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Optimum (Wiener) Filter


Dr. Tarun Kumar Rawat (AP)

ECE Division,
Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology (NSIT),
New Delhi-110078.

Optimum (Wiener) Filter p. 1/71


Optimum Filters
FIR Wiener Filter
Non-causal IIR Wiener Filter.
Causal IIR Wiener Filter
Introduction to Adaptive Filter

Optimum (Wiener) Filter p. 2/71

Linear Optimum Filtering

Filtering: Estimation of one signal from another (desired signal which is noisy or
distorted e.g. a speech signal, a radar signal, an image).
In very simple and idealized environment, it may be possible to design a classical
filter such as lowpass, highpass, bandpass, or bandstop filter to restore the
desired signal from the measured data.
Will these filter be optimum in the sense of producing the best estimate of the
Optimal filter theory was developed to provide structure to the process of selecting
the most appropriate frequency characteristics.
If a representation of the desired signal is available, then a well-developed and
popular class of filters known as Wiener Filters can be applied.
The Wiener filter solves the signal estimation problem for stationary signals.

The filter was introduced by Nobert Wiener in the 1940s.

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Linear Optimum Filtering contd.

The filter is optimal in the sense of MMSE.

The basic concept behind Wiener Filter theory is to minimize the difference
between the filtered output and some desired output. This minimization is based
on the least mean square approach which adjusts the filter coefficients to reduce
the square of the difference between the desired and actual waveform after

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Linear Optimum Filtering contd.

Linear discrete-time filter, h(0), h(1), h(2), (IIR or FIR (inherently stable))
y(n) is the estimate of the desired response d(n)
e(n) is the estimation error, i.e., difference between the filter output and the
desired response

e(n) = d(n) y(n) (1)

As the error signal e(n) 0, the output of the filter y(n) d(n).
Now, the goal is to find the impulse response coefficients h(n) of this filter which
would result in the smallest possible estimation error e(n).

Hence, the question arises is this: How are we minimizing the estimation error? In
other words, which quantity or function associated with the estimation error are we
attempting to minimize?

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Linear Optimum Filtering contd.

The performance function of this estimation error is also known as cost function or
objective function. The cost function can be defined in a statistical or deterministic
Two examples of cost functions are as follows:

J = E[|e(n)|2 ] statistical: mean squared error (Wiener filtering problem)

J= |e(n)|2 deterministic: sum of squared error (Least square problem)

In the statistical approach, the cost function is the mean-square value of the error
signal. For stationary input and desired signals, minimizing the mean-square error
results in linear filters known as Wiener filters, which are optimum in the sense of

The optimum means the best under the given set of assumptions and conditions.

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Linear Optimum Filtering contd.

Formulation of the Linear Filtering Problem

x(n) = s(n) + w(n) (2)

x(n)=observed or received signal (input signal to the optimum filter)
s(n)=signal of interest
w(n)=additive random noise (of known statistics)
The error signal

e(n) = d(n) y(n) (3)

d(n)=desired signal
y(n)= filter output

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FIR Wiener filter

Filter Length=M

X 1
y(n) = h(n) x(n) = h(l)x(n l) (4)

The Wiener filter design problem requires that we find the filter coefficients, h(n),
that minimizes the MMSE.

= E{|e(n)|2 } = E{e(n)e (n)} = E{|d(n) y(n)|2 } (5)

For a set of filter coefficients to minimize it is necessary and sufficient that the
derivative of w.r.t. h (k) be equal to zero for k = 0, 1, , M 1.

=0 (6)
h (k)

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FIR Wiener filter contd.

= E{e(n)e (n)} = 0
h (k) h (k)

e (n)
=E e(n) =0 (7)
h (k) h (k)


e(n) = d(n) y(n)

X 1
e(n) = d(n) h(l)x(n l)
X 1

e (n) = d (n) h (l)x (n l)
= d (n) h (0)x (n) h (1)x (n 1) h (2)x (n 2)

h (M 1)x (n M + 1)
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FIR Wiener filter contd.


e (n)
= x (n)
h (0)
e (n)
= x (n 1)
h (1)
e (n)

= x (n 2)
h (2)

e (n)
= x (n k) (8)
h (k)

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FIR Wiener filter contd.

