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Lnguge lessons: I
Even Orcish is logical
Make the system fit the speakers
by Clyde Heaton
Players of fantasy roie-playing games language it is. Since a player character distims the doshes." Without knowing
are spectators and critics of a complex, has been told in a dream that this inscrip- exactly what one is, you automatically
varied art form. This medium covers a tion may mean life or death to a member know that a gostak is a being or an object
range of experience equal to that of music of the party, off the party goes in search capable of performing some kind of
and poetry, which soars from simple of a needed sage, having many adventures action. This gostak distims; that is, per-
rh)'me and rnelody to the rarefied heights on the way. forms an unknown action (defined as an
of symphony and epic opera. So, too, In most cases, the life-or-death inscrip- action by the internal logic of the lan-
does game design range from simple to tion is never described except as a set of guage), and it distims doshs (whatever
complex. probabilities on dice, or it is given in a they are), the object of the action of "dis-
The simplest form is that of the free- sort of doubletalk, as "razzamalazz da timming." The only time this internal
standing dungeor where the players gooblegoop," which the players instantly logic is upset is when two languages
enter the demesne of a mad wizard, who recognize as a simple symbol for a real come into conflict by being used at the
has supposedly created the dungeon for phrase, with no meaning of its own. Too same time and place, and therefore are
his own amusement. The characters come much of this sort of thing, and the game often combined. Eventually the two
from nowhere. There is never a reference becomes dry. tongues will become the ame language,
to the wider world outside the maze of The masters of literafure have often having its own slightly different logic
tunnels, no reason for the strange mena- found solutions to the puzzle by actually within a slight different framework.
gerie of monsters and men found in the designing a language. l. R. R. Tolkien's Before a language can be designed, you
rambling warren, and the players find no Elvish is famous, spiced with a bit of have to decide a few things about the
hints of anything more. Dwarvish; Frank Herbert s Dan series is people or creatures who will speak it.
Eventually, usually under the goading full of fragments of language, from the First, what kind of vocal apparatus do
of players' inquiring minds and free battle language of the Atreides to bits of these creafures have to work with?
imaginations, the referee either loses Fremen and Tleilaxu tongues. Each of Obviously, a creature with no teeth, only
interest in an increasingly complex hobby these fragments strikes a note of realism a homy bill, will not use the same sounds
or gets lost himself in what has become beause it reflects a real vocabulary and that a beast with fangs will, and neither
an art form: the design of a fantasy world. syntax, however incomplete it is. These will use the phonemes of human
If the players dont ask questions about languages are not simple substitutions of language.
the world, the designer's own mind will nonsense words in English grammar, like Second, what kind of culture and world
ask them - and there are always arswers a ten-year-ld's "secret language" he view do these people live in and with? In
to be had: shaes with his friends; they represent real his science-fiction novel The Languages
"You said a wizard built this place thought about the characters speaking the of Pao, lack Vance suggests that lan-
because he was mad. \{hat made him lines, and real rules about how languages guages shape cultures. In his fictional
insane?" work. It's not hard to learn: This article example, he uses language changes to
"The madness was a curse fom the will show you how, and we'll design a shape changes in a society, This may be
gods." language for orcs along the way. so, but if a language grows up within a
"l{hat did he do to get the gods culture, the reverse will probably be more
down on him?" Languages have logic often true. The sound and grammar of a
"Uh. he helped overthrow a
.. king Every language has its intemal logic, language will almost certainly reflect the
that had the support of the local although folk wisdom holds otherwise. cultural environment in which is is used.
