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JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS 94, 37-50 (1985)

Partial Oxidation of Ethane to Ethylene and Acetaldehyde over a

Supported Molybdenum Catalyst
Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843

Received September 22, 1984; revised February 7, 1985

The catalytic conversion of ethane to acetaldehyde has been achieved using nitrous oxide as the
oxidant. Water vapor is essential for high selectivity to acetaldehyde. The product distribution is
strongly dependent upon the mode of preparation of the Mo/SiOz catalysts, the type of silica
support, and the molybdenum loading. Typical conversions of 7% with combined selectivities to
CH&HO and C2H, of 70% may be attained. At partial pressures between 30 and 280 Torr the rate
of ethane conversion is first order with respect to nitrous oxide and ca. 0.4 order with respect to
ethane. A mechanism is proposed in which O- ions, derived from NzO, react with CzH6 by
hydrogen-atom abstraction. The resulting ethyl radical reacts with surface Mo=O to produce a
surface ethoxide, which may either decompose to ethylene or react further with surface OH- to
form acetaldehyde or with water to form C2HSOH. The latter is rapidly converted to acetaldehyde
under reaction conditions. 8 198.5 AC&~~C PESS, IIIC.

INTRODUCTION trous oxide on a series of metal oxides, in-

cluding supported Mo/SiOz, has also been
The selective oxidation of hydrocarbons reported recently (4), but we have not been
in general and of alkanes in particular is one able to reproduce the relatively high activ-
of the most important issues in heteroge- ity under similar experimental conditions.
neous catalysis. The activation of alkanes It has been demonstrated that N20 de-
for oxidation reactions to selectively pro- composes at MO centers on the surface of
duce products such as alcohols and alde- partially reduced MoOJSiOz to produce
hydes is of considerable interest for the MO-O- (5). The O- ions react with al-
chemical industry and in fundamental catal- kanes by hydrogen-atom abstraction pro-
ysis. Previous results from this laboratory ducing alkyl radicals (6). It is believed that
have shown that molybdenum supported on ethyl radicals formed in this manner react
silica is an effective catalyst for the oxida- with lattice oxygen of the molybdenum ox-
tive dehydrogenation of ethane to ethylene ide to produce a surface ethoxide interme-
using nitrous oxide as the oxidant (I). More diate which by subsequent reactions will
recently, using a similar catalyst the partial yield ethylene and acetaldehyde.
oxidation of methane to formaldehyde and In this work the partial oxidation of eth-
methanol was achieved with N20 in the ane to acetaldehyde and ethylene is re-
presence of steam (2). ported. Kinetic data along with an overall
The oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane reaction mechanism are presented. Further
has been reported by Thorsteinson (3) on support for the proposed mechanism is ob-
mixed oxides of molybdenum and vana- tained from spectroscopic and thermal de-
dium using oxygen as the oxidant. Al- sorption studies.
though the activity and selectivity for ethyl-
ene was relatively high no oxygenated EXPERIMENTAL
compounds were obtained in this case. The Materials. The gases used in this study
selective dehydrogenation of ethane by ni- were &Ha (Linde, 99.0%), N20 (Matheson,
Copyright B 1985 by Academic Fress, Inc.
Ail rights of reproduction in any form reserved.

