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Journal of Banking & Finance 53 (2015) 249265

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Credit rationing and relationship lending. Does rm size matter?

Stefano Cenni a,e, Stefano Monferr b, Valentina Salotti c,, Marco Sangiorgi d, Giuseppe Torluccio a,e
Department of Management, University of Bologna, Via Capo di Lucca 34, 40126 Bologna, Italy
Department of Management, University of Naples Parthenope, Via A. Ferdinando Acton 38, 80133 Naples, Italy
Department of Finance, Iowa State University, 3345 Gerdin Business Bldg., Ames, IA 50014, USA
EN.E.R. Trading S.p.A. and Department of Management, University of Bologna, Via Capo di Lucca 34, 40126 Bologna, Italy
CEFIN Centro Studi Banca e Finanza, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Using survey based data, we investigate factors inuencing credit rationing within a bank-based nancial
Received 7 July 2011 system. We show that rationing depends on various dimensions of the rm-bank relationships and that
Accepted 16 December 2014 the effects of relationship lending on rationing are not identical for different rm size groups. Multiple-
Available online 29 December 2014
banking increases the probability of rationing for small and large rms. Debt concentration with the main
bank affects positively smaller rms, while the opposite is true for large companies. The length of the
JEL classication: relationship with the main bank decreases the probability of rationing for both groups, but more so
for large rms endowed with more bargaining power. Finally, the rm-bank spatial proximity, measured
by the headquarters vicinity, does not affect the rms access to credit.
L23 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Credit rationing
Relationship banking
Firm nancing
Probit sample selection models

1. Introduction to get credit and is signicantly different across size groups. Bene-
ts of RL are more predictable on smaller borrowers, which are
Credit rationing has been the subject of academic debate for generally characterized by more information opacity as well as
more than fty years. Its existence, a possible result of loan market less bargaining power with lenders than larger rms.
imperfections or asymmetric information, has been investigated at Our empirical analysis relies on survey-based information
length by research in nancial economics. about rm-bank relationships and rm access to credit for a com-
Within nancial systems where bank nancing is prevalent, i.e. prehensive sample of Italian enterprises. Italy is the ideal setting to
bank-oriented systems, the nature of the rm-bank relationship investigate the effect of RL on credit rationing. Its nancial system
is logically understood as the primary determinant for the imple- is essentially dominated by banks with strong ties to mostly pri-
mentation of and extent of credit rationing. Studies of relationship vately-held rms and the availability of alternative sources of
lending (RL) utilize the depth and duration of the relationship funding, such as stock and bond markets, is limited to a relatively
between the bank and the borrower as a measure of information narrow group of larger companies. Therefore, since alternatives to
production which is a way to overcome information asymmetries traditional borrowing are either scarce or unavailable for the aver-
and also ease the rms access to credit (Petersen and Rajan, 1994, age Italian rm, a denial of bank credit will likely result in a limited
1995; Berger and Udell, 1995, Degryse and Van Cayseele, 2000; ability to pursue positive NPV projects and, ultimately, curb the
Ongena and Smith, 2001). rms growth potential.1
We show empirically that the effect of RL on small and large Our empirical methodology offers several advantages with
borrowers is more nuanced than predicted by prior studies. In par- respect to prior studies on credit rationing and RL. First, we use
ticular, we note that RL has non-linear effects on the rms ability survey data to identify rms that are subject to credit rationing

Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 (515) 2944201. 1

Herrera and Minetti (2007) and Minetti and Zhu (2011) offer a good description of
E-mail address: vsalotti@iastate.edu (V. Salotti). the bank-oriented nature of the Italian nancial system.

0378-4266/ 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
250 S. Cenni et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 53 (2015) 249265

in place of nancial-statement-based proxies used by numerous between small and large rms emerge after a period of seven
other empirical studies. The structure of the survey allows us to years; at that point, large rms gain a greater advantage from an
discriminate between rms needing additional nancing and the extension of the relationship. Measured at the median (about
actual denial of the credit application by the bank. Other studies 15 years), the probability of rationing is 22% higher for SMEs. Sur-
using survey-based data (Guiso, 1998; Berkowitz and White, prisingly, the rm-bank geographical proximity does not appear to
2004) do not distinguish instances in which a rm merely declared be statistically signicant.
itself in need of more credit from cases in which a rm was denied Our analysis suggests that both large rms and SMEs gain an
credit. These studies estimate the probability of being credit advantage from forming close lending relationships with the effect
rationed based on a one-equation approach and dene credit being more pronounced for SMEs. Specically, SMEs should aim to
rationing by looking at whether the rm declared itself to be concentrate their debt with the main bank in order to reduce the
under-funded. This weak denition of rationing includes rms risk of credit rationing.
that were discouraged from applying for additional credit and The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2
rms that needed more credit but were not willing/able to pay discusses the theoretical background. In Sections 3 and 4, we
the market interest rate. describe the dataset used and the variables included in the econo-
In this paper we classify a rm as credit rationed if it applied for metric models. The econometric methodology is presented in Sec-
credit and the credit application was denied. Our denition permits tion 5. The results are reported and explained in Section 6. We
us to explicitly consider that it is in fact the banks decision to deny conclude in Section 7.
credit that generates credit rationing. Because the sub-sample of
companies that applied for credit is not random, we model the prob-
ability of being denied funding based on the rms propensity to need 2. Literature
additional credit. A similar methodological problem is explained in
detail by Greene (1992), who models consumer loan default and 2.1. The rm-bank relationship and credit rationing
credit card expenditures. We tackle this issue by using a Heckman
sample selection model adapted to dichotomous explanatory vari- Information asymmetries are intrinsic to credit markets and cen-
ables as rst proposed by Van de Ven and Van Praag (1981). tral to the literature on nancial intermediation (Jaffee and Russell,
Our econometric approach is similar to Atzeni and Piga (2007) 1976; Leland and Pyle, 1977; Stiglitz and Weiss, 1981; Fama, 1985;
and Minetti and Zhu (2011). Atzeni and Piga (2007) test whether Boyd and Prescott, 1986). Banks are able to reduce information
R&D-intensive rms are more or less credit constrained than other asymmetries thanks to their enhanced abilities of screening and
types of rms and nd that rms engaged in innovation face greater monitoring borrowers. Through relationships established with their
difculties in accessing credit. Minetti and Zhu (2011) investigate customers, banks are privy to proprietary information which allows
whether the probability of exporting is different for credit-rationed them to originate non-marketable loans and, thus, alleviate prob-
enterprises compared to those that do not endure similar nancing lems arising from the asymmetric distribution of information
constraints. Neither paper considers how the rm-bank relation- between the agents in the credit market (Bhattacharya and
ship could affect the probability of the rm being rationed. Thakor, 1993). This relationship also assumes that banks actually
We investigate the rm-bank relationship across four dimen- gain an advantage over other credit providers based on the private
sions: the number of banks serving the rm, the debt share held information collected. More specically, the repeated exchange of
by the main bank, the duration of the relationship with the main private information over time strengthens the rm-bank relation-
bank, and the rm-main bank geographical proximity. We empir- ship allowing useful information to be accumulated by the bank
ically show that size has a direct effect on the probability of credit and therefore, reducing the borrower-lender information gap. Rela-
rationing as banks behave differently depending on both the size of tionship banking directly aims at reducing asymmetric information
their clients (Berger and Udell, 1995) and a mediated effect with borrowers by enhancing information reusability over time and
which depends on the quality of the rms relationship to banks. by resolving free riding problems (Boot, 2000; Albareto et al., 2011).
Our results show that the effects of RL on the probability of credit In addition, technological advancements have recently allowed
rationing diverge depending on the size of the borrower. banks to transform relationship-based soft information into
We nd that the probability of credit rationing is positively hard, easy-to-transfer data, leading to cost savings and improv-
linked to the number of banking relationships that the rm main- ing lending to more opaque borrowers. A few recent studies have
tains. Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are more strongly examined the relationship between rm size and the use of screen-
rationed than large rms. At the median level, 6 banking relation- ing and monitoring technologies to improve lending. Cole et al.
ships, the probability of rationing is 38.8% for SME and 16.3% for (2004) show that while a cookie cutter approach to lending is
large banks. SMEs are also more often rationed when the duration preferred for large rms and favours large banks, a character
of their relationship with the main bank is short (in terms of years). approach should be used for smaller borrowers and is easier to
Finally, the probability of being denied credit is highest when the implement by small, local banks. DeYoung et al. (2008) show that
main banks debt share is below 35% of the SMEs total debt and cost savings associated with credit scoring allow lenders to extend
decreases afterwards. A strong reliance on the main bank by the lending to riskier borrowers and to take better credit decisions in
SME results in an increase in private information gains which sets long-distance situations. Finally, Berger and Black (2011) nd that
the main bank apart from other lenders competing for the same the comparative advantages of large banks in hard technologies are
borrower; this competitive advantage improves the rms chances not all increasing in rm size and, while small banks appear to
of furthering its credit. The opposite is true for large rms. An have an advantage in relationship lending, this advantage is stron-
increase in the share of debt held by the main bank decreases ger for lending to larger borrowers.
the probability of being constrained at levels below 40% of total Concluding, the strength of the relationship with banks is a key
debt exposure. Higher levels of exposure to the main bank are, determinant of the presence and intensity of rm credit rationing.
on the other hand, positively correlated to rationing. The informa- Since SMEs are typically limited to bank loans in their external
tion transparency of large rms appears to allow banks to immedi- means of nancing, factors inuencing the banks credit allocation
ately take advantage of economies of scale. decision have a stronger economic consequence for these borrow-
A longer banking relationship makes it easier for a rm to ers. Small businesses could remain bound to the same main bank
obtain credit. In particular, statistically-signicant differences due to high switching costs, i.e. costs associated with changing
S. Cenni et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 53 (2015) 249265 251

