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Teacher: Mr.

Class: Grade 8 Science
Topic: Roles of Organelles within a Plant Cell

Curriculum Outcomes:
Students will be expected to:
- Illustrate and explain that the cell is a living system that exhibits all the characteristics of life
-Distinguish between plant and animal cells

Demonstrate that cells are a functioning living systems.
Understand what it is that makes plant cells different from animal cells.

Green Pinnies, Yellow Pinnies, Name tags with short definitions of organelles, a book, a water
bottle (empty), plastic cups, Play Dough (2 colours), wax/ wrapping paper, electric fans,
flashlights, plastic grocery bags. Paper Fans, Streamers

Hook: 20 minutes
To introduce the students to the concept of a Kinulation, show them a clip of an example of one
in action from Dr. Grant Williams website Kinulation. They will see that Kinulations are a blend of
simulations and kinesthetic learning in which the students become independent parts of a
simulation. After this, make sure to remind the class of all the prior work that they have done
with cells, including the models that they have created.

Activity: 20-25 minutes

Setting all of the manipulatives up on a desk along with the name tags and other supplies, tell
the students that they are going to be making a working model of a plant cell. The students
should be given as much opportunity to achieve this on their own as possible, but the instructor
needs to be prepared to give as much guidance as necessary for this kinulation to be
successful. In an ideal situation, 7 students will use the green Pinnies and streamers to form the
cell wall, 6 students will use the yellow pinnies and streamers to form the Endo. Retic., 1 student
will use the book and the play dough marked genetic material (blue) to form the nucleus, 2
students will use the other colors of playdough marked protein materials (blue) to form the
Ribosomes, 2 students will use the wrapping paper to make the Golgi Ap., one student each will
use plastic bags to form the Peroxisome and the Lysosome, 1 student will take the water bottle
to form the vacuole, 2 students will use the flashlights and electric fans to form the Chloroplast
and 2 students will use the big fans to form the Mitochondria. The students will model how
protein and energy is created and flows throughout the cell.

Wrap Up: 10 minutes

If there is enough time at the end of class, lead a class discussion asking the students what
each organelle does and what it is responsible for. This can be done on the whiteboard. Once
this is complete, have the students write an exit slip describing two things that they have learned
and one thing that they would still like to be answered.

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