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AMSTEX Reference Card Footnotes and Insertions Dimensions

(See the TEX Reference Card for further commands) \footnote#1 footnote Dimensions are specified as hnumberihunit of measurei.
\footnote"*"#1 footnote with specified marker
Formatting \topinsert . . . \endinsert insert at top of page point pt pica pc inch in centimeter cm
\midinsert . . . \endinsert insert in middle of page m width em x height ex math unit mu millimeter mm
\pagewidth{hdimeni} set page width
\topcaption#1 . . . \endcaption caption at top of insert 1 pc = 12 pt 1 in = 72.72 pt 2.54 cm = 1 in 18 mu = 1 em
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\botcaption#1 . . . \endcaption caption at bottom of insert
\hcorrection{hdimeni} move page right
\vcorrection{hdimeni} move page down
\vspace{hdimeni} leave vertical space in an insert Spacing and Dots
\flushpar start a paragraph Hyphenation \linebreak force a line break
with no indentation \newline force a new line, old line pushed left
\boxed#1 boxed formula \showhyphens#1 show allowable hyphens \mathbreak force line break
\NoBlackBoxes omit overfull hbox markers \- discretionary hyphen \allowmathbreak allow line break
\comment . . . \endcomment unprinted comments \hyphenation#1 add words to hypenation list \- discretionary hyphen
\pageno#1 set page number \. abbreviation period
\nopagenumbers turn off page numbering
Fractions and Such \, or \thinspace thin space
if not using amsppt style \frac#1#2 fraction \medspace medium space
\dfrac#1#2 display size fraction \; or \thickspace thick space
Fonts \tfrac#1#2 text size fraction \! or \negthinspace negative thin space
Text Fonts \fracwithdelims()#1#2 fraction with paren. delimeters \negmedspace negative medium space
\rm roman \binom#1#2 binomial coefficient \negthickspace negative thick space
\it italic \dbinom#1#2 display size binomial coefficient \quad quad space
\bf boldface \tbinom#1#2 text size binomial coefficient \qquad double quad space
\sl slant \underset#1\to#2 typeset #1 under #2 % comment line
\smc small capitals \overset#1\to#2 typeset #1 over #2 \ one blank space
Math Mode Fonts \overbrace#1^#2 overbrace with label above \phantom#1 blank space size of #1
\bold#1 bold letter \underbrace#1_#2 underbrace with label below \hphantom#1 blank space width of #1, no height
\loadbold load bold math symbols \sideset^#1\and^#2\to\bigop superscripts on side of operator \vphantom#1 blank space height of #1, no width
\boldkey#1 bold keyboard symbol \cfrac . . . \endcfrac continued fraction \smash#1 ignore height and depth
\boldsymbol#1 bold math symbol (e.g. \alpha) \lcfrac . . . \endcfrac continued fraction flush left \topsmash#1 ignore height
\Cal#1 caligraphic (script) upper case \rcfrac . . . \endcfrac continued fraction flush right \botsmash#1 ignore depth
\frak#1 German Fraktur \mathstrut strut to help vertical spacing
\goth#1 German Fraktur (same as \frak)
Arrows & Commutative Diagrams \smallpagebreak small space between paragraphs
\Bbb#1 blackboard bold @>#1>#2> right arrow with labels \medpagebreak medium space between paragraphs
\rom#1 Roman @<#1<#2< left arrow with labels \bigpagebreak big space between paragraphs
Loading Fonts & Symbols (if not using amsppt style) \CD . . . \endCD commutative diagram (don’t use &’s) \pagebreak force a page break
\loadmsam load msam symbol font @V#1V#2V down arrow with labels \nopagebreak forbid a page break
\loadmsbm load msbm symbol font @A#1A#2A up arrow with labels \newpage force a page break
\UseAMSsymbols define all symbols from msam, msbm fonts @= long horizontal = sign fill page with blank space