banks. This could result in the rms capture by its main lender Ruckes (2004), highlight that the condentiality of the relationship
(Sharpe, 1990; Kim et al., 2003) which may limit its access to alter- between a bank and borrower attracts businesses investing in R&D,
native funding sources, and result in either a constraint on the those with a higher credit worthiness, and reduces credit rationing.
amount of credit provided or the application of higher interest Focusing on bank relationships, Dewatripont and Maskin (1995)
rates. and Gobbi and Sette (2014) nd that the presence of a signicant
The aim of this paper is to illustrate how variables characteriz- number of creditors complicates the renancing process and
ing the typical rm-bank relationship affect the probability of a makes lending less protable which deters banks from making
rm being denied further credit. The variables considered in this additional inefcient credit provisions. On the other hand, banks
paper to describe the rm-bank tie are (i) the duration of the rela- could also prefer to jointly grant loans to the same subject in order
tionship with the main bank, (ii) the number of bank relationships to diversify the risk of a liquidity crisis (De Bodt et al., 2005).
per rm, (iii) the share of corporate debt provided by the main Carletti et al. (2007) analyze the incentives of sharing the lending
bank and (iv) the distance between banks and rms. activity with competitors. Lending within a syndicate of banks
allows them to diversify their loan portfolio, but it also involves
2.2. The duration of the relationship with the main bank a duplication of the monitoring and screening effort and potential
free-riding behaviour. However, when diversication benets
Relationship duration was rst recognized in theoretical models dominate costs, multiple lending encourages banks to maintain a
addressing the issue of the choice of funding (e.g., Boot and Thakor, high level of overall monitoring which becomes an instrument
1994; Petersen and Rajan, 1994; von Thadden, 1995). The opportu- for mitigating the agency problems arising between banks and
nity of nalizing a series of repeated transactions over time is a their depositors. This, in turn, allows banks to increase their prots.
way to recoup the initial screening costs sustained by the bank
and to make the investment in information collection worthwhile
2.4. Share of debt held by the main bank
for the bank. Since the incumbent bank accumulates private infor-
mation to better assess the rms ability to repay its debts, even in
A signicant part of the literature on RL assumes that a rms
a competitive market, the value of the rm-bank relationship
debt is equally-distributed among lenders. Situations where debt
grows over time (Sharpe, 1990). The incumbent bank can, there-
is unequally distributed or even highly concentrated among one
fore, offer to its customers the best possible lending terms as well
or a few banks, although, are anything but unusual. The theoretical
as greater availability of credit, reducing the attractiveness of offers
literature focuses on the effects of the concentration of rm cred-
from competing banks. Moreover, the rms willingness to leave
itors on the availability of credit. Among these, Elsas et al. (2004)
the relationship is also limited by the fact that less private and reli-
and Hubert and Schfer (2002), highlight how such concentration
able information is available to competing banks.
contributes to intensify the hold-up problem. Empirical literature
If on one hand, the value of the information capital built up over
does not reach unequivocal conclusions on the causes and effects
time and the desire to keep an exclusive relationship with the bor-
of concentration. According to Guiso and Minetti (2010), banks
rower could lead banks to favour stable banking relationships. On
prevent troubled companies from defaulting in order to take pos-
the other, a bank could be less sensitive to the borrowers nancial
session of their assets during the debt restructuring process. For
needs since its information advantage over its competitors limits
this reason, rms with a high intrinsic asset and reuse value seek
the borrowers nancing option. The existing empirical evidence
to borrow from banks in a very fragmented way and have a lower
on the effect of relationship duration does not provide an unequiv-
probability of being credit rationed.
ocal answer. Cole (1998) nd that, while a pre-existing relationship
with the lender increases the likelihood of receiving additional
credit, the duration, per se, is unimportant. Angelini et al. (1998), 2.5. Geographical proximity to the rms main bank
Hernandz-Canovas and Martnez-Solano (2007), Elsas et al.
(2004) and Bharath et al. (2011) nd that lengthening the relation- Hard information is easily transferred through the organiza-
ship with the main bank reduces the probability of credit rationing, tional structure of a banking institution, but soft information is
albeit, it also increases the interest rates charged by the bank. much more difcult to standardize and communicate (Stein,
Finally, according to Petersen and Rajan (1994) and Degryse and 2002). This assumption has recently been questioned as a result
Van Cayseele (2000), longer relationships are not always associ- of technological innovation associated with credit scoring. The
ated with lower costs or improved contract terms. proximity of the bank to the rm was initially intended as phys-
ical proximity between locations. Benets associated with spatial
2.3. Number of banks with which a rm has relationships nearness were the lower information transfer costs, useful in both
the screening and monitoring phases, as well as the increased
The existing literature provides a mixed portrayal of the effect availability of information related to the environmental context
of multiple banking on rms access to credit. Rajan (1992) and in which the rm operates. Small rms, very opaque from an infor-
von Thadden (1992) nd that having relationships with several dif- mational point of view, tend to borrow from nancial intermediar-
ferent institutions can mitigate the rms hold-up risk. Bolton and ies that are geographically close to them and are also modest in
Scharfstein (1996) show that multiple lending reduces the rms terms of size (Saunders and Allen, 2002; Agarwal and Hauswald,
liquidation value and only rms with a good credit standing tend 2010). Knyazeva and Knyazeva (2012) and Cotugno et al. (2013)
to borrow from more than one entity. Moreover, a rm that bor- nd that banks face higher costs in collecting information about
rows from different lenders has lower risk of having to abandon non-local borrowers which is reected in loan terms. Moreover,
projects considered viable when banks face internal liquidity prob- banks are more likely to require collateral when borrowers are
lems. This should encourage rms to open up to nancial interme- located far away from them. More recently, the concept of proxim-
diaries in order to mitigate the risk of a liquidity shortage ity between the bank and the customer has been reinterpreted in
(Detragiache et al., 2000). On the other hand, Bris and Welch terms of functional distance. According to Alessandrini et al.
(2005) argue that high credit quality rms choose to borrow from (2009a,b), not only the purely spatial, but also cultural and social
fewer lenders to signal their ability to avoid bankruptcy since the distance, should be taken into account. In particular, the distance
concentration of funding increases the bargaining power of credi- of the rm from the banks decision-making center is crucial in
tors. Bhattacharya and Chiesa (1995) and von Rheinbaben and the lending process.
252 S. Cenni et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 53 (2015) 249265

3. Data Other studies (i.e. Becchetti et al., 2010) using survey-based

data do not distinguish between instances in which the rm
Our empirical analysis is based on the IX Indagine sulle Imp- declared itself in need of more credit, which would be reected
rese Manifatturiere, a survey carried out by the banking group in question (1), and the actual rejection of its credit application
CapitaliaUnicredit at the beginning of 2004. The dataset consists by the bank, which would be reected in question (2). These stud-
of a stratied sample of Italian rms with at least 11 and up to ies dene credit rationing based on the rm declaring an un-met
500 employees. The stratication is based on the number of need for credit. Conceptually, the researcher classies rms as
employees, sector composition, and location, which guarantees rationed if, despite needing additional funding, they choose not
that smaller rms are well-represented in the sample. The Uni- to apply for a loan.5 We do not argue against this denition, but
creditCapitalia survey represents the most comprehensive inves- we believe that a more precise denition of credit rationing better
tigation of the Italian industrial sector. The survey is primarily used serves the scope of our investigation. As the aim of our study is to
by the Unicredit banking group for strategic decision making and investigate how the interplay between rms and nancial interme-
provides a tremendous amount of information on investment diaries is reected in the probability of credit rationing, we assume
trends, use of technology, import and export strategies, research that credit rationing should be identied as the banks decision
and development, as well as the relationship between Italian pri- to deny credit to an under-funded rm.
vate and public companies and the banking system. The survey The notation utilized in the paper is the following. Credit ration-
contains two parts: the rm response to a detailed questionnaire ing is a function of two events: (1) the rms need for additional
and the corresponding nancial statement information for the credit, which we identify with the dichotomous variable M, where
years 20002003. Among others, Herrera and Minetti (2007) and M is equal to 1 if the rm declared it wanted further credit, and (2)
Minetti and Zhu (2011) use the same survey to investigate the the banks denial of the new credit application, which we identify
effect of a rms credit constraints on its ability to innovate and with the dichotomous variable D, where D is equal to 1 if the rm
export. Detragiache et al. (2000) utilize an earlier version of the declared it had applied for a certain amount of credit and was
survey to investigate the use and the determinants of debt nanc- rejected. Thus, credit rationing occurs when both M and D are
ing by Italian SMEs. equal to 1. The analysis of D should be made conditional on the
The survey gives ample attention to the rm-bank relationship observation that M = 1, that is, D rms should be studied within
and to credit rationing. For each rm, we have information on (a) the sub-sample of rms wanting more credit. In our study, a dis-
the number of banks nancing the rm, (b) the length (in years) couraged rm is likely to have declared that they wanted more
of the relationship with the main bank, (c) the share of debt held credit (M = 1), but will not be included among the constrained
by the main bank, and (d) whether the main banks headquarters rms as they were not denied further credit they did not ask for.
is located in the same province as the rms.2 We also know Section 5.1 explains in detail the methodology adopted.
whether the rm declares itself under-funded and whether it has
been denied further bank nancing. Sections 4.14.3 explain in more
detail how the dataset is used for our testable hypotheses. Our sam- 4.2. Relationship-banking variables
ple consists of 4289 survey respondents, of which 2217 were small
rms with fewer than 50 employees, 1584 medium-sized rms with We use four attributes that describe the rm-bank relationship
fewer than 250 employees, and 488 large rms.3 Financial statement as a means of producing information about the borrower and
information was cross-checked for accuracy and completeness with developed a set of hypotheses to be tested:
the AIDA database of Bureau van Dijk. (a) The presence of multiple banking relationships number of
banks is used to test whether a greater number of banking rela-
tionships makes rationing more likely (Dewatripont and Maskin,
1995; Bhattacharya and Chiesa, 1995; von Rheinbaben and
4. Variable denition and hypothesis development Ruckes, 2004) or whether the contrary is true: increased competi-
tion among banks forces them to adapt to the rms requirements
4.1. Measuring credit rationing (Rajan, 1992; von Thadden, 1992; Padilla and Pagano, 1997;
Detragiache et al., 2000; Presbitero and Zazzaro, 2011).
We identify credit rationing based on the rms answer to two
questions in the CapitaliaUnicredit survey: s H1: The probability of a rm being credit-rationed increases with
the number of bank relationships.
(1) In 2003, had the company desired more credit at the mar-
ket interest rate? (if yes, the rm is declaring it wanted more (b) The importance of the main bank to the rm i.e. the main
credit). banks debt share is used to analyse whether the dominance of
In case of a positive answer, the rm answers to the second the main bank on the rms debt exposure, improves or hinders the
question: availability of credit to the rm. We also take into account that the
(2) In 2003, did the company demand more credit without relationship might not be linear as incentives might change at dif-
obtaining it? (if yes, the rm is declaring that it applied for ferent levels of the banks exposure to the borrower.
credit and was denied it).
s H2: The higher the share of debt held by the main bank, the higher
We consider the rms credit to be rationed if the rm the probability of being credit rationed.
responded yes to both questions. Capitalias survey denes this
condition as strong credit rationing.4 (c) The length of relationship with the main bank relationship
duration is used to test the effect of a longer relationship on the
Italian provinces are conceptually similar to U.S. counties. probability of being rationed. As the contribution of additional
EU size classication. information on the rm is likely to become less useful in the
Questions 1 and 2 are not specic to the main bank, but refer to all the long term (Berger and Udell, 1995), we use the square root of the
relationships the rm has at the time of the survey. The questions are translated from
the Italian language. For continuity with prior research we kept our denition
consistent with Becchetti et al. (2010). For example, see Guiso (1998) and Berkowitz and White (2004).
S. Cenni et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 53 (2015) 249265 253