From Eqs.(7) and (8), we get

= E {e(n)x (n k)} = 0
h (k)

E {e(n)x (n k)} = 0 (9)

which is known as the orthogonality principle or the projection theorem (Error at the
minimum is uncorrelated with the filter input).
(" M 1
# )
E d(n) h(l)x(n l) x (n k) =0
( M 1
E d(n)x (n k) h(l)x(n l)x (n k) =0

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FIR Wiener filter contd.

X 1

E {d(n)x (n k)} h(l)E {x(n l)x (n k)} = 0 (10)

Since x(n) and d(n) are jointly WSS, we get

E{x(n l)x (n k)} = rxx (k l)

E{d(n)x (n k)} = rdx (k)

Substituting these expressions in Eq.(10), we get

X 1
rdx (k) h(l)rxx (k l) = 0

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FIR Wiener filter contd.

or equivalently

X 1
h(l)rxx (k l) = rdx (k); k = 0, 1, 2, , M 1 (11)

which is a set of M linear equations (known as Wiener-Hopf equations) in the M

unknowns h(k), k = 0, 1, 2, , M 1.
(l), Eq.(11) becomes
In matrix form, using the fact that rxx (l) = rxx

rxx (0) (1)
rxx (M
rxx 1) h(0) rdx (0)

rxx (1) rxx (0) (m
rxx 2) h(1) rdx (1)

.. .. .. .. .. ..

. . . .


rxx (M 1) rxx (M 2) rxx (0) h(M 1) rdx (M 1)

which is the matrix form of the Wiener-Hopf equations.

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FIR Wiener filter contd.

Eq.(12) may be written more concisely as

Rx h = rdx (13)

Rx is a M M Hermitian Toeplitz matrix of autocorrelation,
h is the vector of filter coefficients, and
rdx is the vector of cross-correlation between the desired signal d(n) and the
observed signal x(n).
The solution for the optimum filter coefficients is

hopt = R1
x rdx (14)

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FIR Wiener filter contd.

The resulting MMSE min achieved by the Wiener filter is

= E{|e(n)|2 } = E{e(n)e (n)}

" #

X 1
= E e(n) d(n) h(l)x(n l)

( " M 1
=E e(n) d (n) h (l)x (n l)
X 1

min = E{e(n)d (n)} h (l) E{e(n)x (n l)}
| {z }
min = E{e(n)d (n)}

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FIR Wiener filter contd.

(" M 1
# )
min = E{e(n)d (n)} = E d(n) hopt (l)x(n l) d (n)
X 1
= E{d(n)d (n)} hopt (l) E{x(n l)d (n)}
| {z }

X 1

min = rd (0) hopt (l)rdx (l) (15)

or, using vector notation

min = rd (0) rH
dx hopt (16)

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FIR Wiener filter contd.

Alternatively, since

hopt = R1
x rdx

the MMSE min may also be written explicitly in terms of autocorrelation matrix Rx and
cross-correlation vector rdx as follows:

min = rd (0) rH
dx Rx rdx (17)

Consider special cases: (I) Filtering, d(n) = s(n) and (II) Prediction,
d(n) = s(n + D).
Case-I: If d(n) = s(n), the linear estimation problem is referred to as filtering. In
filtering problem s(n) is to be estimated from the noise corrupted observation.

x(n) = s(n) + w(n)

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FIR Wiener filter contd.

Applications of filtering or noise reduction:

1) Transmission of speech in a noisy environment.
2) Reception of data across a noisy channel.
3) Detection and location of targets using sensor arrays.
4) Restoration of old recordings. 5) Restoration of degraded images.
Assumption: noise has zero mean and uncorrelated with s(n), i.e.,
E{s(n)w (n k)} = 0. Therefore,

rdx (k) = E{d(n)x (n k)} = E{s(n)x (n k)}

= E{s(n)[s (n k) + w (n k)]}
rdx (k) = E{s(n)s (n k)} + E{s(n)w (n k)}
| {z } | {z }
=rss (k) =0

rdx (k) = rss (k) (18)

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FIR Wiener filter contd.

