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Hypothalamic AMPK and fatty acid metabolism mediate thyroid

regulation of energy balance

Lpez, Miguel.
The thyroid axis is a key modulator of both energy balance and lipid
metabolism1, 2, 3. Hyperthyroidism is a clinical disorder characterized by
excessive production of thyroid hormones (T3 and tetraiodothyronine (T4)),
which causes a hypermetabolic state characterized by increased energy
expenditure and weight loss despite marked hyperphagia 3, 4. Although it is
generally assumed that most effects of thyroid hormones on energy
homeostasis are exerted in peripheral tissues1, 3, 5, recent evidence indicates
that hypothalamic neurons sense nutritional deficits through a mechanism that
involves local generation of T3, leading to the induction of uncoupling protein-2
(ref. 2).

Adrenocortical reserves in hyperthyroidism

Articulo original
Kemal Agbaht, Sevim Gullu.
Adrenal insufficiency may complicate thyrotoxicosis that can be life-threatening
in individual cases [1]. These observations had been paid some attentions in
the past. Indeed, though the clinical studies investigating adrenocortical
reserves in hyperthyroidism go back to 1950s [2], the literature still lacks
conclusive data regarding the changes in metabolism of adrenal cortex-derived
steroids in hyperthyroidism

Thyroid hormone and adrenergic signaling in the heart

Brian Kim; Suzy D. Carvalho-Bianco; P. Reed Larsen
IT IS WELL KNOWN BY CLINICIANS and researchers that thyroid hormone action
has profound consequences for the heart. The pathologic implications of the
thyroid-cardiac relationship range from atrial fibrillation in subclinical
thyrotoxicosis all the way to hemodynamic collapse and death when severe
thyrotoxicosis is superimposed on primary heart disease (1). For practical
purposes, the severity of thyroid hormone excess is largely determined at the
bedside by the extent of tachycardia, heart rhythm disturbances, and/or
systolic hypertension, manifestations that appear early and figure prominently
in the course of thyrotoxicosis (2,3).

Cambios fisiolgicos de la funcin tiroidea en el embarazo: bases para

la interpretacin de las pruebas tiroideas
Ramrez, Nathalia Crdoba
Los trastornos tiroideos son comunes en mujeres jvenes en edad reproductiva
(1); su frecuencia puede ser alrededor del 10% de acuerdo con diferentes
series; el hipotiroidismo subclnico se produce aproximadamente en 2,5% de
las gestantes, y el hipertiroidismo subclnico en 1,7%, mientras que las formas
clnicas se consideran infrecuentes, con una incidencia aproximada de 0,2% a
0,36%, aunque en un estudio se inform una incidencia de hipotiroidismo franco hasta
del 2% (2); sin embargo, a menudo se pasan por alto estas alteraciones pues los cambios
metablicos propios del embarazo enmascaran los sntomas (3).


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