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Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiin e Juridice , Nr.




Cornelia MUNTEANU* Cornelia MUNTEANU**

Abstract: Compte tenu des tendances du droit Abstract: Compte tenu des tendances du droit
actuel et de la philosophie sociale contemporaine, ou actuel et de la philosophie sociale contemporaine, ou
laspiration lgalit lemporte sur lideal de laspiration lgalit lemporte sur lideal de libert,
libert, le nouveau Code civil a promulqu un text le nouveau Code civil a promulqu un text gnral
gnral permettant au juge dannuler ou de modifier permettant au juge dannuler ou de modifier tout
tout contrat lsionnaire. La lsion vaut tant pour les contrat lsionnaire. La lsion vaut tant pour les
mineurs que pour les majeurs, mais en conditions mineurs que pour les majeurs, mais en conditions
differents. differents.
Notre court demarche veut preciser seulement les Notre court demarche veut preciser seulement les
prescriptions du nouveau Code civil relativ la lsion prescriptions du nouveau Code civil relativ la lsion
comme vice du consentement: la notion, la structure, comme vice du consentement: la notion, la structure,
le domain, les conditions, les sanctions. le domain, les conditions, les sanctions.

Cuvinte cheie: lsion, defaut dquivalence, Key words: : lsion, defaut dquivalence,
majeurs, mineurs, obligation excesive, annulation, majeurs, mineurs, obligation excesive, annulation,
adaptation du contrat. adaptation du contrat.

1. Preliminarii. 1. Backgrounds
innd cont de tendin ele dreptului actual i With regard to new tendencies in modern
de filosofia contemporan n care aspira ia la law and philosophy, where equality aspirations
egalitate prevaleaz asupra idealului de libertate, overcome the liberty idea, the new Civil Code
noul Cod civil a reglementat un text general has regulated a new text generally providing
care care permite judectorului s anuleze sau the judge the frame to void or alter any
s modifice orice contract lesionar. prejudicial contract.
n vechiul Cod civil leziunea nu era n In the old Civil Code the lesion was
general o cauz de anulare sau de revizuire a generally not a cause for cancellation or
contractului, deoarece chiar lezionar contractul revision of a contract, because even so, the
trebuia executat. De aceea s-a remarcat c n contract must have been executed. Therefore,
acest caz ,,regula de drept merge mpotriva it was noticed that the rule of law contradicts
regulii morale2. Legiuitorul nu a admis the rule of morality.15 The legislator approved
anularea (sau resciziunea) contractului dect n the cancellation of the contract only in rare
cazuri foarte rare, excep ionale; n trecut cases, as exceptions; in the past, the lesion was
leziunea se aplica doar unor categorii de minori applicable only to some categories of minors
iar Codul civil anterior, spre deosebire de and the old Civil Code didnt count it as vice of

Conf. univ. dr. Facultatea de Drept, Universitatea Lucian Blaga din Sibiu

Senior Lecturer, PhD, Law Faculty, Lucian Blaga University, Sibiu


Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 1/2015
Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiin e Juridice , Nr. 1/2015

actualul Cod, nu o trecea n rndul viciilor deconsent.

consim mnt. The old Civil Code provided in article 1157
Vechiul Cod civil stabilea n art. 1157 c that The minor may file an action for
,,Minorul poate exercita ac iunea n resciziunecancellation for lesion, regardless to any
pentru simpla leziune, n contra oricrei convention (text amended by article 25 par.
conven ii (text modificat prin dispozi iile art.
(1) and (2) provisions, Decree no. 32/1954; on
25 alin. (1) i (2) din Decretul nr. 32/1954; de
the other hand, the article 1165 from the same
alt parte, art. 1165 din acelai cod statua: code stated: The legal adult cannot file an
Majorul nu poate, pentru leziune, s exercite action in cancellation for lesion.
ac iunea n resciziune. Back in 1864 Code perspective, the
n concep ia Codului de la 1864 resciziunea3
cancellation16 (after French model) meant, on
(dup modelul francez) nsemna, de regul, usual basis, the action in cancellation of a
ac iunea n anularea contractului pentru leziune;
contract for lesion; it was, therefore, an action
ea era, deci, o specie a ac iunii n anulare first of all for minors and, occasionally for legal
proprie minorilor i n mod excep ional adults for cancellation of the division of
majorilor pentru desfiin area partajului4. Noulproperty17. The new Civil Code does not longer
Cod civil a renun at la aceast no iune echivoc
use this equivoque concept that described not
care desemna nu numai anularea pentru leziune only the cancellation for lesion, but also for
ci i pentru alte cauze de anulabilitate. other causes of annulment.
Noutatea Codului civil const n aceea c The novelty of the Civil Code is that the
actuala reglementare face din leziune o cauz de
present regulation makes the lesion a cause of
anulabilitate i pentru majori. n doctrina annulment for legal adults as well. In our
noastr o asemenea propunere a mai fost doctrine a similar proposal was made before,
avansat avertizndu-se c leziunea va trebui with the mention that the lesion would have be
admis desigur, restrictiv i pentru unele admitted, restrictively, of course, for some
categorii de majori, bunoar cnd victima ar fi
categories of legal adults, such as the situation
o persoan ale crei facult i intelectuale sunt
when the victim would be a person with
dimunuate (nu poate s evalueze corect raportulreduced mental capacity (he or she could not
dintre presta ie i contrapresta ie) sau cnd assess properly the relationship between benefit
prezint o ridicat slbire a voin ei, caz n care
and consideration) or would present a high
protejarea celor vulnerabili trebuie s prevaleze
weaker will, case in which the protection of the
(situa ia celor dependen-i de alcool sau de vulnerable persons must prevail (as drug or
droguri) ori se afl ntr-o situa ie for at, fr
alcohol addicted persons), or would be in
ieire; dar, s-a mai spus cu acea ocazie, leziunea
forced situation, without any solution; but it
ar urma s fie re inut numai atunci cnd was said, on the same occasion, that the lesion
lezionarul cunoate diferen a frapant dintre would be retained in court only when the
presta ii i o folosete n favoarea sa5. person who committed it was proved to know
Mai trebuie men ionat c nu to i autorii sunt
the obvious difference between benefits and
partizanii leziunii viciu de consim mnt, used them in his or her own benefit18.
sus inndu-se c ea este, n realitate, o cauz We should add that not all authors are
special de desfiin are a contractului i are supporting the lesion vice of consent, arguing
destina ia de a asigura propor ionalitatea i that it is mainly a special cause of a contract
justul echilibru valoric al presta iilor cancellation and it aims to insure the
contractuale6. proportionality and accurate value balance of
contractual benefits19.
2. Noiune. Leziunea7 este paguba material 2. Definition. Lesion20 is material damage
pe care o sufer una din prile unui contract that occurs to one party due to obvious

