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Boettcher Teacher Residency Lesson Planning Template

Name:ThomasPyne 7th Grade Level: Title of Lesson:


Content Area(s) Social Studies

Teacher Quality
Standard(s) 3.1.d; 3.2.c Standards:
Know Content
Appendix I

Prepared Graduates Understand the allocation of scarce resources in Establish

societies through analysis of individual choice, Environment
market interaction, and public policy Facilitate Learning
Acquire the knowledge and economic reasoning Reflect on Practice
skills to make sound financial decisions (PFL) Demonstrate
Grade Level Expectations Seventh Grade Leadership (TPR)
Student Growth
Concepts and Skills Supply and demand influence price and profit in
Students Master

a market economy
The distribution of resources influences
economic production and individual choices
(Economics and PFL)
Evidence Outcomes 21st Century Skills and Readiness Competencies
Identify examples to illustrate that consumers (Critical Thinking/Reasoning, Information Literacy, Collaboration, Self-
Direction, Invention)
ultimately determine what is produced in a market Critical Thinking, Invention, Collaboration
economy (DOK 1-2) Essential/Guiding Questions
Compare and contrast the relative value and How should society respond in the event of a market
different uses of several types of resources (DOK 2- failure?
Establish Environment Students will be expected to work collaboratively in groups of four. Each student will be

(Grouping, Transitions, Expected responsible for writing one section of the assignment in google classroom. Students will
Behaviors) need to use each other as resources during the brainstorming process and throughout
the activity.
Standards Driven Instructional
Objective(s)/ Content Objective(s): I will be able to identify how resources are
Learning Target(s) allocated in a market economy when something is not considered
(Skill and Relevance, along with profitable.
measurable artifact) Language Objective(s): I will be able to write persuasively about a
topic to bring about a desired change.

Assessment This lesson will collect data about students abilities to understand why