Now consider

rxx (k) = E{x(n)x (n k)}

= E{[s(n) + w(n)][s (n k) + w (n k)]}
= E{s(n)s (n k)} + E{s(n)w (n k)} + E{w(n)s (n k)} + E{w(n)w (n k)}
| {z } | {z } | {z } | {z }
=rss (k) =0 =0 =rww (k)

rxx (k) = rss (k) + 0 + 0 + rww (k)

rxx (k) = rss (k) + rww (k) (19)

In matrix form

Rx = Rs + Rw (20)

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FIR Wiener filter contd.

The Wiener-Hopf equations becomes

X 1
h(l)[rss (k l) + rww (k l)] = rss (k); k = 0, 1, 2, , M 1 (21)

or, equivalently

[Rs + Rw ]h = rs (22)

Case-II: If d(n) = s(n + D) where D > 0, the linear estimation problem is referred
to as signal prediction.
Assumption: noise has zero mean and uncorrelated with s(n), i.e.,
E{s(n + D)w (n k)} = 0.

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FIR Wiener filter contd.


rdx (k) = E{d(n)x (n k)} = E{s(n + D)x (n k)}

= E{s(n + D)[s (n k) + w (n k)]}
rdx (k) = E{s(n + D)s (n k)} + E{s(n + D)w (n k)}
| {z } | {z }
=rss (k) =0

rdx (k) = rss (k + D) (23)


rxx (k) = rss (k) + rww (k) (24)

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FIR Wiener filter contd.

The Wiener-Hopf equations becomes

X 1
h(l)[rss (k l) + rww (k l)] = rss (k + D); k = 0, 1, 2, , M 1 (25)

Note: In all cases, the correlation matrix to be inverted is Toeplitz. Hence the
Levinson-Durbin algorithm may be used to solve for the optimum filter coefficients.

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Let us consider a signal x(n) = s(n) + w(n), where s(n) is an AR(1) process that
satisfies the equation
s(n) = 0.6s(n 1) + v(n)

where v(n) is a white noise sequence with variance v2 = 0.64, and w(n) is a
2 = 1. We shall design a filter of length
white noise sequence with variance w
M = 2 to estimate s(n).
An AR(1) process s(n) is obtained by exciting a single-pole filter by white noise
v(n). The frequency response of the single-pole filter is given by

H1 (ej ) =
1 0.6ej

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Example contd.

The power spectral density (PSD) of s(n) is given by

Rss (ej ) = |H1 (ej )|2 Rvv (ej )

0.64 0.64
= =
|1 0.6ej |2 (1 0.6ej )(1 0.6ej )

Taking the inverse DTFT, we get

rss (m) = (0.6)|m|

The Wiener-Hopf equations (for M = 2)

h(l)[rss (k l) + rww (k l)] = rss (k); k = 0, 1.

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Example contd.

for k = 0:

h(l)[rss (l) + rww (l)] = rss (0)
h(0)[rss (0) + rww (0)] + h(1)[rss (1) + rww (1)] = rss (0)
2h(0) + 0.6h(1) = 1

for k = 1:

h(l)[rss (1 l) + rww (1 l)] = rss (1)
h(0)[rss (1) + rww (1)] + h(1)[rss (0) + rww (0)] = rss (1)
0.6h(0) + 2h(1) = 0.6

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Example contd.

Solving the two equations, we get

hopt (0) = 0.451, hopt (1) = 0.165


X 1

min = rd (0) hopt (l)rdx (l)

Since d(n) = s(n), rdx (k) = rss (k) and M = 2, we get


min = rs (0) hopt (l)rss (l)
= 1 h(0)rss (0) h(1)rss (1) = 0.45

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Example contd.

The frequency response of the Wiener filter:

H(z) = h(n)z n

= h(0) + h(1)z 1
H(z) = 0.451 + 0.165z 1
H(ej ) = 0.451 + 0.165ej

The frequency response of the designed Wiener filter is low-pass (why?).

