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Promoting critical thinking through reading comprehension activities in some students of eighth

grade from a rural school in Belen de los Andaques Caquet

Dutsferly Portela Gonzalez

Diana Julieth Paruma Morales


Eulices Cordoba Zuiga

Universidad de la Amazonia
Education Sciences Faculty
English Language Teaching Program

Table of Contents



1. Introduction. 3

2. Description of the problem.. 5

3. Research question. 7

4. Justification. 8

5. Objectives. 9

General objective. 9

Specific objectives.. 9

6. Started of the art.. 10

nternational background.. 10

National background. 12

Regional background.... 13

7. Theoretical framework. 15

The need of developing critical thinking in classrooms... 15

Critical thinkers skills.. 17

The importance of reading 19


This document is an investigative proposes about the importance of promoting critical

thinking in secondary students, where it will explain their problems and strategies of the activities

that it will developed to solve the difficulties of our population. Thus Critical thinking is important

to students since it is a process of constant production and reflection, not only in school to give

our points of view on some subject, but also in different context where there is an interesting

topic. As Garcia (2012) says, that critical thinking could be conceptualized as any intellectual

approach produced by rational, analytical interpretations and problems about the manifestations of

reality, its phenomena, situations, and ideas, to generate questions, judgments, and proposals

oriented to the promotion of changes and transformations for the benefit of humanity. (Pg. 2).

Which means that critical thinking is not only important in a classroom, but also in all

environments of our life; It is for this reason that this work contributes important aspects to

promote the critical thinking in the secondary students of the rural zone, since they are people

who only limit themselves to obey, to work and not to develop an analysis of their daily life.

Additionally, it is considerable to emphasize that students must acquire the learning of

critical thinking because our country needs people with a high social development and with

autonomous determinations that make constructivist contributions on the different future plans of

Colombia or each person of this state. To base this contribution is necessary highlight to Elder and

Paul (2003), who suggest that teaching-learning critical thinking is fundamental for students'

personal and social development. With respect to these authors it is important that the students

self-orient, so that they themselves are building their personal, professional and familiar


Although the development of critical thinking in students is very important to acquire, as it

helps to inquire about some issues of daily life and to give their point of view on any particular

topic, Colombian students demonstrated in the report PISA, this is an international evaluation

level to give to know which countries are better in education and knowledge. In agreement with

the contribution of Zubiria (2016) "43 percent of 15-year-old Colombian students (with less than

10 years in school) have a level of fragmentary reading, that is, they can only pick up shorts

fragments of what they read. For this reason is significant to know strategies to teach critical

analysis in them.

This project pretends to overcome the difficulties that students have in taking possession

of their viewpoints in any subject, because this propose contributes to the integral formation of

human being for analyzing to the real world and learners can be active people in the building of

the self them. Furthermore, students will have to opportunity to know and implement new

strategies for their own learning and the developers of this project could have new didactic

materials to promote the acquisition of critical thinking through reading comprehension activities.

As pointed out Florez (2010), the acquisition of critical thinking is important for the development

of skills in the classroom and in life, as it allows the student to improve their abilities and innovate

their learning.

1. Description of the problem

Critical thinking is an important skill to develop reading comprehension activities in

students, since it allows the students to interact and share knowledge with different people.

Furthermore, the role of teachers is crucial because they offer to their students the updated and

fun materials to improve their critical reading and thus be able to guide them to each other giving

opinions, arguing about reading and thus they can solve their problems. According to Halpern,

(1997); Veal and Baker, (2011) critical thinking is a key component in an educated life, both

during college and after graduation (p.5)

Additionally, critical thinking is a fundamental phase for the development of the human

being, since it helps to students to clarify, argue, know and conclude on a specific topic. Although

critical thinking is important for building knowledge because it allows people to have a reflective

approach about problems that a faces life diary, an example around rural schools do not have

teaching tools to improve these difficulties. On the other hand, this lack of knowledge allows the

students not to progress and they feel locked up, without the opportunity to appropriate more of

the subject. In consonance with Hausheer, Hansen and Doumas (2011) critical thinking is

fundamental building in the school stage and the students with low critical reading skills should

receive interventions, while teachers give more interference more will impact the students reading


