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Quantification of Quercetin Glycosides in 6

Onion Cultivars and Comparisons of
Hydrolysis-HPLC and Spectrophotometric
Methods in Measuring Total Quercetin

Article in Journal of Food Science March 2010

DOI: 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2009.01469.x Source: PubMed


14 142

3 authors:

Kil Sun Yoo Eun Jin Lee

Texas A&M University Seoul National University


Bhimanagouda S Patil
Texas A&M University


All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, Available from: Eun Jin Lee
letting you access and read them immediately. Retrieved on: 18 August 2016
JFS C: Food Chemistry

Quantification of Quercetin Glycosides in 6 Onion

Cultivars and Comparisons of Hydrolysis-HPLC
C: Food Chemistry

and Spectrophotometric Methods in Measuring

Total Quercetin Concentrations

ABSTRACT: This study was performed to purify and quantify quercetin glycosides (QG) and aglycone (free)
quercetin (Q) in 6 selected onion cultivars and to compare analytical approaches based on high-performance liq-
uid chromatography (HPLC) and spectrophotometry for the quantification of total quercetin (TQ) concentrations.
Individual mono- and di-glycoside Q compounds were purified using a semipreparative HPLC and identified by
comparing spectral data and by confirming corresponding peaks of QG and Q after incomplete enzyme-hydrolysis.
Purified QG were quantified as Q by enzyme-hydrolysis/HPLC. TQ concentrations obtained from 20 onion
bulbs with enzyme-hydrolysis/HPLC, no-hydrolysis/HPLC, and a spectrophotometric method without prior hy-
drolysis were significantly correlated (r 2 = 0.99) and were about 15% higher, identical, or 10% less than those con-
centrations by a standard acid-hydrolysis/HPLC method, respectively. During enzyme-hydrolysis of onion extracts,
progressive reduction of the QG and formation of the corresponding mono-glycosides and Q were monitored us-
ing an analytical HPLC. TQ ranged from 83 to 330 g/g F.W. in 6 selected cultivars of long-day or short-day onions.
Q3,4 G and Q4 G were the 2 major compounds and comprised approximately between 94% and 97% of TQ in onions.
Keywords: Allium cepa L., analysis, flavonoids, glycosides, HPLC

Introduction and others 2009), and spectrophotometry (Trammell and Peterson

uercetin (3, 3 , 4 , 5, 7-pentahydroxyflavone; Q) is a major
Q flavonoid found in onions, where it occurs primarily in the
form of quercetin glycoside (QG) and minor in aglycone (free)
1976; Leighton and others 1992) have been utilized for the quantifi-
cation of Q compounds.
Although the majority of Q compounds in onions are in the
quercetin (Q) (Bilyk and Sapers 1985, 1986; Price and Rhodes 1997; mono- and di-glycoside forms, individual QG have not been quan-
Wach and others 2007; Grzelak and others 2009). In a recent sur- tified due to the lack of appropriate commercially available stan-
vey of 28 vegetables and 9 fruits, the onion ranked highest in Q dard compounds. Consequently, most previous studies reported
compounds (Hertog and others 1992; Galdon and others 2008). only total quercetin (TQ) concentrations after acid-hydrolysis of
Q compounds are related to skin color and disease resistance QG. Some degradation of the QG occurs during acid-hydrolysis and
(Brandwein 1965; Trammell and Peterson 1976) in plant. The struc- the recovery rate varies from 70% to 110% based on the conditions
tural genes regulating Q and anthocyanin compounds in various of hydrolysis (Hertog and others 1992).
colored onions were characterized by our group (Kim and others Previously, we have surveyed concentrations of Q and TQ, but
2004). not of individual QG in different colored onions (Patil and others
There is increasing interest in Q compounds because of possi- 1995b). Measurement of TQ is considered valid for most purposes,
ble human health benefits including inhibition of growth of several but the quantity of individual, naturally-occurring QG is also of
kinds of cancer cells (Hosokawa and others 1990; Hertog and others interest.
1992; Chu and others 2000), Qs action as an antioxidant, chelating In this study, we purified each QG from onion extracts and
agent (Torel and others 1986), and free radical scavenger (Hemeda established an HPLC method to quantify them. We have mon-
and Klein 1990; Murota and Terao 2003; Clifton 2004). The agly- itored HPLC peak profile changes of individual QG during
cone Q has greater pharmacological activity than the QG and the enzyme-hydrolysis and also compared acid-hydrolysis/HPLC with
fecalases produced in the human gut are capable of hydrolyzing QG enzyme-hydrolysis/HPLC, no-hydrolysis/HPLC, and spectropho-
to yield the Q (Leighton and others 1992). tometric methods in measuring TQ concentrations. Using the pu-
Various analytical methods, such as thin layer chromatography rified QG and the established HPLC method, we have measured
and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) (Koeppen individual QG concentrations from 6 selected long- and short-day
and Van Der Spuy 1961; Bilyk and Sapers 1986; Leighton and others types of onion cultivars.
1992; Bonaccorsi and others 2008; Galdon and others 2008; Grzelak
Materials and Methods
MS 20090779 Submitted 8/12/2009, Accepted 11/3/2009. Authors are with
Vegetable & Fruit Improvement Center, Dept. of Horticultural Science, Texas Chemical reagents
A&M Univ., College Station, TX 77843, U.S.A. Direct inquiries to author Yoo All chemicals and solvents were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich
(E-mail: k-yoo@tamu.edu).
(St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A.) or Fisher Scientific (Pittsburg, Pa., U.S.A.).

