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Annotated Bibliography

An annotated bibliography exactly what it sounds like. Its a bibliography that has
annotations to go with it. Your task is to complete a chart for each of the sources
provided. Keep in mind that this information will help you narrow the focus of this paper
and help classify evidence which will be used to support the argument in your paper.
Keep the prompt in ond and you review your sources: Are gender inequalities most
influenced by the economy, society, or religion? Defend your stand with evidence.

Bibliographic Information: Economy, Society, or

5 to 8 sentence summary of the claims made by the author. Must be complete

sentences. A bulleted list will not be accepted.

1. Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment society

n the constitution it states, "all men are created equal" but the Equal Rights
Amendment is stating that it should be more than just men and that it should
not matter based on sex that you do or do not get equal rights. Opposition of
the ERA came mainly from conservative religions and political organizations.
Organizations such as these found that the ERA was unnecessary because
women in america had special rights and privileges. Another organization that
agrees with the development of the EPA is the National Organization of Women
(NOW) that agrees that all rights of equality should be given to women not
matter what men say that there is no reason that men should be equal to
women because they deserve to be treated fairly. By 1997 most federal and
state legislators viewed the ERA as a great opportunity for women, but the
amendment was never passed so women must continue to fight for their rights.

2. Why Most Women will Never become CEO Economy and society

Most women are discriminated due to the fact that they are a distraction in the
workplace. Women tend to be held to higher standard than men will ever be. And
it is also seen that women are just plain drama. guys are considered much more
laid back and don't have drama with each other. This shows how women are
considered a "bad" choice because they are too much drama and will only
cause problems in the workplace. But that is not always true. Women are more
consistent and deserve more respect for what they take care of. Yes there are
some areas where men do succeed more than women but that should never
just apply to every job at that point it isnt fair and it brings women down.
Gene Marks, 10/31/2011

3. Culture and Religion Should Not Justify Gender Culture and religion

In the constitution it states, "all men are created equal" but the Equal Rights
Amendment is stating that it should be more than just men and that it should
not matter based on sex that you do or do not get equal rights. Opposition of
the ERA came mainly from conservative religions and political organizations.
Organizations such as these found that the ERA was unnecessary because
women in america had special rights and privileges. Another organization that
agrees with the development of the EPA is the National Organization of Women
(NOW) that agrees that all rights of equality should be given to women not
matter what men say that there is no reason that men should be equal to
women because they deserve to be treated fairly. By 1997 most federal and
state legislators viewed the ERA as a great opportunity for women, but the
amendment was never passed so women must continue to fight for their rights.

U.S. Department of Education

Office for Civil Rights

400 Maryland Avenue, SW

Washington, D.C. 20202-1328

Revised April 2015

4. How Different Groups Spend Their Day (infographic) Society

The infographic shows many interesting things. One of the clear cut things is that men
work more than women do overall. But women do a ton more household activities all
day long. Men watch a considerable amount of TV then women do. On the other hand
women tend to socialize a lot more than men do on a routine day. Overall men and
women each spend more time doing certain things throughout the day over the
opposite sex.

5. Title IV Education, society

Title IV prevents discrimination and the base of sex.Title IX states that:

No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from
participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination
under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.
OCR also requires that this is fortified in order to guarantee equal rights. Title IX
obligations are: recruitment, admissions, and counseling; financial assistance;
athletics; sex-based harassment; treatment of pregnant and parenting
students; discipline; single-sex education; and employment. Also, a recipient may
not retaliate against any person for opposing an unlawful educational practice
or policy, or made charges, testified or participated in any complaint action
under Title IX. any violation of title IX will cost in strict consequences.

Africa News Service, December 6, 2013

Byline: Comfort Mabuza

6. Gender Equality- Fox News Society

Women choose to make less. They look to marry men who make more so that they can
take more time off. The woman on the right was backing up her argument with proven
facts and statistics. This helped her because no one can argue with an already proven
fact. The women in the middle was only going off of personal experience which has no
power behind it whatsoever. It can be easily dismissable by other people.

7. True gender equality is when both women and men

have a voice

8. Commercial Clips Social

Roominate are aiming to make girls into engineers. All their colors and advertisement
pushed to attract girl consumers. The little girl said to stop tricking girls into buying
girly stuff. We can be reinforcing stereotypes into children right as they are born.
People take doing something like a girl as being weak or doing it differently. When you
remove the cultural training everyone is the same.

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