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Lesson Plan #3: Punctuation and Capitalization Lesson Plan for Journaling

Unit Working Title: My Identity through Art

Unit Big Idea (Concept/Theme): Identity / Self-Expression through literature

Unit Primary Skill focus: Self-Expressive Writing

Week ___1___ of 3; Plan #____3____ of 9; [90 mins.]

Plan type: __X__Full-Detail ____Summary

Content Requirement Satisfied: Writing Instruction

Unit Learning Objectives:

Cognitive (know/understand):
1. SW understand that people can express their unique identities through creative
a. Students will know that identity can be expressed through writing
journal entries.

Affective (feel/value) and/or Non-Cognitive:

2. Students will feel the power of art to convey identity.
a. Students will feel the importance and uniqueness of their own
identity as they write.

Performance (do):
3. Students will create and continue to work on pieces of art that show their own
a. Students will write journal entries about one aspect of their identity

6.7 The student will write narration, description, exposition, and persuasion.
b) Use a variety of prewriting strategies including graphic organizers to generate
and organize ideas.

Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique,
relevant descriptive details, and well-structured event sequences.

Methods of Assessment:
[How will you know if the intended learning occurred?] List all methods of assessment used in
this lesson or which are related to this lesson and come in a future lesson. After each
assessment, indicate in brackets the number(s) and letter(s) of the unit objective and the related
lesson objectives that the assessment is evaluating.

Diagnostic Formative Summative

Before this lesson, students The students Do Now The Found Poetry assessment
will have discussed what answers and discussion will at the end of this unit will
identity means, and have inform the teacher if they require a journal entry, from
brainstormed different facets need to revisit identity which the students will create
that make up their own conceptually before moving poetry. This writing will be
identity. This will be one of on. The students journaling there first where students
the first writing exercises of will inform the teachers next practice writing the journal
the year, so student writing lessons on mechanics / entries from which they will
readiness is not yet fully grammar, when deciding create their found poems.
determined. We will have where students may need Throughout the unit we will
looked at My Name by help revising / editing. The revise the journal entries, and
Sandra Cisneros (a story Exit Slip will inform the write at least one more which
relevant to identity), so teacher about where students can pull from for their
students have at least seen students still struggle with found poems.
identity projected through todays lessons content
art, and will now practice this (journaling, expression
for themselves. (Objective through writing).
1a, 2).

Procedures/Instructional Strategies
[Note: Any words that represent what I would say directly to students appear in italics.]

Beginning Room Arrangement:

Students will enter and sit in their previously assigned seats. They have been placed in base
groups of 4 students each, and are grouped together based on varying readiness level in
reading and similar interests (collected from interest surveys taken in the first week of school).
Students will be told as they enter and will see on the board that they should collect their in-
class journals to answer Do Now questions that are projected.

1. [_10_mins.] Bridge/Hook/Opening to lesson:

Hello, everyone! Thanks for getting to work on your Do Nows. Take another moment to finish
those up and well talk about them as a class. [Give the students about 3 minutes to work.] So
lets look at our Do Now. Weve talked a lot this week about identity. What do you guys think?
What is identity, and why is it important for us to explore our own? [Allow volunteers to answer.
Look for answers saying that identity is what makes you up as a unique individual, and that it
can make you happier / feel understood. Also look for mentions that an understanding of self
helps you figure out your goals and dreams.] Great work, guys. You definitely remember a lot
about identity. We read My Name yesterday, which was a piece of art, through writing, where
the author expressed a girls identity. What are some other ways artists may express identity?
[Look for answers like music, painting, drawing, film, poetry, other forms of writing, etc.] Yes!
Exactly, there are many different ways artists can express identity. Today we are going to
practice doing this ourselves, through journal entries.

2. [_35_mins.] Mini-Lesson on Journal Entry

If you guys could flip in your journals to the Topic Blast we made two classes ago where we
brainstormed what makes up our identity, that would be great. [Allow students to find that page
while setting up teachers own Topic Blast on the ELMO for all to see.] So you all can see here
where I topic blasted about identity the other day, and I wrote out the different parts of my
identity that are important to me. I have written woman, sister, friend, teacher, reader, baker,
violinist, enjoyer of art, cook, cat owner, learner, and painter. You guys created your own as
well, take a minute to read over what you have written. [Give about 15 seconds for them to
reread what they wrote.] If you all think of anymore as you work, feel free to add them to your
sheet. So today Im going to pick one part of my identity I have written here that I would like to
write about. Im going to pick one that speaks to me right now, which is sister. [Circle sister on
the sheet.] Try and pick one idea you have written down on your sheet that interests you today.
If you cant choose one, do eeny meeny miney mo to narrow it down! [Allow a minute for
students to consider and choose their options.] Has everyone picked theirs? Great! You dont
have to, but would anyone like to share what they have chosen to write about today? [Allow for
volunteers to share their choice. If no one wants to, move on.] Thanks, guys! I cant wait to read
these. Has anyone in here ever kept a journal or a diary? [If anyone says yes, ask why they kept
it, what they wrote about in it. If no one says yes, ask the class what goes in a journal, why
somebody would keep one.] Right, so we can use journals to record our thoughts and feelings,
about a certain event or idea. Sometimes when we write in a journal, we are working through
our thoughts to come up with new ideas; you dont always have to know exactly where your
journaling will take you when you start! We are going to journal about the part of our identity
each of you have chosen. Im going to write about my identity as a sister, and Ill show you guys
how I do this before you do it on your own. Do not copy what Im about to write, just listen,
watch, and any questions that occur to you as a work!

