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That was proof enough for Don to vacate the premises and he has had a year to file a complaint.

Lets see August 2005- February 2009 42 months at $800 =$33,600 he tried to do me for.
He would not have tried it if he thought he couldn’t get away with it and he obviously was right so far.

The failure of the ORHT and the Investigations and Enforcement Unit of the Ministry of Municipal
Affairs and Housing to file charges against this man for filing a false and misleading information
under Section 206 (2) is a an offence under Section 206(1)

This is an offence that you are now guilty of.

You are also guilty of Ministering the Tenant and Protection Act, 1997 which is inconsistent with the
Constitution Act, 1982 in matters of equal rights regarding interest rates and obstructing my right to
justice regarding his filing a dispute of false and misleading information and his committing fraud
regarding the two agreements.

If the decision had of found for him the value of the fraud would have exceeded $200,000 on paper.

The fact is he has already defrauded us of $150,000 and you will see in the September 25 2006 fax to you
that on the prospectus he provided me at investment time he claims Rod Bradbury who owns a lab out in
Vancouver is the Vice President of the company. He has an impressive web site and Don showed me that.
You will also find a letter from Rod Bradbury stating that he is not and never was the Vice-President of
BioSafe nor has he held any position with BioSafe.

I have evidence that proves he was trying to frame me for stealing $7,000 and he tried to file charges against
me with the police because I told him I wanted him out of my house on December 17 2004 when he and my
Son attempted to oust me. On December 24 2004 he signed documents with my son declaring a document
that Don and I had signed December 17 2004 was null and void and my son was the witness to that
document so he was going to side with Don. On that very same day he signed a document declaring that the
December 17 2004 agreement with me was valid.
It just goes on and on and then when the ORHT has an opportunity to do the right thing you turn out to be
no different than this man.
Your letter confirms that which the evidence shows in the 266 page BLACK BOOK. This man harassed my
ex wife and my ex girl friend and threatened me and my mother. He promised to pay me back
about $15,000 he owed me when he collected $50,000 from a potential investor and when he got it went
missing for three weeks and I never saw my money. That is the short story.

It is not likely he has any money now and I have resigned myself to that fact but you can damn well bet I
won’t quit until he has his day in court and any one who obstructs my right to justice will have their day in
court also.
That is the law under the Tenants Protection Act and the Constitution Act.
That can’t be too difficult to understand.

You are all guilty under section 205(1) and you will have a difficult time proving you acted in good
faith with the evidence being so obvious and so plentiful.

What the hell is wrong with you people?

Gee, there I go again. I wonder what the hell is wrong with me?

Frank Gallagher


206 (1) Any person who knowingly does any of the following

6. Harass, hinder, obstruct or interfere with a landlord in the exercise of,

i. securing a right or seeking relief under this Act or in the court, or

ii. participating in a proceeding under this Act.

(2) Any person who does any of the following is guilty of an offence:

1. Furnish false or misleading information in any material filed in any proceeding under this Act or
provided to the Tribunal, an employee or official of the Tribunal, an inspector, an investigator, the
Minister or a designate of the Minister.

31. Nothing in this Charter extends the legislative powers of any body or authority.

32. (1) This Charter applies (a) to the Parliament and government of Canada in
respect of all matters within the authority of Parliament including all matters relating
to the Yukon Territory and Northwest Territories; and (b) to the legislature and
government of each province in respect of all matters within the authority of the
legislature of each province.

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is
inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the
inconsistency, of no force or effect.

Dear John.Gerretsen

This is not about a dispute between a landlord and a tenant.

It is a request for you to review the decision of Dave Grech of Investigations and
Enforcements who has refused to charge Don Wilson (Tenant) under 206(2) of the Tenant
Protection Act, 1997
Don Wilson has obviously and deliberately filed a dispute which was false and misleading information.
Don Wilson signed it. Don Wilson claimed he had paid rent up to February 2009 .

Don has committed Fraud regarding two documents which I filed to support my application.
Don Wilson signed both of these and it was proven at the hearing
Don Wilson denied having ever seen either of these two documents and he denied having ever signed them
He agreed to vacate my premises on May 31 2005 and he agreed that he owed me so much for rent at the
time of signing the agreement.

By order TNL-67103 under section 69 Tenants Protection Act, 1997

It was determined that:
1) Don Wilson has not paid the rent
2) Don Wilson gave notice to terminate the tenancy as of May 31 2005.
If that isn’t proof beyond a reasonable doubt Nancy Fahlgren ORHT is dispensing injustice.
Administration and Enforcement

Duties of Minister

200. The Minister shall,

(a) monitor compliance with this Act;

(b) investigate cases of alleged failure to comply with this Act; and

(c) where the circumstances warrant, commence or cause to be commenced proceedings

with respect to alleged failures to comply with this Act. 1997, c. 24, s. 200.


201. The Minister may in writing delegate to any person any power or duty vested in the Minister
under this Act, subject to the conditions set out in the delegation. 1997, c. 24, s. 201.

