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Running head: INTASC Standard Number 8 1

INTASC Standard Number 8

Sarah Lucas

Ivy Tech Community College

INTASC Standard Number 8 2

INTASC Standard Number 8

As becoming a teacher and wanting to especially work in the special education field, I am

realizing how much important differences among throughout children. Everyone is different and

has a purpose, teachers just should be willing to find the difference in a child and incorporate

within the classroom. Within the classroom you should talk about subjects that kids will find

meaning and that they could use in other ways. Subjects that may include a subject dealing with

a child in the room. This can help the child to feel wanted and accepted in the room.

Below I have attached a copy of a group differences assignment I did. This was an

assignment for me to go out and find a book that is different. Within this assignment we had to

go out and find books that related to different situations kids face or situation that kids in your

class are going through. This assignment was also to show how teachers can even find a simple

book to relate to a kid in the room while others learn.

The book I have chosen has to do with a child that has autism. In a classroom, full of

special needs children more than likely I will have a student that has autism. When reading this

book, it will highlight this child and make them feel wanted and accepted. Then after reading this

book I can explain more of how to deal when approaching a child with autism and many more

things that will be useful to the other children so they can relate to the child with autism.

Overall, as a teacher I should find a way to make every child feel like they are wanted

and just because they a disability does not make them any different from anyone else. I can read

books or simple just talk about different situations. When doing this overall the children learning

about a situation that does not apply to them should take away from the lesson an understanding
INTASC Standard Number 8 3

that everyone has a situation and we have to be accepting of the persons situation without

judging that person.

Group Difference
Picture of Book Cover:

Title: My Friend Has Autism

Author: Amanda Doering Tourville
Publisher: Picture Window Books
Copyright Date: 2010
INTASC Standard Number 8 4

Book Summary: In the book it tells the story of how this boy named Zack has autism, but that

does not stop the other boy from playing with Zack.
Traditional Difference/s Present in Book: The difference in this book is that a child has autism

and that every child does not have it,

Evaluation / Opinion of Book in regards to Chapter 4 / Traditional Differences:
When reading My Friend Has Autism I found this book very interesting. As going into

teaching and wanting to be a Special Education teacher. I found this book to be very useful when

explaining to kids about the different students amongst the class. This book would also come

into play when explaining how kids are not all the same. Another good thing through this book is

it explains wat autism is in the back of the book as well as Did you Knows throughout the


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