religion." Some people are fond of saying that Eng- For example, it may be no coincidence
"\{hat kingdom is this? Can we go lish (or whatever language they are being that ancient Rome, an aggressive, expan-
there?" forced to study) is illogical, unpredicta- sionist society, spoke Latin by putting the
And so it goes, until you find yourself ble, and ridiculous. Deep down, they verb first. The position of the word de-
as the creator of your very own world, know this is not true, for they leamed the noting and describing action shows clear-
dropping hints of great treasures and basic logic of their native tongue as they ly the importance the Romans placed on
glory to be won. leamed to talk, without any formal les- action. The English-speaking world puts
Imagine a scenario wherein the players sons. They can hear a sentence made up the subject of a sentence, a nour in the
find an inscription on a tomb wall in an entirely of unknown words, but if these leadoff position in the simplest sentences.
rnknown language. They copy it down words conform to the pattems of English This may reflec! as it seems to do, an
and go looking for someone to translate it they will instantly recognize certain facts. acquisitive, possession-oriented cultue.
for thern A magician can make sense out The commonly quoted example of this To design a language for part of an
of some of i enough to figure out what is the meaningless phrase, "The gostak AD&DrM world, you dor{t need a complete

54 JULY 1983
analysis; knowing the general alignment when they are all going to launch a joint one given here, or a similar design of
and cultural habits of the society will charge against the kobolds. Hence, the your own ceation:
cover the situation. language is full of concepts relating to 7st 2nd
The third fundamental decision warfare and military consfuuction. Consonnt Vowel Consonant
involves the question of use. What do Ocs are always shown with protruding (null) a (null)
these people do with this language? Is it fangs, a physical featue which definitely ded
spoken primarily by courtiers (such as limits the sounds they can make. Many
High German) or by peasants and mer-
chants (such as Low German)? To you, as
subtle sounds that require a completely
closed mouth to produce will be
the game-world designer, this decision is unknown to orcs, because their fangs nn
important because it will limit the kind literally get in the way. Their harsh, sav- IT
of vocabulary you will develop. The age nature will further lead orcs to use tt
Aheides' battle language n Dune dtdnt mostly harsfu guttural sounds. Therefore, ZZ
need words for flowers or birds, for philo- the only consonant sounds in the lan- Now, by picking "one from column A,
sophy or religior but it had a driving guage are D, G, I, K, N, R, T, and Z.TIl.e one from column B, and one from
need for military intelligence and combat vowel sounds are ,4 (as in f), E (as in column C," Chinese restauant style you
terms. In the same matner, you will egg), and O (as in ffi. can build dozens of suitably harsh sylla-
design only the part of a greater language (Remember, the process of gaming lan- bles (243, to be precise), each one similar
that you require, adding the rest only if guage design is arbihary. You are the in form and sound to the others, such as
you find some part of it useful. designer and authority. It is only neces- dug, jeg, zor, ot, and tet.
sary that the component parts not be These syllables may be used as com-
Common Orcish inconsistent. If, by chance, a slight incon- plete words, by themselves, or may be put
The language we are going to develop sistency does creep irU blame it on inte- together into longer words. In doing this,
is Common Orcislu so named because ii language contamination, which happens take into account the intelligence of the
is common to all the orc tribes in a given in all but completely closed societies.) speakers.In most cases, only races of rela-
area. Common Orcish is a well-developed If we were designing a tongue for a less tively high intelligence would use a lot of
military language, having evolved to hostile race, such as elves, we might dis- polysyllabic words. I doubt seriously if
meet the needs of interhibal cooperation. card this series of consonants completely orcs would use more than two syllables to
Generally, the only reason tribes will in favor of softer sounds such as F, H, a word, especially in their commory inter-
work together is for warlike purposes, TH, L and S. hibal language. Even so, the consonants
such as civil war or a major rid into civ- and vowels from the above list can be
ilized territory. The orcs of Stony Ledge Setting up syllables combined into more than 40,000 two-
don't want to discuss the fine pints of Once the basic sounds of the language syllable words. Common Orcish need not
metal work with the Black Dog orcs, but are,chosery set up a table to help pik syl- be a limited tongue.