Im going to write the word sister at the top of my journal. [Write sister. In this lesson plan,
spoken instruction about each line is written above that line.]


Now Im going to ask myself, what is a sister? Who am I a sister to? I have two sisters, so Im
going to write that.

I am a sister to two wonderful women.

What do my sisters mean to me? I often think of them more like my friends. Its a special
friendship because we had no choice but to have each other! But I think this connection is really
beautiful, and makes us closer. Ill write about that. [Read aloud what is being written while
They have always been my best friends, from the day each of us was born. I did not have to

learn how to love them, because it feels like I always have. They have taught me unconditional

love in a way that I could never know otherwise. I think there is something beautiful about the

fact that we did not get to choose each other.

Now, how has this affected me? I think my sisters have taught me about unconditional love.
What do you guys think unconditional love means? [Allow for volunteers.] Rights, so its a love
that exists no matter what happens. My sisters give me this, and have taught me have to be
understanding as I maintain this love.

We have no choice but to extend each other our hands and our hearts when one of us is in

need. This has made me more responsible and more understanding, because no matter what

happens my relationship with my sisters must find a way to go on.

Lets see. Maybe I could talk about where I have been a sister. Im a sister all of the time, but
where have I been with my sisters, acting as a sister? Mostly in my house, when we grew up
together. We shared a lot, from the same parents, to the same experiences. We even did some
of the same activities, like playing sports after school! Im going to write about that.

We grew up in the same house, with the same parents, with the same pets. We have seen the

same fights, felt the same family pains, and played in the same yards. We played the same

sports (though I was always the worst).

How does being a sister make me feel? I think its really important and comforting to have
people who know have experienced the same childhood as me, because there are some things
about growing up that are just hard to talk about with other people.

There are no other people I could ever share my childhood with, and there are memories we

share that I could never fully explain to other people. As a sister, I understand and I feel


So this is my journal piece for today! I feel done for now because I started to uncover what it
means to me to be sister, and how that makes me feel. What questions do you all have about
the journal writing you just saw me do? [Allow for questions.] Great everyone, go ahead and get
writing! Remember to write your identity word at the top of your paper, just like I did. Go!

3. [_30_mins.] Student Work time, Journaling

[Allow students to write unbothered for at least 5-10 minutes, unless they have questions. Once
they have begun writing, circulate the room conferencing with students individually. Speak with
students who seem to be having trouble getting started to see where they are stuck. If a whole
table seems to be working quickly, ask them as a whole how it is going, and see if any of them
want to share what they are writing about with their group. Students will work for 30 minutes

4. [_15_mins] Closure:

You all have been working so hard! Take a minute to look through your writing and pick your
favorite sentence. When everyone in your group has picked theirs, read it aloud to your group.
Im going to pass out some papers to each group while you discuss, but dont use them yet!
[Allow 3 minutes for group sharing, circulating and listening. While circulating, pass out the exit
tickets (Appendix D) to each table.] Would anyone like to share their favorite sentence with the
entire class? [Allow volunteers to share their sentences.] Those are all really awesome! I cant
wait to read what youve written. Now, if you pick up the Exit Slip Ive handed out, please
answer the questions Ive written with the last few minutes of class. This will help me help you in
future lessons! [Allow students to complete exit slips.] If you could all leave your slips in the
center of your tables in a neat pile, that would be so awesome! Thanks so much for your hard
work today, guys.

Differentiated Instruction to accommodate one or more of my profiled students:

Jake may struggle with motivation in this lesson, so the teacher will make sure to conference
with him individually near the beginning of work time. If needed, the teacher will provide
unmotivated students with more specific prompt questions that were posed during the modeling,
so they can answer these questions in their journal.

Materials Needed (list): ELMO, Worksheets in appendix, Student Journals

Materials Appendix: (e.g., supplementary texts, Ppts, overheads, graphic organizers,

handouts, etc.)
A. Do Now questions
B. Teacher Topic Blast
C. Journal Mentor Text
D. Exit Slip
Appendix A: Do Now Questions

1. What is a persons identity? Why is identity important?

2. People often use art to express their identity. What are some artistic forms you
can use to convey identity?
Appendix B: Teachers Topic Blast


Cat Owner


Woman Teacher
Topic Blast: Identity


Enjoyer of Art



Appendix C: Teachers Mentor Text for Journal Entry


I am a sister to two wonderful women. They have always been my best friends, from the day

each of us was born. I did not have to learn how to love them, because it feels like I always

have. They have taught me unconditional love in a way that I could never know otherwise. I

think there is something beautiful about the fact that we did not get to choose each other. We

have no choice but to extend each other our hands and our hearts when one of us is in need.

This has made me more responsible and more understanding, because no matter what

happens my relationship with my sisters must find a way to go on.

We grew up in the same house, with the same parents, with the same pets. We have seen the

same fights, felt the same family pains, and played in the same yards. We played the same

sports (though I was always the worst). There are no other people I could ever share my

childhood with, and there are memories we share that I could never fully explain to other people.

As a sister, I understand and I feel understood.

Appendix D: Exit Slip

1. How did we use journaling today to express our identity?

2. What new ideas did you come to about your identity today?

3. What questions do you have about journaling?

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