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Coleman 1

Parker Coleman
Debra Jizi
UWRT 1104
27 March 2017
Annotated Bibliography

McCleery, Robert A, Christopher E. Moorman, and M N. Peterson. Urban Wildlife Conservation:

Theory and Practice. 2014.

This article talks about how to build environments that are wildlife friendly and fit into

urban environments. It talks about wildlife friendly developments and how to plan and manage

them. The book also mentions humans and how they will still have space but that there has to be

space allowed for the wildlife.

This book talks about how humans and wildlife can coexist in the same area. This is

relevant to my topic because as a conservationist this is what you do. Conservationists think of

ways to save the environment but they also have to take into account that human population

growth will not stop. Therefore, conservationists must find ways to have humans and wildlife

can coexist. Wildlife friendly urban areas must be implemented so that wildlife have a place to

live and thrive.

This book is written by three doctors and is reviewed by R.L. Smith. Author Robert

McCleery has written five works that are in fifteen publications. He is an assistant professor in

the department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Biology at the University of Florida. He

has a Phd from Texas A&M University. Author Christopher Moorman is a professor at NC State

University in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources and has a Phd from
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Clemson University. Author Nils Peterman is an associate professor of Fisheries, Wildlife, and

Conservation Biology at NC State University and got his Phd from Michigan State University.

"Saving Wildlife and Wild Places." WCS.org. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Mar. 2017.

This website is for the Wildlife Conservation Society. They offer options to become

involved in saving natural habitats around the world. Their goal is to help conserve 15 priority

regions that they say hold 50% of the worlds biodiversity. They allow anyone who is interested

in Wildlife conservation to get involved in an area near them.

This website covers the ways that they help conserve wildlife. They include through

science, conservation action, education, and inspiring people to value nature. This website is

relevant to my topic of how to become a conservationist because this website offers ways for

anyone to get involved in wildlife conservation. They offer different levels of action some as

small as putting in your email and getting updates on what the website is doing to going out and

getting involved in events going on all around the world.

The WCS was founded in 1895 and is based out of New York City. On their website, you

can browse through all of the people that are conservation partners with them and the list is

massive and includes groups like the Greenpeace, the National Science Foundation, and even the

North Carolina Zoological Society.

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North Carolina Wildlife Federation. NCWF. N.p., 2017. Web. 4 July 2017.

This website has a lot of good information on how to help conserve the wildlife and

natural habitats in North Carolina. The website talks about how they strive to bring citizens,

outdoor enthusiasts, hunters, anglers, government, and industry to protect North Carolinas

natural resources. They are a non-profit organization whose mission is to protect, conserve, and

restore North Carolinas wildlife and habitats. They take donations and offer ways that anyone

can get involved in their local area through things like habitat cleanups.

This site is relevant to my project because it gives ways that someone can get involved

and help conserve wildlife and natural habitats. This website will be very good to use because it

is about North Carolina and how I could get involved right now where I live and the places

around it. They have a calendar that shows all of their upcoming events that anyone can attend

as well as many programs that you can get involved with that give scholarships, manage wildlife

populations, build schoolyard habitats, and do many other things.

This is a credible source because they were formed in 1945 and they work alongside

many government agencies. They work with the national parks department in North Carolina to

stop public lands from falling into the hands of private interests. It also makes them more

credible by being a non-profit foundation.

Capra, Stephen. What Happens When All the Animals Are Gone? High Country News. N.p., 6

Apr. 2017. Web. 4 July 2017.

This article by Stephen Capra talks about how humans are destroying our planet and

killing the wildlife that is on it. He talks about how humans have killed off species like the
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passenger pigeon and the bison. He brings up a study by the World Wildlife Fund that said,

cutting trees faster than we regrow them, catching fish faster than the oceans can restock,

pumping water from rivers and aquifers faster than rainfall can replenish them, and emitting

more climate-warming carbon dioxide than oceans and forests can absorb. He also mentions

from that report that wildlife numbers in freshwater ecosystems had gone down 75%.

This article paints a good picture of why the wildlife is dying and why it will continue to

die if things stay on the same course. This article is relevant to my paper because this is the

entire reason I wanted to do my paper in the first place. If not for wildlife, humans could not live

on earth. Plants and animals are essential to humans because they provide food, shelter, clothes,

and many other things.

Stephen Capra is a writer for Writers on the Range which is a service of High Country

News. He is the Executive Director of Bold Visions Conservation in New Mexico. He was a

part of many conservation campaigns until 2012 when he founded Bold Visions. Stephen Capra

was also the Executive Director of the New Mexico Wilderness Alliance.

United States Department of Labor. Conservation Scientists and Foresters. 17 Dec. 2015.

This source outlines the salary, duties, and outlook of Conservationist jobs in the United

States. The page has a long description of what different types of conservationists do and where

they might work. The site tells about how conservationists are usually employed by local, state,

and federal governments and they work to preserve animals and plants. It tells that to become a

conservationist you would most likely need a bachelors degree in wildlife biology.
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This source is relevant because it outlines all of the statistics of the about the job of a

Conservationist. This source will give me a god idea of what each type of conservationists do

and where they would be working. This is also a good source for how to become a

conservationist and what type of education would be needed.

This source is credible because it is from the United States Department of Labor. They

are a trusted source to research any job in the United States and find many things like salary,

outlook and description about the job that are public record.

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