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PHYSIOLOGY 25: 319 329, 2010; doi:10.1152/physiol.00021.

Gamma Oscillations in the Hippocampus Laura Lee Colgin and
Edvard I. Moser
Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience and Centre for the
Gamma oscillations are thought to temporally link the activity of distributed Biology of Memory, MTFS, Norwegian University of Science and
Technology, Trondheim, Norway
cells. We discuss mechanisms of gamma oscillations in the hippocampus and laura.colgin@ntnu.no

review evidence supporting a functional role for such oscillations in several key
hippocampal operations, including cell grouping, dynamic routing, and mem-
ory. We propose that memory encoding and retrieval are coordinated by
different frequencies of hippocampal gamma oscillations and suggest how
transitions between slow and fast gamma may occur.

Many cognitive operations require dynamic coor- with each theta cycle providing a discrete unit for
dination of activity across distributed groups of sensory information processing in the brain (see
neurons. Several mechanisms exist for this purpose, Ref. 44 for a review).
but one of the best understood is synchronization The second type of synchronization mechanism
of neuronal activity by oscillations. Oscillations seen in the hippocampus during alert behaviors is
can be readily studied using local field potential the relatively fast gamma oscillation (25140 Hz).
(LFP) recording techniques. LFPs are measured ex- Gamma oscillations in the hippocampus exhibit
tracellularly and, for the most part, reflect the spa- their largest amplitude when they are nested
tial integration of voltages generated by currents within the slower theta oscillations (5, 11, 49, 77).
flowing in and out of the dendrites of many neu- Although the two types of oscillatory activity often
rons within an area. When postsynaptic activity co-occur, hippocampal theta and gamma rhythms
across many cells is periodically synchronized, os- appear to be independently generated (48, 77). Un-
cillations appear in LFP recordings. Widespread like theta rhythms, which remain relatively stable
use of LFP recording techniques over the last sev- throughout active behaviors, gamma oscillations
eral decades has provided a great deal of evidence occur in bursts at particular times within the theta
suggesting that oscillations are not merely an epi- cycle (5, 12, 14, 74, 77) and have been proposed to
phenomenon but are instead important for tem- select particular cell assemblies for processing at
poral coordination of neural activity on a relatively those times (37, 38, 51, 68). Because of their high
fast time scale. frequency, gamma oscillations are ideally suited
In the hippocampus, a brain region critically for operations that require neuronal coordination
involved in encoding, storage, and retrieval of on a time scale that is beyond the range of con-
memory (75), two main types of oscillations syn- scious perception. This type of fast coordination
chronize neuronal activity during active waking may be needed during many fundamental opera-
behaviors. These two types of oscillations are tions of the hippocampus, including rapidly select-
termed theta and gamma rhythms, and their dis- ing inputs, grouping neurons into functional
tinctive temporal properties fit well with different ensembles, retrieving memories needed to cor-
coordination functions. The theta rhythm is a large rectly perform a previously learned task, and de-
amplitude, relatively slow (4 12 Hz), and highly termining which aspects of an experience will later
regular rhythm that plays an important role in be remembered. All of these processes likely in-
spatial and episodic memory processing (see Ref. volve not only activating selected cell ensembles
10 for a review). Theta rhythms in the hippocam- but also filtering out unnecessary inputs. Consis-
pus correlate with theta in many hippocampal tent with this idea, gamma oscillations in hip-
efferent and afferent structures, including the en- pocampal LFP recordings are not associated with
torhinal cortex (54), septum (59), amygdala (66), gamma-related firing in all principal neurons but
parasubiculum (30), striatum (18), and prefrontal rather only with a particular subset of neurons at a
cortex (40). Synchronized theta oscillations are given time (14, 16, 68).
well suited for connecting widespread networks of In this review, we will summarize evidence
neurons due to their 100- to 200-ms-wide period showing that gamma oscillations synchronize the
that can tolerate long conduction delays. Hip- activity of select ensembles of cells during many
pocampal theta rhythms correlate with intake of functions of the hippocampus. We will first de-
sensory information during movements such as scribe results elucidating the origins and mecha-
whisking and sniffing in rats and may temporally nisms of gamma generation in the hippocampus
segment samples of stimuli from the environment, and discuss the functional significance of these

