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1.Gacrux 2. Delta Crucis 3. Acrux 4.

Mimosa Beta
Distance from 88 years 345 years 321 years 353 years
Earth (Light
Year Light Left 1929 1653 1696 1664
Size 113 R 8.0 R 4.05R 8.4 R
Compared to
Sun (Radius)
Luminosity 1,500 L 10,000L 25,000 L 34,000 L
Compared to
Part 1.

Part 2:
1. E= Energy, M= Mass, C2= Speed of Light squared
2. 8.98755179 1016 m2 / s2
3. Yes, we can say mass is related to energy, because to produce energy we need
some mass multiplied by the speed of light.
4. Yes, the statement is correct because of mass only equaled les then one the
amount of energy would still be large which would be 89,875,519,000,000= .01c2
Equation 2: d = gt2/2
5. B) objects fall at the same speed (if no air resistance) and weight doesnt matter.
As the equation shows if there is no air resistance, the mass of the object would
not matter because there is nothing to resist against both falling objects.
Equation 3: v = gt
6. B) objects fall at the same speed (if no air resistance) and weight doesnt matter.
a. As the equation shows if there is no air resistance, the mass of the
object would not matter because there is nothing to resist against both falling
7. I believe that it took us so long to prove it because we didnt have a place without
air resistance, which didnt allow people to try to prove.
8. Inertia
Equation 4: e = 1 Tcold/Thot
9. No, it is not possible to get 100% efficiency because if we lower the cold
temperature we are no longer get the 0 when dividing both temperatures which will give
us a different number then e = 1, where it is 100% efficient.
10. No, it is not possible because efficiency will not equal 1. So, that means we will
not see it at 100%
11. Yes, it is possible because if Tcold equals 0 Thot can be any number and we will still
get 0 as result and 1-0=1 and efficiency would be at 100%.
12. No, because its too hard for it to reach infinite temperature.
13. No, because temperature around the engine will always change, the same thing
with internal as it works more the internal temperature will increase.
Part 3:
1. Newtons First Law: Anything that is still or is moving will continue to remain in
the same state unless a force acts upon it.
2. Examples:
a. In a pendulum, it will continue to alternate sides until someone
stops it or a force stops it.
b. If we set an item on the floor for example a desk in a room it will
not move, unless a force acts upon it.
c. If we let, go of a ball from a house the ball continues to fall until it
meets the force of the ground.
Part 4:
1. The paradox is that there might be life and there might not be. The reason
is that is we look at it in a theoretical way, the math says that there must be intelligent
life other than us in this universe, but there is contradicting view that says we have
not made because we have not contact with any other intelligent life, there must not
be any.
2. Resolutions:
a. One resolution is that we might be a rare civilization that
made it through a Great Filter. The great filter can be a horrible event in every
planet and only some rare planets make it through these events. If this is true,
that means only a small amount of worlds made it through making it
extremely hard for us to communicate with them.
b. The second resolution, is that we are the first plant to have
gone through the Great Filter. The other worlds have yet to go through it or
have gone through it and not survived. If this were to be true, we can continue
to search and not be able to find other life, because no one has gone through
these events and survived other than us.
c. The third resolution, is that we might not have yet gone
through the Great Filter. If this is true, it would line up with our religious
beliefs, that a great disaster is to come to our Earth and only some will
survive. Also, this can mean that we are behind, and we can all be on board to
extinction with this event.
d. The Fourth resolution, is that there is an advanced Super
Predator that we do not know anything about. If this were the case and other
intelligent species knew that may be why the others do not want to
communicate with us. The predator can catch the sound waves. Which would
also mean we are doomed, because we continue to make noise and the
predator is getting closer to finding us.

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