C160 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCEVol. 75, Nr. 2, 2010 

C 2010 Institute of Food Technologists

doi: 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2009.01469.x
Further reproduction without permission is prohibited
Onion quercetin quantitative measurement . . .

Aglycone Q (3, 3 , 4 , 5, 7-pentahydroxyflavone) standard and - 18 min. Total of 200 mL of extract were injected and detection was
glycosidase enzyme were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. Amberite monitored at 365 nm.
IRC-50 (H+ ) ion exchange resin was obtained from Supelco (Belle- Analytical HPLC. The analytical HPLC system was consisted of
fonte, Pa., U.S.A.). a Perkin Elmer Model 200 pump, an autosampler, an Econosil C-18
analytical column (4.6 250 mm, Alltec Associates) with a guard
Plant materials cartridge, and LC-295 UV/Vis detector. Solvents A and B were H2 O
A red (TX 90977), a white (Texas Early White), and five yel- and MeOH, respectively, containing 0.5% H3 PO4 . The solvent gra-

C: Food Chemistry
low (TG 1015Y, TX 50307, Sweet Sandwich, Fortress, and dient was from 40% to 90% solvent B in 18 min and was maintained
Vega) onion cultivars were used. The short-day type TX 90977, at 90% solvent B for 5 min at a flow rate of 1 mL/min. A 20 L sam-
TG 1015Y, TX 50307, and Texas Early White onions were ob- ple was injected and detection was carried out at 374 nm. Q com-
tained from our breeding lines, harvested in April in Texas, and pounds dissolved in MeOH ranging between 0 and 68 g/mL were
stored at 5 C until October. The long-day type Sweet Sandwich, used as an external standard to quantify the samples. In the anal-
Fortress, and Vega cultivars were from Seminis Seeds (St. Louis, ysis using no-hydrolysis/HPLC, Q concentrations of individual QG
Mo., U.S.A.) and were harvested in October in Michigan. were summed to calculate the TQ concentrations.