number of years over which the rm has had a relationship with case of innovation. North indicates that the rm is headquartered
the main bank. in northern Italy. This geographical distinction is relevant because
Northern Italy is more industrialized than southern Italy. Industry
s H3: The longer the relationship with the main bank, the higher the are industrial sector indicators following the industry classication
probability of being credit rationed. la Pavitt (Pavitt, 1984).

(d) The proximity of the main bank to the rm proximity. The 4.3.2. Characteristics of the banking market
dichotomous variable takes a value of 1 when the bank and rms The concentration of bank branches in the province HHI of
headquarters are located in the same province (Alessandrini et al. bank branches is represented by the HerndahlHirschman Index
(2009a,b)). Our models test the effect of proximity on rationing, which describes the degree of competitiveness of the local banking
and we expect greater proximity to reduce rationing, as the collec- market.6 DellAriccia and Marquez (2004) and Berger et al. (2004)
tion of private information is less costly to the bank. Alternatively, review models that relate bank competition, information, and credit
it might also be possible that distant lenders eager to increase allocation. They show that monopolistic power provides incentives
their market share may be more willing to extend credit than local to resolve asymmetric information problems and reduce credit
banks in order to gain access to a new geographic area. rationing. A high HHI value may lead to an increase in the riskiness
of the loan portfolio held by the average bank. The theoretical liter-
s H4: Geographical proximity to the main bank decreases the proba- ature on the relationship between bank market power and rm
bility of being credit rationed. nancing constraints describes two mechanisms in which the com-
petition among banks may affect credit rationing (CarboValverde
Credit rationing is expected to be more pronounced for smaller et al., 2009; Ryan et al., 2014). The market power hypothesis argues
borrowers since they are more affected by information asymmetry that increased market power results in decreased loan supply and
problems. Thus, we test the effect of size on the probability of higher lending rates, thereby increasing credit rationing. The infor-
rationing, and we investigate whether the effect of RL is different mation hypothesis (Petersen and Rajan, 1995) argues that market
across different size groups. We distinguish small and medium power enables banks to increase the supply of credit and establish
enterprises (SMEs) as having less than 250 employees from large a lending relationship that will create an informational rent in sub-
companies and test the following hypothesis. sequent periods.7

s H5: Credit rationing is signicantly more pronounced for SMEs. 4.3.3. Corporate governance
s H6: The effect of RL on credit rationing is different for SMEs and The rms corporate governance is measured by the Firm own-
Large companies. ership which represents the degree of ownership concentration
among the top three shareholders. Atzeni and Piga (2007) nd that
4.3. Control variables a high concentration of decision-making power in the hands of a
single shareholder increases the attitude to pursue high-risk prof-
As the banks decision to grant credit depends to some extent itable projects, the demand for credit, and the rationing
on hard information, our control variables reect the companys probability.
nancial situation and how the rm is perceived on paper based We also consider the rms reported level of Self-nancing
on nancial statement data. Several control variables were consid- which indicates the ownership a priori attitude towards credit
ered to isolate the rms characteristics that may inuence both and more in general external nancing. We expect that a high
the probability of needing more credit and the likelihood of facing use of Self-nancing will reduce the need of external funding, thus
nancial constraints. We categorize all control variables in: rms reducing the probability of rationing.
characteristics, bank credit market characteristics, and rms gov-
ernance. The variable construction in reported in Appendix A.
5. Methodology

4.3.1. Firms characteristics

We dene a rm as credit rationed if it needed more credit
To represent the rms current nancial standing and its evolu-
(M = 1) and, conditional to this, it applied for more credit but
tion over time, we include both levels and changes in nancial
was denied by the banks (D = 1). We observe D only when M = 1.
statement variables. Protability is measured by the level and
The marginal effect of the vector of independent variables in our
growth rate of the return on assets (ROA) and by the sales growth
credit rationing equation has two components: rst, the direct
rate, the former representing both a static and dynamic measure
effect of our explanatory variables; second, the indirect effect of
of the ability to generate income and the latter measuring growth
the same explanatory variables on the probability of observing
opportunities. We would expect to see a negative relationship
M = 1. In other words, a change in the explanatory variables not
between each of these variables, the likelihood of needing more
only changes the probability of observing D, but also the probabil-
credit (M), and the likelihood of being denied further credit (D).
ity that an observation is actually in the sub-sample (M = 1).
Net working capital to total assets is considered (both level and
Because D is conditional to (M = 1), our credit rationing examina-
change) to account for the rms liquidity. An increase in these
tion is based on a non-random sample.
variables would be expected to lessen the requirement for short-
To tackle the sample selection problem, we employ a bivariate
term nancial resources making any rationing less critical for the
Probit model with selection, a variant of the Heckman Selection
rm. Firm creditworthiness is evaluated through the interest cover-
Model (1989) that accommodates a dichotomous variable in the
age ratio and the rms leverage. The interest coverage ratio
outcome equation.8 The model has two equations: an outcome
describes the ability to repay borrowing costs through ordinary
Eq. (4.1) in which we model the probability of being denied credit
operations regardless of the level of debt. For leverage, we also
include its change in order to account for its dynamic impact on
The HerndahlHirschman Index was provided upon our request by Bank of Italy.
rationing. Tangible assets, as a percentage of total assets, act as a 7
Ratti et al. (2008) using investment data for a panel of European listed rms, nds
proxy for the ability to provide collateral which is expected to evidence in support of the information hypothesis.
reduce the rationing probability. An R&D expenditure dummy var- 8
This model was initially developed by Van de Ven and Van Praag (1981) and has
iable is used to represent the expectation of greater rationing in the been widely employed in several other applications (see Greene, 2012).
254 S. Cenni et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 53 (2015) 249265

(D), which is the censored sample since we only observe D if M = 1, emphasis on rm size. For this purpose, we link the relationship
and a selection Eq. (4.2) in which we model the probability that banking variables to rm size via interaction terms. The model
the rm needs more credit (M) in the observed sample. specication for the D and M equations are as follows:
Outcome equation:
D xb u; D 1 if D > 0; 0 otherwise 4:1 D b0 dD0 SME b14 RL14 dD14 SME  RL14
bn controlsn u 5:1
Selection equation:
M  zc v ; M 1 if M > 0; 0 otherwise 4:2
M c0 dM M
0 SME c14 RL14 d14 SME  RL14
u  0 1 q cm controlsm v 5:2
 x; z  N ; 4:3
v 0 q 1
where SME is our size indicator, taking the value of 1 for small and
x and z represent the vectors of the explanatory variables for D and
medium enterprises and 0 otherwise. RL14 in the outcome equa-
M, b and c the vectors of parameters, and u and v the error terms. D
tion D and in the selection equation M represent our four RL prox-
and M are the index functions of the Probit models. If the correla-
ies, and b14 and c14 are their respective coefcients. SME RL14
tion q0, estimates of the D equation will be biased unless we
are the four interaction terms between the RL proxies and our size
account for selection. In other words, the model-building process
for D is constructed from a non-random sample of rms, raising indicator (SME), and dD14 , dM
14 are their coefcients. b0 and c0 are