99.0%), CO (Matheson, 99.8%) 02 (Mathe- capillary quartz tube (2-mm i.d. X 60 mm)
son, 99.6%), and He (Airco, 99.995%). He so that the products could be rapidly re-
was passed through a gas purifier filled with moved from the heated zone. The catalysts
indicating Drierite and Molecular Sieve 5A. (l-3 g) in the form of chips, 20-42 mesh,
The CO was purified from iron carbonyls were packed between two thin layers of
using a copper tube filled with a mixture of quartz wool. A bed of quartz chips (50-mm
Molecular Sieves 5A and 4A. The other depth) was placed above the upper layer of
gases were used as received. Ammonium quartz wool to preheat the reactant mix-
paramolybdate was obtained from Climax ture. The temperature was controlled and
Molybdenum and the silicas, used as the monitored by a thermocouple placed in a
support, were obtained from Davison thermowell which was in contact with the
(grades 57 and SMR-7) and Cabot Corpora- catalyst bed. The temperature was con-
tion (Cab-0-Sil, M-5). trolled within + 1C. In a typical experiment
Catalyst preparation. The supported mo- the reacting gas mixture which included
lybdenum catalysts were prepared by add- CZHh and N20, with He as a diluent, was
ing a solution of ammonium paramolybdate introduced at flow rates between 40 and 60
to the silica support. To obtain the desired cm3/min into a glass vaporizer-mixer at
molybdenum loading the concentration of 120C into which water was admitted from
the paramolybdate solution was varied ac- a syringe pump. Precautions were taken to
cordingly. The pH of the solution was usu- minimize pressure fluctuations in the sys-
ally adjusted to 11 with NH40H, prior to tem which may occur from the vaporization
addition to the silica. In some preparations of water. The total pressure was 760 Torr.
the pH was adjusted to a different value by The stainless-steel inlet and outlet lines
adding HN03 or NH40H. The slurry was were maintained at -150C to prevent liq-
usually mixed in a rotatory evaporator for uid condensation. Prior to reaction the cat-
0.5 hr at 25C. The liquid phase was com- alysts were oxidized with 02 for 1.5 hr and
pletely evaporated over a period of 1 hr at reduced with CO for 1 hr at 500C under
65C (if not stated otherwise), and at a re- flow conditions. The system was flushed
duced pressure. Catalysts prepared by im- with He between these steps.
pregnation to incipient wetness were dried The reactants and products were ana-
completely in air at 120C after contacting lyzed with a Varian 3700 gas chromato-
the silica gel with an appropriate volume of graph with both TCD and FID connected in
the paramolybdate solution. Catalysts pre- series and attached to a 4270 Varian dual
pared by impregnation from excess of solu- channel integrator. Porapak Q (2 m, pro-
tion were obtained by mixing the silica with grammed 40-175C) was used to analyze
the paramolybdate solution in a beaker and for N20, CO;?,CH4, CZHJ, CzH6, CHxCHO,
slowly evaporating the liquid phase while C2HSOH, and C3 and Cq hydrocarbons. Mo-
stirring on a hot plate. All of these catalysts lecular sieve 13X (2 m, 45C) was used to
were dried in air at 120C for 2 hr and analyze for 02, Nz, and CO. Both columns
calcined at 500C for 17 hr. The results re- were connected in series through a bypass
ported in this study were obtained using the switching valve to isolate the MS-13X
catalysts prepared in a rotatory evaporator column while N20, COZ, and the hydrocar-
with Davison grade 57 silica, unless stated bons eluted from the Porapak column. The
otherwise. carbon balance achieved usually was better
Flow reactor. The kinetic experiments than 5%, which is within the limits of the
were carried out in a fixed-bed flow reactor GC analysis.
operated under differential conditions. The Circulation reactor. The reactor for these
reactor consisted of a quartz tube (17-mm experiments consisted of a U-shaped
i.d. x 120 mm) which was connected to a quartz tube (5-mm i.d.) which included a

section of quartz tubing (13-mm id. x 50 quartz tube (4-mm o.d.). A vacuum stop-
mm). The catalyst was held in this section cock with a conical joint was attached to
over a thin layer of quartz wool. The circu- the center of the reactor so that the reactor
lation system, including the glass-pump and could be rotated, while on the vacuum line,
the reactor, had a total volume of 140 cm3. to transfer the sample from the large part of
The catalyst was activated by evacuation the container to the 4 mm ESR tube. NzO
and oxidation (02, 100 Torr) at 5OOCfol- and C2H6 used in these experiments were
lowed by evacuation and reduction (CO, purified several times by a pump-and-freeze
100Tot-r) at 600Cfor 1 hr each. This proce- technique. The ESR spectra were recorded
dure was followed by evacuation at the at 77 K with a Varian E6 spectrometer. A
same temperature for 0.5 hr. After activa- phosphorous-doped silicon standard was
tion the temperature was adjusted to the used to determine the g values and estimate
required value and the reaction mixture the spin concentrations.
(200-300 Torr) was admitted to the circula- Experiments to obtain the concentration
tion reactor. At preset intervals a sample of Mov as a function of the partial pressure
was collected in a sampling valve and in- of C2H6and N20 were carried out in a U-
jected to the GC for analysis. shaped quartz reactor (lo-mm o.d.)
TPD experiments. The reactor and acti- equipped with an EPR sidearm (4-mm
vation procedure was the same as for the o.d.). The catalyst, under flow conditions,
experiments in the circulation reactor. Af- was exposed to the reaction mixture in the
ter activation the catalyst was cooled under large part of the reactor. After the system
vacuum to 25C. The adsorbate gas or va- reached steady state the reactor was rap-
por was admitted and circulated over the idly quenched from the reaction tempera-
catalyst at 25C for 1 hr. After evacuation ture to 0C and flushed with He at 25C for
for 15 min at the same temperature, the cat- -15 min. The catalyst was transferred to
alyst was heated for 0.5 hr at the following the sidearm for ESR analysis.
temperatures: 150, 300, 400, 500, and
600C. The desorbed products were col- RESULTS
lected in a trap at -196C. After isolating Effect of catalyst preparation. It was
the reactor from the system, the trap was found that the product distribution was
warmed and the desorbed gases were ana- very sensitive to experimental parameters
lyzed by GC. The same procedure was re- such as the method of preparation, the type
peated at each temperature. of silica, and the MO content. Table 1
In the TPD experiments the amount of shows the effect of the preparation method
desorbed products is reported as a percent- on the activity and selectivity of the cata-
age of the total amount of adsorbate gas or lysts. It is apparent from the results that the
vapor retained by the catalyst, multiplied catalysts prepared in a rotatory evaporator
by a suitable stoichiometric factor. The to- at 65C (and 9OC, not shown) generally
tal amount retained (or adsorbed), was esti- gave better selectivity toward acetalde-
mated from the amount of products recov- hyde, especially at higher temperatures. An
ered at the highest desorption temperature exception to this is the catalyst prepared
and the CO* produced following oxidation in the rotatory evaporator at 40C probably
with O2 at 500C at the end of each experi- because the diffusion of the molybdenum
ment. solution into the silica pores is less efficient
ESR experiments. Experiments designed at this temperature. This may produce a
to detect O- and C2H5. by ESR spectros- catalyst with lower dispersion.
copy were carried out in a reactor consist- The catalyst prepared by impregnation
ing of a large quartz tube (12-mm o.d.) con- from excessof solution gave better activity.
nected along a common axis to a smaller At the higher conversions (14.5%), selectiv-