Purification of QG Acid- and enzyme-hydrolysis

About 1 kg of TG 1015Y onion tissue was peeled and the neck Acid-hydrolysis. One milliliter of EtOH extract of onions was
and basal part were removed. The tissue was homogenized for mixed with 1 mL 4N HCl and incubated at 90 C for 60 min. Total
5 min in 2 L of 80% EtOH using a home blender. The homogenate of 200 L of concentrated NH4 OH was added and the hydrolysate
was filtered through Whatman nr 1 filter paper and the extract was was dried under vacuum. The dried sample was then dissolved in
concentrated to 200 mL in a rotary evaporator at 40 C. The QG 1 mL of MeOH, and analyzed by the analytical HPLC system.
were collected by passing the concentrated extract through a 5
Enzyme-hydrolysis. One milliliter of purified Q compounds or
40 cm column of Amberite IRC-50 (H+ ) ion exchange resin
EtOH extract of onions was dried under vacuum at 40 C. One
(Brandwein 1965; Trammell and Peterson 1976; Calvo and others
milliliter of -glycosidase solution (2 mg/mL) was added and the
1997). The column was washed with H2 O, and the QG were eluted
solution was kept at 40 C for 3 h to achieve complete hydrolysis.
with 2 L of 95% EtOH and concentrated to 50 mL in the rotary
The hydrolysate was dried under vacuum at 40 C, suspended in
1 mL of 80% MeOH, and analyzed by the analytical HPLC system.
Individual QG were purified using a semipreparative HPLC de-
Completion of hydrolysis was confirmed by disappearance of QG
scribed subsequently in the HPLC section. Peak fractions of column
peaks in the chromatogram.
eluate were repeatedly collected, combined, and concentrated to
Incomplete enzyme-hydrolysis. The purified Q3,4 G was dis-
dryness under vacuum. Approximately 10 to 100 mg of QG were col-
solved in MeOH, dried, mixed with the enzyme, and kept at 40 C
lected. Spectral data of each peak were also collected for the iden-
for 1 h to achieve incomplete hydrolysis.
tification purpose. Purity of each QG was estimated by calculating
Monitoring enzyme-hydrolysis profile over time. Changes in
% of the peak area from the total peak areas in the analytical HPLC
the levels of individual QG and Q in the samples during enzyme-
listed below in the HPLC section.
hydrolysis were monitored over time. Total of 100 mL of EtOH ex-
Identification and quantification of QG tract from TG 1015Y onions was concentrated to 20 mL by the
rotary evaporator. One milliliter of extract was mixed with 1 mL of
Purified QG were spotted and separated on Whatman nr 1 fil-
-glycosidase solution and incubated at 40 C for 1, 3, 5, 10, 20, 30,
ter paper (2.5 45 cm) using the solvent H2 O : CH3 COOH (85 : 15,
40, 50, and 60 min. After the incubation samples were placed on ice
vol/vol). The retention factor (Rf ) value of each spot was deter-
to stop the enzyme activity. Samples were then freeze-dried, dis-
mined and confirmed by comparison to previous data (Brandwein
solved in MeOH, and analyzed by the analytical HPLC.
1965; Mabry and others 1970). Individual QG were also dissolved
Peak areas of each compound were plotted to monitor the hy-
in MeOH and analyzed by the analytical HPLC method and ab-
drolysis profile over time. In this study, the progress of hydrolysis
sorption spectra were collected and compared with previously
of onion extract was of interest and actual quantification was not
mentioned data. The purified Q3,4 G was hydrolyzed incompletely
to confirm their corresponding mono-glycosides, as described in
incomplete-hydrolysis section subsequently.
For quantification of QG, paired series of purified QG solutions Estimation of TQ by spectrophotometry
in MeOH and 1 mL of enzyme-hydrolyzed QG, as described in Absorbance of the crude EtOH extracts of onions was measured
enzyme-hydrolysis subsequently, were analyzed by the analytical at 374 nm. Samples with absorbance readings over 1.5 were di-
HPLC. The peak areas of the QG standards could be calibrated to luted with 80% EtOH. The concentration of TQ in samples was
Q concentrations by measuring the Q concentrations in the hy- calculated using the standard curve of Q in 80% MeOH, ranging be-
drolyzed samples. For quantification of Q concentrations, the ex- tween 0 and 17 g/mL.
ternal standards ranging between 0 and 68 g/mL were used.
Comparison of TQ concentration
Semi-preparative and analytical HPLC conditions by analytical methods
Semi-preparative HPLC. Q compounds in onion extracts were Eighteen bulbs of TG 1015Y (yellow) and 2 bulbs of Texas
isolated using a semi-preparative HPLC system, which was con- Early White (white) were used. A 2-cm thick cross section was cut
sisted of a pump (Model 200, Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, Conn., U.S.A.) from the equator of the bulbs and a 20 g wedge of tissue was re-
and an LC-235 diode array detector (wavelength range 195 to 365 moved. The sample was placed in a plastic bag and frozen at 20 C
nm), a manual injector, and a preparative column (Econosil C-18 until analysis. The frozen sample was homogenized in 80 mL of
column, 10 250 mm, Alltech Associates, Deerfield, Ill., U.S.A.) at 80% EtOH for 2 min and filtered through P8 filter paper (Fisher
a flow rate of 4 mL/min with a gradient of 30% to 80% MeOH in Scientific).

Vol. 75, Nr. 2, 2010JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE C161

Onion quercetin quantitative measurement . . .

