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Name: Lavondria Jones

Grade Level: 3rd
Content Area: Social Studies
Standards Addressed: SS3E1 Define and give examples of the four types of productive resources. a.
Natural (land) b. Human (labor) c. Capital (capital goods)
Student Response Technology Used:
NearPod Socrative PollEverywhere iRespond TodaysMeet Other: Quizlet
Technology that students will use to respond to questions/prompts:
Computer Hand-held student response system (such as iRespond) Phone
Tablet (such as iPad Other wireless device (such as iPod Touch)
Describe the instructional activities that will occur prior to the SRS activity and how you will
introduce the SRS activity: The instructional activities that will happen prior to the SRS activity is a
powerpoint and book reading of The Tortilla Factory so the students can know what each of the productive
resources are. They will then create their own business using 3 natural resources, 3 capital resources, and 3
human resources. I will then introduce the Quizlet site and take the class to the media center to use the site
and the resources that it provides. I will have them complete the study guide and the flashcards that I have
provided so they can study for the quiz/test.
Describe the purpose of the SRS activity (check all that apply):
Assess Prior Knowledge Anticipatory Set (Create Interest in a Topic) To Illuminate Common
Misconceptions Formative Assessment of Content Knowledge (for purposes of differentiation and
mastery for ALL students) Summative Assessment of Content Knowledge Test Preparation
Survey/Poll Discussion Starter Homework Collection Other
Additional explanation of purpose (optional):

Type of session: Teacher-Paced Student-Paced

Identification of students:
Students will log-in so their individual scores will be available to you after the session
SRS activity will be anonymous
Briefly describe what will happen during the SRS activity: At this point in the lesson, the student would
have notes and graphic organizers about the productive resources. The students will use their acquired
materials to do the Quizlet review. The review will consist of matching the names of the productive
resources to their corresponding pictures or a description of examples. Students will take their notes to a
device of their choice (computer, tablet, phone, etc.) and go to the Quizlet Website address I have provided
for them and they will complete the activity as many time as they feel comfortable with.
This review is completely student paced. Most of the Quizlet activities are fashioned as games. Therefore,
engaging the student to perform at a better rate than their initial try. However, the student is not forced to be
done with the assignment within a particular time frame. After the students have had a chance to do the
activity on their own, as a class we can do the activity and even make it into a competitive game. Team
against team if the students are up for it.


Types of questions/prompts (Check all that apply):

Multiple choice Multiple Select True/False Yes/No Short open-ended response
or fill in the blank Longer open-ended response
Provide samples of questions/prompts to be given to students:
What are the 3 productive resources?
What is the importance of each?
How do entrepreneurs use all 3 productive resources?

Right/Wrong Answers: Will there be right/wrong answers to these questions? Yes No

Mixed (Some will have correct answers, others will not.)
Immediate corrective feedback:
Will you pre-select correct answers to some or all of the questions and display correct response to the class
after the SRS activity? Yes No
Why or why not? I will provide the students with the correct answer so they can have the right answer
immediately. This will help them study more for the test, and let them know what all they need to study
Use of data: There will not be any data formally collected. In the whole class review, I will be able to see
who is getting the material and who isnt. Once I have a fair understanding of what the majority of the
students are understanding and what they arent, then I can edit my review to better suit the needs of my

Describe what will occur after the SRS activity: After the SRS activity, we will have a summative
assessment of the unit.
Describe your personal learning goal for this activity. I am trying to give my students independent
accountability for their success on the assessment. I am hoping that I will not have to micromanage my
students by making this kind of review graded. I want to gain feedback from my students by doing this. Did
they like it or not? Why or why not? How could I have done it differently?
Other comments about your SRS activity (optional):

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