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advertisement: n. a D
documentary: n. a health: n. general condition
message used
movie that is of the body. The doctor said
to promote a particular
product or intended to show she was in good health.
service. The movie evidence of a hire: v. to give somebody
particular view of a job
advertisement is or contract. They hired
in the newspaper today. reality.
disease: n. a him as a
analyst: n. a person whose medical
work condition of organism
(syn. illness, ailment; researcher.
is to conduct analysis. The
analyst ant. wellness,
health) M
evaluated the business 72 maintenance: n. the act
results. of maintaining something
in good condition.

occupation: n. a particular
people do as a way of
odd: adj. different from the
(syn. strange, weird; ant.
applicant: n. a person who normal)
applies for a particular .
position related to work or
studies (syn. candidate, P
aspirant). party planner: n. a person
C job is to be in charge of
career: n. a particular field preparing
of study social events such as
or work. He had a successful weddings.
in medicine.
computer programmer:
n. a
person who runs and tests
programs for computers.
console: n. an electronic
used to run games on
screens such
as television sets.

poison: n. a substance
whose chemical components
cause bad reactions in
peoples bodies or even
death. The poisonous snake
bit a tourist guide.
S taster: n. a person
seek: v. look for, search. who is able to distinguish Colloquial
She is flavors and give opinions. Expressions
seeking a job in
robotics. To be a number
cruncher: to be good at
T numbers.
translator: n. a person To be the cream of the
who crop: to be the best in an
transfers sets of symbols activity.
others. To call it quits: to put
an end to an activity.
To learn the ropes: to
tester: n. a person do a job correctly.
whose job is to use an
object or equipment to To think out of the box:
check their quality and to think creatively.
service. (syn. reviewer,
checker) To have a sweet
tooth: to be willing eat
all kinds of sweets
To follow someones
lead: to imitate, to
replicate somebodys idea.
out of: a number
indicating choice or
selection from

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