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Teacher: Julie Schare Subject: Nonfiction Writing/Science

Amount of Time: 50 minutes Lesson Topic: Insect Research

Background: Lesson Objectives:

Students have been working in an animal life unit in By the end of this lesson, students will be able to
science. In writing, students have been working in a independently log onto PebbleGo.com and find
nonfiction unit. Also, in first grade, we have a big learning their insects.
exhibition on insects. Because of all this, students will be By the end of this lesson, students will be able to
writing nonfiction insect books as part of their exhibition. research information and take notes on their
Students have researched other animals for nonfiction insects for their nonfiction books.
writing using paperback books, but not the internet. By the end of this lesson, students will be able to
Students have gone on the website PebbleGo.Com in the better understand the benefits of researching
computer lab, but never independently or on our classroom online and using websites to find helpful
iPads. information.

Standards and Benchmarks: Procedures/ Activities:

Writing Standards Addressed: Introduction (5 minutes): I will begin the lesson by

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.1.2 Write informative/explanatory having students take out their insect topic papers. I will
texts in which they name a topic, supply some facts about let them know that today, in order to begin researching
the topic, and provide some sense of closure. their insects, they will be using the iPads. This will really
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.1.6 With guidance and support engage the students because they love being able to
from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and use our classroom iPads. I will ask students why they
publish writing, including in collaboration with peers. think we will be researching using the internet today
instead of using books. I will explain the benefits of being
Science Standards Addressed: able to use the internet and how many resources it
L.OL.01.13 Identify the needs of animals. provides for us. I will have all students come to the
L.OL.01.21 Describe the life cycle of animals including the carpet and then pass out iPads to students.
following stages: egg, young, adult; egg, larva, pupa, adult. Guided Demonstration (5 minutes): Using the ELMO
projector, I will project my iPad onto the Promethean
NETS Standard Addressed: board. I will guide students through getting logged into
Knowledge Constructor- plan and employ effective research PebbleGo.com. (Click on Safari -> type in the URL
strategies to locate information and other resources for their
www.pebblego.com in the new window -> username:
intellectual or creative pursuits. eastover password: school. Once logged on, I will
remind students how we take notes (example: you dont
Michigan Educational Technology Standard Addressed: need to copy down every word from the website, you
PK- 2. CT. Use digital resources (e.g., dictionaries, should put it in your own words and in short phrases to
encyclopedias, search engines, web sites) to solve later spark your memory).
developmentally appropriate problems, with assistance from
teachers, parents, school media specialists, or student Student Research (30 minutes): Students will have the
partners next half hour to go through the various slides within
PebbleGo in order to gain information on their insect in
Materials: the following categories: What It Looks Like, What It
Eats, Where It Lives, and Life Cycle. Students will be
iPads allowed to work with others who are researching the
ELMO projector same insect. During this time, I will be walking around
Promethean Board the room helping any students that need extra support.
Insect note papers
Pencils Closing (10 minutes): After students have researched
on their own, I will regroup the class. I will have all
students rejoin me on the front carpet with their notes
and iPads. I will ask students how many of them need
more time for research. I will also ask if any students
want to share out one interesting fact they found by
researching their insects today. Then, we will discuss
how students felt using iPads and websites to research
compared to the books they are comfortable flipping
through. Finally, I will let students know that they will
have a bit more time to research tommorrow on a brand
new website: www.bugfacts.net. I will explain how
various websites may offer different pieces of
information so that students will have everything they
need once its finally time to write their books. I will have
all students plug iPads back in and put their notes back
into their writing folders before moving onto another

Assessment and Homework: Accommodations:

In order to assess the students, I will do a few things In order to accommodate all students there are a few
throughout and after the lesson: things that I will be doing in this lesson:
Monitor students throughout the lesson while they are Using the site PebbleGo.com will be beneficial for
researching and take notes on my observations my lower readers because the website reads all
Use a fist-to-five at the end of the lesson to gauge of the pages aloud. PebbleGo also offers videos
how comfortable students felt logging themselves into and pictures which will be interesting for my visual
PebbleGo and researching online learners.
Check insect note papers at the end of the lesson to My student that has an IEP and is part of the ARP
see how many sections students were able to get program will be paired with a student at a higher
through academic level that will be able to help assist him
in logging onto the iPad and taking notes on his
There will not be homework given at the end of this lesson insect.
since students will need to continue researching in class My student with ADHD will be allowed to get up
tomorrow. and take breaks throughout the research process
because it is really hard for him to sit still for long
periods of time.
All students will be able to work around the room
in a comfortable spot that best suits them for
All students are allowed to work by/with other
students researching the same insect so that they
could help each other if needed.


Capstone. (2017) Retrieved from http://www.Pebblego.com

Michigan Department of Education, (2009). Michigan
Educational Technology Standards for Students. Grades
PK-2. MI.
National Governors Association Center for Best Practices &
Council of Chief State School Officers. (2010). Common
Core State Standards for English language arts and literacy
in history/social studies, science, and technical subjects.
Washington, DC: Authors.

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