The purpose of this research is to improve critical thinking trough reading comprehension

activities. Some students of eighth grade at public high school in a rural area of Caquet-

Colombia show four main difficulties in analyzing texts, such as: the lack of concentration,

compare points of view, argue and know unfamiliar terms. The first difficulty is the lack of

concentration, this is because some students lose interest in reading because texts are

decontextualized and some students opinions said that these types of texts are not motivating,

innovate and fun to develop critical thinking in them. Also, it is necessary to emphasize that the

students of the eighth grade, have learning limitations, for that reason the reading have to be

adjusted according to learning of this person. The second problem is to compare points of view, as

some of them give their opinion about what they understood but when the teacher tells them that

comparing or explaining the point of view that gave his partner; they remain in total silence. The

third step to argue, some learners have difficulties to infer and deduce text. In the practices of the

eighth grade it was observed that ten pupils have cognitive limitations to have a fast reading,

which causes that schoolboy do not have a highlight the main ideas, or explain in their own words

what they understood about the text. Finally, this difficulty is about giving conclusions about the

learning that they acquire through the text, in which, they do not try to give explanations about

the intellectual growth that reached, in addition, the group of students cannot have a clear idea

about what he learned, some clarify their ideas only when they write, but they are not able hold

their point of view orally.

Despite these difficulties mentioned in the previous paragraph, it is essential to announce

the possible strategies that will be involved in the learning of critical thinking, starting by

transforming students thinking through contextual, daily and reflection problems that lead them

to have a clear idea about what they want to argue. Equally, it is will implemented images to

attract their attention, so that they can have a greater support of their ideas, being, this work the

solutions and search, for students can improve their difficulties in the critical thinking. Likewise, it

is want to demonstrate how important and crucial it is to create individuals with critical and active

thinking with the ability to interact and participate actively within a community. According,

Richard Paul (1992) discusses critical thinking in the context of perfections of thought. This

preoccupation with the ideal critical thinker is evident in students who are not of open-minded,

flexible, and fair-minded, has a desire to be well-informed and they do not understand diverse


Of course to the students problems for promoting critical thinking, it is formulated the

follow question problem for solving each difficulties of didactic manner:

1.2. Research question


After there had been able to observe these situations that occurred in the classroom and

according to the problems mentioned above, we decided to ask a problem question in which we

will focus on carrying out our project and solve the difficulties of the students.

1. How could we promote critical thinking in the students of eighth grade at rural school in

Caquet-Colombia through reading comprehension activities?

2. Which strategies could we use to improve reading comprehension skill in these students?

3. What will be impact of this project in this educative community?

4. How could help this project four us to be excellent teachers in the future?

2. Justification

As it is well known, reading comprehension is a skill that allows the student to develop a

critical and reasonable thinking, and at the same time allows him to acquire the ability to develop

in an integral and constructive conversation in a second language, as required by law 1651 of

bilingualism, which indicates that any student in an institution should develop the main

communicative skills such as reading, understanding, writing, listening, speaking and expressing

correctly in a foreign language (p1).

However, some students of eighth grade at the rural institution of Belen de los Andaquies

have difficulties in reading. They do not recognize the purpose of a description in narrative texts.

They do not understand the information implicit in related texts on topics of their interest. They

do not represent in graphical form the information they find in texts and do not identify the

relations of meaning expressed in texts on topics that are familiar to them. All this based on the

grades eighth through ninth of basic standards.

In the meantime, this study will be a great opportunity for this small population of students

to acquire a new way of thinking and analyzing the different circumstances, since they will not

only be able to understand texts but they will have the capacity to enter in a logical and

reasonable conversation within a society. Therefore, this project will be of great relevance for the

classes that are taught in the secondary school as it will contribute to reach the level that is needed

for these courses.

Finally, this kind of research is a great platform for us as future teachers as it will allow us

to interact with the students and face the reality of the educational system of Colombia and all its

laws and standards. Which it will be our base to be a good teachers and it will help us make a

great contribution to our youth, through new ideas, strategies and methodologies.

