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Task 7 : Classroom Management

managing the classroom behavior based on theories of human

behavior. Henley, M. (2010). So you must have classroom
management to control your students .
Also classroom management give a chance for how to deal with
the student .

Classroom management is about not only creating an effective

classroom environment but reducing teachers' stress(Burke, J.
(2008) . There are some of the rules that give you a classroom
management . First to Listen and follow directions. To listen
what the teacher say and do what they want you to do it
.Second Raise your hand before speaking and leaving your
seat. For example when you want to go to the toilet raise your
hand and speak quietly . Finally Respect your classmates and
your teacher. If you respect your teacher and your classmates
they will respect you too . The purpose of this rules is to keep
the students and the teacher from any misbehavior that make
a noise in the classroom , when the teacher is teaching a

With out the classroom management you can not do a lot of

the activities because the lesson objective focus on the
classroom management .
The classroom management is a method where use it to
classroom environemt for the learning . There are a lot of
strategies that use it in the classroom management . First
planning you must achieve you goals . The second strategy is
organization you must have rules that companies between the
rules and your strategy of teaching in the classroom
environment . Third strategy communication you must have a
communication that will help you to interact with the students
or the teachers that is near your classroom environment . Four
strategy Motivation you must create the learning teaching
environment that will help students encourage their social
interaction . According to Vygotsky (1978), much important
learning by the child occurs through social interaction with a
skillful tutor. Final strategy is monitor the activities , you must
do some of the activites but in the limit with you classroom

Form my teaching practice experience I see a lot of things

about the classroom management. Some of the teacher they
do not have a communication strategy because the students
afraid to deal with the teacher. The teachers give a student
bad behavior about her like to be angry then the students
afraid to talk with her. Also some of the teachers do not do any
of the activities for the students .

To sum up , In my opinion the classroom management is a big

influence for you classroom environment because without
classroom management you can not teach any lesson to the
student .
Reference :

Burke, J. (2008). Classroom management: How to establish positive discipline,

organize your classroom, manage your teaching time. New York, NY: Scholastic.

Henley, M. (2010). Classroom management: A proactive approach (2nd ed.).

Boston: Pearson.

Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological

processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

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