Effect of Preparation Method

Catalyst Conversion Rate Selectivityb (%)

preparation (%I ( pmol/min g)

Impregnation from 553 5.4 11.8 49.0 21.0 19.1 8.1

excess of solution 575 14.5 31.6 51.9 7.8 25.6 13.8
Impregnation by 552 3.3 7.2 42.3 26.3 21.4 8.6
incipient wetness 576 6.2 13.4 47.9 20.2 17.3 12.0
Impregnation in a rotatory 551 3.6 7.8 37.4 26.5 23.3 11.4
evaporator, 40C 574 6.5 14.1 42.4 18.7 23.5 13.0
Impregnation in a rotatory 552 3.7 8.1 35.6 36.4 18.3 8.0
evaporator, 65C 575 6.7 14.7 40.4 30.5 17.5 11.4

o 1.65 g of 2 wt% Mo/SiOr, F, = 45 mhmin, PcZHc= 147 Torr, PN20= 234 Torr, PH20= 332 Torr.
b The formation of C2HSOH, CH4, HCHO, and Cr and C4 hydrocarbons accounts for 2-4% in selectivity.

ity to acetaldehyde was lower, but the se- on the high-surface-area materials, but the
lectivity toward C&H4 remained high. The combined selectivity to ethylene and acet-
reason for this behavior is not fully under- aldehyde was better on the low-porosity sil-
stood; however, the catalysts prepared in ica (SMR-7) and on the Cab-0-Sil. Al-
the rotatory evaporator may produce a though the rates based on the mass of
more uniform distribution of the molybde- catalyst were similar, the rates of conver-
num and a better dispersed catalyst. Fur- sion at constant space velocity were differ-
ther oxidation of CH$HO may be more ent for the three catalysts because their
rapid on larger molybdenum oxide parti- densities differ (Table 2). The relative activ-
cles. ities at 550C become 3.4, 2.3, and 1.0 for
Table 2 shows the effect of the type of the catalysts prepared from Silica SMR-7,
silica used in the preparation. The selectiv- Silica 57, and Cab-0-Sil, respectively. In an
ity to acetaldehyde was considerably better attempt to maximize the selectivity toward

Effect of the Silica Support

Type of Conversion Rate Selectivityb (%)

silica support (%I
(pmolimin g) (~molimin ml) CzH4 CH,CHO CO2 CO

Davison 57, 552 3.7 8.1 3.1 35.1 36.9 18.3 8.0
Porous silica,
300 mZ/g 574 6.8 14.7 5.9 40.4 30.5 17.5 11.4
Davison SMR-7, 550 3.3 7.1 3.8 67.5 14.7 16.2 -
silica, 70 mz/g 575 7.5 16.1 8.7 74.3 12.6 6.6 3.9
Cab-0-Sil M-5 555 3.0 6.5 1.6 51.2 33.7 6.9 7.3
Fumed amorphous
silica, 200 mZ/g 578 5.0 10.8 2.6 55.5 25.9 6.1 11.1

(11.65 g of 2 wt% Mo/Si02, F, = 44.9 ml/mm, PcZH6= 146 Torr, PNZo= 229 Torr, PalO = 229 Torr.
b The formation of C2HSOH, CH4, HCHO, and C1 and Cq hydrocarbons accounts for 2-4% in selectivity.