Note that the PSD s(n) is

Rss (ej ) =
|1 0.6ej |2
1.36 1.2cos()

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Example contd.

The magnitude of the frequency response of the Wiener filter The PSD of the process s(n)
0.65 4

0.6 3.5

0.55 3

0.5 2.5


0.45 2

0.4 1.5

0.35 1

0.3 0.5

0.25 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
frequency frequency

Since the power spectrum of the noise is constant for all , the SNR decreases with
increasing . Thus, it follows that the Wiener filter should have a frequency response
that has a magnitude that decreases with increasing .

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Example contd.

How much SNR is increased by Wiener filter?

Prior to filtering: rss (0) = s2 = 1, and w
2 = 1, the signal to noise ratio (SNR) is

SN R = 2 = 1

SN R = 0 dB
The PSD of the output y(n) of the Wiener filter is given by

Ryy (ej ) = |H(ej )|2 Rxx (ej )

= |H(ej )|2 [Rss (ej ) + Rww (ej )]
Ryy (ej ) = |H(ej )|2 Rss (ej ) + |H(ej )|2 Rww (ej )
| {z } | {z }
signal component noise component

Ryy (ej ) = Rys (ej ) + Ryn (ej )

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Example contd.

or, equivalently in time domain

ryy (n) = rxx (n) h(n) h (n)

= [rss (n) + rww (n)] h(n) h (n)
= [rss (n) h(n) h (n)] + [rww (n) h(n) h (n)]
| {z } | {z }
signal component noise component

ryy (n) = rys (n) + rws (n)

Consider the signal component rys (n).

rys (n) = rss (n) h(n) h (n)

rys (n) = h(l)rss (m l)h (m n)
l= m=

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Example contd.

The power contained in the signal component

rys (0) = ys = h(l)rss (m l)h (m)
l= m=
X 1 M
X 1
= h(l)rss (m l)h (m)
l=0 m=0

In matrix form

h i rss (0) rss (1) h(0)
ys = h(0) h(1)
rss (1) rss (0) h(1)
ys = hH Rs h

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Example contd.

Thus, the output signal power is

h i 1 0.6 0.451
ys = 0.451 0.165 = 0.3199
0.6 1 0.165

Similarly, The power contained in the noise component is given by

yn = hH Rw h

h i rww (0) rww (1) h(0)
= h(0) h(1)
rww (1) rww (0) h(1)

h i 1 0 0.451
yn = 0.451 0.165 = 0.2306
0 1 0.165

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Example contd.

The output SNR:

ys 0.3199
SN R = 10log10 2
= 10log10 = 1.4215 dB
yn 0.2316

Thus, the Wiener filter increases the SNR by more than 1 dB.

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IIR Wiener Filter

Problem formulation for both FIR and IIR Wiener filter is same.
For the FIR Wiener filter there are only a finite number of coefficients that must be
determined, whereas for the IIR Wiener filter there are an infinite number of
unknowns, i.e., the values of h(n) for all n.

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Non-causal IIR Wiener filter

Problem formulation: Find the unit sample response, h(n), of the IIR filter

H(z) = h(n)z n

that minimizes the mean-square error

= E{|e(n)|2 } (26)

where e(n) is the difference between the desired process d(n) and the output of
the Wiener filter, y(n),

e(n) = d(n) y(n) = d(n) h(l)x(n l) (27)

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Non-causal IIR Wiener filter contd.

This problem may be solved in exactly the same way that we solved the FIR
Wiener filtering problem, i.e., by differentiating w.r.t. h (k) for each k and setting
the derivatives equal to zero.

= E{e(n)x (n k)} = 0 <k <
h (k)

E{e(n)x (n k)} = 0 <k < (28)

Eq.(28) is referred to as the orthogonality principle, and it is identical to the

orthogonality principle for the FIR Wiener filter except that here < k < .

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Non-causal IIR Wiener filter contd.


