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Final Project Write-Up

a. List of future enhancement ideas for team database:

a. Add the revenue per job by adding in the amount quoted as
income for the job and then subtracting the cost of supplies out
of the quote and also adding in a way to calculate employee
hours per job to be able to subtract the employee wages out of
the quote. This would create expected revenue per job. We could
then add a condition to highlight different levels of revenue.
b. We could create a portal for clients to go in and see information
without showing private, or confidential information. Right now
its mainly for use by employees.
c. We could make it easier to insert new supply types

b. Summary of features above and beyond project requirements:

a. Website
i. The website has a theme throughout the tabs with an
image of a project in process containing the page tittle
ii. We have multiple tabs providing a little bit of an advanced
iii. Under the employees tab if you click on the image for the
employee it brings you to their personal website and from
the personal websites you can go back to the main
iv. We also included a gallery of images that have been
completed by the company
v. The Kinley logo was added into the website to tie the
project together
vi. We have a contact page with a location on a map
b. Tables
i. The tables contain multiple drop downs (State, Client Type,
Job Type)
ii. There are many custom input masks
1. Tax Exempt option for clients is a check box
2. Phone numbers are phone number mask
3. Zip codes are a zip code mask
4. The drop downs listed above are custom made
5. Emails are hyperlinks
6. Hire Dates have pop up calendar option
7. Salary and Other monetary values are formatted to
look like prices
8. Specific Job has a larger input mask for more detail
iii. There is concatenated code
1. Many different things are concatenated, but I just did
them as I was going through. I didnt realize it was an
additional thing.
2. Employee Names are concatenated from First and
Last to Full names
c. Forms
i. Extra Buttons
1. Previous record
2. Next record
ii. Kinley logo added to each form
iii. Many different calculated fields
d. Reports
i. Kinley logo is added to each report
ii. There are additional calculated fields

c. List of parameter values that should be used when running reports:

a. NY, PA, CA, TX, FL
Report Descriptions
All reports were printed out using NY.
Tax Exempt Clients
This report of tax exempt clients provides the company with a quick
reference of which clients are tax exempt. This information comes in handy
when purchasing supplies and creating a price. It is also convenient for
referencing when clients say they are tax exempt. Managers can access this
sheet to be sure the client is telling the truth. The report includes the states
so employees know what state they are tax exempt in and they can see how
many clients from each state are tax exempt. We included the phone number
of the client on the report in case they need to be contacted about issues or
questions regarding the tax exemption.
Jobs by Employee
This report is useful when managers are trying to assign new jobs to
employees. With this report they can pull up the employee with a list of jobs
they are currently responsible for. The report provides the employees contact
number so they can be easily reached. The report also details what the jobs
are and when they are expected to be complete. This helps managers plan
ahead on projects that may be coming up, and what employees are used to
handling (sports complexes, pools, houses, office buildings, etc.).
Total Cost per Supply
This reports is useful when placing orders with subcontractors and
distributors. It totals the amount of supplies needed for all the current jobs at
the time. The report provides the cost per unit of the supplies and then goes
on to break up how much each job is spending on that particular supply. By
totaling the entire cost of the supply the company is able to see how much
they need to front before being paid for the completion of the different
project. With the break ups by jobs the company is also able to see how
much of the front cost will be paid by particular jobs at completion.
Employees Responsible for the Job
This report sorts by job and then provides what employees are
assigned to that particular job. This report helps when there is an issue with
a job and the employees responsible need to be contacted to fix the issue. It
also allows managers to see how many employees are assigned to the job
and allows them to assign more if they feel the job requires more help. This
also helps employees currently assigned to the job easy access to the other
employees assigned to the job. The employees phone numbers are added so
they can be contacted with issues and questions. The job type is included to
help managers understand the work load the job may entail. And the
completion date is included in case it is soon approaching and mangers fell
the need to assign more employees to assure the completion is on time.
Required Job Supply
This report shows an employee the amount of each supply needed for
the job. It shows the quantity of each supplies needed and the cost per unit.
The report then calculates the total cost for that particular supply and then
totals all the supplies together for a total cost per job. This shows how much
the material cost will be so they can factor it into the bid price.

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