for the partial oxidation of methane (2), the

presence of steam is essential to obtain high
selectivities to oxygenated products. Fig-
ure 2 shows that the selectivity to acetalde-
hyde doubles as the water vapor pressure
was increased from 0 to 180 Torr and then
remained constant. The small decrease in
conversion over this same range may be
caused by competitive reactions between
MO Lo*:l"G (WlX)
5 O- ions and H20. The effect of steam on
the selectivity toward acetaldehyde will be
FIG. 1. Ethane conversion and product distribution discussed later.
as a function of molybdenum concentration: 1.65 g of 2
wt% Mo/SiOt, T = 551C, F, = 44.9 mUmin, PC& = Catalyst activation and deactivation. As
150 Torr, PN20= 230 Torr, PHfl = 200 Torr. mentioned before under Experimental, the
catalysts were activated prior to reaction
by subsequent oxidation and reduction with
acetaldehyde, the rest of this work was per- oxygen and carbon monoxide at 500C.
formed using Silica 57. Blank experiments This procedure was followed as a stan-
performed on each of the supports showed dard activation method so catalysts may
that ca. l.O-1.5% of the conversion ob- be compared independently. Examination
tained in the catalytic runs was due to the of different activation procedures, includ-
support. ing variations in times and temperatures or
Another variable examined was the ini- heating the catalyst in a helium stream,
tial pH of the ammonium paramolybdate showed that these parameters did not have
solution during preparation of the catalysts. a significant effect on the results obtained at
Preparation at initial pH values of 2,5, and steady state, though initial activities and
11 was tested. The effect of this parameter selectivities were different following the
was found to be small; essentially the same various activation procedures. A com-
activity and slightly higher selectivity for pletely oxidized catalyst had very little ini-
acetaldehyde at pH 11 were observed. The tial activity, but the activity reached the
results reported here are for catalysts pre- same steady-state activity after -3 hr as
pared at this pH. was observed for the prereduced catalyst.
From experiments in which the concen- These results show that regardlessof the ini-
tration of MO was varied (Fig. l), it is ap- tial state of the catalyst the catalytic reac-
parent that the product distribution was tion eventually reaches a steady-state con-
strongly dependent on the MO loading;
whereas, the activity increased at loadings
of MO up to about 2 wt%, and thereafter I 1
remained essentially constant. The latter
phenomenon may result from a saturation
of sites on the silica which are able to retain
MO in an active configuration. It is impor-
tant to point out here that the possibility of
diffusional limitations was considered ac- I-
cording to the accepted criteria (7), and it
was concluded that the reaction is not diffu-
FIG. 2. Ethane conversion and product distribution
sion-limited under these experimental con- as a function of Hz0 partial pressure: 2.0 g of 2 wt%
ditions . Mo/Si02, T = 552C, F, = 54.7 ml/min, PczHs= 131
Efiect of steam. As reported previously TOIT, PNfl = 222 Torr.

extent, preventing in this way the continu-

ous deactivation of the catalyst. As shown
by these results the poisoning is a reversible
process and reproducible activities can be
obtained after reactivation. At lower partial
pressures of ethane, it is reasonable to as-
sume that the initial decay in activity is
mainly the result of the oxidation of the
originally reduced catalyst by nitrous oxide
until a steady state is obtained.
Kinetic parameters. The effect of contact
time is shown in Fig. 4. In this series of
experiments the contact time was varied
both by changing the amount of catalyst
while holding the volumetric flow rate con-
FIG. 3. Catalyst activity as a function of time on
stream: 2.0 g of 2 wt% Mo/SiOz, T = 552C F, = 53.9
stant, and vice versa. The results obtained
mUmin. (a) PcZH6= 297 Torr, PNlo = 225 Torr, PH20= in both cases gave the same conversion for
216 Torr; (b) PcZH(= 166Torr, I&o = 219 Torr, PH20= the same space velocity, which indicates
218 Torr; (c) same as (b), completely oxidized catalyst. that the reaction is not limited by external
Open symbols indicate points recorded after reactiva- mass transport under these conditions.
tion of the catalyst.
From Fig. 4 it is apparent that in order to
obtain high selectivities toward acetalde-
dition which depends only on the hyde and ethylene, the reactor should be
temperature and the reaction mixture used. operated at high space velocities and hence
When the reaction was carried out over a low conversions. At conversions of about
period of 30 hr at partial pressures of ethane 2% the combined selectivity for acetalde-
higher than ca. 200 Torr (at 225 Torr of N20 hyde and ethylene is over 90%. The drastic
and 200 Torr of H20), there was a continu- decrease in selectivity to acetaldehyde is
ous deactivation of the catalyst. Typical probably a result of further oxidation of this
results are shown in Fig. 3a. At an ethane product.
partial pressure of 297 Torr, steady-state The conversion of ethane and the prod-
conditions were not achieved. After 30 hr uct distribution as a function of tempera-
the rate decreased from 16.9 to 2.4 PmoY
min g. In contrast, at 166 Torr of ethane
(Fig. 3b), steady-state conditions are ob-
tained after 2 hr, and after 27 hr of reaction
the rate remained essentially the same (12.7
pmol/min g). Reactivation of the catalysts
gave reproducible results in both cases for
the initial activity and after 2 and 4 hr of
reaction. The deactivation of the catalyst at
high partial pressures of ethane (>200 Tort-)
is probably a result of poisoning by coke,
which could be oxidized with oxygen at
500C to give COZ and restore the activity. CONTACT TIME (aec)

At lower partial pressures of ethane the ni-

FIG. 4. Ethane conversion and product distribution
trous oxide and steam, present in the reac- as a function of contact time: 2.0 g of 2 wt% Mo/SiOl,
tion mixture, are probably capable of oxi- T = 55OC,PczHs= 149 Torr, PNzo= 228Torr, PH20=
dizing the carbonaceous deposit to some 218 Torr.