1548-9213/10 2010 Int. Union Physiol. Sci./Am. Physiol. Soc. 319

results. Experiments supporting a critical func- coherent with gamma in CA1 stratum lacunosum-
tional role for gamma oscillations in several key moleculare, the layer that receives direct input
operations of the hippocampus will then be re- from EC. The authors concluded that there are two
viewed. To conclude, we will introduce novel hy- generators of hippocampal gamma oscillations,
potheses regarding the functional relevance of one in the dentate gyrus that depends on input
hippocampal gamma oscillations and suggest a from EC and another that emerges in CA3 and
number of unresolved questions for future testing. propagates to CA1. The two gamma oscillators
were reported to usually be independent but still
Origins and Cellular Mechanisms of able to couple at times. A recent study suggested
Hippocampal Gamma Oscillations that the two gamma generators may produce dif-
ferent frequencies of gamma oscillations in CA1
Entrainment by Two Oscillators
(14). Slow and fast gamma oscillations in CA1 were
The results of several studies support the conclu- entrained by CA3 and MEC, respectively, and
sion that there are two independent generators of tended to occur on different phases of the under-
hippocampal gamma oscillations, one located in lying theta cycles. Taken together, the results of
the EC and another in CA3. A study conducted by these studies suggest that gamma oscillations in
Bragin and colleagues (5) in behaving rats em- the hippocampus are driven by CA3 inputs at some
ployed current source density (CSD) analyses of times and by entorhinal inputs at other times.
hippocampal gamma activity and found the largest
estimated excitatory currents in the middle third of
Role of Inhibition
the dentate gyrus molecular layer, i.e., the termi- In a system that relies on fast temporal correlations
nation zone for medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) to link interactions among cells, the activity of
projections. Furthermore, CSD profiles for domi- most cells in the network at any given time must be
nant currents during gamma oscillations resem- suppressed because otherwise many cells would
bled CSD profiles for responses evoked by medial fire near synchronously just by chance (87). In
perforant path stimulation, and lesions of the EC accordance with this idea, many lines of evidence
caused these gamma-associated excitatory cur- point to the conclusion that the primary driving
rents to virtually disappear. The average frequency force behind hippocampal gamma oscillations is
of the remaining gamma oscillations was lower in rhythmic inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs)
lesioned animals than in control animals, and the in the pyramidal cells. In an early study, high correla-
maximal gamma power shifted to CA1 with large tions were consistently seen between interneuron spike
excitatory currents appearing in stratum radiatum, times and the phase of gamma oscillations, whereas
a layer that receives CA3 projections. Additional pyramidal cell firing was not consistently related to
support for an entorhinal generator of hippocam- gamma phase (11). A later study investigated intra-
pal gamma oscillations was provided by CSD stud- cellular recordings from CA1 and CA3 pyramidal
ies in partially decorticated, anesthetized guinea neurons during gamma oscillations in anesthe-
pigs (13). In this study, large excitatory currents tized rats to determine which intracellular currents
associated with gamma oscillations were observed correlated with gamma oscillations in the field po-
in CA1 stratum lacunosum-moleculare, the target tentials (74). Intracellular gamma oscillations were
area for perforant path fibers from the EC. The not immediately apparent, but intracellular injec-
gamma-associated currents were not disrupted by tion of chloride ions induced gamma frequency
knife cuts between CA3 and CA1 but were com- (2550 Hz) depolarizing potentials in pyramidal
pletely eliminated by lidocaine or tetrodotoxin in- cells that were coherent with gamma oscillations in
jections to the EC. A more recent study in awake the field (FIGURE 1). Because chloride injection at
behaving, non-lesioned rats further investigated resting potential converts IPSPs into depolarizing
the driving forces behind hippocampal gamma os- responses, the results indicated that the gamma
cillations (16). In this study, gamma oscillation oscillations reflect gamma frequency IPSPs in py-
peaks were detected in EEG recordings, and gamma ramidal cells. A later intracellular study using
cycle averages were constructed. Gamma peaks urethane-anesthetized rats found that the ampli-
were detected in two reference sites, the CA1 and tude of intracellular gamma oscillations recorded
dentate gyrus cell body layers, and CSD maps were in pyramidal cells was smallest in the range of the
constructed to estimate currents during gamma chloride equilibrium potential (i.e., between 60
oscillations in these regions. When CA1 was used and 80 mV), and the phase of the intracellular
as the reference for detecting gamma, excitatory oscillations also reversed in this voltage range (62).
currents were seen in CA3 and CA1 in the layers Thus the results from pyramidal cell intracellular
that are targeted by CA3 projections. When the recording studies supported the conclusion that
dentate gyrus was chosen as the reference site, gamma oscillations reflect rhythmic IPSPs in pyra-
gamma oscillations in the dentate gyrus were midal cells.

