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Authier 1

Noah Authier

English 4

Nicole Mantlo

March 9, 2017

Final Research Paper

Chemistry has done many great things for the human race. It is because of Chemistry that

we have a lot of the modern day medicines we do today. Also almost everything you do is

chemistry, from cooking to feeling emotions. It is even responsible for the environmental

problems we have now. Our world would not be better without it .

When chemistry first started kicking off, the average person would only live to about

thirty five. Now people live to sixty eight and older thanks to medicines like penicillin and

aspirin which can help prevent strokes and heart attacks. It is thanks to these drugs that people

are able to survive another day. There are even tests (designed by chemists) to help diabetics test

their insulin levels.

Before Chemistry we had no good way to preserve our food. Finding clean water that was

safe to drink was extremely hard and most would end up with a disease from drinking dirty

water. Now there there are chemists who make chemicals to help us grow crops faster, prevent

bugs from getting to it, chemists who look at the soil, and even chemists who invent new flavors.

These people are called Food Chemists and they are the reason our water is clean, we have good

tasting food, and our food is preserved properly. So you can thank chemistry for not dying from

eating rotten food.

Authier 2

We rely on our technology to live our everyday lives from driving to work to using the

internet. Now, do you know what makes our technology work? The answer is simple: Energy.

Chemists contribute at all levels and to all aspects of developing both new sources of energy

and more efficient applications of current sources. (Atkins 2011). It is because of chemistry that

we have things like solar power and nuclear power. Getting things like uranium and oxide

depend on chemistry to get them from the orese. Chemists are even working on ways to get rid

of nuclear waste safely.

Now, can you imagine a world without all of that? No energy to power our machines, no

medicine for the sick and injured, and no way to be sure if our food and drink are safe to eat. Is

that not scary to you? So next time you eat, drink, use medicine or technology just remember it

is because of chemisty that you even have all of that.

Authier 3

Works cited

A World Without Chemistry Science .ie http://www.science.ie/features/archived-feature-


Agricultural and Food Chemistry. American Chemical Society.



Atkins, Peter. Where Would We Be without Chemistry? Chemistry International. March-

April2011. https://www.iupac.org/publications/ci/2011/3302/1_atkins.html

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