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ISEN 386

Systems Approaches for ISE

Spring 2017
Final Exam
80 Possible Points, 20% of Course Grade


By completing this form, I declare that all answers provided on this exam are mine and only
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during the exam. I also understand that if cheating has occurred, I, and all others involved, will
receive a grade of zero percent (0%) on this exam.

Name (Print): Tylan Evans


Date: May 10, 2017

Any exams with unsigned declarations will not be graded.

1. Make the best match between the brief description or
terminology on the left with the terms on the right. Note there are
more possible terms than you can use, and no single term will be
used more than once. 24 pts

Defect prevention or idiot-proofing k a. cohesion
Waste j. b. systems
Visual signal indicating it is time to have i c. modularity
a supply or goods ordered/delivered
Division of a component into multiple f d. Newtonian-
components Cartesian
DMAIC m e. Complex
Focuses on identification of bottlenecks l f. bifurcation
Culture where personal relationships are h g. convergence
Hierarchical organization/system d h. high context
i. kanban
j. muda, mura,
k. poka-yoke
l. Theory of
m. Six Sigma

2. In your own words, define a system. 3 pts

A set of related components that come together to form a complex whole.

3. Suppose you are in need of borrowing money for a large

purchase. Explain how the transaction might be different
depending on whether you are in a low- or high-context culture. 6
High context cultures usually take a while for agreements to be
reached because trust is very important and they feel the need to get to
know their foreign business partners.
In low context cultures lawyers and legally binding contracts are more
important because trust cannot be assured.
4. Suppose five people were set up to produce paper airplanes with
each person allocated one of the sequential tasks below (one person
per task):

a. Draw a line through middle of sheet of paper using ruler and

b. Fold along the line (folding in half).
c. Make wings (unfold and fold twice on both sides making point,
then fold back together and finally fold down wings)
d. Inspect and fix
e. Test (flies straight 10 feet)

What do you think might be some issues with this system? How
might you rearrange the five people or otherwise improve the
system? 10 pts

Part C of the system is too long of a step. I believe that it could potentially
create a bottleneck because it will be much slower than the others.
I would improve the system by combining steps A&B. Then I would split part
C into two parts. I would also swap parts D & E. You would not know what to
inspect until after you have already tested the product.

5. In your own words, describe the major difference between any of

the traditional systems improvement approaches (Lean, TOC, Six
Sigma, etc.) and the asset-based systems approach. 5 pts.

The traditional systems approaches start with the problem.

Asset based systems approach focuses on building the skills of local residents and
utilizing current relationships to form new and stronger relationships.
6. In the movie, Three Amigos, what asset was identified to help
the villagers defeat El Guapo? 2 pts.

7. Develop a Six Sigma-type quality improvement project employing

the DMAIC steps for your own personal health such as losing weight,
increasing muscle mass, improving your diet, exercising, etc. 15 pts

a. Define: Define the goals of the improvement activity

Develop the project scope, objectives, metrics, and deliverables.

Lose 15 pounds.
Reduce body fat percentage to 7%.

b. Measure: Measure the existing system

Using the metrics defined in the previous stage, provide some example data
(can be fictitious if you prefer) that can be used as the baseline or your
current state.
Current weight is 215.

Current body fat percentage is 10%.

c. Analyze: Analyze the system to identify ways to eliminate the gap

between current performance and existing goals
Describe your current health status based upon the measurements provided
in the previous stage. Compare your current state to your goal.
There is currently a 3% difference in the current body fat and our goal.
We are currently 15 pounds away from our goal for body weight.
d. Improve: Improve the system
Describe the methods you will use to close the gap between your current and
desired states. Describe why you believe these methods will be effective.
A method would be to go to the gym and workout. Building muscle makes it
easier to burn fat which is what we ultimately want to do.
We will modify our diet to a high protein, moderate carb, and low fat diet.

e. Control: Control the new system

Identify how you plan to sustain expected improvements
I will sustain expected improvements by being disciplined as far as following
the proposed diet. I will also frequent the gym enough so that I can maintain
my physique.
8. In your own words, completely describe the theory of
constraints. Also, explain why its a never-ending process. 10 pts.
Note, this question will be graded based upon the content of your response,
but will also be assessed for our accreditation purposes using the
communication rubric please refer to this rubric before answering the

Theory of Constraints focuses on identifying bottlenecks and removing them

to increase productivity.
The first step in the process is to identify the bottleneck. The next step would
be to exploit the bottleneck. This basically means that you will attempt to
provide enough work so that there is no idle or down time.
Third step is subordinating to the bottleneck. It involves using free fixes such
as working at the same pace as the bottleneck.
Next is elevating the bottleneck. These are investments such as adding more
people or machines, providing training, providing better tools, or upgrading
Lastly you would return to step 1. You must ensure that your goal is still valid
and your throughput is still correct.
Theory of Constraints is a never ending process because there is always a
bottleneck in any process.

9. Complete the Instructor Expectations Exercise. 5 pts.

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