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Minority Spotting Log

Channel: ABC Family

Date: Wednesday, Feb 1
Time: 9pm
Name: Modern Family

Gloria- Latina mother, single mother, married a white guy(Jake)
Manny- Glorias son
Luke- Claires son, white looking actor
Jay- The wealthy white grandfather, father of Claire, and married to Gloria
Alex- Claires daughter, white actress
Claire- white female
Michelle- Gay Caucasian actor, son of Jake, brother of Claire
Phil- Claires white husband

Of the Royal Caribbean, was about a vacation cruise, African
American came out in the beginning for about 5 seconds or less but
mainly was white colored people
Google Home pretty divers, economically stable people
AT&T promoting the iPhone 7, it was in another language, seemed as
if they have never seen a phone before or technology
Kumon academy, showed cased only kids that are white, Indian, and

Delta airlines, everyone is well dressed, mainly males, two women ( 1
is white, 1 was colored) theyre congratulating people for being more
people and getting to work, making the women play a gender role in
which they only got up to take the males to the airports
Theyre at a caf, everyone around is white, only one colored person.
The cashier is white, the people cleaning the tables are colored people
(African American)
Alex is a barista at the caf
Luke and his father are on a college tour- all the white people are in the
front, an Asian is the one giving the tour, and there is about 1 colored
family, theyre in the back (barely visible
Waiters at a wedding are primarily Mexican and African American
Manny the Mexican kid is complaining that his mother does not believe
in him
Luke the white colored kid is complaining that his father keeps pushing
him to go to college
Gloria speaks about how her life has been a struggle of being a single

Second Episode of Modern Family

Luke works at a country club, everyone there is white
Michelle is at a play, everyone there is white
Alex and her mother are at a presentation, the speaker is white and is
addressing that she is a single mother and has worked her way up to
be CEO of the company, the audience is white with around 6 colored
people (African Americans)
The speaker of the presentation was going to hand the microphone to
a colored woman so she could speak and Claire the white women
snatched it from her hand
The speaker, Nancy, is mother to an African American boy, Asian
daughter, and a white boy
Phil and Jake are at a party, everyone is in suits and there is a couple of
Asians and everyone else is white, mainly males, and just about 4
women (they never spoke)
The only colored person in the play was said to be in the Vietnam War

Channel: Fox 11
Date: Friday, Feb 3
Time: 8pm
Name: Baby Daddy

Ben: single father, white male actor
Danny: Hockey player, Bens brother, white male actor
Tucker: Ben and Dannys roommate
Emma: Bens daughter, white baby
Boni: Ben and Dannys mother
Riley: Bens and Dannys child hood friend, also neighbor
Ava: Asian decent actress, Ben and Tucker are fighting over her

Citi bank, everyone was white
Chevrolet, there was an African American, White, Asian, and Latino
Lazy Boy Furniture, main speaker was a white female, people setting
the furniture seemed to be Latinos and white
Cadillac Truck, 2 white females (played main roles) and 1 African
American (she was behind the wheel), had one line
Rivers Casino, main speaker was Armenian, others gamboling were
Clear blue, white families and African American families were featured
viewing pregnancy as a good thing

Ben and Tucker are both fighting to date the same girl which happens
to be Asian
Tucker is viewed as stupid
Tucker and Ava are at the club, the environment is pretty divers
Tucker was the best dancer in the dance off between him and Ben
Ava chose to date Tucker
All of Dannys teammates are white
The news reporters are African American and Asian

Second Episode of Baby Daddy

Ben took Emma out for a stroll around the neighborhood, there was
African Americans, Asians, and whites
At Bens job, the people around are either African American, white, or
Tucker is always the one to blame
African Americans and Asians are the ones working, whites are all
sitting around
Tucker started to date another African American woman
Tucker passed by a caf, everyone was white that was there
Boni starts to date an African American
The only place that certain races such as Latinos, Asians, and African

Americans will be guaranteed a job as a main character is in shows or

channels that are dedicated to their race. The two shows that I watched,

which were both on channels that are not tied to certain races, showed me

otherwise. The first show that I watched was called Modern Family this was

created around the idea of how we view a family of our generation to be.