320 PHYSIOLOGY Volume 25 October 2010 www.physiologyonline.org

Recordings from interneurons during gamma interneuron firing during gamma oscillations in
oscillations further supported this conclusion. In anesthetized rats found that parvalbumin-expressing
the study by Penttonen and colleagues mentioned basket cells were not strongly modulated by
above (62), histologically verified basket cells burst gamma (81). However, various types of basket
at theta frequency, with gamma-frequency (20 80 cells, with different neurochemical characteristics,
Hz) firing occurring within the bursts. Importantly, are seen in the hippocampus (see Ref. 23 for a
the gamma-frequency firing of the basket cells was review), and other classes of basket cells may par-
phase locked to the gamma oscillations in the field, ticipate in gamma oscillation generation. In the
suggesting that basket-cell firing directly contrib- study by Tukker and colleagues (81), juxtacellular
utes to gamma-associated IPSPs in pyramidal cells. recordings were also made from several other
Basket cells predominantly innervate the cell body classes of hippocampal interneurons: O-LM cells,
and proximal dendritic region of pyramidal cells axo-axonic cells, cholecystokinin-expressing cells,
and thus are well situated to potently inhibit the and bistratified cells. Out of all of the interneuron
pyramidal cell population. A more recent study of classes that were investigated, bistratified cells
showed the strongest gamma modulation, reliably
firing on the ascending phase of nearly every
gamma cycle. Bistratified interneurons receive in-
put from CA3 and target the dendritic zones that
receive input from CA3 (i.e., strata oriens and ra-
diatum), and thus they may participate in the gen-
eration of CA3-driven gamma oscillations in
particular. It is plausible to assume that the gamma
oscillations in the Tukker study were driven by the
CA3 generator because the recordings were per-
formed in urethane-anesthetized animals (81), and
EC input to the hippocampus is reduced during
urethane anesthesia (91). Additionally, the average
frequency of gamma oscillations in this study was
40 Hz, which falls within the frequency range of
gamma oscillations in CA1 that are coupled with
gamma from CA3 (14). In any case, the above re-
sults indicate that there are at least two different
types of interneurons that participate in the gen-
eration of gamma oscillations in the hippocampus.
If hippocampal gamma oscillations primarily re-
flect IPSPs in the pyramidal cells, the question
remains as to how gamma rhythmicity arises in the
interneurons. In a hippocampal slice model of
gamma oscillations, periodic firing emerged at 40
Hz in networks of interconnected interneurons
(88). In this model, metabotropic glutamatergic
transmission, in the absence of ionotropic gluta-
matergic transmission, provided sufficient excita-
tory drive to the network of interneurons to bring
FIGURE 1. Gamma oscillations reflect inhibitory
postsynaptic potentials in pyramidal cells about IPSPs in intracellular recordings from CA1
Example recordings from CA1 during periods of sponta- pyramidal cells. In another slice study, 40-Hz
neously occurring theta-gamma oscillations are shown oscillations were induced in CA3 and CA1 by infu-
under control conditions (A) and after addition of KCl to
the intracellular recording pipette (B). In each panel, in- sion of cholinergic agonists (22). However, in this
tracellular recordings from pyramidal cells (1) appear preparation, the oscillations were completely abol-
above simultaneously recorded extracellular field poten- ished by AMPA receptor antagonists and were re-
tials (2). Note that intracellular gamma oscillations were
not apparent until after injection of chloride ions. Intra- sistant to antagonists of metabotropic glutamate
cellular gamma oscillations elicited by chloride ions (indi- receptors. The cholinergically induced oscillations
cated by arrow) coincided with gamma oscillations in in CA3 were later shown to be generated by alter-
the extracellular recording and were largest in ampli-
tude on a particular portion of the theta cycle. The ar- nating cycles of AMPA receptor-mediated recur-
rowheads indicate the portion of the theta cycle when rent excitation followed by feedback inhibition
intracellular gamma activity was substantially lower in from perisomatic-targeting interneurons (33, 52).
amplitude. Scale: 500 ms; 20 mV and 1 mV for intracel-
lular and extracellular recordings, respectively. Figure is There is also evidence that gap junctions between inter-
adapted from Ref. 74. neurons increase the power of gamma oscillations by