lOa/ 1 (K-) of He was adjusted to obtain the required

I5 120 1.25 space velocity. In order to understand bet-
a ter the mechanism and to establish the rate
equation for the &He conversion, the order
of reaction was obtained from a plot of the
logarithm of the rate of CZH~conversion
versus the logarithm of the partial pressures
of CJ& and NzO. The overall rate of C2H6
conversion may be described by
- d[C2Ha1
= k[C&j]0.4[N20] (1)
over the range of partial pressures PcZHI=
30-300 Tot-r, and PN20 = 30-280 Torr. At
PNzo> 280 Tot-r the rate of C2H6conversion
remained constant, giving an apparent zero
order with respect to N20. An accurate de-
termination of the order with respect to eth-

500 550 600

T Pet)

FIG. 5. Ethane conversion and product distribution

as a function of temperature: 2.0 g of 2 wt% Mo/Si02,
F, = 55.2 mUmin, PczH6= 150 Torr, P,fl = 231 Ton-,
PHI0 = 209 TOIT.

ture are depicted in Fig. 5a. The selectivi-

ties for all the products except CZHJ are
strongly dependent on the temperature.
This behavior further suggests that acetal-
dehyde is readily oxidized at T > 500C. An
Arrhenius plot of the rate of ethane conver-
sion versus the reciprocal of the absolute
temperature gave rise to an apparent acti-
vation energy of 3 1 2 1.5 kcal/mol. The rate
of C2Hsconversion, recorded for a random
sequence of temperatures over a period of
18 hr (Fig. 5b), indicates that the catalyst
was stable with respect to time over the
temperature range 500-600C. I

The conversion and selectivity as a func- 100


tion of the partial pressures of CzH6 and

N20 are given in Fig. 6. These experiments FIG. 6. Ethane conversion and product distribution
were performed at constant temperature as a function of (a) partial pressure of C2Hs, F, = 58.3
mlhin, PN~ = 236 Torr, PHI = 200 Torr, and (b)
and space velocity. The partial pressure of partial pressure of NzO, F, = 57.9 ml/min, PczHs = 124
CZI& or N20 was varied, while holding con- Tot-r, PHlo = 199 Torr: 2.0 g of 2 wt% Mo/Sio2. (+)
stant the partial pressures of the other reac- Rate of CzHHL conversion, (0) CzH4, (0) CHFHO, (A)
tants (HZ0 and N20 or &He). The flow rate co*, (V) co.

amount of MO* was also observed in those

experiments. Based on the XPS results, the
MO concentration followed an order of ca.
0.36 with respect to ethane. It is worthwhile
to note that the amount of MO detected by
ESR is much smaller than the amount ob-
served by XPS. Similar observations were
previously reported for molybdenum-alu-
mina catalysts (8).
Reaction of CzHjOH and CH3CH0 with
N20. In the reaction mechanism which foi-
lows, ethanol is believed to be an important
intermediate in the production of acetalde-
hyde. In order to establish the stability of
C2HSOH and CH$HO under reaction con-
ditions, separate experiments in the flow re-
actor were carried out in which ethanol or
acetaldehyde were reacted with nitrous ox-
FIG. 7. Relative concentration of MO at steady
state as a function of (a) partial pressure of CzH6, I&o
ide and water in the temperature range 400-
= 251 Torr; and (b) partial pressure of N20, PQH~ = 550C. At 400C the ethanol was almost
151 Torr: 0.70 g of 2 wt% Mo/SiOl, F, = 30.0 ml/min, completely converted (94%) to acetalde-
T = 550C. hyde (92% selectivity). Contact times in the
flow reactor are in the order of -5 set,
ane is difficult because the catalyst deacti- which indicates that the conversion of
vated at relatively high partial pressures of C2HSOH is a very effective reaction even at
CzH6 as reported above. 400C. Under the same conditions 7% of
In the reaction mechanism discussed be- the acetaldehyde was converted to C02,
low, the steady-state concentration of MO CO, and CH4, with selectivities of 51, 38,
will play an important role. The relative and 9%, respectively. Small amounts of
concentration of MO was determined by ClH4, CJ, and C4 were also observed. At
ESR as a function of the partial pressure of 480C the conversion reached 46%,
CZHband N20. The experiments were car- whereas selectivities remained essentially
ried out as before in a mixture of C2H6, the same. These results show that acetalde-
N20, and He. After the system reached hyde, though more stable than ethanol, is
steady state, the reactor was rapidly also unstable under reaction conditions and
quenched as described before (Experimen- will undergo subsequent reactions to pro-
tal) and the EPR spectrum of MO was re- duce mainly carbon oxides.
corded (Fig. 7). The results show that the Experiments in the circulation reactor. In
steady-state concentration of MO was es- order to establish whether CzH4, CH,CHO,
sentially zero order with respect to N20, and CO* are primary or secondary products
whereas with respect to C2H6the order was and to obtain an insight into the reaction
ca. 0.45 up to 100 Torr and zero order at pathway, experiments were carried out in a
higher pressures. The concentration of MO circulation reactor at a relatively low tem-
did not exceed 1% of the total molybdenum perature (400C). The results obtained (Fig.
even at the highest concentration. Similar 8) show that after 5 min of reaction C2H4,
XPS experiments showed, however, that CH$HO, C2HSOH, and CO* were de-
the concentration of MO increased up to tected. As the reaction proceeds the COZ
ca. 40% of the total molybdenum present at formation rate changed, the concentration
250 Torr of C2H6. Moreover a similar of CH$HO reached a constant value, and

