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Deanna Garcia
LBS 340
November 17, 2016

Assignment 4: Lesson Plan Implementation & Reflection

The lesson plan was implemented in a home setting in front of one child. The child,

Danny, is currently five years old and is in Kindergarten. He attended preschool the previous

year which attributes to his strong math and writing skills. The lesson plan took place at 4:00

p.m. after Danny was dismissed from school and ate a small snack. His demeanor showed that he

was eager to learn and excited to show off his strong math skills. He was attentive throughout the

lesson and well behaved.

My original lesson plan was set up for a student who was in first grade and involved the

student creating an addition equation for an addition story. The kindergarten student I worked

with was not yet familiar with writing an equation on his own, so I changed the lesson plan to

match his current math understanding. Instead of having Danny write his own addition story I

created an addition story for him to work with. If sally has 3 big lollipops and 3 small lollipops,

how many lollipops does Sally have? I then asked open-ended questions to help Danny decipher

the question. He was then given a notebook and asked to draw out the items in the addition story.

Without hesitation he drew 3 larger lollipops and 3 smaller lollipops on a piece of notebook

paper. I then asked him to write down how many lollipops Sally has all together. Seeing the

addition story visually on his notebook allowed him to easily see that she had 6 lollipops in total.

Danny used his drawings to count the exact amount that she had, and record his findings that

Sally had 6 lollipops.

Overall the lesson plan went as planned because Danny was able to easily grasp the

assignment. I could tell that he had a familiarity with addition stories, and was accustomed to
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drawing out math questions and recording his findings. The lesson plan presented him with little

difficulty which was welcomed, but made it appear as though he wasnt challenged enough. I

questioned my decision to remove the math equation from the lesson plan, and eventually added

it in at the end. To expand the lesson, I could incorporate the number line into the number story,

so students would gain an understanding that adding means you move to the right on a number

line. I would also incorporate subtraction stories, division stories, and multiplication stories if

they students are ready to grasp new math concepts.

Danny was at the expected age of math knowledge based on the Kindergarten common

core standards. He was able to represent addition and subtraction with his fingers and drawings,

and deliver a verbal explanation of the addition story. (Core Standards) He was also able to solve

an addition word problem within 10, and record each word problem using both a drawing and

equation. (Core Standards) This complies with CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.K.OA.A.1.,


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Kindergarten Operations & Algebraic Thinking. (n.d.). Retrieved November 17, 2016, from

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