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Codianne 1

Kiave Codianne

Ms. Oshea

Integrated Science

10 November 2016

The first component we looked at for our winter camping menus was calories. We have a

certain amount of calories which we are supposed to eat each day and each meal; everyday we

must eat a total of 4,500 to 5,000 calories that breaks down to 1,000 for breakfast, 2,5000 for

lunch, and 1,500 for dinner. Calories are important in the body because they are units of energy

obtained through food that the human body needs to maintain health and life. If a person were to

ingest too many calories, they would have major weight gain, heart health risk, and other

problems because of these factors. Your body needs a set amount of calories to function, but

when too many are eaten they are stored in the body in the form of fat and can create hard, stiff

arteries putting your heart at risk and increasing your chance of atherosclerosis and other

problems. If a person ingests too little calories, they will become sluggish and have many other

symptoms such as brittle nails, hair loss, trouble concentrating, Anemia, swelling joints, and loss

of menstrual periods in women. The ingestion of too little calories during our winter camping

trip could be terrible, which is why I plan to meet the recommended value. My total value for

each day is 4,117 calories, 5,143 calories, and 3,576 calories. I have met my goal for day two at

5,143 calories and as for day one and three, I will be eating breakfast and dinner at home those

days so it is understandable and perfectly fine if they are under in calories.

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Carbohydrates are an important factor to look into when making our menus because they

provide are bodies with energy from foods like fruits, pasta, bread, and dairy products. There are

two types of carbs; simple carbohydrates that are mainly found in refined sugars and that give

your body a short burst of energy followed by a big crash and complex carbohydrates that consist

of starches and give your body lasting energy. When consuming too much of either one of these

types of carbs, your body can gain weight because there is so much energy it doesnt have use for

and causing it to store it somewhere. If a person ingests too little carbohydrates, they will feel

sluggish, dull-witted, uninterested in exercise, weak, and have undernourished nutrients and

enzymes. For this trip, the suggested amount of carbohydrates is 260 grams. My total value for

each day is 194 g, 373 g, and 245 g. Days one and two are both under my recommended value

because I will be having breakfast and dinner at home those days and therefore, they are not

calculated in my menu.

Proteins are important in the body because they are building blocks for many important

things and they repair tissues. While out winter camping we will be exerting ourselves and

engaging in physical activities, for this protein will be very important because they speed

recovery after exercise and build muscle. If a person has an intake of too much protein it is either

used as energy or stored as fat because the body cannot store amino acids for later use. If a

person were to ingest too little protein they would have a protein deficiency which can result in

tissue breakdown and reduced protein synthesis. My recommended daily value for protein on this

camping trip is 38.8 grams. My total value for each days is 121.2 g, 217.94 g, and 87.54 g. I

chose to go over my recommended value each day to have extra food with me; if I end up being
Codianne 3

really hungry one day because of strenuous activity, I will have extra proteins and food and that

makes me feel better.

The last element of our winter camping menus includes fats. Fats are important in the

body because they can assist with the absorption of certain vitamins, they can insulate your body,

and they can provide your body with essential fatty acids known as linoleic and linolenic acid.

When a person ingests too much fat, it can result in weight gain, cardiovascular disease, and

chronic disease. If a person ingests too little fat, there will be vitamin deficiencies, excessive

appetite, and mood swings. The daily recommended value of fat on this camping trip is 120

grams. My total value for each day is 304 g, 294.6 g, and 220.72 g. I chose not to adjust my

menu and leave the amount of fats over the recommended value because I normally eat a lot of

fat and I also wanted extra food.

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