3. Objectives

Giving solutions to the difficulties observed in classroom to improve critical thinking through

reading comprehension, we have decided the following goals to achieve:

General objective:

To promote critical thinking in students of eighth grade at rural school in Caquet through

reading comprehension activities.

Specific objectives:

1. To increase student interest in reading in order to create critical thinking through fun

activities in them.

2. To suggest some strategies which allow improving the level of the reading comprehension

of the members of this study population.

3. To show the importance of reading for students in schools.

Chapter II

4. Started of the art

This chapter analyzes fundamental element in the entire investigative process. For which it

refers of contributions of different authors, their concepts and conceptions on the critical thinking

through reading comprehension. It also refers to the background to know the current state of the

problem to be investigated. Below are some international, national and regional antecedents that

are considered important for the development of this project.

International background

This study analyzes the theoretical references according to the nature of a research work

of different projects on the strategies to improve critical thinking through the reading

comprehension that teachers and students have developed in order to have a panorama more clear

and complete.

Davidson and Dunham (1996), conducted a study about Assessing EFL Student Progress

in Critical thinking with the thinking Essay Test They used the Ennis-Weir Critical Thinking

Essay Test to assess the progress of 36 Japanese EFL college students critical thinking after a

year of intensive content-based English instruction. A control group received only content-based

intensive English instruction, while the treatment group received additional training in critical

thinking. The treatment group scored significantly higher on the test. The researchers concluded

that critical thinking skills could indeed be taught as part of EFL instruction. For this reason, it is

important worth understand that the training of critical thinking can improve general English

language proficiency, especially in writing and reading.

Additionally, Meei-Ling Liaw (2007), in his research Content-Based Reading and Writing

for Critical Thinking Skills in an EFL Context through of this research he wanted show that the

cognition and language development are closely related. That is to say, critical thinking skills is

based in a content practical concern in promoting thinking skills, students can gain critical

thinking skills via content-based English as a foreign language instructions. In other words, the

importance of this study was to examine the efficacy of implementing a content-based reading and

writing approach for critical thinking skills in an EFL context. The Critical Thinking Skills test

results showed significant differences between the students critical thinking scores before and

after taking the lessons in all five areas of critical thinking. Nevertheless, the students work

samples revealed exercises of critical thinking skills in all six cognitive domains where is

performed significantly better on their English language proficiency test after the project. The end-

of-project questionnaire indicated positive responses toward the instructional approach.

As for other authors who participate in develop of critical thinking were Kendall and

Marzano (2000) who created a new taxonomy about educational work and levels school

effectiveness, analyzed the K-12 national standards in the United States for 12 areas and they

found certain general critical thinking are common in all content areas. What is important that

each students acquire critical thinking skills in all knowledge' areas. These skills assumed to be

exercised throughout coursework that comprise the high school curriculum. However, high

school teachers face considerable challenges, not the least of which is covering the content

matter identified by the state standards on which their students will be tested. Finally, the teachers

can provide to their students new strategies of learning for developing their own knowledge.

National Background

Leal and Gomez (2015), performed an article about Transactional Reading in EFL

Learning (A Path to Promote Critical Thinking through Urban Legends) in which they affirm

that the individual and social transactions during the reading process of several urban legends

enabled learners to discuss social conflicts that were also related to their lives, including, for

instance, social irresponsibility, violence, drug consumption and dishonesty.(pg.3).These

familiar themes allow students to easily understand a text and increase their ability to

understand and analyze any topic of interest.