PHYSIOLOGY Volume 25 October 2010 www.physiologyonline.org 321

rapidly spreading and enhancing inhibition (9). Functions of Gamma Oscillations in
These results suggest that gamma rhythmic firing the Hippocampus
of hippocampal interneurons may be activated and
enhanced by a variety of different mechanisms.
Dynamic Grouping
The influence of excitatory inputs during hip- It has long been known that gamma oscillations
pocampal gamma oscillations remains less clear. emerge in sensory cortices in response to sensory
The firing patterns of 30 50% of hippocampal stimulation (1, 67). Interest in gamma oscillations
pyramidal cells are significantly phase-locked to increased in the 1980s when researchers began to
gamma in behaving animals (14, 16, 68). The gamma- suspect that gamma oscillations in sensory cortices
associated pyramidal cell firing in CA3 is likely offered a possible solution to the so-called bind-
required for the feed-forward inhibition that is be- ing problem. Complex stimuli are broken down
lieved to entrain gamma oscillations in CA1 (14, during sensory processing, with spatially disparate
16). Still, on a given gamma cycle in recordings cells coding different aspects of the stimuli (e.g.,
from the pyramidal cell body layer, the probability color, shape, direction of motion, etc.). The bind-
of place-cell firing is at least an order of magnitude ing problem is the question of how the brain puts
lower than the probability of interneuron firing these pieces back together to end up with a coher-
(16), and a much higher percentage of interneu- ent perceptual experience (see Ref. 86 for a review).
rons (75100%) fire phase-locked to gamma os- In 1989, experimental evidence was obtained in
cillations than do pyramidal cells (14, 16, 68). Wolf Singers laboratory, suggesting that gamma
Furthermore, an intracellular recording study oscillations provided the precise temporal syn-
revealed that gamma-associated inhibitory post- chrony necessary for binding distributed cells in-
synaptic currents in anesthetized rats were approx- volved in coding various aspects of a particular
imately five times larger than gamma-associated stimulus. Gamma synchronized firing was re-
excitatory postsynaptic currents (2). Taken to- corded across neurons in separate columns of pri-
gether, the above findings support the conclusion mary visual cortex when cells responded to
that gamma oscillations exert a largely inhibitory different aspects of the same stimulus, a single
influence on the pyramidal cell population. light bar simultaneously passing through the dif-
A word of caution is that much of what is known ferent receptive fields of the neurons (31). When
about the role of interneurons in the generation of two separate and independent light bars were
hippocampal gamma oscillations may pertain spe- passed through the receptive fields, the same cells
cifically to slow (2550 Hz) gamma oscillations responded but did not show gamma synchronized
arising from CA3 (14). Connectivity between the firing. These results were widely interpreted as an
entorhinal cortex and the hippocampus is greatly indication that neurons that respond to the same
reduced in most hippocampal slice preparations, sensory object synchronize their firing at gamma
meaning that evidence from in vitro models may frequency and additionally that neurons that are
only be relevant for CA3-entrained gamma oscilla- activated by different objects in the sensory space
tions. In line with this conclusion, gamma oscilla- do not show synchronized firing. The original ex-
tions in slices exhibit a peak frequency (40 Hz; periments were conducted using anesthetized an-
Refs. 22, 88) that falls within the frequency range of imals, but the general hypothesis has since been
CA3-entrained slow gamma oscillations in CA1 supported by subsequent studies using different
(14). Moreover, some intracellular studies of gamma experimental paradigms in awake animals (e.g.,
mechanisms in vivo have been performed in Refs. 26, 46, 47, but see also Ref. 69). The results
urethane-anesthetized animals (62, 81), and, as obtained from this line of research suggested a
discussed above, the perforant path input to the neural mechanism for how the brain integrates
hippocampus is attenuated during urethane anes- and segregates neural activity into functional neu-
thesia (91). In agreement with these observations, ronal ensembles during perceptual processing.
an earlier study found that urethane anesthesia As the relationship between gamma synchronization
produced gamma power increases in the 25- to and perception was studied further, work from Robert
50-Hz range and decreases in the 50- to 100-Hz Desimones laboratory revealed that gamma oscilla-
range (11). The former frequency range matches tions were also important for selecting which visual
the frequency of CA3-coupled slow gamma oscil- inputs would be processed in higher visual areas. They
lations in CA1, and the latter overlaps with the found that when animals attended to one of two stimuli
frequency band of fast gamma oscillations in CA1 in the visual field, phase synchronization was enhanced
that are coherent with gamma in MEC (14). Recent between LFP gamma oscillations and spikes from neu-
developments in intracellular recording tech- rons in cortical area V4 only when the stimulus inside
niques in awake animals (34) may pave the way for the neurons receptive field was being attended to but
future studies to differentiate the mechanisms in- not when it acted as a distracter to be ignored (25).
volved in EC- vs. CA3-driven gamma oscillations. They concluded that gamma synchronization of