the issue of conditionality and, thus, producing systematically intercepts. Controls is a vector of n (m) control variables.10
biased parameters (Greene, 2012). Since the banks decision to grant credit depends partly on
In terms of probabilities, the outcome equation probability of hard information, the set of control variables reects the com-
being denied credit (D), given that more credit (M) was needed, panys nancial situation and the rms perceived need for credit.
is expressed as follows: In particular, we account for protability (return on assets), asset
liquidity (net working capital to total assets), leverage (debt to
ProbDi 1jMi 1 Probxi b ui > 0jM i 1 4:4 assets ratio), interest coverage (Ebit to Interest expenses), and
This methodology uses a maximum likelihood estimation approach growth opportunities (sales growth rate).
in which the robust Huber/White estimator of the variance is used. Our empirical investigation builds on three models. Model 1
The log-likelihood function of the sample is given by: controls for both levels and growth rates of the variables repre-
X senting the above mentioned rms characteristics; Model 2 con-
ln L ln U2 xi b; zi c; q siders only their levels; and Model 3 considers only the growth
Mi 1;Di 1 rates. It is worth noting that Models 2 and 3 are nested in Model
ln U2 xi b; zi c; q lnUzi c 4:5 1, or, in other words, they are restrictions of Model 1.
Mi 1;Di 0 M i 0 The use of the three models is interesting because it allows us to
check whether a bank looks at the evolution of a rms character-
where U2 : represents the joint cumulative probability distribution istics over time, at a snapshot of the current situation, or it takes
function with q Corru; v  and U: the cumulative distribution both into account. Since Models 2 and 3 are nested in Model 1,
function of a standard normal random variable. If q = 0, then the we can use Model 1 to test the joint signicance of the set of vari-
log-likelihood for the probit model with sample selection is equal ables used as levels and growth rates.11 Test statistics show that
to the sum of the probit models for D and M.9 both sets of variables (levels and growth rates) present a high joint
signicance suggesting that banks take all of them into account in
5.1. Sample and empirical model specication their decisions to grant or deny credit. This conclusion leads us to
prefer Models 1 to 2 and 3, which better explain a rms need for
5.1.1. Descriptive statistics additional credit and the factors inuencing the banks decision to
Tables 1 and 2 contain descriptive statistics and t-tests for mean deny or grant it.
difference for the independent and control variables for the full We initially estimated a model with all four relationship vari-
sample, for rms that declared they wanted more credit (M = 1), ables interacting with the rms size (results are not reported for
and for rms that had applied for more credit but were denied brevity). The spatial proximity variable and its interaction term
(D = 1). Firms declaring the need for additional credit (M = 1) and were not signicantly different from zero, showing that the vari-
the group of credit constrained rms (D = 1) are smaller (total able and its interaction do not improve the goodness of t of our
assets) and more leveraged than the rest of the sample (81% and model. We, therefore, decided to drop the spatial proximity inter-
84% compared to 73% for the full sample). The level of ROA is also action term. The exclusion of spatial proximity interaction term
lower: 3.9% mean for M = 1 and 3.2% for D = 1 compared to 6.3% for improved the signicance of some of the other variables in the
the full sample (Tables 1 and 2). In addition, M = 1 rms tend to model.12
invest more in tangible assets and less in working capital are, on
average less creditworthy, are located in less competitive local 10
In this type of model there is no obvious standard for dening the set of
banking markets, and have stronger ties with their main bank regressors in Eqs. (5.1) and (5.2). Sartori (2003) suggest dropping one variable from
(Table 2). D = 1 companies are less liquid, but also show a lower the outcome model while Greene (2012) indicates that the regressors in the two
attitude toward nancing their investments with internal capital equations may even coincide because there are no issues of identiability or
estimability in the bivariate Probit model. Consistent with empirical applications of
(self-nancing) and lower sales growth.
selection models in the nance literature, we drop one explanatory variable (R&D)
from the (5.1) regression after noting that it was not signicant in any of our models.
5.1.2. Empirical model 11
Model 2 is the restricted Model 1, where growth variables do not enter the model;
The aim of our work is to analyse rm-bank relationships and instead Model 3 is the restricted Model 1, where level variables do not enter the
the effect on the credit rationing probability with a particular model.
The improved signicance of other coefcients in the model is probably due to
some degree of multi-collinearity among the set of explanatory variables. However,
A Wald test for independence was performed to test the null hypothesis that maintaining the spatial proximity variable in the model without interacting it with
q = 0. size does not produce any change in our results.
Table 1
Descriptive statistics.

Full sample (obs = 2868) M = 1 sample (obs = 390) D = 1 sample (obs = 148)
Mean SD p5 Median p95 Mean SD p5 Median p95 Mean SD p5 Median p95
Firms characteristics
Total asset (ln) 9.051 1.280 7.161 9.007 11.342 8.828 1.157 7.070 8.758 10.850 8.910 1.201 7.057 8.982 10.842
Tangible asset 0.230 0.152 0.027 0.205 0.511 0.252 0.165 0.027 0.236 0.544 0.258 0.158 0.031 0.251 0.544
Leverage 0.732 0.184 0.386 0.767 0.970 0.806 0.153 0.472 0.838 0.991 0.842 0.130 0.599 0.872 0.993
Leverage (growth rate) 0.000 0.204 0.168 0.004 0.158 0.019 0.116 0.104 0.003 0.191 0.025 0.123 0.087 0.004 0.212
Net working capital to Total asset 0.131 0.211 0.197 0.115 0.498 0.055 0.197 0.237 0.050 0.378 0.019 0.198 0.319 0.022 0.308
Net working capital to Total asset (growth rate) 7.592 324.579 1.743 0.067 3.744 48.504 876.830 3.428 0.000 3.188 12.191 150.834 5.618 0.045 2.529
Sales (growth rate) 0.116 1.353 0.269 0.014 0.371 0.048 0.356 0.298 0.011 0.512 0.011 0.281 0.263 0.017 0.354

S. Cenni et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 53 (2015) 249265

Interest coverage 268.18 6209.17 0.263 4.697 83.359 6.834 63.948 1.389 2.640 20.224 3.815 13.364 0.204 2.264 8.599
Roa 0.063 0.083 0.031 0.054 0.191 0.039 0.083 0.095 0.045 0.132 0.032 0.078 0.095 0.047 0.113
Roa (growth rate) 0.407 11.874 1.422 0.045 2.355 1.645 26.341 1.679 0.033 2.252 0.127 5.076 1.552 0.099 1.800
Investment rate in tangible assets 14.191 255.291 0.378 0.023 1.180 9.838 120.445 0.488 0.019 1.653 2.820 28.962 0.608 0.016 1.411
R&D 47% 49% 52%
Traditional industry 52% 57% 58%
Scale intensive industry 17% 14% 16%
Specialized industry 27% 23% 23%
Hi-Tech industry 4% 5% 3%
Geographic area (North = 1) 67% 60% 62%
SME 92% 95% 96%
Corporate governance
HHI of rms ownership 0.600 0.257 0.333 0.500 1.000 0.591 0.249 0.333 0.500 1.000 0.611 0.253 0.333 0.506 1.000
Self-nancing 0.041 0.081 0.000 0.006 0.189 0.025 0.052 0.000 0.000 0.126 0.019 0.039 0.000 0.000 0.093
Bank market
HHI of bank branches 0.065 0.035 0.043 0.060 0.107 0.069 0.040 0.043 0.061 0.107 0.069 0.044 0.043 0.061 0.107
Relationship banking
Number of banks 5.879 3.431 2.000 5.000 12.000 6.077 3.410 2.000 5.000 12.000 6.635 3.816 2.000 6.000 13.000
Main banks debt share 31.538 25.117 0.000 30.000 80.000 37.493 21.574 10.000 30.000 80.000 35.064 20.236 10.000 30.000 70.000
Proximity (%) 57 58 55
Relationship duration (square root) 3.942 1.410 1.732 3.873 6.325 3.865 1.393 1.732 3.873 6.325 3.717 1.453 1.732 3.317 6.325

Mean, Standard deviation (SD), 5th percentile (p5), median and 95th percentile (p95) for the full sample and the subsamples M = 1 and D = 1.

256 S. Cenni et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 53 (2015) 249265

Table 2
Mean difference for the M sample and the D sample.

Firm declares it needed more credit (M sample Firm applied for more credit and the credit was denied
Obs = 2868) (D Sample obs = 390)
Mean Difference t-Ratio Two-sided Mean Difference t-Ratio Two-sided
(No-Yes) p-value (NoYes) p-value
Firms characteristics
Total asset (ln) 0.258 4.020*** 0.000 0.115 0.946 0.345
Tangible assets 0.026 2.917*** 0.004 0.012 0.679 0.497
Leverage 0.087 10.083*** 0.000 0.055 3.697*** 0.000
Leverage (growth rate) 0.021 2.919*** 0.004 0.009 0.745 0.457
Net working capital to Total asset 0.088 8.086*** 0.000 0.057 2.797*** 0.005
Net working capital to Total asset (growth rate) 47.351 1.066 0.287 59.269 0.814 0.416
Sales (growth rate) 0.079 2.308** 0.021 0.058 1.686* 0.093
Interest coverage 21.703 6.543** 0.024 7.140 1.716* 0087
ROA 0.028 6.141*** 0.000 0.012 1.483 0.139
ROA (growth rate) 1.434 1.068 0.286 2.855 1.304 0.193
Investment rate in tangible assets 0.282 0.968 0.333 0.143 0.258 0.796
Corporate governance
HHI of rms ownership 0.010 0.764 0.445 0.041 1.554 0.121
Selfnancing 0.019 6.001 0.000 0.009 1.828* 0.068
Bank market
HHI of bank branches 0.005 2.274*** 0.023 0.000 0.086 0.932
Relationship banking
Number of banks 0.229 1.234 0.218 0.850 2.299 0.022
Main banks debt share 6.892 5.711*** 0.000 3.406 1.544 0.123
Relationship duration (square root) 0.089 1.169 0.243 0.230 1.565 0.119

Mean difference t-tests for the M sample (selection model) and D Sample (outcome model).
Signicance levels:
p < 0.10.
p < 0.05.
p < 0.01.

