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Grant Myers

Professor Golding

CSIS - 1430

30 April 2017

Social impact of the internet.

The internet is one of the most defining features of our time. The number of

internet users is massive and is ever growing. As a result our people in society have

become more connected but at the loss of individuality and more active in society as a

whole. These changes have created a new generation vastly different than the ones of

the past.

Social Connection

As a direct result of the convenient and instant connection the internet provides

we as a society more aware of their social circle then in the ways of the past. You can

talk and keep up on the status of all your friends and acquaintance through social

networking sites. The media may often report that intense use of the internet creates

risk of alienation and withdrawal. But abundant evidence and personal experience leads

this to be untrue. More often it increase involvement in the lives of our family a peers.

Furthermore more forms of niche networking is being moved to digital. This is seen with

many work and professional focused social media sites liked LinkedIn. Social

networking services are becoming so rooted in society and almost mandatory to stay up

to date in society. In addition by mean of social networking news travels much quicker.

Individuals are now more than ever aware of issues and society. Though the internet
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people are much more outspoken about issues which can lead to some heated


Loss of Individuality

Instant access to other lives and massive social networks does have some

negatives. With any group trends and style eventually came about. Usually these where

contained with their own network. However by use of the internet these networks are

much large are more connected the ever. Due to larger networks with quick

communication trends are now able to impact on a global scale. Popular music, fashion,

and culture are spread almost instantly by popular web celebrities. This is scene when

seeing western styled music and movies toping charts in other countries. Main steam

fashion being almost identical around the globe. Viral trends, jokes and life style being

mingled with all countries and cultures. As a result of this newer generations are

becoming more pressured to follow trends and are less likely to express individualism.

This is a problem as it could lead to the decline in expressionism, creativity and the

abandonment of native culture.

The internet the center of our modern day society. Regardless of your location it

has affected you in some way. It has benefited us in keep us up to date with recent

friend activates and news. But at the same time creating a crowd culture style of

thinking in our younger generations.

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Works Cited

Anderson, Janna, and Lee Rainie. "Digital Life in 2025." Pew Research Center: Internet,

Science & Tech. N.p., 10 Mar. 2014. Web. 01 May 2017.

Castells, Manuel. "The Impact of the Internet on Society: A Global Perspective." MIT

Technology Review. MIT Technology Review, 15 Sept. 2015. Web. 01 May 2017.

"The Impact of the Internet on Society: A Global Perspective." OpenMind. N.p., n.d.

Web. 01 May 2017.

"Impact Of The Internet On Our Society Media." UKEssays. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 May


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