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Financial Literacy Month

April 2017
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Grade Level 1 EconEdLink

Resource Key: Start #FinLit month
K-3 * with CEEs teacher
4-8 ^ website of free lessons,
9-12 + interactives and PD:
All No symbol
2 Family 3 Math that 4 Keys to Finan- 5 Better Money 6 Join the Gen i 7 w!se+ 8 Compound
Finances Makes Cents^ cial Success+ Habits^+ Revolution+ Register for the FinLit Interest^+
Use these calculators Reinforce math skills The Philadelphia Check out these Defeat the Murktide Certification Use this compound
to budget and prepare with real-world per- Feds course for lessons and videos of financial confusion Program. Use Gen i interest calculator to see
for the future: sonal finance applica- teaching personal on EconEdLink: that is spreading to help prepare how your money works
bit.ly/1R9VRH4 tions: finance: econedlink.org/ across the country: students for the test. for you:
economicscenter.org/ bit.ly/1RDSnH6 get-started/25 genirevolution.org wise-ny.org/ econedlink.org/tool/2
8442 programs.htm
9 Fun Family 10 Advertising^ 11 Childrens 12 Secret 13 Econ Low 14 Stocks^+ 15 Financial
Activities Be an ad detective! Literature* Millionares Down The Stock Market Literacy Quiz+
Financial Fitness for admongo.gov Use these popular Club*^ The St. Louis Fed is a Game teaches Take FINRAs quiz to see
Life includes parent http://pbskids.org/ picture books to teach great place to find students in grades 4 how you compare to the
guides and activities to dontbuyit key financial literacy Join Warren Buffet in lesson plans, videos, to 12 about investing: national aver- age:
do with kids: concepts: econedlink. this animated video and more: stlouisfed. stockmarketgame.org bit.ly/1UWn2oz
bit.ly/1RbYpEM org/get-started/27 series: smckids.com org/education
16 Advocating 17 Invest in 18 Investing in 19 Financial Aid+ 20 Math in the 21 Savings+ 22 Football &
for FinLit Yourself+ College+ Compare financial aid Real World+ This Tale of Two Personal
What are the require- Explore career Help guide students offers and learn more High School math Savers from Financial Finance^+
ments for personal options: as they weigh the about reading finan- lessons that teach Fitness for Life will Financial Football is a
finance courses in costs and benefits of cial aid award letters: economics and show how important game that teaches
your state? careeronestop.org attending college: consumerfinance.gov/ personal finance: it is to start saving money management:
surveyofthestates.com bit.ly/223GMfm paying-for-college econedlink.org/mitrw young: bit.ly/1nABftD bit.ly/226Cpgi
23 Research on FinLit 24 Credit+ 25 Understanding 26 After School 27 Money As 28 Credit Score+ 29 Read Alouds
Prof. Annamaria Lusardis How much does that Fiscal Program^+ You Learn Use this video to and Sing-a-
blog offers FinLit insights: new item really cost Responsibility teach students all
annalusardi.blogspot.com using a credit card? Teach students how Financial literacy and Overview of personal Longs*
econedlink.org/ to think critically entrepreneurship for finance big ideas/tips about credit scores. Kids are never too
30 Minecraft teacher-lesson/1025 about public policy for integrating PF into econedlink.org/tool/
kids: bit.ly/1Rauc2D young to start learning
We've blended Minecraft & econedlink.org/ the Common Core: 360/Credit-Score personal finance:
econ together into lesson topics/28
plans: http://bit.ly/2ly7Pvr moneyasyoulearn.org kidseconposters.com

Learn more about the Council for Economic Education: www.councilforeconed.org

Twitter: @council4econed | Facebook: facebook.com/councilforeconed

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