they do need to know how, why, and lables, using a matrix somethinglike the When building a vocabulary, if you

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choose you my have similarities between imagine what would be of paramount nous and adjectives, then select advebs
some words, to show a colilnon oo for importance to a nearly irnmortal people. to modify the verbs, such as hard to mod-
example, in Old Dwarvish (described in I decided that my personal view of elves rly cut. Adverbs have the same form as
DRAGONTM issue #66) the verb ak (to cut) was that of a race of artists, more con- nouns and adjectives.
was reflected in the nouns &ak (cutter) cerned with appearance and attitude than Now, we need one more type of word to
and zak (axe). Such relationships and with actual objects and actions. Hence, give the language the flexibility it needs:
roots are very easy to develop when the mood of a statement takes grammati- connectors, such as conjunctions (and, or,
designing a language, since one word cal precedence over the subject ver and f etc.) and prepositions (from, for, and
will suggest another, such as with sIeE, object. Orcs are not as higtrly developed fd. These we have already decided will be
bed and blanket. as either dwawes or elves, however, so we of one syllable of two letters only, so
However, root-word organization will use the simple egocentric granmar assign Orcish hanslations to these words
would not be very prevalent in Common of subject, verb and object, in that order. and file them.
Orcish. Orcs are not very creative, are Words modifying another word will fol- Using this process, I worked out the
lawful, and may have evolved from a low it. following English-to-Orcish vocabulary
pack-running, hunting camivore. I stipu- For example, the English sentence TTre list:
late that their words may have developed chief of the orcs attacked the big fort by
originally from hunting calls and are the wide ruer wottld be organized in And (conj.) .. . ..
therefore arbitrary in nature, at least in Common Orcish as Chief orcs/attack Animal (n.) .....
the common language. New words are pastrt big by riaer we. Armor (n.). .....
either borrowed from other languages or The simple concept is Chief attack fort. Army/warband (n.)
irnposed by a leader strong enough to The subject, chief, is modified by orcs; At rep.) .. . ...
have his way. Once used by enough orcs, the verb, attack, is put into past tense by Attack (v.) ... ...
a word gains the weight of custom and is an adverb; and the object, fort, is modi- Attack(n.)......
accepted by the lawful-minded populace. fied by the adjective big and the preposi- Axe (n.)
Another thing to consider is whether tional phrase by ritser rnide. Bed (n.)
certain parts of speech have a different We now have the bare skeletal structure Biglgreat (adi.) .

word form, making them immediately of a language. If all you need for gaming Blanket(".)....,
recognizable for what they are. This may purposes are a few fragments of speech or Break(v.).......
be done by reserving certain syllables for tomb inscriptiors, you really don't need Brick (n.)..,....
special uses, or by the use of suffixes and to develop a full vocabulary; just follow Bright(adj.) ....
prefixes. In Common Orcish, we will these rules of construction and the lan- Burn (v.)
record a tendency for verbs to be of one guage (or what there is of it) will sound But(conj .)....
three-letter syllable, and for connectors and look consistent. Carry (v.)
such as and, or, but, from, etc., to be of However, if you want to develop a Charge (v.) .....
one two-letter syllable. Plurals will be vocabulary for orcs, let's continue. Firs! Chest (n.) ......
denoted by adding the suffix -a to a word, decide what concepts are required by the City/town (n.) ..
and a female version of a noun will be speakers of the tongue. As we decided ear- Climb (v.) ......
given an -o suffix. All other words, lier, Common Orcish is basically a mil- Cloak(n.) . .. .. .
whether nouns or adverbs and adjectives, itary language to allow cooperation Close/shut (v.) . .
will be of similar structure, probably of between tribes in time of war. The orcs Cold (adj.). . . .. .
two syllables. will need to talk about combat oth Come (v.) ......,
In any language, there must be a way individual and group), bivouac sih-ra- Coming (".) ....
to denote possession and tense. In High tions, sieges, conshuctiory and possibly Company (n.)...
