animals.
Just like animals, plants require nitrogen to grow and survive. But they do not get
nitrogen by consuming proteins like animals do. Plants get nitrogen from water and
from the soil. They get nitrogen by absorbing it in the form of nitrates and
ammonium. Nitrates are the major source of nitrogen for aquatic plants.
Nitrates are not utilized by aquatic organisms such as fish and aquatic insects, but
nitrates are used by aquatic plants.

Eutrophication The process by

which a body of water acquires a high
concentration of nutrients, especially
phosphates and nitrates. These
promote excessive growth of algae. As
the algae die and decompose, high
levels of organic matter and the
decomposing organisms deplete the
water of available oxygen, causing the
death of other organisms, such as fish.

Where do Nitrates come from?

All aquatic organisms excrete wastes and aquatic plants and organisms
eventually die. These activities create ammonia. Some bacteria in the water change
this ammonia to produce nitrite which is then converted by other bacteria to
nitrate. Nitrates (NO3-) are an oxidized form of nitrogen and are formed by combining
oxygen and nitrogen.

Nitrates also come from the earth. Soil contains organic matter, which contains
nitrogen compounds. Just like the ammonia in water, these nitrogen compounds in
the soil are converted by bacteria into nitrates.

Although nitrates occur naturally in soil and water, an excess levels of nitrates
can be considered to be a contaminant of ground and surface waters. Most sources of
excess nitrates come from human activity. The source of excess nitrates can usually
be traced to agricultural activities, human wastes, or industrial pollution.

Nitrogen fertilizers have been applied to yards, fields, golf courses to promote
the growth of plants. Rainwater can wash nitrates in the fertilizer into streams and
rivers or the nitrates can seep into ground water. This can also occur with animal
waste and manure.

In addition to animal waste, untreated human sewage can contribute to nitrate

levels in surface and ground water. Leaking or poorly functioning septic systems are a
source of such nitrates. City sewage treatment plants treat sewage to make it non-
hazardous, but treatment plants still release nitrates into waterways. In addition,
industrial plants and agricultural processing operations are potential sources of nitrate

How do nitrates affect human health?

Nitrate concentrations are monitored in municipal water supplies and foods to
prevent exposing people to the potential harmful effects of high levels of nitrates.
Nitrates are highly soluble, meaning that they easily dissolve in water. For many
people in rural areas, the primary source of drinking water is well water, which may be
contaminated with nitrates. Nitrates are colorless and odorless, so their presence
cannot be determined without the use of special testing equipment.

Nitrates can interfere with the ability of our red blood cells to carry oxygen.
Infants are more at risk of nitrate poisoning than older children or adults. Babies can
turn blue when there is not enough oxygen being transported by their blood. This
blue baby syndrome (technically known as methemoglobinemia) is a serious
condition that can cause brain damage or death.

How do nitrates affect the health of aquatic

Fish and aquatic insects can be affected indirectly by increased nitrate concentrations
in the water.
Basically, any excess nitrate in the water is a source of fertilizer for aquatic
plants and algae. In many cases, the amount of nitrate in the water is what limits how
much plants and algae can grow. If there is an excess level of nitrates, plants and
algae will grow excessively.
Excess plants in a body of water can create many problems. An excess in the
growth of plants and algae create an unstable amount of dissolved oxygen. During
the day, there will be usually be high levels of dissolved oxygen, and at night the
levels of oxygen can decrease dramatically.
o This will create stressful conditions for fish. If they are stressed for a significant
part of the day, they will not behave normally or reproduce. If the conditions
persist for a long period of time, the stressed fish species may choose to leave
that area or die off.
o Excess algae or plant growth is also unsightly. If youve ever been to a beach
where mats of rotting algae wash up on shore or the bottom of the lake is
teaming with weeds, its probably because excess nitrates are available for plant
Excess plants and algae will also create conditions where organic matter
accumulates. High densities of algae will create a condition where sunlight cannot
reach very far into the water. Since plants and algae require some sunlight, plants
and algae not receiving sunlight will die off. These dead plant materials will settle to
the bottom of the water and bacteria that feed on decaying organic material will
greatly increase in numbers. These bacteria will consume oxygen and, therefore, the
level of dissolved oxygen in this water will fall to levels that are too low for many
aquatic insects and fish to survive. Also, this can cause extreme changes in habitat.
Fish that need gravel or sand for spawning may find nothing but mats of vegetation
and muck so will be unable to produce offspring.

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