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 1/2015
Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiin e Juridice , Nr. 1/2015

din cauza disproporiei vdite de valoare dintre inequality of value between mutual benefits,
cele dou prestaii reciproce, existent chiar n existing at the very moment of contract
momentul ncheierii contractului. ntr-o concluding. In a restrictive definition, lesion is
defini ie restrictiv, leziunea este prejudiciul the prejudice suffered by one party in
care rezult dintr-o inegalitate de valoare ntre consequence of inequality of situation in a
presta iile reciproce ale pr ilor8. Altfel spus, ea commutative contract.21 In other words it
reprezint un dezechilibru economic al represents a genuine imbalance of mutual
contractului, o inegalitate originar a presta iilor benefits (not to be confused with the
reciproce (a nu se confunda cu impreviziunea unpredictability which suppose a disproportion
care presupune o dispropor ie a presta iilor dup of benefits after the conclusion of a contract).
ncheierea contractului). Dup cum este As it is known, the word lesion has the
cunoscut, cuvntul leziune are i n elesul de a meaning of prejudice a right, an interest, or the
aduce atingere unui drept, a unui interes sau result of an action.
rezultatul unei ac iuni. Juridical definition: There is lesion when
Definiia legal: Exist leziune atunci cnd one party, taking advantage of the state of need,
una dintre pr i, profitnd de starea de nevoie, of the lack of experience or knowledge of the
de lipsa de experien ori de lipsa de cunotin e other part, stipulates in his/ her or others favor
a celeilalte pr i, stipuleaz n favoarea sa ori a a benefit of a considerably larger amount then
unei alte persoane o presta ie de o valoare the value of his/hers own benefit, at the date of
considerabil mai mare, la data ncheierii the contracts conclusion [article 1221,
contractului, dect valoarea propriei paragraph 1 Civil Code]. In our opinion, the
presta ii[art. 1221 alin. (1 C.civ.]. Leziunea, n lesion prejudices the morals as well.
opinia noastr, aduce atingere i bunelor Crossing a certain line, when the price is not
moravuri. just, arguments on contractual just and equity
Peste un anumit prag, atunci cnd pre ul nu justify the cancellation of the contract or, at
este just, considera ii de dreptate i echitate least, its readjustment. As it is the case of a sell
contractual justific desfiin area contractului and buy contract when the thing is sold out for
sau cel pu in reajustarea sa. Bunoar, ntr-un much less price (the sellers lesion) or the thing
contract de vnzare-cumprare atunci cnd is sold at a much higher price (the buyers
lucrul este vndut cu mult sub valoarea sa lesion), in either case one party has to loose and
(leziunea vnztorului) sau atunci cnd bunul the other to gain in an unacceptable way.
este vndut la un pre exorbitant (leziunea Apparently this idea was drafted in canonic law
cumprtorului) face ca o parte s piard where a contract, for its validity must have a
considerabil, iar cealalt s se mbog easc just price, what is the equivalence between
ntr-o msur de neacceptat. Se pare c aceast what is given and is received instead.22
idee a fost conturat de dreptul canonic unde un 3. Field of application. One can speak about
contract pentru a fi valabil trebuia s con in un lesion only in mutual contracts with onerous
,,pre just, adic o echivalen ntre ceea ce s-a and commutative characteristics, in which the
dat i ceea ce s-a primit n schimb9. parties oblige themselves to reciprocal benefits,
3. Domeniu de aplicare. Se poate vorbi generally, of equivalent economic value. There
despre leziune numai n contractele bilaterale cu is no case of lesion in random contracts, or
caracter oneros i comutativ, n care pr ile se other types of contracts stipulated by law
oblig la presta ii reciproce considerate, n (article 1224 Civil Code) and where each party
principiu, ca fiind valoric echivalente. Nu poate has the chance of winning and the risk of
exista leziune n contractele aleatorii, tranzac ii losing. The equivalence is not in the nature of
precum i n alte contracte anume prevzute de these contracts, and thus cannot claim a value
lege (art. 1224 C.civ.) i fiecare dintre imbalance of benefits: alea excludes the lesion.

