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Logan Frey

Professor Andrew Brown

UWRT 1104-19

March 13th, 2017

Prime Time Live

I. While watching the video of Randy Pausch, record some notes for the following

1.) One item which you think makes good sense? I believe one of the most important things
Randy Pausch said, that I believe makes a ton of sense is Tell the truth. I am a true believer of
telling the truth and that may be because I have realized that the truth always comes out,
therefore why not tell it from the start.

2.) One item you think is good advice? The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls
are not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we
want something. The brick wall is there to stop people that dont want something bad enough.
This quote is something that really sticks out to me because it proves how willing an individual
is to overcome adversity in their life, and I think overcoming adversity is only a step in the right

3.) One item you agree with? We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the
hand. When I heard Randy Pausch say something like this it really struck me because he is
living proof that has been dealt unreasonable cards and he has to face that struggle each day. It
wasnt about the unreasonable circumstance, but what truly opened my eyes and my heart is the
amount of optimism and happiness he is facing this everyday struggle with.

4.) One item you question (for any reason)? One item I question is why he chooses to keep
questions relating to religion private. I understand that religion is something that is sacred to
many individuals, but I have always believed that sharing the word of God and talking about
God was a good thing, therefore I dont understand why he chooses to keep it private.

5.) One item you disagree with? The one thing I disagree with when listening to Randy Pausch
speak is when he states that in terms of getting pancreatic cancer it wasnt unfair; it was just
unlucky. I believe that when it comes to tragic things such as cancer or an illness occurring that it
is both unfair and unlucky and nobody should have to deal with something of that magnitude.

6.) One item you know you should do in your life? One item I know I should do in my life is
to travel and experience different cultures and different places of the world. I have always
wanted to travel and experience different places of the world, but I have never had the time or
resources to actually travel, therefore it is something I have put on hold until the right time
presents itself.
II. Respond to each of the following items, short answers...

1.) Who do you need to apologize to, and for what? Or, who needs to apologize to you, and
for what? If I had to apologize to someone, I would apologize to my parents because I believe
that they do not get the credit that they deserve. My parents have provided me and my three
siblings a life that I could not be more appreciative of and I think my parents deserve an extreme
amount of credit.

2.) What do you hope to do over the Summer as a Bucket List item, something you want to
do, without restriction of money, resources, time, place...? As Pausch had his personal
bucket list, what is an activity you would do over the Summer if you could? If I could add
something to my Summer Bucket List, I would add travelling to several countries without the
restriction of money, resources, time, place, etc. Travelling is something I am extremely hopeful
to do in the near future, and I hope to see different parts of the world with my own eyes.

3.) What are three (3) songs which would help someone better understand who you are? If I
had to choose three songs that would help someone better understand who I am my song choices
would be Humble and Kind, Huntin Fishin and Lovin Every Day, and Its a Great Day to be
Alive. Humble and Kind represents me because they are morals that I strive to live by, Huntin
Fishin and Lovin Every Day represents me due to the fact that it is a song that correlates to
several of my favorite hobbies, and Its a Great Day to Be Alive is a song that radiates positive

4.) The video explained several mottos, short phrases to help live by. Not helpful. Tell
the truth. I have all I need. What is your own personal motto? My own personal motto
may sound like a common motto, but it is to live everyday like it is your last. I have lost friends
and family and knowing that tomorrow is never promise, I strive to live everyday like it is my

5.) What did your parents let you get away with, or what did you get away with that your
parents never found out about? I have been fortunate enough to have extremely understanding
parents that understand growing up comes with mistakes and I have made the mistake of
sneaking out of the house when I was in high school. Although my parents were understanding
and let me get away with it, I understood the worries that I caused and guaranteed them that they
would not have to worry about that kind of activity happening again.

6.) Are you a Tigger or an Eyeore? I believe I am a Tigger, due to the fact that I believe things
could always be worse so look at the bright side in the situation and overcome the adversity that
is bringing you down.

7.) Think back as far as you can, when you dreamed big person dreams about growing
up. What were three (3) of your own impossible dreams? Think about the things you
wanted to achieve when you were a child, such as growing up to be a ......? Or, to
accomplish...? Growing up, I believe the wildest and most unrealistic dream I had was to
become a professional soccer player. No matter how hard I tried to make it bigtime I knew that
the big picture I had in mind was a little unrealistic. The two other big dreams I had as a child
was participating in action sports such as being a professional snowboarder or wakeboarder, and
the other big dream I had was to spend my life travelling the world until I was able to travel to
all of the well-known countries around the world.

III. Pick one of your responses from part II above. Develop it from the short answer you
gave, into a full two paragraphs, please.

The response I chose to further elaborate on was the activity that I would add to my
summer bucket list regardless of money, resources, time, place, etc. The item I chose to add to
my summer bucket list would be to travel the world and see different parts of the world outside
of the United States. I have always been fascinated by other parts of the world and different
cultures, therefore I have always wanted to immerse myself in the cultures of various countries.
Due to the fact that my sister is currently going to school and playing soccer in England, I have
been exposed to the experiences that England has to offer and it has only verified my strong
passion to travel and experience different parts of the world. England would be the perfect
location for me to start my travels due to the fact that England is famous for its soccer clubs and I
am a huge Manchester United supporter, which is a very popular club in Manchester, England.
Aside from England, locations such as Brazil, Spain, Italy, and France are just a few of
the other places that I would greatly enjoy travelling to. I have always wanted to travel to well-
known countries that have a lot of activities and tourist attractions to visit that draw a lot of
attention to that location, therefore these are a few of the places that spark an interest in my list
of places to travel to. Not only does travelling offer insight into cultures of different locations
around the world, but I personally believe that it allows myself to connect with other individuals
and gain a better understanding for their way of life. Regardless of the money, time, place, and
resources, I believe travelling is something that should take place after college when you have a
window of opportunity to see the world before obtaining a full time working position. Once
college is over I hope to align a job opportunity that allows me to travel the world due to my
interest in seeing the world and meeting people from all over the world.

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