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Dear Connie Douglas,

For my e-portfolio I have chosen to represent my writing and my creative

process through four pieces: two papers, a poem and a doodle. While not much, I
found them to be the strongest examples and the best capable of displaying my
skills. My first paper is the Rhetorical Analysis which was assigned to determine our
ability to analyze sources. Although I was surprised to receive a relatively high
grade, a ninety-three, I also edited this paper as the problems were grammatical. I
have chosen this particular piece not only because I was surprised I did so well, but
also because I believe it shows my critical thinking skills and my ability to analyze
rhetoric within writing. I also included this piece because in my junior year of high
school, in AP English III, I had to write a very similar paper and made an eighty-one
on it. I believe this shows I have learned a deal more in this class than I had in my
AP English III class and I improved on my rhetorical analysis skills. My second paper
is the Round Table Essay which I also did well on, receiving a ninety-five. I also
edited this paper, again mainly grammatical, to see where I need improvement.
From both of these papers the main issue I have seen is my inability to use a semi-
colon and comma in the correct positions (i.e. ;however,). I was also surprised by
the grade I received for this paper as I honestly struggled to write it. This
assignment had us determine three voices within our line of inquiry, compare them
amongst one another and present their voices. I had two clear voices; however,
determining a third and presenting it strongly was difficult. Third, I have a poem
which we presented to the class as a slam poem. This poem presented our line of
inquiry in a creative way and tested our knowledge of our voices (in our line of
inquiry) and our presentation skills. I have used this piece to show my writing and
creative process because I not only found it challenging to create but also fun to
write. I practiced reciting this poem many times as well to ensure a decent
presentation; however, it did not go as well as I intended it to. While I cannot edit
this one (or I do not wish to) I can continue to practice presenting and hopefully one
day I will perfect it! For my final piece, I have used my doodle. It is a bit silly but I
believe it shows my creative process through our line of inquiry. It also shows my
thought process and where I went in steps to determine how my papers would
develop and where my questions for research would lead me. While this was not
particularly difficult, I did find it helpful in showing how I create questions. I also see
it as an organization tool for future projects. I believe this class has successfully
impacted my writing and creative process, as well as my ability to speak within a
class, in a friendly environment. I hope these four pieces show you not only my
writing but also my personality.
Thank You,
Emily Breneman

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