5.1.3. Interaction effects 5.1.4. Sample selection bias

The non-linearity of our regression models does not allow us to To evaluate the presence of sample selection bias, we compute
directly interpret the interaction effects as we would in a linear the correlation coefcients of the error terms in the M (selection)
model. As pointed out by Allison (1999), tests on the equality of and D (outcome) equations used in Models 13 (Table 3). Models 1
coefcients across groups can lead to incorrect conclusions since and 3 present highly signicant and similar values for the error
the test confounds the magnitude of the regression coefcients terms correlation coefcients (0.791 and 0.844, respectively),
with the amount of residual variation. As explained in Ai and while Model 2 has a value of 0.578 and lower signicance. We per-
Norton (2003), Wooldridge (2006), Greene (2010), and Karaca- form a Hausman test to compare the differences among the correla-
Mandic et al. (2012) in a non-linear model, the coefcient of the tion coefcients estimated in the three models, and we nd that they
interaction term does not represent the change in the partial effect are not statistically signicant.13 Therefore, the correlation terms
of the interacted variable on the expected probability. Conse- seem to be different in absolute, but not in statistical, terms. The dif-
quently, while the computation of the partial effect of the interac- ference in absolute value can be due to multi-collinearity affecting
tion term is useful in linear model, it provides no information in a Model 2 more than 1 and 3, which causes a less precise estimation
non-linear model. The interaction effects may also have different of all the parameters in the model including the estimated correlation
signs for different values of the covariates, therefore, the sign of coefcients. Based on the residual analysis, we reject the null hypoth-
the interaction terms coefcient does not necessarily indicate esis of independence between the error terms in the D and M which, as
the sign of the interaction effect and the statistical signicance of expected, suggests the presence of a sample selection bias.
the coefcient should not be tested with a simple t-test. Long In conclusion, the coefcient estimates in the D equation could
(2009) proposes testing the equality of the predicted probability be biased and inconsistent if no consideration is given to the corre-
across groups at different levels of the variable of interest. Specif- lation in the error terms. Further verication is provided by the
ically, he suggests examining group differences at multiple levels Hausman tests we employed to compare the estimates obtained
of the explanatory variable. This approach is advantageous because through the bivariate probit model with sample selection and a
it explicitly considers that different levels of an explanatory vari- single probit approach. Specically, considering the D equation,
able might have different effects on the predicted probability we test the difference between the coefcients estimated through
across groups. Greene (2010) suggests that the graphical represen- the bivariate probit model and those obtained through the single
tation of these differences in predicted probabilities is one of the probit models. The same routine was performed for the M equation
most effective ways of describing interaction effects. and, nally, for each of the three estimated models. For Models 1
In Section 6, we report the graphical representation of the rela-
tionship between our RL proxies and the predicted probability of 13
Hausman tests for correlation coefcient comparison:
rationing across SMEs and large companies. In particular, we test
the difference in the predicted probability of rationing at different qMod1  qMod2 0 With v2 0:40 and p-Value 0.5255

levels of our four RL proxies. The section also provides tabulated qMod1  qMod3 0 With v2 0:26 and p-Value 0.6123
qMod2  qMod3 0 With v2 0:66 and p-Value 0.4155
results for the predicted probabilities across SMEs and large rms
which are used in the graphical analysis.
S. Cenni et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 53 (2015) 249265 257

Table 3
Credit rationing and relationship banking.

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3

Level, growth Only growth Only level
Outcome Selection Outcome Selection Outcome Selection
Firms characteristics
Total asset (ln) 0.096 0.114 0.081 0.133 0.056 0.093
[1.52] [3.20]*** [1.40] [3.98]*** [0.67] [2.92]***
Tangible assets 0.046 0.683 0.074 0.644 0.309 0.697
[0.09] [2.59]*** [0.22] [3.12]*** [0.39] [2.67]***
Leverage (growth rate) 1.035 0.281 0.582 0.236
[1.66]* [1.40] [1.27] [1.48]
Leverage in 2001 0.553 1.058 0.784 1.142
[0.73] [3.56]*** [0.59] [3.96]***
Net working capital to Total asset (growth rate) 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.001
[2.74]*** [1.70]* [3.45]*** [1.97]**
Net working capital to Total asset 2001 0.096 0.060 0.108 0.034
[0.22] [0.24] [0.22] [0.14]
Sales (growth rate) 0.255 0.094 0.205 0.056
[1.13] [2.47]** [1.18] [2.65]***
Interest coverage ratio 0.004 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.001
[1.08] [0.78] [0.24] [1.45] [0.56] [0.83]
Interest coverage ratio2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
[1.31] [0.77] [0.94] [1.44] [0.99] [0.82]
ROA (growth rate) 0.008 0.005 0.008 0.005
[1.82]* [2.03]** [1.85]* [2.17]**
ROA 2001 0.886 1.714 0.183 1.269
[0.96] [3.00]*** [0.15] [2.61]***
Propensity to invest in tangible assets 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000
[2.06]** [0.47] [1.93]* [0.55] [1.23] [0.66]
R&D 0.124 0.114 0.133
[1.86]* [1.79]* [1.99]**
Scale intensive 0.102 0.134 0.098 0.129 0.074 0.143
[0.65] [1.50] [0.70] [1.47] [0.38] [1.59]
Specialized suppliers 0.017 0.042 0.011 0.081 0.035 0.052
[0.13] [0.54] [0.09] [1.05] [0.22] [0.67]
Science based 0.480 0.147 0.367 0.131 0.581 0.155
[1.65]* [0.96] [1.35] [0.86] [1.84]* [1.03]
Geographic area 0.131 0.168 0.176 0.128 0.157 0.168
[1.05] [2.42]** [1.53] [1.87]* [1.04] [2.42]**
SME 0.162 0.146 0.092 0.218 0.150 0.259
[0.13] [0.29] [0.08] [0.44] [0.10] [0.52]
Corporate governance
HHI of rms ownership 0.279 0.060 0.214 0.136 0.295 0.054
[1.17] [0.47] [0.98] [1.10] [0.99] [0.43]
Self-nancing 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
[0.02] [2.17]** [0.090] [3.01]** [0.42] [2.32]**
Bank market
HHI of bank branches 0.615 1.146 0.556 1.129 0.318 1.072
[0.46] [1.47] [0.44] [1.45] [0.19] [1.37]
Bank relationship
Number of banks 0.283 0.010 0.241 0.007 0.341 0.019
[2.33]** [0.50] [2.33]** [0.34] [1.98]** [0.88]
Number of banks  SME 0.287 0.038 0.247 0.046 0.333 0.042
[2.53]** [1.64] [2.54]** [2.00]** [2.16]** [1.74]*
Main banks debt share 0.072 0.019 0.055 0.021 0.081 0.015
[1.70]* [1.26] [1.38] [1.42] [1.59] [1.00]
(Main banks debt share)2 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000
[1.96]* [1.06] [1.69]* [1.18] [1.88]* [0.97]
Main banks debt share  SME 0.052 0.004 0.033 0.005 0.063 0.008
[1.17] [0.22] [0.80] [0.35] [1.09] [0.50]
(Main banks debt share)2  SME 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.000
[1.54] [0.11] [1.24] [0.01] [1.45] [0.02]
Spatial proximity 0.059 0.039 0.054 0.042 0.031 0.025
[0.55] [0.62] [0.54] [0.67] [0.25] [0.40]
Relationship duration (square root) 0.595 0.054 0.558 0.041 0.686 0.052
[1.76]* [0.71] [1.76]* [0.51] [1.46] [0.70]
Relationship duration (square root)  SME 0.561 0.050 0.526 0.058 0.645 0.046
[1.68]* [0.62] [1.71]* [0.70] [1.38] [0.60]
Constant 0.220 1.415 0.959 0.519 0.133 1.540
[0.14] [2.04]** [0.78] [0.86] [0.06] [2.33]**
Observations 2868 2871 2868
Censored observations 2478 2481 2478

(continued on next page)

258 S. Cenni et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 53 (2015) 249265

Table 3 (continued)

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3

Level, growth Only growth Only level
Outcome Selection Outcome Selection Outcome Selection
Wald v2 87.506 43.982 92.836
p-Value <0.01*** 0.011** <0.01***
Rho 0.791 0.578 0.844
Wald test of independence 3.685 0.492 6.500
p-Value of test of independence 0.055* 0.483 0.011**
Hausmans test 102.81*** 19.340 32.240 6.830 18.02*** 19.750
Log-likelihood 1261.41 1278.07 1294.61

Bivariate probit model with sample selection. Models 13 report the maximum likelihood estimates for the Selection (M) and Outcome (D) equations. z-Scores are reported in
squared brackets. All variables are dened in Appendix A.
Signicance levels:
p < 0.10.
p < 0.05.
p < 0.01.

Table 4
Relationship banking: probability of rationing and multiple lending (Number of banks) for SME and large rms.