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Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiin e Juridice , Nr. 1/2015

contractan i are o ans de a ctiga i un risc de On the other hand, the transaction (article 2276
a pierde. Echivalen a nu este n natura acestor Civil Code) is not susceptible of lesion due to
acestor contracte i, deci, nu se poate reclama its object, what is to prevent and terminate
un dezechilibru valoric al presta iilor: alea litigation. Above this the article 2273,
exclude leziunea. De alt parte, tranzac ia (art. paragraph 2 Civil Code states that the
2267 C.civ.) nu este susceptibil de leziune transaction cannot be cancelled for error of law,
tocmai datorit obiectului ei, adic de prevenire or for lesion.
sau stingere a unui litigiu. De altfel art. 2273 One can easily understand that lesion may
alin. (2) C.civ. statueaz c tranzac ia nu poate fi not exist in random contracts because in their
anulat pentru eroare de drept i nici pentru frame the benefit of one party depends on a
leziune. future and uncertain event [article 1173,
Se poate n elege uor c leziunea nu poate paragraph (2) Civil Code].
exista n contractele aleatorii deoarece n cadrul 4. Structure. The lesion implies in an
lor presta ia uneia dintre pr i depinde n objective conception a single element: that of
existen a sa de un eveniment viitor i incert [art. obvious disproportion of value between mutual
1173 alin. (2) C.civ.]. benefits. In accordance with this, rescission is
4. Structur. Leziunea implic n concep ia founded on commutative justice considerations
obiectiv un singur element: acela al which impose to the wiliness agreement. In
dispropor iei vdite de valoare ntre presta iile cases regulated by law, the equality of benefits
reciproce. Conform acestei concep ii rescizunea is required by a principle that is superior to that
este fondat pe considera ii de justi ie of contractual freedom, in deed, what is just
comutativ care se impun acordului de voin e. and fair has priority over what is wanted
n cazurile prevzute de lege egalitatea (conscientious and freely). We hereby mention
presta iilor este cerut de un principiu superior that our legal system, prior to the new Civil
celui al libert ii contractuale; n adevr, ceea ce Code consecrated the notion of objective
este just are ntietate asupra a ceea ce a fost conception23.
dorit (contient i liber). Men ionm c dreptul In the subjective perspective, however, the
nostru anterior promulgrii noului Cod civil lesion suppose also that the consent is vitiated
consacr concep ia obiectiv10. by the state of need in which one of the party is
n concep ia subiectiv ns, leziunea found, state of which the other contracting
presupune i vicierea consim mntului de party is taking advantage of, for obtaining
starea de nevoie n care se gsete una din pr i, disproportionate profit; classical authors
stare de care profit cealalt parte pentru a considered that the lesion has the significance
ob ine foloase dispropor ionate; autorii clasici of a presumption of a vice of consent as long as
au considerat c leziunea are semnifica ia unei one of the party concluded such a damageable
prezum ii de viciu de consim mnt din contract and this due to the fact that the party
moment ce una dintre pr i a ncheiat un was wrong or had been duped or coerced to do
contract att de pgubitor i acest lucru s-a so. Otherwise, if the party had a perfectly free
datorat faptului c ea s-a nelat sau a fost and clear will, he/ she wouldnt have concluded
nelat ori a fost constrns. Altminteri, dac ea the contract. The argument was that if above
ar fi avut o voin perfect liber i clar ea nu ar statement represents a valid judgment, then the
fi contractat. S-a obiectat spunndu-se c dac presumption should be applied to all contracts.
acesta este ra ionamentul valabil, atunci The new Civil Code, enumerating lesion
prezum ia ar trebui s se aplice tuturor among vices of consent [article 1206,
contractelor. paragraph (2)] and describing it after the error,
Noul Cod civil, enumernd leziunea printre fraud and duress (article 1221-1224 Civil
viciile de consim mnt [art. 1206 alin. (2)] i Code) it would seem that the legislator has