\newsymbol define a particular symbol @| long vertical equal sign \hdots horizontal dots
Changing Font Sizes @. leave out an arrow \vdots vertical dots
\tenpoint use 10 point fonts \pretend#1\haswidth#2 make arrows longer \ddots diagonal dots
\eightpoint use 8 point fonts \dots dots in text or formulas
\dsize use display size Accents \ldots low dots in text or formulas
\tsize use text size Type Example In Math In Text \cdots center dots in text or formulas
\ssize use subscript size hat â \hat \^ Miscellaneous Operations
\sssize use subsubscript size expanding hat acbc \widehat none
check ǎ \check \v \bmod#1 mod as binary operation
Macro Definitions tilde ã \tilde \~ \pmod#1 mod with parentheses
\define\cs{. . . } define a control sequence expanding tilde afbc \widetilde none \mod#1 same as pmod, but no parens
\redefine\cs{. . . } redefine a control sequence acute á \acute \’ \pod#1 parentheses, but no “mod”
\predefine\newcs{\oldcs} assign new name to a control seq grave à \grave \‘ \sqrt#1 square root
\operatorname#1 new operator name dot ȧ \dot \D \root#1\of#2 root
\operatornamewithlimits#1 new operator name with limits double dot ä \ddot \" \uproot{hnumberi} move root up/down
\newsymbol new symbol from msam, msbm fonts breve ă \breve \u \leftroot{hnumberi} move root left/right
bar ā \bar \B \iiint two integral signs
vector ~a \vec none \iiint three integral signs
°c 1998 J.H. Silverman, Permissions on back. v1.3 cedilla ç none \c \idotsint integral signs with dots
Send comments and corrections to J.H. Silverman, Math. Dept., Brown
Univ., Providence, RI 02912 USA. hjhs@math.brown.edui
AMS Preprint Style AMS Preprint Style — References Alignments and Displayed Equations
\input amstex \Refs . . . \endRefs list of references \\ separate lines
\documentstyle{amsppt} \refstyle#1 specify style A, B, or C & separate items in a line
hPreamble Commandsi A = initials, B = name, C = number \align . . . \endalign align equations, full
\topmatter \ref . . . \endref individual reference width of page
hTop Matter Commandsi \no or \key number or key for reference \alignat#1 . . . \endalignat align #1 pairs
\endtopmatter \widestnumber\no#1 or \widestnumber\key#1 \xalignat#1 . . . \endxalignat equally spaced
\document \by author \xxalignat#1 . . . \endxxalignat equally spaced, flush
hBody of Documenti \bysame same as previous author \aligned . . . \endaligned align equations, width
\enddocument \paper name of paper as needed
Preamble Commands \vol volume \alignedat#1 . . . \endalignedat align #1 pairs
\TagsOnLeft (default) or \TagsOnRight \yr year of publication \topaligned . . . \endtopaligned align along top
\TagsAsText (default) or \TagsAsMath \jour journal \botaligned . . . \endbotaligned align along bottom
\NoPageNumbers \page or \pages page(s) \gather . . . \endgather centered equations, full
\NoRunningHeads \toappear to appear width of page
\Monograph \inbook article in a book \gathered . . . \endgathered centered equations,
\define \moreref additional reference information width as needed
\paperinfo extra information after paper title \multline . . . \endmultline first line left, middle lines
Top Matter Commands \procinfo information about proceedings centered, last line right
\title . . . \endtitle \issue issue number \shoveleft#1 shove lines left
\author . . . \endauthor \lang language \shoveright#1 shove lines right
\affil . . . \endaffil \transl information about translated version \multlinegap{hdimeni} change margins
\address . . . \endaddress \book book \cases . . . \endcases case construction
\curraddr . . . \endcurraddr \ed or \eds editor(s) \split . . . \endsplit align split equations with
\email . . . \endemail \publ publisher variable tag placement