TQ concentrations of the onion extracts were estimated 20 g of EtOH extract was prepared as the previous section and the
by 4 methods: (i) acid-hydrolysis followed by HPLC (acid- homogenate was filtered through a 0.5 m nylon filter and analyzed
hydrolysis/HPLC); (ii) enzyme-hydrolysis followed by HPLC by the analytical HPLC condition. Total of 5 replicate bulbs per cul-
(enzyme-hydrolysis/HPLC); (iii) HPLC without prior hydrolysis tivar were analyzed.
(no-hydrolysis/HPLC); and (iv) spectrophotometry without prior The concentrations of QG in samples were calculated using the
hydrolysis (spectrophotometry). enzyme-hydrolyzed QG standards and expressed as Q concentra-
Regression analysis between TQ concentrations measured by tions. Means, SD, relative portion (%) of each QG, and coefficient
C: Food Chemistry

acid-hydrolysis/HPLC method (i), and the other 3 methods (ii, iii, of variation for the TQ concentrations were calculated for each
and iv) was performed by the SAS general linear model (Cary, N.C., cultivar.

Quantification of Q compounds in 6 onion cultivars Results and Discussion

A red (TX 90977) and 5 yellow (TG 1015Y, TX 50307, Sweet
Sandwich, Fortress, and Vega) onion cultivars were used. A
Purification and identification of individual QG
We could successfully obtain 7 purified Q compounds from a yel-
low onion extract (TG 1015Y) using ion exchange column chro-
matography and a semipreparative HPLC column. The absorption
spectra of each purified Q compound in our study are presented in
Figure 1.
Three major (peaks 2, 4, and 5) and 3 minor (peaks 1, 3, and
6) Q compounds were separated from onion EtOH extracts by
an analytical HPLC (Figure 2A). After comparison of the Rf val-
ues and absorption spectra of the each purified compound, peaks
identified were peak 1: quercetin-4 ,7-diglycoside (Q4 ,7G); peak 2:
quercetin-3,4 -di-glycoside (Q3,4 G); peak 3: quercetin-3-glycoside
(Q3G); peak 4: quercetin-4 -glycoside (Q4 G); peak 5: isorhamnetin-
4 -glycoside (IR-G); and peak 6: Q.
Chromatograms of two major purified compounds, Q3,4 G (peak
2) and Q4G (peak 4), are presented in Figure 2B and 2C, re-
spectively. The purity of all these isolated compounds was shown
to be over 95% by peak areas. Identification of each compound
was also supported by incomplete enzyme-hydrolysis of Q3,4 G
(peak 2), which produced Q3G (peak 3), Q4 G (peak 4) as in-
termediate and Q (peak 6) as final products of the hydrolysis
(Figure 2D).
The IR-G (peak 5) has been misidentified as kaempferol in some
Figure 1 --- The absorption spectra of each purified early reports (Bilyk and others 1984; Bilyk and Sapers 1985) but later
quercetin compound from a yellow onion (TG 1015Y) identified as IR-G (Park and Lee 1996). We have confirmed the IR
by a semi-preparative HPLC. The spectra are in the same
scale and are stacked to show the different patterns. Ab- peak by comparing retention time and absorption spectra of puri-
breviations for each compound are indicated in the text. fied and hydrolyzed samples (Figure 1).

Figure 2 --- Chromatograms of (A) 6

quercetin compounds in EtOH extract
of a yellow onion (TG 1015Y); (B)
purified Q3,4 G; (C) purified Q4 G; and
(D) incompletely hydrolyzed Q3,4 G by
-glycosidase and its hydrolysis
products. Abbreviations for each
compound are indicated in the text.

C162 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCEVol. 75, Nr. 2, 2010

Onion quercetin quantitative measurement . . .

Changes in Q compounds profiles pounds, Q3,4 G, Q4 G, and Q, are shown in Figure 4A, while the mi-
during enzyme-hydrolysis nor compounds are presented in Figure 4B in a 1/12 scale.
Figure 3 shows the changes of HPLC chromatograms of Q com- The general pattern was that the di-glycoside compounds,
pounds in onion EtOH extracts during enzyme-hydrolysis at 0 (be- Q3,4 G and Q4 7G, decreased continuously during enzyme-
fore hydrolysis), 30, and 60 min. Reduction in peak sizes of Q3,4 G hydrolysis. However, the mono-glycoside compounds, Q3G and
(peak 2) and Q3G (peak 3), as accompanied by increases of Q (peak Q4 G, initially increased for about 10 min and decreased there-
6) and Q7G (peak 7), was clearly observed. Q7G (peak 7) and IR after. The Q7G peaks showed a slowly increasing trend. Peak

C: Food Chemistry
(peak 8), not commonly seen in the diluted samples, were observed areas of IR-G decreased linearly, while the IR continuously in-
in this study where the concentrated onion extracts were used. creased. The concentration of Q continuously increased during the
Dynamic changes in the levels of individual Q compounds dur- 60 min enzyme-hydrolysis. These results confirmed the hypothe-
ing enzyme-hydrolysis are presented in Figure 4. The major com- sis that QG are initially hydrolyzed to their 2 mono-glycosides and,
eventually, to Q. The hydrolysis reaction was not complete after
60 min, as indicated by the Q4 G and Q3G remaining; therefore, we
allowed 3 h for complete hydrolysis in the analysis of TQ content.