322 PHYSIOLOGY Volume 25 October 2010 www.physiologyonline.org

neurons activated by attention to stimuli leads to a Dynamic Routing
very powerful output because the spikes from these
cells converge at the next stage of visual processing at Recently, Pascal Fries suggested another hypothe-
roughly the same time. In this way, the synchronous sis of gamma oscillation function, neuronal com-
cells, and not the asynchronous cells, will most effec- munication through neuronal coherence (24),
tively activate the downstream neurons (see Ref. 24 which describes a mechanism for how synchro-
for a review). Subsequent results showing that en- nized gamma oscillations facilitate transmission of
hanced power of gamma oscillations and gamma information from one level of processing to the
synchrony of spikes in V4 were associated with in- next. Gamma oscillations, like neural oscillations
creased reaction times in a change detection task in general, consist of alternating periods of higher
supported this conclusion (89). This neural mecha- excitability and periods of higher inhibition. Thus,
nism likely allows the brain to select the most behav- when gamma oscillations between a sending
iorally relevant stimuli for processing downstream, neuronal group and a receiving neuronal group
while at the same time ensuring that noisy and irrel- are synchronized, their periods of high excitability
evant stimuli are filtered out. coincide, and this leads to more effective communica-
Gamma synchronization of neurons could also tion between the regions. Experimental evidence
mediate attentional selection processes in the hip- supporting this hypothesis was later obtained from
pocampus. Selecting the environmental cues that are simultaneous paired recordings across visual cortical
important for performing hippocampal-dependent areas in cats and monkeys during presentation of
tasks and ignoring extraneous cues that are task- visual stimuli (90). The authors found that gamma
irrelevant requires attention (21, 57) and thus likely power correlations in the paired recordings were
activates attentional selection mechanisms involving high during trials when gamma oscillations between
gamma oscillations in the cortex (described above, the regions were classified as having a good phase
and see also Ref. 24). Gamma-facilitated transfer of relationship (i.e., phase difference close to the mean
inputs related to the task-relevant cues would pro- phase difference across trials). Gamma power corre-
vide an excitatory advantage to the hippocampal lations were low during trials when gamma oscilla-
cells involved in coding these cues, enabling them to tions between the regions had a bad phase
be activated more reliably. In support of this idea, relationship (i.e., out of phase with the mean). This
place cell discharges are more reliable when animals study provided experimental evidence for the idea
are trained to attend to a particular set of environ- that synchronized gamma oscillations promote in-
mental cues (21, 43, 61). It is possible that this in- terregional communication during transmission of
creased reliability is brought about by gamma sensory information.
oscillations because in one of these studies place cell The hypothesis that synchronized gamma oscil-
spikes became phase-locked to gamma oscillations lations facilitate communication between brain re-
after animals learned to attend to the relevant stimuli gions has recently been supported by findings in
(57). Considering that attention largely determines the hippocampal network. These findings further
which experiences will be remembered (see Refs. 43, suggest that the frequency of gamma oscillations
56 for a review), cell selection by gamma oscillations plays a critical role in routing the flow of informa-
likely also plays a major role in regulating the infor- tion in the hippocampal network. In a study in
mation that will be retained in long-term storage. freely behaving rats, different frequencies of
Recent theoretical work has proposed a winner- gamma oscillations were shown to synchronize
take-all mechanism to explain how gamma oscil- CA1 with two of its main sources of input, CA3 and
lations could regulate cell selection in the MEC (14). Specifically, slow gamma oscillations in
hippocampus (17). In the model, each gamma cy- CA1 were coupled with slow gamma in CA3, and
cle evokes inhibitory postsynaptic potentials in the fast gamma oscillations in CA1 were coherent with
pyramidal cells, consistent with experimental data fast gamma in MEC (FIGURE 2). A significantly
described above (74). This inhibition strongly sup- higher proportion of CA3 cells were phase locked
presses spikes from the pyramidal cell population. to slow gamma oscillations in CA1 than to fast
As the inhibitory potentials decay, the pyramidal gamma oscillations in CA1, suggesting that CA3
cells with the most excitatory input at that time was communicating with CA1 more effectively
will be the first cells to fire. These cells trig- during slow gamma oscillations. A substantial pro-
ger feedback inhibition in the other pyramidal portion of cells in layer III of the MEC were phase
cells within a few milliseconds so that the locked to fast gamma oscillations in CA1, but none
less-excited cells quickly lose their chance to fire. were phase locked to CA1 slow gamma, suggesting
This mechanism can differentiate cells with only that MEC was transmitting its signals to CA1 more
small differences in levels of excitation and may effectively during fast gamma. Slow and fast
contribute to selection of hippocampal neurons gamma oscillations preferentially occurred at
during attentional states. significantly different phases of theta in CA1,

