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Well, its has been 5 sketchnotes away that it was my first time drawing them. I had
some previous research before starting, and now here they are after taking the marvelous
Massive Open Online Course Introduction to Infographics and Data Visualization taught by
journalist Alberto Cairo.
It has been a fun experience and, although it has been a short one, I think I have learned
some things about sketchnoting that I would like to share with the rest of the students of
the course. Here are some things I learned:

+) Sketchnoting is an exploratory process over a blank piece of paper, seeking answers to
questions like What is the best drawing that represents a certain idea or concept? In what
part of the paper can be drawn? How can I aggregate similar concepts? How can I show
that they relate between them? And most important: What are the primary ideas of the
lecture I'm trying to capture and what are the secondary that complement them?

+) Sketchnotes are great for finding the structure of anything you are studying. Unlike the
traditional way of writing notes in a linear manner from top to bottom, left to right and
going this way on successive pages, sketchnotes because of it's graphic nature are for me a
naturally synthesized medium : is not a literal transcription but a summary of ideas and
concepts. As you further study about a topic over a developed sketchnote you tend to see
what are the main ideas, and which ones are complementary.

+) Making a sketchnote while you are studying or attending a talk is are a great way to
keep you focused on the topics at hand.

Here are some things I think are important to keep in mind when making a sketchnote:

+) Never start by thinking how the sketchnote will finally look. The sketchnote grows and
takes shape by its own while you work. Just take advantage of the space that is being left
while you progress on your work.

+) Don't strive for perfection. I love the word sketch because it implies freedom to explore
styles and techniques.
+) Use shadows. +) Overlap elements, it gives a sense of depth.

+) Fill unwanted voids with a hatch if you +) Try to make a hierarchy trough line types
think the sketchnote may look to empty. and font sizes.

+) Draw, draw, draw. Drawings are important +) Vary and play with font
as text. They enforce a written idea or type and size.
concept. Stick figures are fun.

+) Use bullets. +) Contrast. Use black as a background
for lighter figures and text.

+) Use arrows. They can guide the

reading sequence and also relate
+) Use different shapes for text
balloons and boxes.

+) Use hatch, they give tone

+) Use at least two line weights and
different line types.

+) When in doubt, pencil first

and ink second.

+) Most of all, enjoy the process!

Javier Sandoval

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