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Alcohol Addiction and Abuse

Impact on Health

Standards: 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2.1, and 2.2

(1) The student will analyze how behavior can impact health maintenance and disease
(2) The student will analyze how their family, peers, and community influence the health of
(3) The student will describe how to delay the onset of and reduce the risk for potential
health problems across their lifespan.
(4) The student will analyze how public health policies and government regulations influence
health promotion and disease prevention.
(5) The student will demonstrate the ability to evaluate health information, products, and
services for validity, reliability, and effectiveness as they relate to personal selection.
(6) The student will analyze situations requiring professional health services.

Evaluation: Reflection, Group Work, Group Presentation, Exam

Week 1
Day 1: Introduction & History of Alcohol
o Pretest: Pollev.com
What do you already know about alcohol?
o PowerPoint
Overview of the topics that will be discussed for the week
History (Prohibition)
o What is one thing you learned in class today?
Students write it on a piece of paper and hand it in
o Materials: Pollev.com-Laptop/smart phone/etc. PowerPoint, pen and paper
Day 2: Alcohol in modern society
o Pretest: Kahoot
Questions on statistics
o PowerPoint
How it pertains to high school students
How it has become more common over the years
o Were these statistics surprising to you? Why or why not?
Write on a piece of paper
o Materials: Kahoot, PowerPoint, pens and paper
Day3: Effects of social media on the use/abuse of alcohol
o Group Discussion
Show examples (YouTube) of beer commercials
Group Discussion on how they think that commercial promotes/demotes
o Group Work
Each group receives a different alcohol promotion
Flyer, News Article, Etc.
Be given time to discuss how that form of media could effect high school-
aged students to drink
Take turns having groups present what their groups discussed
o Materials: YouTube, alcohol examples

Week 2
Day 4: Alcohol Addiction and Abuse
o PowerPoint
Includes: definitions, potential influences, symptoms, etc.
o Materials: PowerPoint
Day 5: Impacts of Alcohol Misuse (Emotionally)
o Guest Speaker: Psychiatrist
Discuss: Effects of alcoholism on emotional well-being
o Materials: N/A
Day 6: Impacts of Alcohol Misuse (Physically)
o Class Activity
Students try to perform tasks and gradually lose various abilities
o Reflection
Students write a 2 paragraph reflection on their experience during the
If they do not finish during class, hand-in at the beginning of the next class
o Materials: anything needed for the activity, guidelines (print-off) for the reflection

Week 3
Day 7: Result of Alcoholism
o National Geographic Documentary
o Materials: Documentary
Day 8: Outside Influences
o Finish Documentary (if necessary)
o Worksheet (individually)
How did outside influences affect the man in the documentary?
Why do these influences have such an influence?
What do you think made it so hard for him to get help?
o Partner collaboration over the questions
o Go over the worksheet as a class
o Materials: Documentary, worksheet, pencils
Day 9: Prevention and Treatment
o Guest Speaker
Community Member
Discusses: importance of seeking help, ways to seek help, etc.
o Materials: N/A

Week 4
Day 10: Group PresentationsTopic chosen from list, group assigned by teacher
o Presentations
o Q/A from class (if necessary)
o Materials: N/A
Day 11: Test Review
o Review game
o Hand out the study guide
o Ask questions for clarification
o Extra time=begin working on the study guide
o Materials: Study Guide
Day 12: Exam
o Allowing beginning for any last minute questions
o Take Exam
o Materials: Exam, pencils

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