PHYSIOLOGY Volume 25 October 2010 www.physiologyonline.org 323

consistent with earlier results showing that exci- Memory Encoding
tatory currents from CA3 and EC are maximal at
different phases of theta (6, 35, 42). Segregation If gamma oscillations play a role in selection of
of CA3 and EC inputs to the hippocampus may inputs during memory formation in the hippocam-
be critical for preventing interference from pre- pus, as hypothesized above, then there should be a
viously learned associations during encoding of link between hippocampal gamma oscillations and
new associations (35), and gamma oscillations memory encoding processes. Indeed, a number of
may play a role in this segregation of inputs by recent studies point to the conclusion that hip-
facilitating transfer of information from one re- pocampal gamma oscillations facilitate effective
gion while filtering out inputs from the other. memory encoding. In intracranial recordings from
The above results point to the conclusion that human subjects asked to remember lists of random
different frequencies of gamma oscillations serve words, increased gamma power in the hippocam-
to dynamically route information transfer to CA1 pus during encoding of individual words was cor-
and further suggest that gamma-mediated rout- related with a high probability that a word would
ing of inputs is regulated by underlying theta be subsequently recalled (64, 65). In another study
oscillations. Gamma-modulated activity may involving intracranial recordings from patients
also be induced in other brain areas at particular who were asked to memorize word lists, gamma
phases of hippocampal theta oscillations, and synchronization was significantly higher between
this may serve to facilitate communication be- EEG recordings from hippocampus and rhinal cor-
tween the hippocampus and structures such as tices during encoding of words that were later re-
the striatum and the prefrontal cortex (72, 80). membered compared with words that were later

FIGURE 2. Dynamic routing of inputs by slow and fast gamma oscillations

A: example recordings of slow (top) and fast (bottom) gamma oscillations, overlying theta oscillations, in CA1. B: coherence
spectra for example pairs of CA3-CA1 local field potential recordings (top) and MEC-CA1 local field potential recordings
(bottom). Note that CA3 and CA1 are more coherent in the slow gamma frequency range (60 Hz) and that MEC and CA1
are more coherent in the fast gamma frequency range (60 Hz). C: schematic illustrating how slow and fast gamma oscilla-
tions route different inputs. Slow gamma is maximal on the descending portion of the theta wave and serves to synchronize
CA1 with slow gamma-mediated inputs arriving from CA3. Fast gamma peaks near the theta trough and synchronizes CA1
with MEC input transmitted by fast gamma waves. Figure is adapted from Ref. 14.