\date . . . \enddate \publaddr publisher address \Sb . . . \endSb multi-line subscript
\dedicatory . . . \enddedicatory \bookinfo extra information after book title \Sp . . . \endSp multi-line superscript
\thanks . . . \endthanks \finalinfo extra information for end \text#1 text within formula
\translator . . . \endtranslator \miscnote same as \finalinfo, in parens. \intertext#1 text between lines
\keywords . . . \endkeywords \foldedtext#1 lines of text in formula
\subjclass . . . \endsubjclass Overlines and Underlines \topfoldedtext#1 top-aligned folded text
\abstract . . . \endabstract \botfoldedtext#1 bottom-aligned folded text
\underline#1 underline
\toc . . . \endtoc (Table of Contents) \foldedwidth{hdimeni} set width of folded text
\overline#1 overline
\leftheadtext#1 (set left headline text) \allowdisplaybreak allow page break after line
\overarrow#1 over right arrow
\rightheadtext#1 (set right headline text) \allowdisplaybreaks allow page breaks after any line
\underarrow#1 under right arrow
Body of Paper Commands \overleftarrow#1 over left arrow \displaybreak force page break after line
\specialhead . . . \endspecialhead \underleftarrow#1 under left arrow \vspace{hdimeni} extra space between two lines
\head . . . \endhead \overleftrightarrow#1 over left-right arrow \spreadlines{hdimeni} extra space between every line
\subhead . . . \endsubhead \spreadmatrixlines{hdimeni} same for a matrix
\subsubhead . . . \endsubsubhead Delimeters \jot unit of vertical space
\proclaim#1 . . . \endproclaim [ \lbrack or \[ { \lbrace or \{ h \langle \tag#1 tag for a formula
\rom#1 (Roman font in proclaim) ] \rbrack or \] } \rbrace or \} i \rangle \thetag#1 refer to tag in current style
\demo#1 . . . \enddemo (proof) | \vert or \| b \lfloor d \lceil \tag"*" tag exactly as specified
\qed (end of proof marker) k \Vert or \| c \rfloor e \rceil
\roster . . . \endroster (roster of listed items) ↑ \uparrow ⇑ \Uparrow l \updownarrow Matrices
\item (start a new item in a roster) ↓ \downarrow ⇓ \Downarrow m \Updownarrow \matrix . . . \endmatrix matrix alignment
\item[hnumberi] (specify roster item number) [[ [\![ (( (\!( hh \langle\!\langle \pmatrix . . . \endpmatrix matrix with parentheses
\item"*" (item with specified marker) ]] ]\!] )) )\!) ii \rangle\!\rangle \bmatrix . . . \endbmatrix matrix with brackets
\therosteritem#1 (refer to specified roster item) \left#1 \right#1 expanding delimeters \vmatrix . . . \endvmatrix matrix with vertical lines
\widestnumber\item#1 (set width for roster labels) \left. \right. empty delimeters \Vmatrix . . . \endVmatrix matrix with double vertical lines
\nofrills (turn off automatic font, spacing, punctuation) \bigl#1 \bigr#1 big delimeters \smallmatrix . . . \endsmallmatrix small matrix
\usualspace (usual space following punctuation) \Bigl#1 \Bigr#1 bigger delimeters \format specify a format for a matrix
\definition#1 . . . \enddefinition \biggl#1 \biggr#1 even bigger delimeters \c \l \r format entry center, left, right
\example#1 . . . \endexample
\remark#1 . . . \endremark Non-Italic Function Names c 1998 J.H. Silverman, November 1998 v1.3
Copyright °
\block . . . \endblock (indented text) \arccos \cos \csc \exp \ker \limsup \min \sinh
Math. Dept., Brown Univ., Providence, RI 02912 USA
TEX and AMSTEX are trademarks of the American Mathematical Society
\cite (cite a reference) \arcsin \cosh \deg \gcd \lg \ln \Pr \sup Permission is granted to make and distribute copies of this card pro-
\arctan \cot \det \hom \lim \log \sec \tan vided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on
\arg \coth \dim \inf \liminf \max \sin \tanh all copies.

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