They go through a series of events. For example, one of the actors, Jay, plays

a role in which he married a single mother, Gloria, which happens to be

Latina and he was a wealthy white male around the age of 70 or older. The

other show that I watched was called Baby Daddy this show was created

around the idea of a single white male that is trying to survive being a single

father. The shows both featured as main characters white colored people and

how they suffer through the same common problems that other races do.

In the show Modern Family the main characters are all white. This

show was produced with the idea that white families of this generation go

through the same problems that every other race does. I noticed that Gloria,

the only Latina, was the one that would always be stating how her life was

difficult before she came to the United States and married Jay, her white

wealthy husband. Glorias role was set for her to be viewed as ignorant and

not very intelligent, as she would always be seeking for help from others,

from Claire or her husband Jay. Manny, Glorias son, was set to be very smart

and responsible. Unlike Luke the white kid that seemed to be dumb and
careless. The people that did not have main roles in this show, were for the

most part from another race, such as African American or Asian. This show

takes place in a white suburban neighborhood, people seem to be well off

economically. This show was very much so directed to only casting light

skinned people, no colored people beyond a certain skin ton were set to have

main roles. If an Asian person had a role in this show they were set to be

smart or in a school environment. Gender was also a big thing in this show. I

felt as if females were more empowered than males. The males seemed to

not be very smart in many parts of the show. Claire seemed to be the most

intelligent of them all and her daughter Alex was viewed to be a nerd. All in

all, the show was racist to towards showcasing any other race besides white.

The second show that I saw was called Baby Daddy. This show was

produced around the idea that a single father of one can survive, of course

with the help of his family and friends. Ben is the father of Emma, he is quite

young, and often still wants to do young people stuff such as going out with

friends or dating. Thats when they bring in the female figures, meaning his

mother, Boni, and Riley, his childhood friend and neighbor. There were times

in which everyone that is in Bens life took turns with babysitting Emma. I

would not consider this show to be racist even though the main character is

white and there is little to no Latinos. My reason being is because at one

point or another other race are featured in this show and become main

characters of an episode in which then the episode revolves around them.

The population of people that do not play main roles in the show is for the
most part, always multi-racial, meaning that they have a good mixer of every

race, even though Latinos are not included. Overall, the show is great with

the inclusion of most races and not having typical gender roles.

While watching both shows, I believe that the commercials were the

most racist out of both shows. For starters, when a commercial would have

to do with wealth or something luxuries, white colored people seemed to be

the only ones featured in it. For example, the commercial of the Royal

Caribbean in the beginning I got a glace of two African Americans women

for about 5 seconds, not enough for me to even recognize their faces. The

rest of that commercial was white colored people enjoying their vacation on

a cruise. Seems to me that Latinos are always in commercials that promote

something that is cheap or something that doesnt have to do with having a

great time. For example, multiple commercials of Walmart were shown and

most people were Latinos. One of the commercials that seemed to be a bit

more multi-racial was the Kumon academy, they included the three races

that are stereotypically viewed as intelligent, which are the whites, Asians,

and Indians.

To conclude my analysis, I believe that there is a lot of racism that still

happens in todays world that is being hidden on television from the public. I

believe that they neglect to showcase any other race that is not white. After

watching and analyzing these two shows I feel that they try to protect white

colored people and show that they also go through the same problems that

everyone else does. Almost as if they try to make other races sympathizes
with white people and not feel anger towards them for being white and

privileged. I believe that they try to make shows relatable to other races

problems just to hide the fact that white people are still superior to other

races, in which they showcase on commercials by having only white people

be shown to be wealthy and having a great time during vacation.

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