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Engineering an Empire: The Maya Empire
Video Response

Directions: Answer the questions below as you watch the video.

1. The Mayas came into existence, probably a couple of ___________________ years before

2. What was the most sacred thing that could be offered to the gods?

3. Tikal was a thriving kingdom/capital whose rival city was ____________________________.

4. In Mayan culture, kings were choose by:
a. Bloodline
b. Elections
c. Spin the bottle
d. Warfare

5. The mysterious tomb that Peter Weller is exploring was the tomb of

6. In the Temple of the Inscriptions, how did someone on top of the pyramid
communicate with someone inside?

7. How old was Pacal when he died? ________________________

8. Who takes over after Pacal? ____________________________________

9. In Palenque, the challenge fo water was not storing it but rather removing the extra
water. How did they do it?

10. What was the significance of the stairs and panels of the Castle, in Chichen Itza?

11. True or False? All Maya cities have been discovered.

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