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Is the great unequal distribution of wealth in the U.S. just?

Ashton Maier

Dallas Center- Grimes

What is wealth, or what does one count as being wealthy? By owning a Ferrari,

another nice car, or a nice house, looks can be deceiving. They could lease all those
things and write a check but can bounce back because of all the debt they have. People

equate wealth with net worth total, the sum total of your assets minus liabilities which

can include loans, and other debts. Assets can include from personal vehicle, savings in

the bank, retirement plan, or real estate.

The real question is that do you agree that hardworking people like construction

workers, electricians, plumbers, and other people that do hard labor get paid only an

average salary compared to people that just have to take pictures and get paid millions,

or actors that only get paid 2 million per movie they make, yes it is entertainment, but

do you agree with that ratio for annual salary?

63% of Americans say that the wealth distribution is unfair, according to

Gallup.com they recorded surveys from Americans and asked about their input with the

wealth distribution, and they put them into groups. As you can see in the chart more

tend agree with the Should be more evenly distributed. Why do you think that is?

Average Americans believe they should even it out more because its strongly correlated

with their partnership and ideology. The big topics are usually political parties because

one likes to spend and the other doesnt so much because they have the public opinion

and they are a direct line to the president. As you can see the agreement ranges 86%

with Democrats, 85% among Liberals, and a toss up between 56-34% in the
Republicans and they are the only ones that agree with that the money is equally fair.

Another argument is that 73% of Americans live off of paycheck to

paycheck according the Dave Ramsey, which whom is a financial advisor who

extremely hates debt, and according to Gallup.com they went online and asked

people with their cookies to take a survey if they should heavily tax the rich so the

money can distribute fairly. If you look at the outcome of the surveys they took you

can see not much has changed and you can also see that the Republicans are
not in favor of that again. The average adult was 52% in favor and 45% said no,

out of that 52% people had an average income is $75,000 or below. Nearly 46%

of Americans are strong redistributionist in that sense, they believe the distribution

of wealth and income is not fair, and condone heavy taxes on the wealthy people.

Another 16% of an average American doesn't agree with the wealth distribution,

but dont condone with taxing the rich. For the past 30 years the mindset of an

American has been unchanged.

One could go into detail on what it actually means if a person is wealthy,

but half of the people someone asks wont understand the financial terms,

investment portfolio, stocks and bonds, etc. So this will be simple, on Washington

Posts they gave stats on average White/African American families in the U.S take

home net worth and majority was white families, so the trend for unequal wealth

distribution opposers tend to be majority of African Americans or Hispanics.

A CEO of a literally makes 300 times more than his or hers employees and

the top 10% of the richest take home 76% of all wealth in America and

Washington Post had a chart of wealth inequality and the U.S has the largest gap

of unequal distribution of money. How does that make you feel? Do you think that

is fair? Is there a different way America should do things? Families that make

under the average take home pay which is 50k a year tends to vote for opposing

side of the money distribution? A lot of people dont like how people do simple

things and get paid millions, or people that put their trust into someone to watch
for their money so nothing happens to it.

Before 2008 hit, people put their money into Wall street and they trusted

Wall street for some reason and when 2008 hit. The economy was in an all time

low recession and after the financiers figured that out they bailed and left the

average American to fend for themselves with the little money they had. After the

economy people learned the truth of who they were investing in, the famous Wall

Street Protest in 2011 tried to accomplish that change of the wealth distribution.

Lets honest with reality if you have a lot of money you have a lot of power on our

topics we read about people that had a lot of money and they did something

morally and ethically wrong but just let the issue slide away because all people

care about in this world is money. With money brings power, fame, and other
things people desire. A truest form of an American is a person that actually works

for their money and doesnt brag about it.

So after telling you all about those situations with unequal wealth

distribution, I am finally going to give you my opinion and my opinion stands with the

majority I think its total bogus. The reason is that I work with my dad and he owns his

own tree business and his job is so hard, it may sound easy but it is long, sweaty, and

gets bloody everytime because the wood sticks into your skin, and after a long day's

work I look back at reality and I see Kim Kardashian and her whole family as a joke, she

is the most worthless person ever she has no talent what so ever, all she has to do is

sign her name and she gets a million dollars, but my dad working long hours and doing

hard work and gets what he gets and its beneficial to the world. What does Kim do,

posts nudes on Instagram or her ugly face or her psychotic boyfriend, its just annoying

how all the power is supposed to be with the people but the people will just get paid by

money. Money is the actual power in the world, not just the U.S.

Pazzanese, Christina. "The Rich and the Rest." U.S. News & World Report. U.S. News & World

Report, 09 Feb. 2016. Web. 10 May 2017.

Ingraham, Christopher. "If You Thought Income Inequality Was Bad, Get a Load of Wealth Inequality."

The Washington Post. WP Company, 21 May 2015. Web. 10 May 2017.

Gallup, Inc. "Americans Continue to Say U.S. Wealth Distribution Is Unfair." Gallup.com. N.p., 04 May

2015. Web. 10 May 2017.

"Wealth Inequality." Inequality.org. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 May 2017.

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