Number of banks equal to: Selection model P(M = 1) Outcome model P(D = 1|M = 1)
Predicted probability of Needing more Differences in the Predicted conditional credit rationing Differences in the
credit conditional probability probability conditional probability
of Needing more credit of credit rationing
between large rms and between large rms and
SME (SME = 1) Large rms (SME = 0) dy/dx z-Score SME (SME = 1) Large rms (SME = 0) dy/dx z-Score
0 0.107 0.139 0.032 0.62 0.348 0.014 0.334 5.35***
1 0.112 0.137 0.025 0.53 0.355 0.021 0.334 6.01***
2 0.117 0.135 0.018 0.41 0.362 0.032 0.329 6.57***
3 0.122 0.133 0.011 0.28 0.368 0.049 0.319 6.71***
4 0.127 0.131 0.004 0.11 0.375 0.075 0.300 6.17***
5 0.132 0.129 0.003 0.09 0.382 0.112 0.269 5.10***
6 0.137 0.127 0.011 0.33 0.388 0.163 0.225 3.84***
7 0.143 0.125 0.018 0.59 0.395 0.227 0.168 2.56***
8 0.149 0.123 0.026 0.87 0.401 0.303 0.098 1.33
9 0.154 0.121 0.033 1.14 0.408 0.389 0.019 0.23
10 0.160 0.119 0.041 1.4 0.414 0.480 0.065 0.67
11 0.167 0.117 0.049 1.62 0.421 0.572 0.151 1.37
12 0.173 0.116 0.057 1.79* 0.427 0.660 0.233 1.95*
13 0.179 0.114 0.065 1.92** 0.434 0.740 0.306 2.49**
14 0.186 0.112 0.074 2.01** 0.440 0.808 0.369 3.03***
15 0.192 0.110 0.082 2.08** 0.446 0.864 0.418 3.56***
16 0.199 0.108 0.091 2.12** 0.452 0.907 0.454 4.00***
17 0.206 0.107 0.100 2.15** 0.458 0.938 0.479 4.26***
18 0.213 0.105 0.108 2.17** 0.465 0.959 0.494 4.29***
19 0.221 0.103 0.117 2.18** 0.470 0.973 0.503 4.15***
20 0.228 0.102 0.127 2.18** 0.476 0.982 0.506 3.92***
21 0.236 0.100 0.136 2.18** 0.482 0.988 0.505 3.66***
22 0.243 0.098 0.145 2.18** 0.488 0.991 0.503 3.42***
23 0.251 0.097 0.154 2.18** 0.494 0.994 0.500 3.20***
24 0.259 0.095 0.164 2.18** 0.499 0.995 0.496 3.00***
25 0.267 0.094 0.174 2.18** 0.505 0.997 0.492 2.83***

The table reports the predicted probability of Needing More Credit P(M = 1) and the predicted conditional probability of credit rationing P(D = 1|M = 1) for SMEs and large rms
at selected levels of the variable of interest Number of banks. Levels of Number of banks range from one banking relationship to 25 which are respectively the variables
minimum and the maximum for the sample. dy/dx is the difference in predicted probabilities between large rms and SMEs.
Signicance levels:
p < 0.10.
p < 0.05.
p < 0.01.

and 3, the test results, displayed at the bottom of Table 3, highlight 6. Results
the signicant differences in the estimates in the D equation
obtained through the two different approaches.14 These results 6.1. Relationship banking variables
reinforce the evidence of the presence of an estimation bias if a sin-
gle probit approach is used and highlights the need to account for 6.1.1. Multiple banking
sample selection. Using the methodological approach suggested by Long (2009)
and Greene (2010), we investigate the effect of Number of banks
See footnote no. 12. mediated by size (interaction effect) on the probability of rationing
S. Cenni et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 53 (2015) 249265 259

a Number fo Banks and Needing More Credit

Predicted Probabilities for SME and Large Firms
b Number of Banks and Needing More Credit
Difference in Probabilities Between SME and Large Firms

Difference in Probability





0 5 10 15 20 25
Number of Banks
0 5 10 15 20 25
Number of Banks
Difference Upper/Lower Confidence Interval
SME Large Firms
Note: Difference in the predicted probabilities of needing more credit between
Predicted Probabilities of Needing More Credit for SME and Large Firms SME and Large Firms at different levels fo the Number of Banks
at different levels of the Number of Banks variable variable (95% confidence interval)

c Number of Banks and Being Denied Credit

Predicted Probabilities for SME and Large Firms
d Number of Banks and Being Denied Credit
Difference in Probabilities Between SME and Large Firms


Difference in Probability




0 5 10 15 20 25

Number of Banks
0 5 10 15 20 25
Number of Banks
Difference Upper/Lower Confidence Interval
SME Large Firms
Note: Difference in the predicted probabilites of being credit denied between
Predicted Probabilities of Being Denied Credit for SME and Large Firms SME and Large Firms at different levels of the Number of Banks
at different levels of the Number of Banks variable variable (95% confidence interval)

Fig. 1. (a) and (b) Number of banks and probability of Needing More Credit Prob(M = 1). (c) and (d) Number of banks and conditional probability of Being Denied Credit
Prob(D = 1|M = 1).

by estimating the differences in the predicted probabilities Banks, is signicantly different from zero (95% condence) up to
between SMEs and Large rms at different levels of Number of about seven banks per rm as shown in Fig. 1d. This means that,
banks. The empirical results in Table 3 show that the number of all conditions being equal, banks are signicantly less willing to
banks has a positive and signicant effect on the rms probability extend credit to SMEs (compared to large rms) only when the
of being denied credit (outcome equation, Model 1). The same var- number of banks per rm is below 8.
iable does not have any effect on the probability of needing credit For large rms, the probability of being credit rationed is statis-
(selection equation, Model 1). Since we dene a rm as credit tically different from zero only for rms with relationships with
rationed if it declared the need of more credit and the banks over four banks. Although, we refrain from over-interpreting this
rejected its credit application, we analyze the effect of Number of result since very few large rms have less than four bank relation-
Banks, rst, on the probability of needing more credit P(M = 1), ships. For SMEs, the probability of rationing is always far from zero.
and, second, on the conditional probability of being denied credit Empirical results are in line with the expected effect of multiple-
P(D = 1|M = 1), i.e. credit rationing. Table 4 reports the predicted banking on credit rationing (H1). Multiple rm-bank relationships
probabilities for P(M = 1) and P(D = 1|M = 1) for SMEs and large are implicitly weaker than a single relationship. These results are
rms at selected levels of the variable of interest Number of banks. consistent with prior studies (e.g. Petersen and Rajan, 1994;
Specically, levels of Number of banks range from one to 25 bank- Berger and Udell, 1995; Cole, 1998; Harhoff and Krting, 1998;
ing relationships which are, respectively, the variables minimum Degryse and van Cayseele, 2000) suggesting that the rms attempt
and maximum. dy/dx is the difference in predicted probabilities to increase the number of lenders hinders the access and cost of
across SMEs and Large rms. The probability of needing more external nancing. The presence of multiple creditors makes the
credit is increasing in the number of banking relationships process of renancing more competitive and less protable for
(Fig. 1a), and the difference is not statistically signicant for bank- banks, curbing the extension of additional credit.
ing relationships below 12 which corresponds to the 95th percen- For large enterprises, the probability of rationing grows quickly
tile of the Number of banks distribution (Fig. 1b). For SME and large for values between the 10th and 75th percentiles of Number of
rms, the probability of rationing increases with the number of banks, which correspond to three and ten banks, respectively.
banks. At the mean level of Number of Banks (around 6 banks), According to Degryse et al. (2009), large Italian companies are
the probability of being credit rationed is around 38.8% for SME characterized as having multiple relationships with lending insti-
and 16.3% for large rms. tutions and constantly rotating their creditors. If banks recognize
The curve representing the credit rationing probability for large this rms behaviour, they will likely respond by rationing credit
rms crosses the curve for SMEs when the number of banks per rather than investing into gathering costly information over the
rm is around 9 (Fig. 1c). The difference between these two prob- borrower (Dewatripont and Maskin, 1995). The interval in which
abilities, i.e. the interaction effect between SME and Number of rationing increases most steeply in relation to number of banks
260 S. Cenni et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 53 (2015) 249265

Main Bank's Debt Share and Needing More Credit Main Bank's Debt Share and Needing More Credit
a ,2 Predicted Probabilities for SME and Large Firms b Difference in Probabilities Between SME and Large Firms

Difference in Probability




0 20 40 60 80 100
Main Bank's Debt Share
0 20 40 60 80 100
Main Bank's Debt Share
Difference Upper/Lower Confidence Interval
SME Large Firms
Note: Difference in the predicted probabilities of needing more credit between
Predicted Probabilities of Needing More Credit for SME and Large Firms SME and Large Firms at different levels of the Main Bank's Debt Share
at different levels of the Main Bank's Debt Share variable variabile (95% confidence interval)

c Main Bank's Debt Share and Being Denied Credit

Predicted Probabilities for SME and Large Firms
d Main Bank's Debt Share and Being Denied Credit
Difference in Probabilties for SME and Large Firms


Difference in Probability




0 20 40 60 80 100
0 20 40 60 80 100 Main Bank's Debt Share
Main Bank's Debt Share
Difference Upper/Lower Confidence Interval
SME Large Firms
Note: Difference in the predicted probabilites of being credit denied between
Predicted Probabilities of Being Denied Credit for SME and Large Firms SME and Large Firms at different levels of the Main Bank's Debt Share
at different levels of the Main Bank's Debt Share variable variable (95% confidence interval)

Fig. 2. (a) and (b) Main Banks Debt Share and probability of Needing More Credit Prob(M = 1). (c) and (d) Main Banks Debt Share and conditional probability of Being
Denied Credit Prob(D = 1|M = 1).