E d(n) h(l)x(n l) x (n k) = 0



E d(n)x (n k) h(l)x(n l)x (n k) = 0



E {d(n)x (n k)} h(l)E {x(n l)x (n k)} = 0 (29)

Since x(n) and d(n) are jointly WSS, we get

E{x(n l)x (n k)} = rxx (k l)

E{d(n)x (n k)} = rdx (k)

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Non-causal IIR Wiener filter contd.

Substituting these expressions in Eq.(29), we get

rdx (k) h(l)rxx (k l) = 0

or equivalently

h(l)rxx (k l) = rdx (k); < k < (30)

which are the Wiener-Hopf equations of the non-causal IIR Wiener filter.
Eq.(30) can also be written as

h(k) rxx (k) = rdx (k) (31)

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Non-causal IIR Wiener filter contd.

In the frequency domain, Eq.(31) becomes

H(ej )Rxx (ej ) = Rdx (ej ) (32)

The frequency response of the IIR Wiener filter is

j Rdx (ej )
H(e )= (33)
Rxx (ej )

and the system function is

Rdx (z)
H(z) = (34)
Rxx (z)

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Non-causal IIR Wiener filter contd.

MMSE min

= E{|e(n)|2 } = E{e(n)e (n)}

= E e(n) d(n) h(l)x(n l)



= E e(n) d (n) h (l)x (n l)



min = E{e(n)d (n)} h (l) E{e(n)x (n l)}
| {z }
min = E{e(n)d (n)}

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Non-causal IIR Wiener filter contd.


min = E{e(n)d (n)} = E d(n) h(l)x(n l) d (n)



= E{d(n)d (n)} h(l) E{x(n l)d (n)}
| {z }


min = rd (0) h(l)rdx (l) (35)

Using Parsevals theorem this error may be expressed in the frequency domain as
min = rd (0) H(ej )Rdx (ej )d (36)

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Non-causal IIR Wiener filter contd.

rd (0) = Rd (ej )d

then we also have


min = Rd (ej ) H(ej )Rdx (ej ) d (37)

Non-causal IIR Wiener filter is physically unrealizable.

Non-causal IIR Wiener filter can also be viewed as a smoothing filter in which the

infinite signal values are used to smooth the estimate, d(n) = y(n), of the desired

Optimum (Wiener) Filter p. 42/71

Non-causal IIR Wiener filter contd.

Wiener smoothing filter for producing the minimum mean-square estimate of s(n)
using the noisy observations

x(n) = s(n) + w(n) for alln

Assuming that s(n) and w(n) are uncorrelated zero mean random processes, the
autocorrelation of x(n) becomes

rxx (k) = rss (k) + rww (k)

and the power spectrum is

Rxx (ej ) = Rss (ej ) + Rww (ej )

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Non-causal IIR Wiener filter contd.


rdx (k) = E{d(n)x (n k)} = E{s(n)x (n k)}

= E{s(n)[s (n k) + w (n k)]}
rdx (k) = E{s(n)s (n k)} + E{s(n)w (n k)}
| {z } | {z }
=rss (k) =0

rdx (k) = rss (k)

and the power spectrum is

Rdx (ej ) = Rss (ej )

and the IIR Wiener smoothing filter is

j Rss (ej )
H(e )= (38)
Rss (ej ) + Rww (ej )

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Non-causal IIR Wiener filter contd.

Case-I: For those values of for which Rss (ej ) Rww (ej ), the SNR is high,
and |H(ej )| 1.
Therefore, over those frequency bands where the signal dominates, the filter
passes the signal with little attenuation.
Case-II: For those values of for which Rss (ej ) Rww (ej ), the SNR is low,
and |H(ej )| 0.
Therefore, over those frequency bands where the noise dominates, H(ej ) is
small in order to filter out or suppress the noise.
MMSE: Consider d(n) = s(n), we get rd (n) = rss (n), Rd (ej ) = Rss (ej ), and
Rdx (ej ) = Rss (ej ).

min = Rd (ej ) H(ej )Rdx (ej ) d
= Rss (ej ) H(ej )Rss (ej ) d

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Non-causal IIR Wiener filter contd.