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Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiin e Juridice , Nr. 1/2015

dezvoltnd-o dup eroare, dol i violen (art. chosen the objective perspective; nevertheless
1221-1224 C.civ.) s-ar prea c a optat pentru conditioning the existence of lesion by the
concep ia obiectiv; totui, condi ionnd state of need, lack of experience or lack of
existen a leziunii de starea de nevoie, de lipsa knowledge of the other party, the legislator
de experien ori de lipsa de cunotin e a seemed to have adopted the subjective
celeilalte pr i a adoptat concep ia subiectiv11. perspective on the matter.24 So, as it was
Aadar, se pare, aa cum s-a subliniat n underlined before, the new Civil Code adopts
doctrin, c Noul Cod civil adopt ambele both perspectives25.
concep ii12.
5. Elementele leziunii. n noul Cod civil 5. Lesions elements. In new Civil Code the
leziunea este un viciu de consim mnt care lesion is a vice of consent that may be invoked
poate fi invocat att de majori ct i de minori. both by minors and legal adults. It is composed
Ea este compus din dou elemente: of two elements:
- un element material (obiectiv) care const - a material element (objective) which
ntr-un prejudiciu material resim it de victima consists of a material prejudice from which
leziunii i care rezult din dispropor ia celor suffered one party and which results from the
dou presta ii la care pr ile s-au obligat. disproportion of two benefits to which the
Legiuitorul realizeaz o distinc ie n parties committed.
cuantificarea prejudiciului dup cum victima The legislator makes a distinction in the
leziunii este un major sau un minor. Astfel, n amount of the prejudice, as the victim is a
cazul majorilor consim mntul acestora va fi minor or a legal adult. Thus, in the case of legal
viciat numai dac leziunea depete jumtate adults the consent is to be considered vitiated if
din valoarea pe care o avea la momentul the lesion exceeds by half of the amount
ncheierii contractului, presta ia promis sau possessed by the party at the moment of the
executat de partea lezat; aceast dispropor ie contract conclusion; this disproportion must
trebuie s subziste pn la data cererii n anulare subsist until the date the action for revocation is
[art. 1222 alin. (2) C.civ.]; Aa cum artam, filled in [article 1222 paragraph (2) Civil
valoarea celor dou presta ii trebuie apreciat la Code]. As it was shown, the value of benefits
momentul ncheierii contractului i trebuie s se must be appreciated at the moment of contract
ntind n timp pn la momentul formulrii conclusion and must remain as up to the
cererii n anulare; de asemenea, trebuie s fie moment of annulment action; it is the case of
vorba de contracte oneroase i comutative. Dar onerous and commutative contracts, of course.
n cazul majorilor pentru a exista leziune nu este But in the case of legal adults, the disproportion
de ajuns dispropor ia presta iilor, mai trebuie ca of benefits is not enough, there must be the
actul juridic s se fi ncheiat prin profitarea de case of conclusion of a legal act by taking
anumite situa ii n care se afla cel lezat advantages of some situations in which the
(elementul subiectiv). prejudiced person was implied (the subjective
ns, n cazul minorului, legiuitorul element).
aduce o protecie suplimentar edictnd c But, in the case of the minor, the
n cazul lui poate exista leziune dac actul legislator bring a supplementary protection
antreneaz o obligaie excesiv prin raportare stating that there is lesion if the act entails an
la starea sa patrimonial, la avantajele pe excessive obligation be reference to his/ her
care le ob ine din contract ori din ansamblul estate, to the advantages gained through
circumstan elor [alin. (3) al art. 1221 C.civ.]. contract or to the entire set of circumstances
Este vorba n aceast situa ie, dup prerea [paragraph (3) of article 1221 Civil Code]. In
noastr, despre o concepie subiectiv a our opinion, we speak here about a subjective
no iunii de leziune. Aceasta nseamn c, perspective of the lesion concept. This means
chiar n prezen a unui contract ale crui that, even in the presence of contract with

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Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiin e Juridice , Nr. 1/2015