(i.e., below ten banks) contains 75% of the large rms and almost bank provides around 75% of the debt share does the probability
all of the SMEs. of credit rationing for large rms exceed that for SMEs.15 The differ-
Concluding, SME and large companies benet from having a rel- ence between the two probabilities is signicant when the main
atively limited amount of credit relationships. A strong relation- banks debt share lies in the interval [15%, 60%], which approxi-
ship with the borrower creates signicant information rents for mately corresponds to the 25th and 90th percentiles in both the
the main bank (Sharpe, 1990), especially in a competitive market. SMEs and large rm sample (Table 5).
Therefore, it maximizes the rms chances of receiving credit when SMEs seem to be subject to a higher probability of credit ration-
needed. ing at all level of the main banks debt share variable. The monoton-
Since the number of banking relationships and the role of the ically decreasing curve of the SMEs rationing function is consistent
main bank are often intertwined, we now discuss the effect of with the ability of the bank to fulll the credit needs of their cus-
the main banks debt share on credit rationing. tomers depending on the intensity of their relationship with the
borrower. Debt consolidation with the main bank allows the lender
6.1.2. Relevance of main bank debt share to gain an information monopoly over competing lenders and to
The extant empirical literature does not reach unambiguous spread transaction costs over multiple interactions with the bor-
conclusions on the effects of debt concentration. As banks incen- rower, thus, gaining economies of scale to sustain the loan activity
tives may change at different levels of skin in the game, we (Petersen, 2004). Our results show that rationing probability
investigate the possibility that the effect of debt concentration on begins to ease immediately, both for SMEs and large rms, and
credit rationing may not be linear. Thus, we include in our model not after a given main bank share of debt. Presumably, even small
the quadratic form of the Main Banks Debt Share variable. levels of consolidation beyond 1520% are sufcient to justify the
Our empirical results show that the main banks debt share main banks costs of screening and monitoring informationally
exhibit signicant coefcients estimates in the outcome equation opaque borrowers (Bongini et al., 2009) and make it worthwhile
of Model 1. Its square term is signicant in all estimated outcome to invest in the costly process of hardening soft information
equations (Table 3). While Main Banks Debt Share is not a signi- (Petersen, 2004).
cant determinant of P(M = 1), the effect on the probability of need- Contrary to SMEs, for large rms, the credit rationing probabil-
ing more credit is not monotonic for large rms and SMEs (See ity in Fig. 2c is U-shaped. Holding the other variables xed, an
Fig. 2a). increase in the debt share provided by the main bank initially low-
Size signicantly affects the trend and the shape of the relation- ers the probability that a large rm is credit constrained, but, as it
ship between the Main Banks Debt Share and credit rationing. In
Fig. 2c, the curve representing the probability of rationing for large 15
Although, this instance represents less than 5% of the sample of both SMEs and
rms is almost entirely below that of SMEs. Only when the main large rms.
S. Cenni et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 53 (2015) 249265 261

Table 5
Relationship Banking: Probability of Rationing and share of debt held by main bank (Main banks debt share) for SME and large rms.

Main banks debt share at: (%) Selection model P(M = 1) Outcome model P(D = 1|M = 1)
Predicted probability of Needing more Differences in the Predicted credit rationing probability Differences in the
credit conditional probability conditional probability
of needing more credit of credit rationing
between large rms between large rms and
SME (SME = 1) Large rms (SME = 0) dy/dx z-Score SME (SME = 1) Large rms (SME = 0) dy/dx z-Score
0 0.066 0.082 0.015 0.37 0.477 0.405 0.072 0.39
5 0.081 0.095 0.015 0.38 0.464 0.331 0.134 0.96
10 0.095 0.109 0.013 0.35 0.452 0.272 0.179 1.72*
15 0.110 0.121 0.011 0.29 0.439 0.228 0.211 2.64***
20 0.125 0.132 0.007 0.19 0.427 0.196 0.230 3.59***
25 0.139 0.141 0.003 0.07 0.414 0.174 0.241 4.29***
30 0.151 0.149 0.003 0.06 0.403 0.159 0.244 4.58***
35 0.162 0.153 0.008 0.20 0.391 0.150 0.241 4.54***
40 0.171 0.156 0.015 0.34 0.380 0.147 0.234 4.28***
45 0.178 0.156 0.022 0.48 0.370 0.148 0.221 3.91***
50 0.182 0.153 0.029 0.62 0.360 0.155 0.205 3.44***
55 0.184 0.148 0.036 0.73 0.350 0.168 0.182 2.87***
60 0.183 0.141 0.042 0.8 0.341 0.188 0.153 2.20**
65 0.180 0.132 0.049 0.82 0.332 0.216 0.116 1.47
70 0.175 0.120 0.054 0.81 0.324 0.256 0.069 0.73
75 0.167 0.108 0.059 0.79 0.316 0.309 0.008 0.07
80 0.157 0.095 0.062 0.76 0.309 0.377 0.068 0.46
85 0.145 0.081 0.064 0.73 0.302 0.462 0.160 0.87
90 0.132 0.068 0.064 0.71 0.295 0.561 0.266 1.19
95 0.118 0.055 0.063 0.70 0.288 0.667 0.380 1.51
100 0.103 0.043 0.060 0.69 0.281 0.771 0.490 1.88*

The table reports the predicted probability of Needing More Credit P(M = 1) and the predicted conditional probability of credit rationing P(D = 1|M = 1) for SMEs and large rms
at selected levels of the variable of interest Main banks debt share. Levels of Main banks debt share are from 0% to 100% with 5% increments. dy/dx is the difference in predicted
probabilities between large rms and SMEs.
Signicance levels:
p < 0.10.
p < 0.05.
p < 0.01.

Table 6
Relationship Banking: Probability of Rationing and Duration of the Relationship with main bank (Relationship Duration) for SME and large rms.

Selection Model P (M = 1) Outcome Model P(D = 1|M = 1)

Predicted probability of Needing more Differences in the Predicted credit rationing probability Differences in the
credit conditional conditional
probability of probability of credit
Needing more credit rationing from large
from large rms to rms to SME
Relationship Duration at: SME (SME = 1) Large rms (SME = 0) dy/dx z-score SME (SME = 1) Large rms (SME = 0) dy/dx z-score
2 (p1) 0.135 0.103 0.032 0.75 0.428 0.545 0.117 0.69
3 (p5) 0.135 0.106 0.030 0.73 0.423 0.484 0.061 0.42
5 (p10) 0.136 0.111 0.025 0.68 0.415 0.393 0.022 0.21
10 (p25) 0.137 0.119 0.017 0.53 0.401 0.252 0.149 2.43
15 (p50) 0.137 0.127 0.011 0.33 0.389 0.170 0.220 3.91
24 (p75) 0.138 0.137 0.001 0.02 0.374 0.089 0.284 5.01
33 (p90) 0.139 0.147 0.008 0.16 0.361 0.051 0.309 5.63
40 (p95) 0.140 0.154 0.014 0.25 0.352 0.035 0.316 5.56
54 (p99) 0.141 0.166 0.025 0.34 0.336 0.020 0.317 4.66

The table reports the predicted probability of Needing More Credit P(M = 1) and the predicted conditional probability of credit rationing P(D = 1|M = 1) for SMEs and large rms
at selected levels of the variable of interest Relationship Duration. Levels of Relationship Duration are from 2 years to 54 years respectively 1st and 99th percentiles of the
distribution of the square root of Relationship Duration. dy/dx is the difference in predicted probabilities between large rms and SMEs.
Signicance levels:
p < 0.05.
p < 0.01.

reaches 40%, the probability of rationing begins to rise. Large rms debt beyond the 40% threshold exposes a large rm to relatively
are typically less opaque than SMEs and it is, therefore, easier to more intense risk of credit rationing. This is not a surprising result
assess their creditworthiness. Hence, the rms access to credit is if one considers that large rms need greater amounts of capital to
not necessarily as dependent on strong ties between the rm and operate. The rms need for external nancing might be too bur-
its main bank. From our empirical analysis, pushing the share of densome to be satised by a single institution. If the credit expo-
262 S. Cenni et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 53 (2015) 249265

a Relationship Duration and Needing More Credit

Predicted Probabilities for SME and Large Firms
b Relationship Duration and Needing More Credit
Difference in Probabilities Between SME and Large Firms


Difference in Probability






0 2 4 6 8 10
Relationship Duration
0 2 4 6 8 10
Relationship Duration
Difference Upper/Lower Confidence Interval
SME Large Firms
Note: Difference in the predicted probabilities of needing more credit between
Predicted Probabilities of Needing More Credit for SME and Large Firms SME and Large Firms at different levels of the Relationship Duration
at different levels of the Relationship Duration variable variable (95% confidence interval)

c Relationship Duration and Being Denied Credit

Predicted Probabilities for SME and Large Firms d Relationship Duration and Being Denied Credit

Difference in Probability Between SME and Large Firms

Difference in Probability



0 2 4 6 8 10
0 2 4 6 8 10
Relationship Duration
Relationship Duration
SME Large Firms Duration Upper/Lower Confidence Interval
Note: Note:
Predicted Probabilities of Being Denied Credit for SME and Large Firms Difference in the predicted probabilites of being credit denied between
at different levels fo the Relationship Duration variable SME and Large Firms at different levels of the Relationship Duration
variable (95% confidence interval)

Fig. 3. (a) and (b) Relationship Duration and probability of Needing More Credit Prob(M = 1). (c) and (d) Relationship Duration and conditional probability of Being Denied
Credit Prob(D = 1|M = 1).

sure to a single company soars above a desirable level, the main SMEs still bear greater likelihood of rationing, but a long rela-
bank may be unwilling or incapable of providing further support tionship with the main bank loosens the restrictions on credit.
to the rm and is, therefore, forced to ration credit. The effect is not as pronounced as for large companies for which
Alternatively, other banks may interpret the excessive debt con- the collection, screening, and monitoring of information is easier.
centration with the main bank as a negative signal (a soft-budget This is in line with extant literature (Angelini et al., 1998). The
constrain problem by the main bank) over the creditworthiness of opportunity of implementing a series of repeated transactions over
rm, thus, making these competing banks less willing to extend time with customers strengthens the rm-bank relationship, and it
credit (Dewatripont and Maskin, 1995). is a way to recoup the initial research and information-processing
costs. As the rm-bank relationship gradually consolidates, the
bank gathers more information, becomes more efcient, and
spreads its costs over a longer period of time (Boot and Thakor,
6.1.3. The duration of the relationship with the main bank
1994; Petersen and Rajan, 1994; von Thadden, 1995).
The impact of the duration of the relationship between the rm
The accumulation of information over time does not follow a
and its main bank is a signicant determinant in the probability of
linear path since the benets of an additional unit of information
being denied credit. While the probability of needing more credit is
are less than proportional over time. As shown in Fig. 3c and d,
not affected by the duration of the relationship with the main
the marginal effect of an increase in the duration of the relation-
bank, for large rms and SMEs, the probability of credit rationing
ship on the probability of rationing decreases for large rms as
decreases with the duration (Table 6).
the duration increases. This means that the probability continues
Fig. 3c shows that the probability for large rms decreases more
to decline over time but at a slower rate.
quickly and is almost always lower than that for SMEs. Although,
Unfortunately, without information regarding the price of
as indicated in Fig. 3d, the difference between the two curves is
credit, it is not possible to draw conclusions about the presence
statistically signicant only for a relationship period exceeding
of any hold-up behaviour in which the main bank exploits its
9 years; the lower condence interval crosses the horizontal axis
information monopoly to increase the interest rate on new loans.
at approximately 3 (the square root of 9).16 When the duration of
However, the observed positive effect of bank duration on the
the relationship is 10 years, the probability of rationing is 40.1% for
availability of funding leads us to assume that on average the cost
SMEs and 25.2% for large rms (Table 6).
of funding did not change.
Ongena and Smith (2001) show that, as the relationship
The distribution of rms in the sample with respect to the duration of the
between the bank and the rm is extended, the probability
relationship are [p25 = 7, p50 = 14, p75 = 24 years] for large enterprises and [p25 = 10,
p50 = 15, p75 = 24 years] for SMEs. that it will come to an end increases. Banks may be aware of this
S. Cenni et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 53 (2015) 249265 263