1 j

min = Rss (e ) 1 H(e ) d
Z  j ) 
1 R ss (e
= Rss (ej ) 1 j j
2 Rss (e ) + Rww (e )
Z  j ) 
1 R ss (e
= Rww (ej ) d
2 Rss (ej ) + Rww (ej )

min = Rww (ej )H(ej )d (39)

Optimum (Wiener) Filter p. 46/71


Let s(n) be a real-valued AR(1) process with power spectrum

Rs (z) =
(1 0.5z 1 )(1 0.5z)

and suppose that s(n) is observed in the presence of zero mean white noise with
2 = 0.25.
a variance w

x(n) = s(n) + w(n)

Assuming that s(n) is uncorrelated with w(n). Design a non-causal IIR Wiener
smoothing filter for estimating s(n) from x(n) and find the MMSE.
System function

Rss (z)
H(z) =
Rss (z) + Rww (z)

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Example contd.

2 , we have
with Rww (z) = w

H(z) =
(1 0.2344z 1 )(1 0.2344z)

The unit sample response is

h(n) = 0.4960(0.2344)|n|

min = Rww (ej )H(ej )d
2 Z
= H(ej )d
min = w h(0) = 0.25 0.4960 = 0.1240

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Example contd.

How much error is reduced as a result of filtering x(n) with a Wiener filter?
Without a filter y(n) = x(n).

e(n) = d(n) y(n) = s(n) [s(n) + w(n)] = w(n)


E{|e(n)|2 } = E{|w(n)|2 } = w
= 0.25

Thus, the non-causal Wiener filter reduces the MSE by approximately by a factor
of two.

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Causal IIR Wiener Filter

Causal IIR Wiener filter h(n) = 0, n < 0.

H(z) = h(n)z n
y(n) = h()x(n )

Mean-square error

= E{|e(n)|2 } (40)

where e(n) is the difference between the desired process d(n) and the output of
the Wiener filter, y(n),

e(n) = d(n) y(n) = d(n) h()x(n ) (41)

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Causal IIR Wiener Filter contd.

Application of the orthogonality principle leads to the Wiener-Hopf equation,

h()rxx (k ) = rdx (k); k0

rdx (k) cannot be expressed as the convolution of h(k) and rx (k) because the
equation holds only for k 0. To solve the Wiener-Hopf equations we shall use
the innovations representation of the WSS random process {x(n)}.

Optimum (Wiener) Filter p. 51/71

Causal IIR Wiener Filter contd.

A stationary process {x(n)} with autocorrelation rxx (k) and PSD Rxx (ej ) can
be represented by an equivalent innovation process, i(n), by passing {x(n)}
through a noise-whitening filter with system function FI (z) = F (z) , where F (z) is
the minimum-phase part obtained from the spectral factorization of Rxx (z).

Rxx (z) = i2 G(z)G(z 1 )

Optimum (Wiener) Filter p. 52/71

Causal IIR Wiener Filter contd.

Now, the causal IIR Wiener Filter system function

H(z) = FI (z)G(z) = F (z) G(z). Since

y(n) = g()i(n )

and e(n) = d(n) y(n), application of orthogonality principle yields the new
Wiener-Hopf equations as

g()rii (k ) = rdi (k); k0

Optimum (Wiener) Filter p. 53/71

Causal IIR Wiener Filter contd.

Since i(n) is white, it follows that

2 k=l
rii (k l) = i2 (k l) = i
0 k 6= l

Thus, we obtain

rdi (k) rdi (k)

g(k) = = , k0
rii (0) i2

The z-transform of g(k) is given by

X 1 X 1
G(z) = g(k)z k = 2 rdi (k)z k = 2 [Rdi (z)]+
i k=0 i

Optimum (Wiener) Filter p. 54/71

Causal IIR Wiener Filter contd.

[Rdi (z)]+ =?. The output of the whitening filter is given by

i(n) = fI (m)x(n m)

where fI (m), m 0 is the impulse response of the whitening filter.