Elvish (see the article on that topic else- hunting. Incorporating these concepts Cut (a.)
where in this section), a relatively more will dictate the vocabulary of the Dagger/knife (n.)
sophisticated language possession and language. Danger (n.) .....
tense ate both shown by using an entirely Start by making a list of the names of Dark (adj.) . . .. .

different word to denote the difference every object persory directiory etc., that Day (n.)
between my possession and yours, as well an orc may have to talk about when in Deer (n.) .......
as a difference between an object of today any of these situations, and assign an Defend (v.) .....
and the same object tomorrow. In Old Orcish word to each, according to word Die (n.)
Dwarvish, the same requirement is met by strucfure as decided eariier; go back to the Dig (v.)
a short modifying syllable preceding the thee-column syllable table. Remembet Dos ln.)
word. In Orcislr" we will use a simple nouns are usually of two syllables. Doir (adj./adv.)
modifier in the same manner as an As you begin this list, keep it in alpha- Drink (v.) .......
adverb. betical order. I find that 3"x5" index Drink (n.) ........
cards are the easiest method; by keeping Dwarf (n.) .. . .. .
From syllables to sentences files for both English and the language East (n.).
Next, we must determine simple sen- I'm working or I avoid any repetition. Eat (v.)
tence structure, taking into account the \Atrhen the noun list is as complete as Elf (n.) .

culte and attributes of the race and cul- you want it to be, look it over and add Enemy (n.) .....
ture using the language. When Old any adjectives that an orc might need to Far (adj./adv.) . .
Dwarvish was designed I considered the apply to any of these. For instance, nzrer Fast (adj./adv.). .
reputation dwarves have of being mate- might require wide and fast; sword might Fight(v.) .......
rialists, always seeking to amass treasures need the modifier sharp.In the case of Fire (n.)
of gold and finely worked materials. Common Ocish, the adjectives have the Flank(n.)..,...
Apparently, physical objects are of most same syllabic form as nouns. Food(n.) .......
importance to them, and this must be Now, decide what verbs an orc would For(prep.).....
reflected in their language with the sub- need, such as cut to go with sutord and Formation (n.) . ,

ject and object of a sentence taking the suim willr riaer. These verbs are usually Front(n.) ..,...
prominent position. of one theeletter syllable, in the case of Future(adv.)....
In the case of High Elvish, I tried to Orcish. File these verbs in order with the Gate(n.) .......
56 JULY 1983
Getlfetch (v.) . ,doj To rep.) .,',od reads: Offcer order (past) to climb waII
Go (v.) , , ,z0r Treasure/wealth (n.). . doztt as. A direct translation of this sentence
Going (".) zorak Tree (n.) tadnen into Common Orcish yields: leddar jen
Guard (u') ' .dej Up(adv./prep.) .... . tegat dotad teg kokad dagada.
Guard (") dejd Wall (n.) . kokad If players ever get too familiar with the
Hammer (".) ... . gettok Water (n.) . dozar language, it may be time to sprinkle your
Hard (adj./adv.) . , .gegor West (n.) gogker Common Orcish vocabulary with some
He (n.) . darag \Ahat (n./adj.) ',.,4r "indiect tanslations," otherwise known
Helmet (n.) . ... .. ozrad When(adv./conj ).... ,...4n as dialects. As the use of a language
Horse (n.) . gozak ltrhere (adv./conj.) . . spreads (and any language worthy of the
Hot(adj.) ....... dendad \trho/whom(")..... ,.,,on name "common" would certainly be
How (adv./conj.) . ....,or \44ry(adv./conj.) ... ...,en widespread), differences aise in the way
Hunt (v.) .... ja, Wine (n.). . tagrat various hibes pronounce various words.
Hunt (n.) .. jarag With rep.) ,,.,ed For example, one tribe may pronounce
Human (".) .. . . . rannor Wood (n.) .dortod the harsh T more softly, so that it would
Hunter (n.) .. .. .. . jardak Yes/affirmative (adv.) be written TH; the K could become a
I, me (n.) . dagad You (n.) breathy KH at the end of a word only.
