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English day report first draft

These are the parameters or settings for doing the writing.

1. An interesting headline
2. An Introductory paragraph (where, when, why the English Day was celebrated)
3. A two-paragraph description to two events that you considered interesting. (Descriptive paragraphs
and your opinions of these events)
4. A concluding paragraph explaining the contribution of this activity to the student-teacher UAN
community and to you, as a student-teacher.

The students actuations and the games

The last Friday in the Antonio Nario University was celebrated the
English day with many activities, those taken place in protocols room
was, Herreras room, and other places were the space for this
interchange. The activities were marvelous; because there was an
exposition about Africa, and also there were some fantastic games: with
English vocabulary and another one with a gun also the last one with a
bubble which had to be carried by a woman. Another type of activities
were the presentations, which the Antonio Nario universitys students
were performancing, but the surprise for the public was that the
students from different from bachelors degree, they were doing
demonstrations in English.

One part of the English day was the Africas presentation; this one was
presented by two students from first semester, they talked about many
characters from this place, for example the history, the wild life, and the
countries from Africa, after the students that were looking the
presentation could locate some countries in the continent. Then the
students moved from this side and they had to go to the other room, in
this place there was a game that consisted the students had divided in
two groups, girls in a group and boys in another group, so they idea in
the game were that the students guessed a word, but they had to say
word by word to did it. And the last game was divided in two parts; the
first one consisted in to overthrow the vast majority of the plastic cup as
you could, so the winner went to be the participant that overthrows
more plastic cups. After there was another game which starts with thing
for doing bubbles as soon as the participant did the bubble had to blow it
and carry to the circle.

Other wonderful participation were the presentations the students did,

one of them were made by eighth semester, which had different scenes,
and the another presentation was about group of friend that were like a
in the party, so while they were dancing suddenly some boys appeared
like a boyfriends, but the girls were beautiful so dont know why the boys
were gays.

The English day help for being all students from the English bachelor in a
place and in the same idea, this day does that the students know; also
they interact with students different from our career. In this important
day the university promotes the learning English and its as a space of
interaction in the community; another thing is that the students can
improve their English in the different context of the university.

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