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Elajah Pace

Professor Trent Kays

Eng 102-22


Annotated Bibliography

USA Today

Citation: Samantha Nelson, Ashley May, and Mary Bowerman. "Is 'college

Experience' Synonymous with Rape Culture?" USA Today. Gannett Satellite

Information Network, 26 Aug. 2016. Web. 08 Feb. 2017.

This article was about the disapproval of a sentencing David Becker,

two years of probation for 2 counts of rape. Psychotherapist Robi Ludwig

sates that rape cases are occurring more frequently due to access to

pornography, devaluing women, and messages in pop culture. I feel like this

article really summates a leading cause behind rape and points out that the

judicial system doesnt handle rape cases properly. He also said that people

who havent developed a sense of judgement may be acting out a fantasy. I

think this article brings value to my theme because it brings suggestions of

why rape is a normal occurrence now on college campuses. It also shows

how little most offenders get properly consequenced.

Rape Myth Beliefs and Bystander Attitudes Among Incoming College


Citation: McMahon, Sarah, PhD. "Journal of American College Health." Rape

Myth Beliefs and Bystander Attitudes Among Incoming College Students:

Journal of American College Health: Vol 59, No 1. Journal of American College

Health, 8 Aug. 2010. Web. 08 Feb. 2017.

This talks about the ignorance that many students have when it comes

to rape, how to handle situations with rape when it comes to close friends or

family members, and rape culture in general. I think this article brings a lot

of value because it roots another problem with rape and how its

misconceived. I feel as though we need to spread more awareness not just

only on college campuses and high schools but also in adult workplaces and

definitely with developing pre-teens because it can happen to them too. Also

we should encourage people to have a better mindset when it comes to

dealing with rape. We should not let women victimize themselves and if you

are a friend of someone who got raped definitely teach people how to be

there for rape victims.

Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson

Citation: Anderson, Laurie Halse. Speak. New York: Farrar Straus Giroux,

1999. Print.

The novel tells the story about a freshman who gets raped over the

summer before starting high school and how she has been out casted from
her peers and schoolmates. Although this story does not take place on a

college campus, its still imperative that we see a perspective from the

victims side about my chosen theme. While reading the book, or even

watching the film you really feel how sad and trapped she is due to not

letting someone know what happened to her. The novel shows how most

students really neglect a victims feelings and in some cases derelict her by

calling her a squealer. I think its important that we display intentness

towards the victims feelings more and consider how they feel.

Incapacitated Rape Is a Big Problem

Citation: Nesbit, Jeff. "Incapacitated Rape Is a Big Problem." U.S. News &

World Report. U.S. News & World Report, 18 Nov. 2015. Web. 10 Feb. 2017.

This news article talks about the decline in drinking on campuses due

to the now normal occurrence of rape. Also, this article brings about a lot of

data and rape statistics among college campuses. Young adults see drinking

as a risk factor to getting raped. Also, this article brings statistics to my

theme instead of just opinions or thought from psychologists, administration

at campuses, or statements from people who work under the judicial system.

For example, The researchers found 18 percent of students said they'd been

raped while incapacitated before college, and 41 percent of those young

women were raped again while incapacitated during their freshman year.

Not only is the data scarring but it really opens ones eyes to how much rape

Precious, directed by Lee Daniels

Citation: Precious. Dir. Lee Daniels. Perf. Gabourey Sidibe. RBA, 2010. Film.

A teenage girl who lives with her neglectful mother being raped by her

father and she has two kids, one with down syndrome. Precious learns how to

survive in the harsh streets of New York city and reach new heights of

educational success. I think this article benefits my theme because it brings

attention to young females who are sexually assaulted at a young age. Even

though precious in high school, sexual assault in high school or even younger

influences your probability of getting raped in college. I feel as though rape

culture should be acknowledged and understood as soon as possible because

it can really happen to anyone at any time.

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