presta ii sunt echilibrate, anularea sau equitable benefits, the annulment or reduction
reducerea presta iilor, aa cum vom vedea, of benefits, as we shall see, remains possible.
rmne posibil. Acesta ar fi cazul, de pild, This is the case, for instance, of a loan contract,
unui contract de mprumut nso it de o framed with a reasonable interest, but which is
dobnd rezonabil dar care poart asupra referred to a sum that the minor did not need in
unei sume de care minorul nu avea nevoie n reality; so the lack of utility of contracting may
realitate; aadar, inutilitatea contractrii poate lead to establishing the excessive feature of an
conduce la stabilirea caracterului excesiv al obligation assumed by the minor. The minor so
obliga iei pe care i-a asumat-o minorul. protected has therefore the choice of proving
Minorul astfel protejat are deci alegerea de a either the objective disproportion of benefits, or
demonstra fie dispropor ia obiectiv a the excessive feature of its obligation, taking
presta iilor, fie caracterul excesiv al into account its particular situation. The
obliga iei sale avnd n vedere situa ia sa subjective lesion depends thus on the situation
particular. Leziunea subiectiv depinde deci de facto. Therefore, considering the lesion
de situa ia de fapt. Aadar, luarea n appears as means of equity regarding the
considerare a leziunii apare ca o msur de weaken party of a contract.
echitate cu privire la partea mai slab a Of course, in the minors case, the lesion is
contractului. held by the court even when the prejudice is
Desigur, n cazul minorilor leziunea se re ine smaller than the half of the value of his/ her
i atunci cnd prejudiciul este mai mic dect own benefit and there is no need to take
jumtate din valoarea propriei presta ii i nu este advantage of the state of need, of the lack of
nevoie de profitarea de starea de nevoie, de lipsa experience or of knowledge of the minor.26
de experien sau de cunotin e a minorului13. Both in the case of minors and legal adults,
Att n cazul majorilor ct i al minorilor the existence of lesion should be appreciated
existen a leziunii se va aprecia n func ie de depending on the nature and the scope of the
natura i scopul contractului [art. 1221 alin. (2) contract [article 1221 paragraph. (2) Civil
C.civ]; Code];
- un element subiectiv (psihologic). Acesta - a subjective element (psychological). This
const n exploatarea strii de nevoie, a lipsei de consists of exploring the state of need, the lack
experien ori a lipsei de cunotin e n care se of experience or of knowledge of one party
afl cealalt parte [art. 1221 alin. (1) C.civ.]. [article 1221 paragraph (1) Civil Code]. There
Este, deci, necesar ca dezechilibrul presta iilor is necessary, therefore, that the benefits
s fie imputabil uneia dintre pr i care a profitat imbalance must be imputable to the party that
de starea de nevoie, de lipsa de experien sau took advantages of the state of need, lack of
de cunotin e a celui lezat. Aadar, lezionarul experience or of knowledge of the prejudiced
utilizeaz una dintre aceste situa ii n favoarea party. Thus the person committing lesion uses
sa i cunoate discrepan a dintre presta ii; nu one of the above situations in his or her favor
este necesar ca ini iativa de a ncheia contractul and knows the imbalance between benefits.
s vin din partea sa. De exemplu, There is no need that the initiative of
consumatorul de droguri X vinde ceasul de aur concluding a contract comes from this person.
la un pre derizoriu lui Z care cunotea For instance, the drug consumer X sells a gold
dependen a acestuia. Contractul este anulabil watch at a low price to Z, who is aware of Xs
pentru leziune deoarece Z a profitat de starea de addiction. The contract is cancelable because Z
nevoie a lui vnztorului. Starea de nevoie nu took advantage of the state of need of the seller.
trebuie circumscris numai la mprejurri de The state of need must not be referred to only
natur economic ci i la alte situa ii, de regul, in connection to economic situation, but others,
fr ieire. X i d seama de importan a actului too, as a rule, those without solutions. X

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Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiin e Juridice , Nr. 1/2015

juridic dar nu are puterea de voin de a da realizes the importance of the juridical act, but
conduitei sale o alt direc ie; sau, ntr-un alt has not the power of will to prevent from doing
exemplu, tnrul de 19 ani A a motenit un it; or, in another example, a young person of 19
tablou a crui valoare nu o cunotea; el ofer years old: A inherited a painting which value
acest tablou la un pre de nimic expertului n did not know; he sells the painting at a very
antichit i B. Acesta dobndete tabloul la acest low price to an expert of antiquities: B. B gets a
pre dei acesta era deosebit de valoros. very expensive painting at very low price. The
Contractul de vnzare-cumprare este anulabil contract is cancelable according to article 1221
n baza art. 1221 alin. (1) C.civ. (lipsa de paragraph (1) Civil Code (lack of experience
experien i de cunotin e). or of knowledge).
6. Condiiile leziunii. Va trebui s distingem 6. Lesions conditions. Here one should
ntre leziune majorilor i cea a minorilor. n make a difference between the minors lesion
cazul majorilor, pentru existen a leziunii trebuie and the legal adults one. In the case of legal
ndeplinite urmtoarele condi ii: adults, for the lesion to exist the following
- actul ncheiat s fac parte din categoria conditions must be fulfilled:
actelor juridice cu titlu oneros deoarece n actele - the concluded act must be an onerous act
cu titlu gratuit nu exist o reciprocitate de because in gratuitous contract there is no
obliga ii; de asemenea, actul s fie comutativ reciprocity of obligations; the act must be
ntruct la actele aleatorii nu se poate ti de la commutative, as well, for in random acts one
nceput care anume va fi n ctig; este cannot know which party would benefit after
indiferent dac actele juridice sunt de all; there is no difference if the acts are
administrare sau de dispozi ie. De alt parte, n administrative or at disposal. On the other
cazul actelor unilaterale nu poate exista o hand, in case of unilateral acts there is no
dispropor ie ntre presta ii pentru c numai o imbalance between benefits because only one
parte se oblig. Cum artam, nu pot fi lezionare party is engaging. There is how random
contractele aleatorii, tranzac ia sau alte contracte contracts, transactions or other types of
prevzute de lege; contracts provided by law do not suppose
- leziunea s depeasc jumtate din lesion;
valoarea pe care o avea, la ncheierea - the lesion to exceed half of the amount
contractului, presta ia promis sau executat de possessed at the moment of contract
partea lezat [art. 1222 alin. (2) C.civ.]; conclusion, promised or executed benefit of the
- dispropor ia dintre presta ii s se datoreze prejudiced person [article 1222 paragraph. (2)
strii de nevoie, lipsei de experien ori lipsei de Civil Code.];
cunotin e a uneia din pr i, iar cealalt parte s - the disproportion of benefits must be
fi profitat de aceste situa ii14; este vorba caused by the state of need, lack of experience
nendoielnic, i de o slbiciune de voin a or knowledge of one contracting party, and the
contractantului. other to take advantage of this situation27; it is
n ce privete existen a leziunii n cazul undoubtedly a weakness of contracting partys
minorilor sunt de ndeplinit urmtoarele will.
condi ii: In the case of minors, the following
- minorul s aib capacitate de exerci iu conditions must be fulfilled as for the lesion to
restrns (14-18 ani); actele minorului sub 14 be in question:
ani pot fi anulate pentru lipsa capacit ii de - the minor must have a limited capacity of
exerci iu; exercise (14-18 years); his or her acts may be
- s fie un act juridic cu titlu oneros i cancelled for lack of capacity of exercise;
comutativ; - the act must be onerous and commutative;
- leziunea s existe n momentul ncheierii - the lesion must be proven at the moment of
actului juridic i s rezulte din faptul c minorul the juridical act conclusion and result from the