1 X
= FI (z) = fI (m)z m
F (z) m=0


rdi (k) = E{d(n)i (n k)}

= E d(n) fI (m)x (n m k)

Optimum (Wiener) Filter p. 55/71

Causal IIR Wiener Filter contd.

rdi (k) = fI (m)E {d(n)x (n m k)}

rdi (k) = fI (m)rdx (m + k) (42)

The z-transform of the crosscorrelation rdi (k) is

Rdi (z) = rdi (k)z k

= fI (m)rdx (m + k) z k
k= m=0

Optimum (Wiener) Filter p. 56/71

Causal IIR Wiener Filter contd.

Rdi (z) = fI (m) rdx (m + k)z k
m=0 k=

= fI (m)z m rdx (k)z k
m=0 k=
| {z }| {z }
FI (z 1 ) Rdx (z)

Rdx (z)
Rdi (z) = FI (z 1 )Rdx (z) =
F (z 1 )

1 1 Rdx (z)
G(z) = 2 [Rdi (z)]+ = 2
i i F (z 1 ) +

Optimum (Wiener) Filter p. 57/71

Causal IIR Wiener Filter contd.

Finally, the optimum causal IIR Wiener filter has the system function
G(z) 1 Rdx (z)
Hopt (z) = = 2 (43)
F (z) i F (z) F (z 1 ) +

Solution of IIR causal Wiener filter requires: 1) Perform a spectral factorization of

Rxx (z) to obtain F (z), the minimum phase component, 2) solve for the causal
Rdx (z)
part of F (z 1 ) .



min = rd (0) h()rdx ()
1  j j

min = Rd (e ) H(e )Rdx (ej ) d

Optimum (Wiener) Filter p. 58/71


Suppose we wish to estimate a signal d(n) from the noisy observation

x(n) = s(n) + w(n)

where w(n) is unit variance (w2 = 1) that is uncorrelated with s(n). The signal

s(n) is an AR(1) process that is generated by the difference equation

s(n) = 0.6s(n 1) + v(n)

where v(n) is white noise with variance v2 = 0.64.

An AR(1) process s(n) is obtained by exciting a single-pole filter by white noise
v(n). The frequency response of the single-pole filter is given by

H1 (ej ) =
1 0.6ej

Optimum (Wiener) Filter p. 59/71

Example contd.

The power spectral density (PSD) of s(n) is given by

Rss (ej ) = |H1 (ej )|2 Rvv (ej )

0.64 0.64
= =
|1 0.6ej |2 (1 0.6ej )(1 0.6ej )

In z-domain

Rss (z) =
(1 0.6z 1 )(1 0.6z)

Taking the inverse ZT, we get

rss (m) = (0.6)|m|

Optimum (Wiener) Filter p. 60/71

Example contd.

Rdx (z) = Rss (z) =
(1 0.6z 1 )(1 0.6z)
Rxx (z) = Rss (z) + Rww (z)
= +1
(1 0.6z 1 )(1 0.6z)
1 1

1.8 1 3 z 1 3z
Rxx (z) =
(1 0.6z 1 )(1 0.6z)
= i2 F (z)F (z 1 )


1 13 z 1
F (z) =
1 0.6z 1

Optimum (Wiener) Filter p. 61/71

Example contd.

  " #
Rdx (z) 0.64 (1 0.6z)
F (z 1 ) + (1 0.6z 1 )(1 0.6z) 1 13 z
" #
0.8 0.266z
= +
1 0.6z 1 1 13 z
Rdx (z) 0.8
F (z 1 ) + 1 0.6z 1

The optimum causal Wiener filter is

1 Rdx (z)
Hopt (z) = 2
i F (z) F (z 1 ) +
1 1 0.6z 1 0.8
1.8 1 13 z 1 1 0.6z 1

Optimum (Wiener) Filter p. 62/71

Example contd.

Hopt (z) =
1 13 z 1
4 1 n
hopt (n) = u(n)
9 3

Y (z)
Since Hopt (z) = X(z)
, the estimate of s(n) may be computed recursively as follows

y(n) = y(n 1) + 0.444x(n)

Finally, MMSE


min = rd (0) h()rdx ()

Optimum (Wiener) Filter p. 63/71

Example contd.

