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Wanderer 2016-2017


1 .- Functionalism relies on...

a) a pragmatic view of language page 178

b) a formalized view of language

c) an abstract conception of language

2 .- Functional Sentence Perspective focuses on...

a) the intonation of utterances.

b) the linguistic context of utterances

c) the communicative dynamism of utterances page 179

3 .- The main elements of the thematic structure of clauses are...

a) Given and New

b) Theme and Rheme page 180

c) Both a and b

4 .- What type of theme is the following (in bold)?

I have not been invited to the party. Anyway, I didn't want to go

a) Experiential

b) Non-experiential page 182

c) Detached

5 .- What type is the theme (in bold) in this clause?

Is it hers, that scarf?

a) Detached 184

b) Non-experiential

c) Experiential

6 .- Choose the appropriate combination of themes corresponding to the following clause

containing multiple themes:

Luckily, though, she accepted my invitation.

1+ 2 + 3

a) Non-experiential (interpersonal) + Non-experiential (textual) + experiential Page 183

b) Experiential + Non-experiential (interpersonal) + Experiential

c) Non-experiential (interpersonal) + experiential + non experiential (interpersonal)

7 .- What type of theme is "your cat" in the following clause?

Your cat, it's disappeared!

Wanderer 2016-2017

a) non-experiential, interpersonal

b) Detached, left dislocated 184

c) Detached, absolute

8 .- The themes in the following clauses (1, 2, & 3) are, respectively

1. Helen likes playing golf

2. Golf is what Helen likes

3. Does Helen like golf?

a) marked, marked, unmarked.

b) unmarked, marked, unmarked page 187

c) marked, unmarked, marked.

9 .- A thematic clause is

a) the first clause in a complex clause. page 185

b) the most important clause in a complex clause

c) the subordinate clause in a complex clause

10 .- In Peter's utterance...

John: Jenny likes the mountains.

Peter: The BEACH is what she really likes!

a) The Theme and the Given information coincide

b) the Theme and the New information coincide. Page

c) the Rheme and the New information coincide

11 .- The focus of a clause normally marks...

a) where the Given element starts.

b) where the Given element ends.

c) where the New element ends page 190.

12 .- Thematization is the process by means of which the linear organization of the


a) is manipulated to bring certain items into prominence. page 188

b) is totally alltered to annoy the hearer.

c) is disrupted and therefore makes the clause uncomprehensible.

13 .-According to Prince (1992), there are two different types of both New and Given
information, and therefore if a speaker starts a conversation by saying "There was a full
Moon last night", Moon is...

a) both discourse-new and hearer-new information

b) discourse-new but hearer-old information page 196

Wanderer 2016-2017

c) both discourse- and hearer-old information

14 .- A basic assumption of Post-Structuralist authors is that of the...

a) decentering of the author. Page 209

b) centering of the author.

c) absolutism of textual meaning.

15 .- Post-Structuralist ideas...

a) are all based on an underlying relativistic view of discourse. Page 210

b) support the view that there are definite and final underlying discourse structures.

c) support the view that we can study discourse from an objective point of view.

16 .- One of Foucault's main ideas is that...

a) all practices have a discursive aspect page 215.

b) discourse is about syntactic rules.

c) discourse has nothing to do with power.

17 .-Bordieus notion of bodily hexis associates linguistic practices with

a) body shapes.

b) deep-rooted bodily dispositions. Page 220

c) the lower social classes.

18 .- When saying that discoursive practices are essentially heteroglossic, Bakhtin means

a) discourse is not homogeneous.

b) the voices in a text cannot be identified.

c) texts contain different voices page 223.

19 .- Critical Discourse analysis is...

a) only focused on racial studies.

b) an essentially multidisciplinary approach to discourse. Page 238

c) not interested in social practices.

20 .- Within the Mediated Discourse Analysis approach to discourse...

a) language is not considered the only mediational means. Page 266

b) action is not important.

c) the utterance is the basic unit of analysis.

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