Comparison of analytical methods in

measuring TQ concentrations
Figure 5 shows the correlation analysis among TQ concen-
trations in onion EtOH extracts determined by the 4 analytical
methods. The acid-hydrolysis/HPLC method was regarded as a
standard method (x-axis) in this study, because it has been
widely used. The enzyme-hydrolysis/HPLC method generated
concentration values that were about 15% higher than the acid-
hydrolysis/HPLC method. The method employing HPLC with-
out prior hydrolysis produced TQ concentrations similar to those
obtained using the acid-hydrolysis/HPLC method. TQ concentra-
tions measured by spectrophotometric method without hydrol-
ysis were lower by about 10% than those generated using the
acid-hydrolysis/HPLC method.
Since the hydrolysis reaction is done with strong acid (about 1
to 2 N HCl) and high temperature (90 C), some degree of break-
down of the Q compounds was thought to be possible, as the
recovery rates varied by the conditions of hydrolysis (Hertog and
others 1992). On the other hand, the enzyme-hydrolysis reaction
takes place under conditions of moderate temperature (40 C) and
neutral pH and generated the highest responses. The underestima-
tion by the spectrophotometric method was probably the result of
measuring the absorbance of the onion EtOH extract at 374 nm,
the apex of Q, which differs by 17 nm from the apex of the QG at
357 nm (Mabry and others 1970).
We evaluated that all method tested produced highly corre-
lated responses (r 2 = 0.99) to the standard acid-hydrolysis/HPLC
Figure 3 --- Chromatograms for monitoring the changes of
quercetin compound peak profiles in concentrated EtOH method and were acceptable to measure the TQ concentrations
extract of a yellow onion (TG 1015Y) during enzyme- accurately. The acid-hydrolysis/HPLC method was simple and
hydrolysis: (A) 6 quercetin compounds of onion before commonly used but the recovery rate must be tested. The enzyme-
hydrolysis; (B) enzyme-hydrolysis of the sample after
30 min; and (C) after 60 min. Abbreviations for each com- hydrolysis/HPLC measured the TQ with highest levels but needs
pound are indicated in the text. extra process to react with the enzyme. No-hydrolysis/HPLC

12000 1000 Figure 4 --- Changes in HPLC peak

A B areas of (A) major and (B) minor
quercetin compounds in EtOH extract
10000 800 of yellow onion (TG 1015Y) during
HPLC peak area

enzyme-hydrolysis. Abbreviations for

8000 each compound are indicated in the
600 Q4',7G
Q7G text.
6000 Q3G
Q3,4'G IR-G
4000 Q4'G IR
2000 200

0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Enzyme-hydrolysis time (min) Enzyme-hydrolysis time (min)

Vol. 75, Nr. 2, 2010JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE C163

Onion quercetin quantitative measurement . . .

Table 1 --- Means, standard deviation, relative portions of quercetin glycosides and aglycone (free) quercetin, and
coefficient of variation (C.V.) in EtOH extracts of 6 selected short- and long-day onion cultivars by an analytical
Mean concentration (g/g F.W.)
Cultivar (color) Q4 ,7Gz Q3,4 G Q3G Q4 G Q Total C.V.x (%)
TX 90977 (red) 0.7 0.2y 46.1 6.5 2.5 0.2 49.8 7.5 2.2 0.6 101.2 13.4 13.2
C: Food Chemistry

TG 1015Y (yellow) 0.6 0.6 50.9 38.2 2.6 0.9 37.2 29.7 1.9 0.7 93.2 69.7 74.8
TX 50307 (yellow) 0.4 0.2 40.4 21.4 2.5 0.7 38.1 19.2 1.8 0.3 83.2 40.5 48.7
Sweet Sandwich (yellow) 1.1 0.4 93.2 40.6 1.5 0.2 44.0 15.4 2.4 0.6 142.2 55.5 39.0
Fortress (yellow) 2.8 1.2 186.9 77.1 2.2 0.1 137.7 65.2 3.1 0.7 332.8 140.8 42.3
Vega (yellow) 1.7 0.7 79.6 35.6 2.9 1.1 87.6 65.2 5.8 1.4 177.6 140.8 34.4
Relative portion (%) 0.7 0.1 52.6 7.9 2.0 1.0 42.8 7.0 2.1 0.8 100
Abbreviations for each compound are indicated in the text.
Standard deviation (n = 5).
C.V.s (coefficient of variation) were calculated from the total concentrations.