4 X 1 n
min =1 (0.6)n
9 n=0 3

4 X
=1 (0.2)n
9 n=0
min = = 0.444

Note that, for second-order FIR Wiener filter, the mean-square error was
min = 0.45. Therefore, using all the previous observations of x(n) only slightly
improves the performance of the Wiener filter.

Optimum (Wiener) Filter p. 64/71

System Identification using Wiener Filter

The Wiener-Hopf approach has a number of other applications in addition to

standard filtering including systems identification, interference cancelling, and
inverse modelling or deconvolution. For system identification, the filter is placed in
parallel with the unknown system.
The desired output is the output of the unknown system, and the filter coefficients
are adjusted so that the filters output best matches that of the unknown system.

Optimum (Wiener) Filter p. 65/71

Introduction to Adaptive Filters

The signals that were being analyzed were stationary (stationary signals are
constant in their statistical parameters over time).
Signals that arise in almost every application are non-stationary.
The Wiener filtering approach would not be appropriate.
A better approach would be to start over and begin with a non-stationary
assumption at the outset.
Consider the Wiener filtering problem within the context of non-stationary

X 1
y(n) = h(k)x(n k)

Optimum (Wiener) Filter p. 66/71

Introduction to Adaptive Filters contd.

If x(n) and d(n) are jointly WSS processes, with e(n) = d(n) y(n), then the
filter coefficients that minimize the mean-square error E{|e(n)|2 } are found by
solving the Wiener-Hopf equations

Rx h = rdx

However, if the d(n) and x(n) are non-stationary, then the filter coefficients that
minimize E{|e(n)|2 } will depend on n, and the filter will be shift-varying, i.e.

X 1
y(n) = hn (k)x(n k)

where hn (k) is the value of the kth filter coefficient at time n.

Using vector notation,

y(n) = hT
n x(n)

Optimum (Wiener) Filter p. 67/71

Introduction to Adaptive Filters contd.

hn = [hn (0), hn (1), , hn (M 1)]T

is the vector of filter coefficients at time n, and

x(n) = [x(n), x(n 1), , x(n M + 1)]T

In shift-varying (adaptive) filter, for each value of n, it is necessary to find the set of
optimum filter coefficients, hn (k), for k = 0, 1, , M 1.
However, the problem may be simplified considerably if we relax the requirement
that hn minimize the mean-square error at each time n and consider, instead, a
coefficient update equation of the form

hn+1 = hn + hn

where hn is the correction that is applied to the filter coefficients hn at time n to

form a new set of coefficients, hn+1 , at time n + 1.

Optimum (Wiener) Filter p. 68/71

Introduction to Adaptive Filters contd.

The key component of an adaptive filter is the set of rules, or algorithm, that
defines how the correction hn is to be formed.
The sequence of corrections should decrease the mean-square error.
In fact, whatever algorithm is used, the adaptive filter should have the following
1) In a stationary environment, the adaptive filter should produce a sequence of
corrections hn in such a way that hn converges to the solution to the
Wiener-Hopf equations,

lim hn = R1
x rdx

2) It should not be necessary to know the signal statistics rdx (k) and rx (k) in
order to compute hn . the estimation of these statistics should be built into the
adaptive filter.
3) For non-stationary signals, the filter should be able to adapt to the changing
statistics and track the solution as it evolves in time.

Optimum (Wiener) Filter p. 69/71

Introduction to Adaptive Filters contd.

An adaptive filter is a filter that self adjusts its transfer function (or it parameters or
coefficients) according to an optimization algorithm driven by an error signal.
The adaptive filter uses feedback in the form of an error signal to refine its transfer
function to match the changing parameters.
LMS, RLS, etc.
Applications: 1) Noise cancellation
2) Signal Prediction
3) Echo cancellation,
4) Adapive channel equalization.

Optimum (Wiener) Filter p. 70/71

Thank You

Optimum (Wiener) Filter p. 71/71

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