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Learning Support Department

Individual Education Plan

Student Name R. Learning Support: 4x30min withdrawal sessions with Learning Support Teacher Start Date April 2017
4x 30-60 min in-class support
Class Y2NS DOB Review Date Sept 2017

Target Strategies Support

To broaden Rs vocabulary in English Making a glossary with new words Additional classes with LS
He would be able to: Building sentences with them to show that he teacher; board games
Understand some new words (connected with weather, understands the meaning such as Rhyming Pair
sports, clothes etc.) when coming across them during Playing board games e.g. Rhyming Pairs Game Game, flashcards
reading sessions with a teacher Using flashcards and real materials while learning
Use them confidently in his speech new words
Build full sentences in English


To increase Rs concentration ability Concentration activities such as using worksheets Additional classes with LS
He would be able to: from Coordinating auditory information; playing teacher; board games: Le
Stay focused on a task for longer period of time games such as Le Lynx Lynx, book with
Complete a task within the given time Informing about how long a particular task will worksheets: Coordinating
last auditory information;
Motivating by giving stickers stickers
Placing him close to the teacher (but not next to
the window because of his oversensitivity to
sounds and lights)
Providing peaceful and quiet environment without
a big number of decorations

Learning Support Department, The British School of Warsaw

Learning Support Department

Individual Education Plan

Praising good behaviours by stickers, giving Pictures/videos with

To increase Rs social skills feedback facial expressions;
He would be able to: Making a codex of Good Friend pictures with bubbles to
Start initiating contacts with peers in a successful way Organizing a Quiet Corner in the classroom where name the emotions
Take part in group work/pair work R can go to calm down
Distinguish between good and bad behaviours Making use of his interests so that he can teach
Control her bad emotions and behaviours in a better way something her peers
Motivating to take part in group works (not only
with his friends but also with other peers)
Providing pictures/videos in order to name the
emotions from facial expressions; filling in
bubbles with what a person may think/feel in a
particular picture

Learning Support Department, The British School of Warsaw

Learning Support Department

Individual Education Plan

R should be seated close to the teacher, who should make sure that J. stays on task for the whole lesson; at the same time she should not sit next to the window
because of her oversensitivity to light and sounds that may come from the outside
the learning environment should be peaceful and quiet; without a big number of decorations; she would benefit from a Quiet Corner where she could go to rest and to
calm down
the other students should eat their meals outside the classroom and the teacher should avoid strong perfumes because of the Rs oversensitivity to smells
it is worth making use of the Rs interests
R would benefit from daily routine implementation, he should know the stages of the day, he should be informed about the upcoming changes
A teacher should divide her instructions into smaller parts and the instructions should be addressed directly to R
The language that is used by others should be clear without metaphors and idioms
There should be visuals/flashcards/videos provided while teaching new vocabulary
Good behaviours should be reinforced e.g. by parsing the efforts in a form of a sticker
It is worth implementing a special gesture when R is making noises (buzzling, humming) which would mean quiet time; the gesture should be used any time he makes
noises so that he could associate the gesture with the behaviour


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Parents Student Head of Learning Support Principal Date

Learning Support Department, The British School of Warsaw


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