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 1/2015
Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiin e Juridice , Nr. 1/2015

i-a asumat o obliga ie excesiv, prin raportare fact that the minor had assumed an excessive
la starea sa patrimonial, la avantajele pe care le obligation, by referring to his or her
ob ine sau la ansamblul circumstan elor; deci patrimonial estate, to the advantages obtained
paguba minorului nu se va raporta la valoarea or circumstances; so the minors prejudice
celeilalte presta ii; must not be referred to the other partys
- n cazul n care minorul ncheie personal i benefit;
singur un act juridic, acesta va putea fi anulat - in the case when the minor conclude
pentru leziune chiar dac prejudiciul nu personally and alone a juridical act, the act
reprezint 50% din valoarea propriei presta ii. shall be cancelled for lesion even if the
Mai re inem c potrivit art. 44 alin. (1) prejudice does not represent 50% of the amount
C.civ. actele fcute de minor singur n afara of his or her benefit value.
celor care i sunt permise, sunt anulabile chiar In addition, according to the article 44
fr dovedirea unui prejudiciu; aadar, este paragraph (1) Civil Code, acts concluded by
indiferent caracterul lezionar al actului. De alt minors, other than those permitted, are
parte, actele de dispozi ie de mic valoare pe cancelable even without proving a prejudice;
care minorul au capacitate de exerci iu restrns thus it is irrespective of the character of the
le ncheie singur, nu pot antrena leziunea, i tot person committing the lesion. The acts at
astfel actele de conservare deoarece acestea sunt disposal of low value which the minor with
ntotdeauna utile. limited capacity concludes by him/herself
O prevedere important este con inut n cannot entail the lesion and the same goes for
textul art. 1221 alin. (2) C.civ. care stabilete c acts of conservation, because these are always
existen a leziunii se apreciaz i n func ie de of utility.
natura i scopul contractului. An important provision is stated in the text
7. Proba leziunii se va putea face cu orice of article 1221 paragraph (2) Civil Code, which
mijloc de prob fiind o problem de fapt; de la frames the lesion to the nature and the scope of
caz la caz, va trebui ordonat de judector o the contract.
expertiz tehnic pentru stabilirea 7. The proof of the lesion lays with any
dezechilibrului ntre presta iile reciproce. means of probation, for its a matter of fact;
8. Sanciunea leziunii. Spre deosebire de from case to case, the judge orders a technical
vechiul Cod civil, cel actual prevede trei expertise to establish the mutual benefit
sanc iuni i anume: fie anularea contractului imbalance.
lezionar, fie reducerea obliga iilor celui lezat cu 8. The lesions sanction. In opposite to the
valoarea daunelor interese la care ar fi former Civil Code, the new one provide three
ndrept it, fie adaptarea contractului. n acest sanctions, as it follows: the cancellation of the
din urm caz, contractul poate fi men inut de contract, the rescission of the prejudiced partys
instan dac cealalt parte ofer, n mod obligations by the amount of the damages that
echitabil, o reducere a propriei crean e sau, dup that he or she would be entitled of, the
caz, o majorare a propriei obliga ii. amendment of the contract. In the last case, the
n acest sens, nainte ca partea ndrept it s fi contract may suit the court if the other party
ob inut anularea, cealalt parte trebuie ca n offers, equitably, to reduce his or her credit or,
termen de cel mult trei luni de la data cnd a if it is the case, an increase in his or hers
fost notificat ori i s-a comunicat cererea de obligations.
chemare n judecat, s declare c este de acord In this perspective, before the entitled party
cu reducerea propriei crean e sau majorarea obtains the cancellation, the other party must
obliga iei sale sau s execute de ndat agree upon the reduction of the debts or the
contractul astfel; dac a fost fcut declara ia n increase in obligation or to execute
termenul de trei luni sau s-a executat contractul immediately the contract, within three months
n condi iile de mai sus, dreptul de a cere from the date it was notified or served with the

