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Bourne and Slones Final Book Report Guidelines

For the last two weeks of class you will be completing a book report.
During these two weeks there will be check points for you to turn in
your chapter summaries and reading checks for us to make sure you
are reading and on point with your book report. This final report
needs to be professionally completed, TYPED and EVERYTHING
TURNED IN ON TIME. Follow these guidelines to insure your passing
grade. When you turn in your final project everything needs to be in
this order:

Part 1: Typed Portfolio (Due Friday May 19th):

Title Page: This page needs to include the title of your novel, author,
genre (mystery, fantasy, romance, drama, etc.) and your name.
Chapter Journal Summaries: Instead of completing journals for
May, you are going to complete journals for your book. After reading
each chapter in your novel you will write (then type) a paragraph to 1
page summary including what happened in that chapter. Who were
the characters, what was the main parts, WHAT HAPPENED IN
o If you are artistic, you may choose to draw a few summaries
(LIMIT 3). This drawing needs to be a summary of what
happened in the chapter as well. I should be able to look at the
picture and infer (guess) what happened in the chapter to
invoke the drawing.
Recommendation to other students: After your journal summaries
you need to include a paragraph to a page long recommendation of
this novel. To help you think about what to write I have included a list
of questions to ask yourself. Write your recommendation in a
summary form, do not just answer these questions
o What did you like the most in this novel? What did you dislike?
Would you recommend this novel to a friend? Why or why not?
Would you want to read more novels like this? Etc.
Part II: Project to turn in (This will be what you
present on the Day of our Final either May 23rd or
Choose one of the following projects to complete and turn in
on the day of our final. Theses need to be completed on poster
boards, white paper, etc. professionally done! DO NOT TURN
already turned in your portfolio. On the day of the final you
need to stand up and present your project to the class.
Character astrology signs: After reading brief descriptions of the
astrology or sun signs, figure out which signs you think two of the
main characters from your book were born under. Write an
explanation of why you think they fit the sign, drawing on their
actions, attitudes, and thoughts from the book.
Title acrostic: Take a sheet of construction paper and write the title
of the book down the side of the paper. For each letter in the title,
construct a sentence that begins with that letter and that tells
something significant about the story
Found poems: Select a chapter from the novel you have just read
that you consider powerful or interesting. Then select words, lines,
and phrases that you think project strong images and show the impact
the chapter makes. Arrange this material into a poem. You can also
copy of page of the novel and create a poem form that page. If you do
this, you need at least 2.
Talk to the author: Write a letter to the author of the book
explaining to him or her why you think he or she wrote the book and
what he or she was trying to show through the book. Be sure to
explain what you got out of the book. If the author is still alive, send
the letter to the author via the publisher of the book.
Music Playlist: Create a playlist for one of the characters that you
think reflect their life. Choose AT LEAST 5 songs, print out the lyrics
and title/author, and explain why that song reflects the characters
Create a characters room: We learn a lot about people by what
they keep in their closets, what they have on their walls, what they
select to put in a room. Select a character you know well and create a
living room, bedroom, kitchen, or some other room that would mean a
lot to the character. Draw it or write about it, making sure to include
an explanation of why you designed the room as you did.
Create an adulthood for a character: If your main character is a
teenager, try to figure out what he or she would be like as an adult.
Write the story of his or her adulthood in such a way that shows why
he or she is the way he or she is in the novel.
College application: Create the application that a character you
have just read about could write and submit to a college. Use all the
information you know about the character and infer and create the
rest of it. On the application include Name, Academic Rank in Class,
High School Courses Taken and Grades, Extracurricular Activities and
Personal Activities, and Work Experience. Choose one of the following
questions to answer in a one-page essay from the characters point of
view: what experience, event, or person has had a significant impact
on your life? Discuss a situation where you have made a difference.
Describe your areas of interest, your personality, and how they relate
to why you would like to attend this college

Timeline for your project checkpoints:

5/10: Book is chosen________/10 points
5/12: First two chapter journals completed_______/20
5/15: Another chapter journal completed______/10
5/17: Two more journals completed ______/20
5/19: Finished and typed all journal summaries for the

Check Point Totals _______/100

Final Project:
Typed Title Page: _____/5
Typed Chapter Journal Summaries: _____/35
Typed Peer Recommendation: ____/10
Project turned in on time and completed: _____/40
Presented Project: _____/5
Professionally completed and in the correct order:

Final Project Totals ______/100

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