For another hand, King, Leal (1968) defines critical thinking as an analytical, evaluative

process in which an individual makes judgments on the basis of the norms of standards that

they have been developed through experience. It is characterized by a determination to accept

or reject ideas, communication, or objects, Critical thinking is not merely faultfinding and

censoring; but is the habit of examining and weighing an idea or a thing before accepting or

rejecting (pg.3). Besides that she says that critical thinking can be fostered through reading if:

(1) planned instruction in the essential knowledge and skill areas is provided; (2) materials are

selected to teach specific knowledge skills; (3) teaching is planned to broaden the scope and

raise the level of pupil's thinking; (4) students, while reading, are induced to actively engage in

thinking about the communication; and (5) if students have breadth of experience and

opportunities to exchange ideas and beliefs in a nonthreatening class room. (pg. 15-16)

In addition to those tools to acquire critical thinking, Kucan Beck says that thinking

aloud as a method of inquiry, a mode of instruction, and a means for encouraging social

interaction. As a method of inquiry, the analysis of verbal reports provided by readers thinking

aloud revealed the flexible and goal-directed processing of expert readers. As a mode of

instruction, thinking aloud was first employed by teachers who modeled their processing during

reading, making overt the strategies they were using to comprehend text. Which may mean

that reading aloud could be an effective method for understanding the text and thus acquired

critical thinking in different situations.

Regional background

The following authors Ortiz, Morales and Jimenez (2009) in their research about

improving the learning process of the students from the productions of argumentative texts The

research begins considering the reflexive and controlled use of written texts in social situations,

especially in those aiming at generating learning and potentiating students' self-formation.

Additionally, the project consisted of a didactic proposal based on the pedagogical approach

"Teaching for Comprehension" as a starting point to set up guidelines and criteria in generative

topics, goals and comprehension performances, and the planning of workshops for its execution.

Results assessment through self-evaluation, co-evaluation and hetero-evaluation of argumentative

texts written by students allowed concluding that knowledge and use of argumentative texts

favors students' comprehension processes and autonomous learning.

Consequently, other people as Cardozo and Chicue (2011) Provided new strategies for the

development of critical thinking through oral expression activities. The intervention process inside

the school context was carried out through a diagnostic test, with the purpose of identifying

shortcomings in the oral expression, where one could observe that the children and the girls of

these grades have difficulties in the factors that determine the critical thinking, as: they lacks of

active listening and little vocabulary. The results of the classroom project were effective,

generating a positive change in the children when being expressed vocally, it was allowed to

conclude that is important to apply methodological proposals in the Educational Institutions that

contribute to the improvement of the oral expression and critical thinking, like important part in

the Educational process.


5. Theoretical framework

Today, most students have no interest in reading, for that reason they are passive subjects and

have not developed a critical thinking to the current situations, in that way, and in order to have a

point of view more clear about the principal problem of this project we have focused on three

main themes, which are based on the objectives and problem statement already raised.

1. The need of developing critical thinking in classrooms.

Today, the world is undergoing due to the advancement of technology and science, therefore

people have different perspectives on what is happening daily, and for this reason reading is really

important as it opens the mind of people who turn to it to check news, to know events or simply

to have fun.

Developing critical thinking in the classroom is an important skill to help acquire knowledge

and experience. Through thought, knowledge can contribute to the growth of reality. Lipman

(1998) suggested that the discussion of the thought is intended to stimulate higher order thinking

in the classroom, understanding by it. A conceptually of its kind always tends a reach and not like

those that never deviate. Also argue that critical thinking should be rich conceptually and

coherently organized and persistently exploratory thinking. The higher order thinking is a fusion of

critical thinking and creative thinking and that these are mutually supportive and reinforcing; in

turn, it is an ingenious and flexible thinking.

Therefore we have the main characteristics of critical thinking is a correct, creative,

independent thinking, which, based on the perfection of the abilities of reasoning and the good use

of the criteria, is a thought that weighs and determines all the elements Involved in judgments and

reasoning. In order to obtain a critical thought, a meaningful learning that transcends the mentality

and the knowledge of the students through diverse strategies where the apprentice self-knows and

can develop their abilities like observation, comparison, analysis, critical reflection and takes

decisions. In this sense Ausubel (1990) contributes that the students have the capacity to construct

their own reality and give it a meaning and for them it is of total importance that they know their

criteria and make valid judgments that help him to enrich the knowledge in whole, since the

process critical thinking is fundamental.