324 PHYSIOLOGY Volume 25 October 2010 www.physiologyonline.org

forgotten (20). In a later study of neural activity and retrieval processes were engaged, and thus the au-
gamma oscillations in monkey hippocampus, co- thors proposed that gamma oscillations facilitate
herence between spiking activity and local field transfer of retrieved memories from CA3 to CA1.
potentials was higher in the gamma band during Studies demonstrating that memory retrieval re-
encoding of stimuli that were later well recognized quires intact projections from CA3 to CA1 are in
compared with stimuli that were poorly recognized accord with this conclusion (29, 58, 76, 78). In
(41). As in the human studies, gamma power in the another study, CA3 place cell representations of
local field potentials was also significantly en- possible future trajectories were activated when
hanced during encoding of stimuli that were well animals paused at a choice point (39). These acti-
remembered later. vations may have reflected memory retrieval
In accord with the hypothesized link between processes during prospective coding and were as-
hippocampal gamma oscillations and memory en- sociated with strong gamma oscillations that were
coding, we recently suggested that fast gamma not seen during other pauses, suggesting another
synchronization between MEC and CA1 may facil- possible link between gamma oscillations and
itate memory encoding. Fast gamma oscillations in memory retrieval. In a later study, the amplitude of
CA1 are coherent with fast gamma oscillations in slow gamma (30 60 Hz) oscillations in CA3 in-
layer III of MEC (14), the layer that provides direct creased as animals learned to accurately perform a
input to CA1. The direct MEC projection to CA1 task that involved retrieval of learned associations
conveys information about the animals current between items and contexts (79). In another study,
position in the environment (7, 8, 28, 32). Thus it is CA1 place cell firing in mice was phase locked to
possible that fast gamma oscillations transmit in- slow (20 60 Hz) gamma oscillations only when
formation about environmental stimuli from the mice had to suppress odor cues and retrieve a
EC to the hippocampus for encoding. stable representation of the visuospatial environ-
There is a plausible mechanism for how the tim- ment to receive a reward (57). Gradual increases in
ing of fast gamma oscillations would make them gamma power were also seen as the animals
particularly well suited for memory encoding. Con- learned to correctly perform the task. It is interest-
sider a scenario in which a depolarizing input is ing to note that the gamma reported in the Tort
carried to a particular cell by fast gamma, and the et al. (79) and Muzzio et al. (57) studies was in the
same cell is activated again 10 15 ms later on the slow gamma frequency range. Both slow gamma
next excitatory phase of fast gamma, this time oscillations (14) and memory retrieval (55) are as-
leading to spiking. In this hypothetical scenario, sociated with increased gamma coherence be-
the timing of the initial depolarization and the tween CA3 and CA1, raising the possibility that
subsequent spiking would lead to long-term poten- slow gamma oscillations promote the CA3-CA1
tiation because of spike-timing-dependent plas- communication that leads to successful memory
ticity in hippocampal neurons (4). This may explain retrieval.
why high frequencies of gamma oscillations may be The timing of slow gamma may work better for
ideal for transferring information about ongoing ex- memory retrieval than memory encoding. In a
periences from the entorhinal cortex to the hip- study of spike-timing-dependent plasticity in hip-
pocampus during memory encoding. pocampal synapses, postsynaptic spikes occurring
more than 20 ms after the onset of EPSPs in the
Memory Retrieval postsynaptic cell were not effective at eliciting syn-
It is also possible that gamma oscillations are re- aptic changes (4). This suggests that repetitive ac-
quired to link the distributed cells that represent a tivation carried to CA1 by slow gamma oscillations
memory episode during memory retrieval pro- (with a period of 25 ms) would be outside of the
cesses in the hippocampus. In line with this idea, optimal time range for effectively inducing long-
several studies have provided evidence supporting term potentiation. Thus slow gamma oscillations
a role for hippocampal gamma oscillations during may be fast enough to link distributed cells during
memory retrieval. In a recent study, local field po- memory retrieval yet also slow enough to avoid
tentials were recorded as rats learned to perform a re-encoding of previously stored memories.
delayed spatial alternation task in which they were
required on each trial to retrieve information about
Working Memory
the trajectory they traversed on the previous trial to Several studies have suggested that hippocampal
decide which way to turn to receive a reward (55). gamma oscillations play an important role in work-
Increases in gamma coherence between CA3 and ing memory, defined as the short-term internal
CA1 and in gamma power in CA1 were observed on maintenance of information that is required for
the center arm, the region that the rats traversed impending decisions or actions but no longer
after the delay and before the turning choice point. present in the external environment (19, 27). In
This was thought to be the region where memory a study of intracranial recordings from human