Assessment Tools, Checklists, market economies do not provide everything people need, despite an
Anecdotal Notes, Conferring existing demand for the goods/services students propose. I will walk
around with checklist of student names and boxes for the standards to be
Performance Task, Other
Evidence) achieved. As students work, I will be paying attention to what is being
said and check off students names as I hear evidence of students making
arriving at the standard. At the end of class, students will turn in their
assignment in google classroom and I will grade their final product.
Facilitate Learning: Materials: PowerPoint, Google Classroom Assignment, Printed Slides,
Instructional Plans and Chromebooks
Warmup: (10 Minutes)
Procedures Question: In your group, write down three problems that need to be addressed in
Activating Background your neighborhood, community, country, or world. One of your ideas must be something
Knowledge (Schemata) we as a class could do something about.
Vocabulary Development Ex: Drinking water for poor countries without access to clean water
Resources & Materials Ex: Clothing for the homeless in Aurora
Instruction (Steps 1, 2, 3) Introduction: (15 Minutes)
- Gradual Release Model (I do, After the warmup, students will be share out their ideas from their brainstorming
We do, You do) session. I will collect all the ideas on the whiteboard. The assignment for the day will be
- Checking for Understanding explained and students will be given five minutes to pick my brain about any of the
Differentiation concepts written on the board and the activity for the day. In the case of silence, I will
- RTI (Academic and start asking the class questions about different concepts to help create a small amount
Behavioral) of background knowledge prior to dismissing students to work.
- WIDA (CLD) Worktime: (50 Minutes)
- IEP, ILP, ALP Students have four major components to complete during the worktime. Each
SIOP Component student in the group will type one part of the assignment. The others will be expected to
generate answers and suggestions for the writer to type. They can draft information in
their journals. As a group, they will need to identify a topic. The group will then think
about everything they think they know about the issue and fill in the first box found in
the assignment with this data. I will be floating around the room generating guiding
questions for students if I find them stalled. The second part of the activity will be the
brainstorm. Students will have a series of guiding questions to research to help them
come up with a plan of attack to mitigate or eliminate the problem given their limited
resources as middle schoolers. This will be a time to research and think about the people
they will need to employ or contact to acquire resources. The third section is the action.
Once, student feel they know what they will need to acquire, they will have to establish
a chain of command and the different roles and responsibilities workers and volunteers
will need to fill. Lastly, students will need to draft a persuasive proposal which addresses
how and why we should care about this problem. Students need to demonstrate they
have thought through what it will take to make a difference and have enough
information to respond to peoples questions about their issue.
Exit Ticket: (5 minutes)
On a quarter sheet, explain why a market economy does not offer the good or
service you wrote about today? Your answer should address the role of consumers and
Data Analysis The keep it real assignments have been graded and the overall results were positive.
How do you know whether The projects created by students were by no means perfect or ready to be implemented,
students learned what you but kids overall were demonstrating an ability to think critically about social issues
hoped they would? facing their communities and then identify one possible way to improve them. The work
What evidence do you have of students turned in was rough, but it was completed in a single sitting and with minimal
research and background knowledge of what it means to create a non-profit. Many
student learning?
groups were able to grapple with and provide a solution to a resource based problem
and this was the goal. The different stages of this assignment allowed me to see the
progression of student thought on a given issue. Even in the incomplete projects,
students were unpacking a large issue and demonstrating a fledgling ability to think
about resource allocation. Things were not all rosy. Several groups of students in my
core two and three did not provide evidence of work. These groups were in the minority,
but I had four total groups across the two classes that did not turn in anything.
Reflect on Practice 1B-Todays lesson was written to give students an opportunity to solve an issue found in
How did the lesson go? the community while thinking about managing resources. I was fairly worried about
How was your feedback to teaching this lesson because it involved releasing kids to work in small groups and then
facilitating their discussions and problem solving skills. At first I thought about trying to
manage it as a whole class project, but after speaking with Jordan he convinced me it
What might you do differently
might be beneficial to break the kids into small groups and have them work through it
next time?
that way and to provide some form of graphic organizer for the groups to use. Thus,
How has this experience helped prior to teaching, I drafted a google classroom assignment for the kids to complete as a
shape your understandings group. Each student in the four person group would type one section and turn it one
about teaching and learning? project. The slides were printed so each group would have a copy of the assignment and
Are there any areas in which its scaffolding questions. During the worktime, I circulated the room asking students to
you need to grow professionally explain the topic they selected to me and read over their shoulders. I was looking at
(knowledge, critical thinking, whether students were answering the questions and comprehending the vocabulary
management, delivery)? being used. If students were struggling, I would stop and ask a series of guiding
questions to help them arrive at a conclusion or provide them with greater explanation
of a topic. As this was my honors class, most of the students did not require behavioral
management during the worktime. I did have two groups who struggled to stay on task
and two students who detracted from their groups ability to complete the assignment.
About ten minutes after dismissing students to work, I noticed students were not
grasping the idea of this project completely. I choose at this point to show a website that
addressed the issues students were writing about to the class and explain each section
so students would have a visual representation of what was being expected. I explained
how the non-profit addressed all the questions being asked of the students and asked
them to think about what was needed to make this website, the videos on it, and the
products and services provided. This helped students to see what ultimately their
proposal could lead to and they were better able to answer the questions. By the end of
class, only one group failed to complete the work. This was partially a result of them
arguing over the topics for too long at the beginning and their inability to stay on task.
2B- After core one, I decided to start the class off by introducing the non-profit by
showing students the video found on the website. After it played, I asked students to
complete the warmup thinking about issues they know about that felt related to the kind
of issue found in the video. As they worked on the warmup, I circulated the room asking
the groups about the ideas they were identifying and helping those who were stuck to
come up with something via a series of questions. Once again, we collected the ideas on
the board and then I introduced the topic and showed students the website to link it
back to all the parts found on the graphic organizer and the slides. A significant number
of students were absent, leaving the total number of groups at three groups of four
students. After explaining the project a second time, I released them to work. As I write
this, I think it would have been advantageous to have students describe what they were
being asked to do so I would know what they were thinking and it would provide student
voice to the instructions to ensure students were clear on the directions. During the
worktime, I had to manage behavior and provide assistance to more groups during this
time. One group specifically required significant redirection because they were focused
on finding images related to the virus they wanted to provide cure. I sat with this group
and read the questions a second time and asked them to work me through what they
would need to answer in each section. This helped them increase their focus a little.
After checking in with my other groups, I returned to this group to ask more guiding
3B- For Core 3, I followed a similar layout to my core 2. We started with the video and
then I introduced the assignment before having them work on the warmup. I knew this
class would be my most challenging behaviorally and academically so I checked in with
each group during the warmup and asked them questions about their topics to help
them begin processing what they would be asked to do. The noise level kept increasing
and I tried several methods to quiet the class before I found any success. Describing the
project was trying and I checked in with each group to ask them about what they were
going to do for each section. During the worktime, students were frequently off-task and
I had to circulate from table to table providing assistance and asking students to return
to work. At several tables, the work was being done by only one student and so I
assigned rotating roles to be filled by the students who were not the scribe at that time.
This increased involvement for a short period of time, as the students quickly fell back
into the same situation they had been prior to the roles. I was challenged by students
desire to avoid working on this assignment. While planning this lesson, I thought this
would be something my students would enjoy because it allowed them the opportunity
to think about something going on in their communities and then plan a way to make it
better. The topics were student generated and the issue arose that some students did
not have a strong voice during the selection process and this caused them to close
themselves to the project because they felt silenced by the group. I am not entirely sure
how to solve this issue. The only idea I have is to create a stronger sense of classroom
community to relieve some of this pressure. Given the differing levels in this class, I tried
to create groups with supports built in while managing the various personalities of the
class to create more effective working environments. This is a very difficult process for
me and I found only a quarter of my groups to have effective placements despite the
thought I put into them. The one thing that I can never predict is the social drama of a
middle school. Some days, students can work fine together. Other days, they cannot
stand the sight of someone they were friends with the day before. I wanted this lesson
to provide them with an opportunity to see what it is like to work with all types of people
and so this aspect was successful, it was the amount of work being done which turned
out to be lacking.
Addition of the website for elporvenir (a non-profit in Denver)
Warm-up ideas listed on the board so each group has an idea bank to choose from
Small groups in place of whole class activity
Printed slides to provide guiding questions and a graphic organizer to collect
Connection at the end to the idea of jobs, resources, finance and why non-profits
exist in a market economy

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