Although critical thinking is of great importance not only for school life but also for everyday

life, some students just memorize it for the moment, it is there that the teacher has a crucial role

to motivate to students to acquire new meaningful knowledge that is crucial for their personal,

family and professional development where students attribute new meanings to the information

provided by the teacher in which the interaction with their partners and the environment are

relevant to acquire a new cognitive structure. Nickerson (1988) states that knowledge is essential

for cognitive development, since the activities proposed by the teacher guarantee the development

of critical thinking.

In this sense, the school or teaching process of the teacher should focused with the objective

that allows the students to develop the critical thinking. The teaching process of the teacher

should be rich in strategies to carry out activities that allow to establish complex and at the same

time creative thinking so that they have the possibility to reflect on some contents of their own

context and life. In this way, Jones and Idol (1990) determine that the role of educational

institutions is not to teach students too much content and through them acquire knowledge that

are from specialized fields, but above all, that students can learn to learn, where they can build an

intellectual self.

Finally, it is important to indicate that critical thinking must be acquired in the classroom

through didactic strategies implemented by the teacher where students can argue with any person

some knowledge subjects for them. The arguments given in class have the same meaning and it is

that they must be reflective to convince others, accept or contradict the ideas of the other

participants. In this way the strategies about controversies can develop critical thinking. Halpern

(2011) highlights three important strategies to reflect critical thinking in students and therefore in

the classroom. The first is that the teaching of thought has to be explicit so that it has a greater

impact on students. The second strategy is based on the fact that the teacher must harmonize the

environment so that the reflection is effective and the students value the good thought. The last is

that teaching must be integrated with the thinking of the content of the area, so students will think

about what they are learning.

2. Critical thinkers skills

A critical thinker must have many skills that allow him to interpret, analyze and reason

about different situations and the reality that they are living, to be at the forefront of world

progress and always to go ahead of things without allowing someone to prohibit their opinions

and treats to control their ideas. In this way Dr. Peter Facione (2010) speaks when referring to the

skills that a critical thinker must have, which are classified as cognitive abilities; In addition, other

experts consider cognitive skills as the essential of critical thinking, interpretation, analysis,

evaluation, inference, explanation and self-regulation. To define interpretation, Dr. Facione cites

the consensus of the panel of experts, which defines it as "understanding and expressing the

meaning or relevance of a wide variety of experiences, situations, data, events, judgments,

conventions, beliefs, rules, Procedures or criteria, "interpretation also includes categorization,

decoding of meaning, and clarification of meaning (pg.4) For the definition of Analysis Facione

again quotes the experts, who say that it consists of identifying the real and supposed inference

relations between statements, questions, concepts, descriptions or other forms of representation

that have the purpose of expressing belief, Judgment, experiences, reasons, information or

opinions "(pg.5) That is a very easy task for a person with a reading habit. The consensus of

experts also defines the Evaluation assessment of the credibility of the statements or

of other representations that recount or describe the perception, experience, situation, Judgment,

belief or opinion of a person; and then valuation of the logical strength of relationships

by inference, real or assumed, between statements, descriptions, questions or other forms of

representation With this ability the reader was able to judge the credibility of an author or the one

reading at the time, making comparisons, determinations and alternative interpretations. Now, for

experts Inference means, "identifying and securing the elements necessary to draw reasonable

conclusions; Formulate conjectures and hypotheses; Consider relevant information and draw the

consequences arising from data, statements, principles, evidence, judgments, beliefs, opinions,

concepts, descriptions, questions or other forms of representation. With this ability makes it easier

to question the evidence, propose alternatives and Draw conclusions from what is being read.


Experts define Explanation as the ability to present the results of the reasoning in a

reflexive and coherent. This means being able to present Someone with a vision of the whole

picture: "both To state and justify this reasoning in Terms of evidence considerations, conceptual,

methodological, criterion and contextual factors on which the results obtained; As to present the

reasoning in the form of very solid arguments ". This is the time where the skills of describing

methods and results are demonstrated, justifying procedures to propose or defend with good

arguments.(pg.6). However, the most effective cognitive ability is the latter because improving

one's own thinking, this is like scanning all its dimensions as a critical thinker, and therefore it is a

self-verification. This is the self-regulation, which the experts define it as "self-conscious

monitoring of one's own cognitive activities, the elements used in those activities, and the results

obtained, applying particularly analytical and evaluation skills to their own inferential judgments,

with the idea in question, confirm, validate, or correct their own reasoning or results"(pg.6). That

is to say, that in this last point, the general examination and the pertinent corrections of the case

are made to arrive at a complete understanding of the subject.