PHYSIOLOGY Volume 25 October 2010 www.physiologyonline.org 325

epileptics, the power of gamma oscillations in the oscillations help maintain the temporal code for
hippocampus increased with increasing working spatial sequences during theta phase precession.
memory load (83). Another recent study using sim-
ilar techniques found enhancement of the cou- Transitions Between Different
pling between theta phase and gamma power in Gamma Mechanisms
the hippocampus during the maintenance period
of a working memory task (3). Working memory It is reasonable to assume that different mecha-
processes rely on a distributed network of brain nisms exist for hippocampal gamma oscillations
regions, including the hippocampus and the pre- that are employed for distinct purposes such as
frontal cortex (19, 27, 63). Thus gamma-related memory encoding and memory retrieval. We hy-
working memory effects in the hippocampus may pothesized that synchronization of CA3 and CA1
involve gamma synchronization with other regions during slow gamma oscillations and synchroniza-
involved in working memory operations, including tion of MEC and CA1 during fast gamma oscilla-
the prefrontal cortex. A recent study showed that tions selectively promote retrieval and encoding,
prefrontal neurons synchronized their activity at respectively. However, it remains unclear what
gamma frequencies (30 Hz) as monkeys remem- causes the transition between the different syn-
bered two objects during a brief delay period in a chronization mechanisms.
short-term memory task (71). During working Perhaps the most parsimonious explanation of
memory, the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex how gamma mechanisms could transition is that
show enhanced theta coherence (40), and prefron- different interneurons are recruited by different
tal cortex neurons fire phase locked to hippocam- inputs during different functions. Diverse classes
pal theta rhythms (36, 40, 70). Considering that the of interneurons can be characterized by their dis-
amplitude of gamma oscillations in the prefrontal tinct pattern of inputs, outputs, and firing patterns
cortex is modulated by the phase of theta oscilla- during hippocampal oscillations (see Ref. 45 for a
tions in the hippocampus (72), it is plausible to review). It is possible that the interneuron circuits
hypothesize that gamma oscillations may also be activated by CA3 inputs generate oscillations at
involved in the coupling between prefrontal cortex lower frequencies than do the interneuron circuits
and hippocampus during working memory. activated by EC inputs. However, for the sample of
interneurons recorded in the pyramidal cell body
Representations of Spatial Sequences layers of the hippocampus in the Colgin et al. study
Gamma oscillations in the hippocampus may also (14), the majority were phase locked to both slow
be important for representing movement trajecto- and fast gamma oscillations in CA1. It is possible
ries. A recent study in rats found a distinct class of that other types of interneurons with soma in other
pyramidal cells in CA1 that fires phase locked to layers participate selectively in one or the other
the trough of gamma cycles (TroPyr cells; Ref. gamma subtype, but still the finding that so many
68). This class of place cells exhibited clear theta interneurons participate in both types of gamma
phase precession, a phenomenon that is thought suggests that there is likely another mechanism
to provide a temporal code for spatial sequences involved in transitioning the network from one
(53, 60, 73). The TroPyr class of place cells was gamma state to the other.
separated from another group of cells, termed A recent study has suggested a novel mechanism
RisPyr, which fired on the rising phase of gamma for how changes in gamma coherence across
oscillations. RisPyr cells did not show normal theta regions could be regulated (2). In CA3, large va-
phase precession when gamma oscillations were riations in gamma oscillation amplitude and fre-
present. Interestingly, fast gamma-modulated quency were observed, as has been reported previously
place cells fire on the fast gamma trough and are a (5, 14). However, the Atallah and Scanziani study
largely separate population from slow gamma- (2) additionally reported that the instantaneous
modulated cells, which fire on the ascending phase frequency of a gamma cycle could be predicted
of slow gamma (14). Thus fast and slow gamma- based on the amplitude of the preceding gamma
modulated place cells may correspond to the Tro- cycle. Specifically, a particularly large amplitude
Pyr and RisPyr classes of cells, respectively, in the gamma cycle was likely to be followed by a slow
Senior et al. study (68). The firing properties of gamma cycle. Correlated increases in both excita-
TroPyr gamma-modulated cells indicate that they tory and inhibitory synaptic currents in CA3 pyra-
may link codes for discrete places on each gamma midal cells were involved in the large amplitude
cycle and thereby encode temporal sequences dur- gamma cycle. This effect may lead to a situation
ing theta phase precession, as has been suggested where a very large gamma cycle, involving in-
previously (50). If TroPyr cells and fast gamma- creased excitation of CA3 pyramidal cells and in-
modulated cells correspond to the same class of terneurons, triggers a transition to slow gamma
place cells, it may suggest that fast gamma oscillations in the hippocampal network. Examples

326 PHYSIOLOGY Volume 25 October 2010 www.physiologyonline.org

of factors that could possibly produce a heightened gamma synchrony, such as schizophrenia (see Ref.
activation of CA3 are increases in neuromodula- 82 for a review).
tory inputs from the lower brain or enhanced firing
in the CA3 associative network resulting from pat- No conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise, are de-
clared by the author(s).
tern completion processes (15). A transition to slow
gamma oscillations in CA3, instigated by increased
activation of CA3, would likely also entrain slow
gamma oscillations in CA1 and may provide a cel-
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