If (conj.) Much of the Portuguese language is
In loreo.) ...'. aj The parts of speech abbreviated after similar to Spanist with the words short-
Islan/tdbe (v. .. .... tot each English entry are expressed gener- ened, some of the vowels left out. Perhaps
Kill (v.) .... dez ally in terms of how the Orcish language one tribe of orcs speaks this way, so that
Lead (v.) ....jed uses these words and concepts. For sim- gogker (west) becomes go'k'r, and tagrat
Leader/officer (n.) . jeddar plicity ecause thals the way orcs would (wine) is t'grat; n an adventure, this
Left (n.) , rakan instinctively do it), there is no distinction could be a source of friction between
Like/as (p."p). .. .... ad dawn between nouns and pronors. tribes that adventuers could exploit.
Listen/hear (v.) . . ... dun Although a given word may be character- How will you make the most and the
Loose (adj.)...... (konad) ized either as an adjective or an adverb best use of the languages you design?
Make/build/erect .,,,tek because of its principal usage in English, That's impossible to predict; there are at
Many (adj) zejdad it can be both parts of speech in the least as many ways to use a language as
March (v.) ... dok Ocish sentence sEucture, where the same there are words in the language itself.
Move (v.) . ,... tor words are used to modi$r both nouns and And no matter how much and how well
Near (adj.) , gotrag verbs. you use authentic languages, one thing is
Night (n.) zakdag Words can be easily added to this list as for sure: Player characters in your world
No/negative (adv.) . zozgal they are required by the game situation. will use the languages you designed in
North (n.) ....... todreg Words on the list can influence the crea- ways that you didn't even dream of. 5
Obey (v.) tion of other related words (as with the
Of /rorr. (p."p.) .... og Orcish words for "hunt" and "hunter").
Open (v.) ...nez But don't overdo this; as mentioned ear-
Or (conj.) lier, Common Ocish wouldn't be terribly
Orc (n.) sophisticated in this respect. Reserve the
Order (v.) "related word" privilege for concepts and
Order (n.) objects that are near and dear to orcish
Parry (v.) '. ai mentality, such as az/aztar, dej/dejad,
Past (adv.) dofa jar/jardak, and gon/gontad, to name a
Rear (n.) rontak few from the list above. As long as you
Reheat (v.) ....... . . ,noj, follow the language's conshuction
Ride (v.) ..,rel grammatical rules - and avoid outright
Right (n.) tokan duplication of words by keeping organ-
Run (v.) ,,, lz ized lists - the language can be dealt
Saddle (n.) orgad with and used by players. It can become a
Safe/safety (adj./n) noztan major factor in the events of your cam-
scout (a.) '. paign; for instance, being able to recog-
Scout (n.) gontad nize Common Orcish from previous cn-
Sergeant (nl .. .. .. jegdan tacts with the language may provide an
Shield (n.) gandal important clue to player characters in a
Shoot (v.) perilous situation.
Shut/ciose (u) ....
Sleep (v.) Translatiory direct and indirect
Slow (adv. To translate an English sentence into
Soft (adj.) Common Orcish vocabulary and gram-
South (n.) mar, reorganize the sentence in English
Squad (n.) first. The sentence The fficer ordeied us
Stand (v.). to climb the wall has officer as its subject,
Steal (v.) ordered as the verb, and us as the object of
Stone (n.) the verb. The basic Orcish sentence
Stop/halt (v.) would be fficer order me. The subject is
Sword (n.) . . not modified, but the verb is modfied by
Take(v.)... the phrase (to) climb the wall and by
Thief (n.) . . being placed in past tense by the mdifier
Threaten (v.) ,,na r dotad. The object is modified by adding
Thrust (v.) ..zok theplural suffix, -a.
right (adj.). kozad The complete rearranged sentence


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