failed. The stability of CzH5. produced on

this surface was tested using a technique
reported by Kazansky and co-workers (9)
in which ethyl radicals were generated by
irradiation of the Mo/SiOz catalysts in the
presence of CzHa. The irradiation (254 nm)
of the catalyst is believed to produce
MoVO- centers which react at - 196Cwith
C2H6to produce CZHs*radicals and MO-
OH-. Using this method a clearly resolved
ESR spectrum of CzHs* was observed. The
radical was stable at -196C; however, the
spectrum disappeared upon heating to
-160C for >5 min or after 30 set at
-131C. Hence, the high reactivity of the
ethyl radicals on the MoBi surface at rel-
atively low temperatures is established.
TIME (mln) The spectrum of C2Hs. was detected us-
ing the matrix isolation method described
FIG. 8. Ethane conversion and product distribution
as a function of time in a circuiation reactor: 0.50 g of 2 by Martir and Lunsford (10). After activa-
wt% Mo/SiOz, T = 400C. tion as previously described, a mixture of
C2H6and N20 in Ar was passed over the
Mo/SiOz catalyst at 550C for 3 hr, and a
C2HsOH was observed only in trace matrix was allowed to form over 20 min on
amounts. This behavior can be understood a sapphire rod at 12 K. The ESR spectrum
by realizing that at the beginning of the re- of Fig. 9 shows that ethyl radicals were
action COZis mainly produced from further formed on the catalyst, subsequently en-
reduction of the catalyst, whereas at a latter tered the gas phase and were trapped in the
stage CO? is produced by subsequent reac- matrix. Over a period of 36 hr several ma-
tion of the other products, mainly acetalde- trices were formed, and the intensity of the
hyde. The steady concentration of acetal- C2Hs- spectra remained unchanged. In a
dehyde suggests that the rate of formation similar experiment in which N20 was ab-
equals the rate of reaction. sent no radicals were detected, showing
Spectroscopic experiments. ESR was that the ethyl radicals are formed as a result
used to identify the intermediates O- and of the reaction between NzO (or O-) and
C2Hs.. The O- ion was generated on this C2H6over this catalyst and not as a result of
catalyst by exposure of the reduced MO/
SiOZ catalyst to N20. Upon addition of
C2Hsat - 196Cthe intensity of the O- sig-
nal did not change, even after 3 hr. It
should be noted that the vapor pressure of
ethane at this temperature is <10e6 Ton-.
The O- reacted slowly with CzH,jat temper-
atures as low as - 119C and rapidly at
- 107C;however, the ESR spectrum of the
ethyl radical was not observed, presumably
because at -119C, the CzHs* was not sta- FIG. 9. ESR spectra of matrix-isolated C2H5. after
ble enough to be detected. Attempts to trap reaction of CzHs with NzO over 2 wt% Mo/Siq at
the radical by rapid heating and cooling 550C.

b4 9-

a T t-C) b T (Cl

FIG. 10. Product distribution as a function of the thermal desorption program following (a) reaction
of O- with C2H6 and (b) reaction of O- with C2H6and subsequent adsorption of Hz0 vapor, at 25C
over 2 wt% Mo/SiOz.