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 1/2015
Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiin e Juridice , Nr. 1/2015

anularea este stins iar notificarea fcut este summons request; if the term of three months
considerat lipsit de efecte (art. 1213 C.civ.). was respected or the contract was executed
Aceast solu ie se potrivete cel mai bine forthwith, the right to claim cancellation is off
leziunii pentru c cel mai bun remediu este de a and the notification shall be deemed (article
restabili echilibrul contractual i nu de a distruge 1213 Civil Code). This is best solution for
tot ce s-a fcut. lesion cases, for the best remedy for it is to
Ac iunea n anularea contractului pentru restore the contractual balance and not to
leziune sau n reducerea presta iilor se prescrie destroy what had been done.
n termen de un an de la data ncheierii The action in annulment of the contract for
contractului [art. 1223 alin. (1)]. Anulabilitatea lesion or for reduction of benefits has a term of
contractului nu poate fi opus pe cale de 1 year, from the date of the contract conclusion
excep ie dac dreptul la ac iune este prescris [article 1223 paragraph (1)]. The cancelable
[alin. (2) al aceluiai articol]. Aadar, caracterul feature of a contract may not be opposed,
excepional al leziunii rezult din faptul c ea exceptionally, if the right to act is prescribed.
este subordonat necesit ii de a se ac iona ntr- [paragraph (2) of the same article]. So, the
un termen de prescrip ie mai scurt, respectiv de exceptional feature of the lession results from
un an de la data ncheierii contractului dar the fact that it is subordinated to the necessity
derog i de la dispozi ia de principiu cuprins of acting within a shorter term of prescription,
n art. 1249 alin. (2) teza final. respectively of a year, but it derogates from a
n sfrit, potrivit art. 47 C.civ. persoana cu principle provision at the article 1249
capacitate de exerci iu restrns nu este obligat paragraph (2) final thesis.
la restituire dect n limita folosului realizat. Finally, according to the article 47 Civil
Code, the person with the limited capacity of
exercise is not obliged to refund more than he
or she gained.

Cercetarea de fa a fost realizat prin contractul POSDRU/89/1.5/S/61968, proiect strategic ID 61968, cofinan at
din Fondul Social European prin Programul opera ional Sectorial pentru Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013.
A se vedea B. Starck, H. Roland, L. Boyer, Introduction au droit, quatrieme edition, Litec, Paris, 1996, p. 10.
Diferen a dintre nulitate i resciziune ine de mprejurri istorice. n vechiul drept francez anumite nulit i nu erau
pronun ate de tribunalele ordinare ci de cancelarie care elibera scrisori de resciziune (deriv de la fr. rescisser a
rupe); a se vedea Ph. Malaurie, L. Aynes, Ph. Stoffel-Munck, Drept civil. Obligaiile, Ed. Wolters Kluwer, Bucureti,
2010, p. 351.
Prin caracterul su formalist, dreptul roman nu trebuia s in cont de leziune: ndeplinirea formalit ilor prescrise
fcea ca contractul s fie valabil.
A se vedea, O. Ungureanu, Drept civil. Introducere, ed. a VII-a, Ed. Rosetti, Bucureti, 2005, p. 150.
n acelai sens, L. Pop, I.F. Popa, S. Vidu, Tratat elementar de drept civil. Obligaiile (conform noului Cod civil),
Ed. Universul Juridic, Bucureti, 2012, p. 412 i urm; P. Vasilescu, Drept civil. Obligaiile n reglementarea noului
Cod civil, Ed. Hamangiu, Bucureti, 2012, p. 353).
Etimologie: din lat. laesio de la laedere ran, prejudiciu, leziune.
J. Flour, J.L. Aubert, E. Savaux, Droit civil. Les obligations, 13-e edition, Sirey, Paris, 2008, p. 206.
Doctrina justului pre a fost dezvoltat de Sf. Thomas DAquino.
A se vedea M. Nicolae, Actul juridic civil n dreptul civil romn , n Curs selectiv pentru licen, Ed. Universul
Juridic, Bucureti, 2006, p. 37.
i n dreptul francez leziunea este luat n considerare pentru protejarea minorilor (art. 1305 C.civ.) i a majorilor
pui sub curatel sau sub supravegherea justi iei (art. 510-3 i art. 492-2 C.civ.). n cazul acestor persoane se prezum
c a fost alterat consim mntul lor.
n mod excep ional un contract poate fi anulat (rescizat) pe motiv de leziune pentru dezechilibrul existent ntre
presta ii. Bunoar, n vnzarea imobiliar (art. 1674 C.civ. francez) pentru ca vnzarea s fie anulat leziunea trebuie
s fie mai mare de 7/12 sau, altfel spus, pre ul de vnzare s fie inferior a 5/12 din valoarea real a imobilului. Se