method has an advantage to measure the individual QG but the TQ concentrations in this study were in the lower range of
standard QG compounds need to be prepared. The spectropho- concentrations reported previously for long-day onions, which
tometric method is very simple but may underestimate the TQ contained TQ over 1000 mg/kg F.W. (Trammell and Peterson 1976;
concentrations. If rapid screening of many samples is required Price and Rhodes 1997; Vagen and Slimestad 2008) and were similar
in an onion breeding program, it might be useful with proper to those of the short-day onions (Leighton and others 1992). Bonac-
calibration. corsi and others (2008) reported that both Q3,4 G (288 to 368 mg/kg
F.W.) and Q4 G (221 to 312 mg/kg F.W.) were the major compounds
Quantification of Q compounds in 6 onion cultivars in red and gold onions, while the white onion contained no Q
TQ concentrations ranged between approximately 80 compounds.
and 330 g/g F.W. in 6 onion cultivars tested (Table 1). The Trammell and Peterson (1976) reported that lighter yellow bulb
Q3,4 G and Q4 G were the 2 major compounds and comprised color was inversely correlated with TQ concentration. Thus, a
approximately between 94% and 97% of TQ in onions tested. The higher concentration of TQ in the long-day onions was thought
long-day type onions contained higher concentrations of TQ than to be related to their brown color, in contrast to the light yellow
the short-day type onions in this study. color of short-day onion bulbs in this study. Various colored onions
were known to contain different levels of Q compounds. Red
onions have greater amounts of Q compounds than yellow; yellow
onions possess greater amounts than white bulbs (Trammell and
250 Peterson 1976; Bilyk and others 1984; Patil and others 1995b; Lee
Enzyme-hydrolysis/ HPLC and others 2008; Vagen and Slimestad 2008).
No-hydrolysis/ HPLC There was also wide variation in TQ concentrations within cul-
TQ concentration (g/g F.W.)

200 Spectrophotometry tivars, as indicated by coefficient of variation higher than 40%.

Great variation in TQ among the short-day onion cultivars has been
previously reported (Patil and others 1995a, 1995b). High varia-
150 tion within cultivars is not surprising because there have been no
known efforts to breed onions with uniform TQ concentrations
and such variation would give an opportunity to develop for new
100 onion cultivars with high levels of Q compounds for more health

50 Conclusions

W e have purified, identified individual Q compounds from yel-
low onions, and quantified each Q compound in 6 selected
onion cultivars. We confirmed that Q3,4 G and Q4 G were the major
0 50 100 150 200 250 Q compounds in the selected onion cultivars and that high C.V. ex-
isted in TQ in onion cultivars, indicating that there were great vari-
TQ concentration (g/g F.W.) by
ations among individual bulbs within cultivars.
acid-hydrolysis/ HPLC
We also compared TQ concentrations measured using 3 HPLC-
Figure 5 --- Regression analysis of total quercetin con- based methods with hydrolysis or without hydrolysis and a spec-
centrations in EtOH extracts of onions between acid- trophotometric method and all methods have been proved to
hydrolysis/HPLC (x-axis) and enzyme-hydrolysis/HPLC
measure TQ accurately. The enzyme-hydrolysis/HPLC method
(), no-hydrolysis/HPLC ( ), and spectrophotometry ().
Regression different for enzyme-hydrolysis/HPLC, y = yielded the highest TQ concentrations but required extra process-
1.14x + 0.64, r 2 = 0.99 , no-hydrolysis/HPLC, y = 0.99x + ing. The HPLC analysis using EtOH extracts accurately measured
0.17, r 2 = 0.99 , and spectrophotometer, y = 0.89x + 0.77, the concentration of individual QG and the TQ content. However,
r 2 = 0.99 . N = 20 (18 bulbs TG 1015Y yellow and 2
bulbs Texas Early White red onion cultivars). indicates preparing the individual QG standard is considered as too cumber-
significant at P 0.01. some in many laboratories. The spectrophotometric method has

C164 JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCEVol. 75, Nr. 2, 2010

Onion quercetin quantitative measurement . . .

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Vol. 75, Nr. 2, 2010JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE C165

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