the mere interaction of C2Hs with the cata- CH&HO, whereas the thermal desorption
lyst. of acetaldehyde (Fig. llb) gave rise to car-
Thermal desorption experiments. In bon oxides, C2H4, and other hydrocarbons.
these experiments O- was produced by
treatment of the activated catalyst with 90
Tot-r of N20 at 150C for 1 hr. The catalyst DISCUSSION
was cooled to 25C and 5 Torr of C*H6 were In many respects the mechanism for the
recirculated over the catalyst for 1 hr. The partial oxidation of ethane parallels the pre-
gas phase was evacuated, and the tempera- viously proposed mechanism for the oxida-
ture program started. In another experi- tive dehydrogenation of ethane in the ab-
ment the same procedure was followed ex- sence of H20, and the mechanism for the
cept that after the evacuation of the C2H6, partial oxidation of methane. Ethane oxida-
the catalyst was exposed to 5 Torr of Hz0 tion over the Mo/SiOz catalyst may be de-
for 0.5 hr and then evacuated again before scribed in terms of a selective cycle which
the temperature program was initiated. The produces C2H4 and CHjCHO and a nonse-
amount of products desorbed as a function lective cycle which yields C02. The other
of temperature is depicted in Fig. 10. The products are apparently produced by fur-
major product was CzH4, which was de- ther oxidation of CH&HO and C2H4. The
sorbed mainly at 300C. Unreacted CZH6 nonselective cycle may be represented by
was mainly desorbed at 150C. A compari- the stoichiometric reactions
son of Fig. 10a with lob illustrates again the
importance of H20 in the formation of the 14MoV + 702- + C2 H 6
oxygenated products CZHSOH and 14MoV + 2C02 + 3H20 (2)
CH&HO. When the catalyst was not ex- 2Mo + N20 3
posed to water, a very small amount of
CH$ZHO (not shown) and no C2HSOH 2Mo + 02- + N2 (3)
were detected. The selective cycle is based on the reac-
As a surface ethoxide is believed to be tion of N20 with MoV to form MO-O-
the most likely intermediate in the selective which is the active oxygen species in the
oxidation reaction, it was instructive to ex- selective oxidation. The O- reacts with
amine the thermal desorption pattern after C2H6 by hydrogen abstraction to produce
adsorption of pure ethanol and acetalde- C~HS*which may further react with lattice
hyde. The thermal desorption of ethanol oxygen to form a surface ethoxide. The lat-
(Fig. lla) produced mainly C2H4 and ter decomposes to either C2H4or CH$HO.


-7 5

-2 5

200 400
b T PC)
FIG. 11. Product distribution as a function of the thermal desorption program after adsorption of (a)
C2HSOH and (b) CH&HO at 25C over 2 wt% Mo/Si02.

The proposed mechanism is described:

An important feature of the mechanism is

that the active MoV species, once formed resented in the scheme by the complex
by reaction (2)) may be regenerated accord-
ing to the selective cycle until it is removed
by reaction (3). This active MoV species is
believed to be an isolated MO species rep-

The results in Fig. 1 show that catalytic ac- As in the mechanistic scheme, step 3 oc-
tivity no longer increased with increasing curs at low temperatures while step 2 occurs
MO loading after a saturation level of -2 only at high temperatures (5), thus, the rate
wt%. This behavior is further supported by expression is reduced to
the ESR results and previous conclusions
from this laboratory (1) which showed that --=-d[CzHsl 4 5
dt k2
the active form of MO is only a very small
fraction of the total molybdenum present. [C2H61n [N201- [Molt, (5)
Likewise, our ESR experiments showed where IZ and m can be evaluated from the
that the intensity of the O- signal did not measurement of the relative concentration
increase beyond molybdenum loadings of of MO as a function of C2H6 and N20 par-
-2 wt% and actually decreased at higher tial pressure (Fig. 7). At intermediate pres-
loadings of 5 and 6.6%. This indicates that sures of N20 (30-280 Tot-r) and lower pres-
at the higher loadings the O- is only formed sures of C2H6 (O-100 Tot-r), it was found
on a small fraction of the total MO, and pre- that m = 0 and n = 0.45, which yields
sumably at the isolated MO sites. If the
active site is indeed an isolated MO, then --=-dC&l kl k3
agglomeration at higher loadings would be dt k2
[C2H61~45[N201[Mol, (6)
detrimental to the catalytic activity. This
view is further supported by comparing the in good agreement with the experimental
XPS spectra of oxidized Mo/Si02 catalysts rate equation with respect to the gas-phase
containing 2 and 6.6% MO. On the high-MO- reactants. At higher partial pressures of
content sample the MO 3d312and MO 3dsi2 C2H6 the order (n) becomes zero (Fig. 7).
peaks were clearly resolved while on the low- This behavior can be understood if one as-
loading sample the peaks were very broad sumes that at the higher partial pressures of
and not resolved at all. This indicates that a ethane, the concentration of MO increases
well-defined homogeneous MO phase was to a level such that magnetic coupling pre-
formed at the higher loading. vents the observation of additional MO
The selective cycle may be repeated ions (8). The XPS results showed that the
many times providing that reaction (3) or a MO concentration actually increased at the
similar two-electron transfer does not oc- higher pressures, and the experimental or-
cur. Apparently the life of one MO site is der with respect to C2H6was 0.36, which is
strongly dependent on the conversion. At in fair agreement with the results above. As
higher conversions the active MO species the sites become less isolated, the selectiv-
may be further reduced by acetaldehyde, ity to acetaldehyde decreases (Fig. 6).
providing a suitable situation for a two- Although, the O- and C2H5* intermedi-
electron transfer to occur. ates have been identified on the catalyst
Based on the mechanistic scheme above, and in the gas phase, respectively, direct
the overall rate equation for the oxidation evidence for the formation of C2H50- by IR
of C2H6 can be derived. Using the steady- was not obtained. The detection of ethox-
state approximation for d [Mo]ldt, ide on the surface of this catalyst by IR is
d[Mo*]/dt, d[O-l/d?, and d[C2H5*]ldt and difficult because there is no transmission in
assuming that the active form of MO is the region 1050-l 150 cm- in which the
only a small fraction of the MO present characteristic stretching frequency of the
([MO]xtive e [Molto&, the rate equation CO group is observed, and identification re-
for the CzH6 conversion is lies only on the CH stretching modes. Ex-
d[Cz&l periments designed to confirm the presence
- ~ = k,[CzH# of the surface ethoxide on Mo/SiOz cata-
lysts were not successful, probably because
(1 + $ [NzO]-m) [MO], . (4)
the concentration of the ethoxide, in sam-