behaviour and, in response, may be willing to extend credit in compared to rms located in the South. Only a few control variables
order to prevent rms from going to competitors. The information show a signicant, albeit modest, effect on the probability of ration-
capital accumulated by the bank becomes more valuable over ing (outcome equation). The growth rate in net working capital
time,17 and, since the process of collecting and analysing informa- ratio moderately decreases the probability of rationing as well as
tion is costly, banks are very unlikely to ignore it, thus, granting bet- the growth rate in ROA and the propensity to invest in tangible
ter contractual terms to the most reliable customers. This nding is assets while the leverage growth rate (but not its level) increases
also in line with the decreasing, although less pronounced, trend of the probability of being denied additional credit.19
rationing probability for SMEs (Fig. 3c and d).
SMEs, being more opaque and, therefore, more bound to their 7. Conclusions and implications
main bank do not need as strong incentives as large rms to stay
in the relationship. Banks, being aware of the difculties encoun- The 20082010 nancial crisis renewed the attention to rela-
tered by SMEs in attracting new nancial resources, will not be tionship banking as a way to avoid credit constraints in times of
incentivized to offer them better credit terms (Sharpe, 1990). Con- systemic nancial distress (Gobbi and Sette, 2014). What emerges
sistent with this interpretation, Gopalan et al. (2007) found that from our empirical analysis is that the RL effect, albeit generally
the likelihood of not discontinuing (thus maintaining) a banking benecial to rms, is more nuanced than previously expected. In
relationship is higher for very opaque rms conrming the idea particular, differences in information asymmetries and bargaining
of information rent being accumulated by the bank. power across small and large rms do not always protect borrow-
ers from the possibility of a skewed allocation of resources and call
6.1.4. Firm-bank distance for different policy recommendations.
The proximity of the bank to the rm presents no signicant We study the relationship between credit rationing and RL
coefcients. The geographical distance between bank and rm measured along four dimensions: the number of bank relation-
does not appear to affect rationing. However, it is worth noting ships, the debt share held by the main bank, the duration of the
that in recent years the concept of proximity between banks and relationship with the main bank, and rm-bank proximity. We
rms has been partially reconsidered. According to Alessandrini are able to precisely dene credit rationing based on the results
et al. (2009a,b), it is not necessarily the physical distance between of a survey on a large sample of Italian manufacturing rms.
the customer and the bank that matters but more so the distance Our analysis suggests that both large rms and SMEs gain an
between the customer and the banks decision center. In other advantage from forming close lending relationships. SMEs exploit
words, the head ofce, or wherever credit decisions are actually a more immediate benet due to their greater information opacity.
nalized, is more relevant than the location of the bank branch. The probability of rationing is increasing and signicantly higher
Holding the distance between the rm and the bank branch for SMEs, but the difference is statistically signicant only for rms
constant, the outcome could change radically depending on with less than eight bank relationships. While debt concentration
whether the decision-making power is in the hands of the branch with the main bank is desirable for smaller rms, the same is not
manager or is centralized. In the second case, it is clear that spatial true for large companies. Overall, while fewer relationship are pre-
proximity loses signicance. Organizational forms characterized by ferred for both size groups, large rms should avoid excessive con-
multiple decision-making levels, typically tiered rather than at, solidation of debt with the main bank and more evenly spread
seem less conducive of soft information usage (Stein, 2002). The their borrowing across a few selected institutions. In fact, SME
analysis of spatial proximity in the context of the rm-bank rela- rationing becomes increasingly severe as the main banks debt
tionship loses its relevance if it is not possible to account for the share reaches 45%, the point of maximum credit restriction, and
organizational structure of the rms main bank. In the light of falls afterwards. A strong commitment to the main bank betters
these considerations, the lack of signicance of our variable is small rms access to credit. For large rms, the effect of debt con-
somewhat expected. We believe that more specic information centration is remarkably different. An increase in the share of debt
on the organizational structure of banks could increase the explan- diminishes the probability of being credit constrained for values
atory power of proximity in our model.18 below 40% and increases rationing thereafter. Excessive debt con-
solidation appears to be detrimental to large rms.
6.1.5. Control variables A longer banking relationship makes it easier for a rm to
The loadings on the control variables do not show substantial obtain credit, especially for large ones. In particular, statistically
differences between the different models conrming the stability signicant differences emerge only after a period of seven years;
of the results and the expected signs (Table 3). The rms charac- at that point, large rms gain more than SMEs from a protraction
teristics, common to both the D and M equations, are substantively of the relationship. Finally, the rm-bank proximity does not
stable across the various models indicating the robustness of the appear to be signicant. Technological improvements, such as
results obtained. credit scoring, allow banks to transform soft information into
While the RL variables have a signicant effect on the probability hard easy-to-transfer data, reducing the advantage of localism.
of rationing (outcome equation), the impact of Firms Characteristics,
as measured by nancial statement data, is generally signicant Acknowledgments
(with a few exceptions) only in the selection equation. The prob-
ability of needing additional credit (M = 1) is higher for smaller We wish to thank the editors (Carol Alexander and Ike Mathur),
rms, for rms with more tangible assets, an increasing working and the anonymous referees for helpful comments and guidance.
capital to total asset ratio, and a relatively higher leverage. Stagnant The authors also thank participants to the IFABS 2011 Conference
sales, low protability, and R&D spending are also connected with (Rome, Universit Roma Tre, July 2011) for their useful comments.
higher probability of needing of external nancing. Finally, rms We owe a special thanks to Mark Looney, Valentina and Flor Sangi-
located in Northern Italy (Geography) are less likely to need funding orgi for their precious research support and insight into our work.

17 19
Kim et al. (2003) found that the effect of switching costs associated with the so- In unreported results we calculated the effect of Firms Characteristics, Corporate
called capture of a rm is of marginally positive value to the bank, and contributes Governance proxies, Bank Market proxies of the conditional probability of rationing.
23% of the value of the bank. The effect of these variables on the probability of rationing is minimal, which is
Unfortunately, the identity of the main banks is not disclosed in the survey. expected since they show little signicance in our outcome equation.
264 S. Cenni et al. / Journal of Banking & Finance 53 (2015) 249265

Appendix A. Denitions of variables

Credit rationing
M Binary variable equals 1 if a rm wanted more credit, 0 otherwise
D Binary variable equals 1 if a rm applied for credit but it was denied, 0 otherwise
Firm characteristics
Total assets Log (average(Total Asset 2001; Total Asset 2002))
h   i
Tangible assets Tang:assets01 Amort:01
Tang:assets 02 Amort:02
Tot:assets01 Tot:assets02
Leverage Short and Longtermdebt
Lev erage Short and Longtermdebt=
Leverage (growth rate) Lev erageg:r: Lev erage02  Lev erage01 =jLev erage01 j
Net working capital to total assets Networking capital02 =Total assets02
h   i
Net working capital to total assets Network:cap:02
 Network:cap: 01
=j Network:cap: 01
Ta02 Ta01 Ta01
(growth rate)
Sales (growth rate) Salesg:r: Sales02  Sales01 =jSales01 j
Interest coverage Interest cov erage EBIT 02 =Interest expense02
ROA Roa EBIT=Totalassets
ROA (growth rate) Roa growth rate RoajRoa
02 Roa01
01 j

Investment rate in tangible assets Tang:assets02 Tang:assets01

R&D Binary variable equals 1 if a rm invested in R&D during 20012003
Traditional industry Binary variable equals 1 if a rm belongs to a traditional industry
Scale intensive industry Binary variable equals 1 if a rm belongs to a scale-intensive industry
Specialized industry Binary variable equals 1 if a rm belongs to a specialized industry
Hi-tech industry Binary variable equals 1 if a rm belongs to a hi-tech industry
Geographical area Binary variable equals 1 if a rm is located in the North of Italy
SME Binary variable equals 1 if a rm is a SME (less than 250 employees)
Corporate governance
Firms ownership Intensity of ownership concentration among the rst three voting share owners, rated by stake magnitude
h i
Self-nancing Total inv estments0103 %of selffinancing
Total assets01 Total assets02 Total assets03 =3
The % of self-nancing is the rms response to a survey questions asking to dene the percent of total investment nanced with
internal capital/funds.
Bank market
HHI of bank branches Intensity of branch concentration by province
Bank relationship
Number of banks Number of bank relationships at rm level
Main banks debt share Firms debt share with the main bank
Relationship duration Length of relationship between a rm and its main bank. Square root (age) is used in order to capture the decreasing marginal
contribution of the information gathered over time.
Proximity Spatial proximity of a rm to the main bank. A dummy variable equal to 1 if a rms headquarters is located in the same province
as its main bank

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