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 1/2015
Analele Universit ii Constantin Brncui din Trgu Jiu, Seria tiin e Juridice , Nr. 1/2015

observ c, n acest caz, prevaleaz concep ia obiectiv i nu cea subiectiv (a se vedea J.L. Aubert, Introduction au
droit et themes fondamentaux du droit civil, 7-e edition, Dalloz, Paris, 1998, p. 251).
La noi potrivit Legii nr. 193/2000 privind clauzele abuzive din contractele ncheiate ntre comercian i i consumatori,
consumatorul poate solicita anularea clauzelor abuzive. Clauza abuziv presupune c ea nu a fost negociat direct cu
consumatorul i prin ea nsi sau mpreun cu alte prevederi din contract creeaz pentru consumatori un dezechilibru
semnificativ ntre drepturile i obliga iile pr ilor. Aceasta este o reglementare special i nu intr n domeniul leziunii
statuate de Codul civil (a se vedea P. Vasilescu, op. cit., p. 350).
A se vedea, G. Boroi, C.A. Anghelescu, Curs de drept civil. Partea general, Ed. Hamangiu, Bucureti, 2011, p.
n dreptul provinciei Quebec leziunea este reglementat diferit ns msura de protec ie suplimentar prevzut de
art. 1221 alin. (3) n codul nostru, este reglementat n art. 1406 teza final din Codul de Quebec. n aplicarea acestui
articol, n jurispruden a quebecoaz s-a decis c leziunea poate rezulta din faptul c minorul dispune de venituri
insuficiente pentru a-i permite o anume cumprtur sau c minorul nu are deloc nevoie de obiectul cumprat; pentru
detalii,a se vedea, E. Deleury, D. Goubau, Les droits des personnes physiques, 3-e edition, Editions Yvon Blais, 2002,
p. 391.
A se vedea C.T. Ungureanu, Drept civil. Partea general, Ed. Hamangiu, Bucureti, 2012, p. 167.
See B. Starck, H. Roland, L. Boyer, Introduction au droit, quatrieme edition, Litec, Paris, 1996, p. 10.
The difference between the annulment and cancellation (Romanian resciziune) has historical roots. In ancient
French Law some nullities were not judged by ordinary tribunals, but by the courts of chancery the issued letters of
cancellation (from French word rescisser - to snip (as scissors in English); see Ph. Malaurie, L. Aynes, Ph. Stoffel-
Munck, Drept civil. Obligaiile [Civil Law. Obligations], Ed. Wolters Kluwer, Bucureti, 2010, p. 351.
Due to its formalist feature, the Roman law must have provided the lesion institution: the fulfillment of precise
mandatory formalities determined the validity of a contract.
See O. Ungureanu, Drept civil. Introducere [Civil law. Introduction], ed. a VII-a, Ed. Rosetti, Bucureti, 2005, p.
In the same perspective, see L. Pop, I.F. Popa, S. Vidu, Tratat elementar de drept civil. Obligaiile (conform noului
Cod civil) [Elementary civil law. Obligations (under new Civil Code provisions), Ed. Universul Juridic, Bucureti,
2012, p. 412 i urm; P. Vasilescu, Drept civil. Obligaiile n reglementarea noului Cod civil [Civil law. Obligations
provisions after new Civil Code] , Ed. Hamangiu, Bucureti, 2012, p. 353).
Etymology: from Latin laesio and laedere injury, damage, and lesion.
J. Flour, J.L. Aubert, E. Savaux, Droit civil. Les obligations, 13-e edition, Sirey, Paris, 2008, p. 206.
The doctrine of just price was developed by St. Thomas DAquino.
See M. Nicolae, Actul juridic civil n dreptul civil romn [Civil legal act in Romanian civil law], n Curs selectiv
pentru licen [Selected course for final exam], Ed. Universul Juridic, Bucureti, 2006, p. 37.
In French law, as well, the lesion is took into consideration to protect minors (article 1305 Civil Code.) and legal
adults under curators or under juridical surveillance (articles 510-3 and articles 492-2 Civil Code). In this case it is
considered that their consent was vitiated.
Exceptionally, a contract may be cancelled on the grounds of lesion for an existing imbalance between benefits. For
instance, in real estate selling (article 1674 French Civil Code) for it to be cancelled, the lesion must be larger than 7/12
or, in other words, the objective perspective prevails over the subjective one (see J.L. Aubert, Introduction au droit et
themes fondamentaux du droit civil, 7-e edition, Dalloz, Paris, 1998, p. 251).
In our legal system, according to the Law 193/2000 regarding the abusive clauses from the contracts concluded
between commercial agents and consumers, the consumer may file for cancellation. The abusive clause supposes that
it was not directly negotiated with the consumer and through itself or corroborated with other clauses creates a
significant imbalance between rights and obligations. This is a special provision and is not to be regarded in
perspective of Civil Code (see P. Vasilescu, op. cit., p. 350).
See, G. Boroi, C.A. Anghelescu, Curs de drept civil. Partea general [Civil law course. General part, Ed.
Hamangiu, Bucureti, 2011, p. 150.
In Quebec law, the lesion is regulated differently, but the supplementary protection measure provided at article 1221
paragraph (3) in our Code is provided by article 1406, final thesis in Code of Quebec. In its enforcement and in the
Quebec cases it was decided that the lesion may result from the fact that the minor holds insufficient incomes to permit
a certain purchase or that the minor does not need the bought object, for more, see E. Deleury, D. Goubau, Les droits
des personnes physiques, 3-e edition, Editions Yvon Blais, 2002, p. 391.
See C.T. Ungureanu, Drept civil. Partea general [Civil law. General Part], Ed. Hamangiu, Bucureti, 2012, p.

Annals of the Constantin Brncui University of Trgu Jiu, Juridical Sciences Series, Issue 1/2015

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