pies which gave adequate transmission, tate-like intermediates when adsorbed on

was below the detection limit of the instru- solid surfaces (II). The acetate intermedi-
ment. Samples prepared with Cab-0-Sil ate decomposes to give CH4 and a carbon-
gave better transmission; however, back- ate-type surface complex which ultimately
ground in the region 2800-3000 cm-i makes produces CO and COZ. The TPD pattern of
the identification difhcult. Indirect evi- adsorbed acetaldehyde (Fig. llb) shows
dence for the presence of C2HsO- is pro- that indeed relatively large amounts of CO2
vided by the TPD experiments. Ethanol is and CO are produced. The different
known to form C2Hs0- upon adsorption on amounts of COZ and CH.+,observed in the
oxide surfaces, as confirmed by IR spec- circulation experiments (Fig. 8), suggest
troscopy (6). Indeed, the C2HsO- ion was that CO2 and CO are also formed from
detected by IR when CzHsOH was ad- other sources.The fact that COwas detected
sorbed on the MoOJSilica 57 catalyst of only in trace amounts in the circulation ex-
this study. The resemblance between the periments is probably a consequence of its
TPD patterns in Figs. lob and 1la is an indi- oxidation to Cot, which has been demon-
cation that the CzH4and CH$HO products strated to occur over this catalyst even at
were produced from the sameintermediate, low temperatures (22). The detection of C3
i.e., the ethoxide. and Cdhydrocarbons is probably a result of
The surface ethoxide may decompose to dimerization or oligomerization reactions
produce ethylene or it may react with water of either the acetaldehyde or the ethylene.
or OH- to produce ethanol and acetalde- Further oxidation and cracking of these hy-
hyde as depicted in the mechanistic drocarbons, or CZH6, may account for the
scheme. If C2H50H is produced, it will fur- relatively large amounts or CO2 and CO.
ther react to give mainly CH$ZHO, even at The formation of CzHdby another mecha-
relatively low temperatures. These results nism cannot be excluded. Ethylene may
suggestthat the primary products in the re- also be produced by a mechanism in which
action are CzH4and CzHsOH which is prob- the CZHs., formed as explained above,
ably the precursor of acetaldehyde. Never- loses another H atom by its reaction with
theless, the reaction of the surface ethoxide lattice oxygen or O-. The TPD experiments
with adjacent OH- to produce acetalde- show that at room temperature small
hyde should also be considered as a possi- amounts of CzH4 and n-C~Hlo were ob-
ble pathway. The increase in selectivity to- served. The latter product, although
ward acetaldehyde in the presence of water present in small amounts, indicates that in
(Fig. 2), may be rationalized in this man- addition to reacting with the surface to form
ner. The TPD patterns (Figs. 10a and b) in ethoxide ions, ethyl radicals may couple to
the absenceand in the presence of Hz0 pro- form n-C4Hlo. It is unlikely, however, that
vides further support for this point. In the ethyl radicals initiate a homogeneous chain
absence of H20, no CZH~OH and only mechanism which contributes significantly
traces of acetaldehyde were obtained on to the observed products. As noted previ-
the catalyst activated at 600Cwhich was in ously the reaction of CZHS.with the surface
a highly dehydroxylated state. The slight is facile; whereas the reaction of CzHs*with
reduction in conversion caused by Hz0 NzO is expected to have considerable en-
may be explained as a result of competition ergy of activation. For example, Dean et al.
for the active site, between N20 and H20 (13) have shown that the reaction Ha + N20
(steps 3 and 10, respectively, in the mecha- + N2 + OH. has an activation energy of 22
nistic scheme). kcal/mol. Since molecular oxygen, derived
In addition to being produced by reaction via the decomposition of N20, was not de-
(2), CO* may also be produced from further tected as a product, this species probably
oxidation of acetaldehyde and other prod- was not an important intermediate, either
ucts. Acetaldehyde is known to form ace- on the surface or in the gas phase.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 6. Aika, K., and Lunsford, J. H., .I. Phys. Chem. 81,
Support for this work was provided by the National 1393 (1977).
Science Foundation under Grant CHE-8112893. The 7. (a) Satterlield, N., Mass Transfer in Heteroge-
matrix isolation experiment was carried out by Dr. neous Catalysis. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.,
Daniel J. Driscoll. 1970; (b) Weisz, P. B., and Prater, C. C., Ad-
vances in Catalysis, Vol. 6, p. 143. Academic
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