In synthesis, these are all the skills developed by a good critical thinker, which develops

throughout life with a correct habit of reading, and that allows interpreting, analyzing, evaluating,

refuting and questioning any topic that is read or listened.

The importance of reading

The most important aspect of this entire project is to know the importance of reading in a

person's life, since it opens the way to knowledge and freedom and allows travel through time

and space which is important to know life, Customs, and contributions of historical

personages. Because reading requires an active participation of the student's mind and it

allows a deep development of the imagination and creativity of the reader, enriching

vocabulary and oral expression. Therefore, good reading facilitates interpersonal relationships

and all aspects of the life of a human being. Doris Guicherman (2004). In addition, it is

important to develop the habit of reading from an early age in order to in adulthood; there are

no difficulties in terms of social and personal relationships because it allows the person to have

effective and faster mental processes.

In this sense, highlighting the importance of acquiring the habit of reading at an early age

Sergio Haro Alcaraz (2014) affirms that we all believe that imagination is a natural condition

of the human being, but in reality, it is a brain function that needs to be exercised constantly

and from a very early age, Then if we do not accustom our brain to read it is very likely that

this will lose interest and the reading will become a hard and meaningless task. In addition, the

Federation of Teaching CC.OO of Andalusia (2012) points out that reading is necessary to

develop in daily life, since day by day we face a lot of information written in different media,

and then this becomes essential to be able to search from a number Telephone for information

on the internet. (pag,1)

And as it is necessary to develop this reading ability from an early age in children, it is

important to know how doing it, for example a parent can say that he has taught the habit of

reading his child since he was younger because he left with a book a whole afternoon alone,

but in reality the father is not sure that the child has read it. Then the most effective strategy so

far to instill the habit of reading is to read aloud, as long as the child has the ability to listen is

a good time to start reading stories or books aloud since this act stimulates the art of

Language in children and arouses interest in them towards reading. Therefore, this activity is

very necessary to start doing it from the home in order to the child reaches the school

environment with the acquired habit and that way it does not make it difficult to read on

different subjects. Similarly, it is very important that teachers from elementary school begin

with the habit of reading aloud to their students, at least taking only a few minutes of their

class to give the opportunity to both children who have read before and to those who do not

feed their imagination and increase it every day.Irma Bertrand Tornquist and Adriana Ibaez

Garca They also affirm that reading contributes to the development of the child, since it

produces a feeling of pleasure in him, develops imagination, language, provides vicarious

experiences and helps to understand human behavior.(pg.2-4)

On the other hand, the journalist Isabel Garca Olasolo says that the key to good

information and an excellent culture is reading, so that is the purpose and importance of this

in children as it will bring benefits and Advantages of studying and acquiring new knowledge.

Parents are the most important subjects to boost the learning process for children. She further

notes that reading has many positive short-term effects on children, some of these are:

It enriches the adult-child relationship: in this relationship parents are responsible for

surprising the child with the amazing stories of books.

It acquaints the child with the books: accustoming the object to the child, showing him the

signs so that when he arrives at school the reading makes him a necessary and interesting


It expands and organizes the universe of the child: both the images and the texts allow him

to know the world, to know himself and to dominate his real environment.

Develops the child's mental capacities: such as memory, language, abstraction, and

imagination.(pg.1) . However, all these effects are obtained if the child has a good

accompaniment when reading, as this should be someone who knows the child's tastes,

someone who gives him confidence and also allows him to choose some topics to his


In conclusion, reading is a very important and essential activity in the life of a human being

for all the benefits mentioned above, and then it becomes necessary to begin to instill the

habit of reading our children from babies so that in the future they will come to it for pleasure

and not for obligation.



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