Investigators and inspectors

202. The Minister may appoint investigators for the purpose of investigating alleged offences and
inspectors for the purposes of sections 154 and 155. 1997, c. 24, s. 202.

Protection from personal liability

205. (1) No proceeding for damages shall be commenced against an investigator, an inspector, a
member of the Tribunal, a lawyer for the Tribunal or an officer or employee of the Ministry or the
Tribunal for any act done in good faith in the performance or intended performance of any duty or
in the exercise or intended exercise of any power under this Act or for any neglect or default in the
performance or exercise in good faith of such a duty or power.
good faith is the key

Crown liability

(2) Despite subsections 5 (2) and (4) of the Proceedings Against the Crown Act, subsection (1)
does not relieve the Crown of any liability to which it would otherwise be subject in respect of a
tort committed by an investigator, an inspector, a member of the Tribunal, a lawyer for the
Tribunal or an officer or employee of the Ministry or the Tribunal. 1997, c. 24, s. 205

September 28 2006

To Honourable John Gerretsen

Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing

From: Frank Gallagher PRWP

Peoples Representative Without Portfolio

Honourable John Gerretsen. September 28 2006

Who would they be to teach?

Brain washing would best describe.
Who allows them to do this?
Who empowers the minister?
Who enacts the Act?
So many questions, so many people paid by the taxpayer and yet no answers.
If you can answer these questions, pleas to do so.
Thank you.
September 28, 2006 Frank Gallagher

Words I wish I had said but didn’t but am now.

The evidence shows perhaps the Tribunal applies impartial treatment. No matter who you are all victims will receive
the same treatment and all the immoral will receive the same treatment although different than
the treatment for the victims.

The Tribunal like government services has a special place in their hearts for the immoral as they relate best with
them. They are their bread and butter. Without them they would be out of business. When one of their bread
winner’s is caught up with the law it is in the best interests to the Tribunal to get the immoral back on the road.

At the same time they have to do something to appear as if they are there for the people so they order him to pay me
what he owes me but don’t enforce it. Then to make it like there is some pressure for him to pay me they order that
4% interest will be paid on outstanding balance as of the court date.

So, because of him not paying me I am paying 16-18% on credit cards I was forced to use in lieu.

Not exactly a punishment to deter the immoral, and in no way will that back the guarantee of the Constitution.
He was not ordered to pay me interest for the term from August 1 2004- August 8 2005 the date of the order.
If the tenant had given me a deposit I would have been ordered to pay 6% for the term.

(6) A landlord of a rental unit shall pay interest to the tenant annually on the amount of the rent
deposit at the rate of 6 per cent per year

The Tribunal has infringed upon my equality rights and supports the immoral and punishes the victim contrary to the
Constitution. On and on the people are being betrayed.

Are you saying they are above the law?

Everything we do we apply due diligence for our own safety. Like watching where we are walking, looking
both ways when crossing the road and keeping stairways clear so that nobody trips and falls.
Just a bunch of common sense, like walking a dog on a leash and we know the disastrous consequences if
the dog were to bite someone.

Many issues can be resolved with reason, good sound unbiased reasoning.

So, if we are clear in mind and coherent in matters of law we must obey it and reason for the benefit of the
whole and not for the benefit of one group or another nor the beliefs of another.

We simply must stay focused.

Strange enough that goes against the very way we vote now in this here democratic society doesn’t it?

Three or four parties striving to have it their way gives us something to think about.
No problem with the voting system if the people could be held responsible as well as the parties.

Need a lot of work there to and it will all come together if we shore up the foundation of the Constitution
and patch the holes.

So here is the problem as I have reiterated and reiterated. The administers of the Constitution have failed to
put a modus operandi in place capable of backing the guarantee of the Charter and in so doing allows the
immoral to flourish at the expense of the people.
The people have paid to see the immoral decline and it is their hope that they will disappear over time.
By doing so, so will the taxes..

As the evidence in the BLACK BOOK attests, so do you and the Ombudsman and you have put it on paper
for us all to have a look at.

For various reasons the administers have disregarded the supreme law of Canada and the authorities of
Ontario have put it in writing. Right there in their Acts for all to see.

There is nothing to argue, just correct them. Correct the minds of the people who write them and the minds
of those who administer them and we are set to go.

In your case you were asked to investigate into the reason why the Investigations and Enforcement Unit
declined to charge Don Wilson with Fraud.

And you state, let’s see, what did you state? Oh yes, you have every confidence in the professionalism and
expertise of the Investigations and Enforcement Unit and see no reason to revisit the conclusions reached by
Mr. Grech.

I have provided you the evidence but you trust Dave Grech. Like the wisdom of a mother’s love for her
children you have decided. This is not acceptable for a person who is in a position of trust and personally I
do not see any logical reason for you to keep that position of trust.

Have a look at the fax I sent you on September 25 2006 with special attention to the laws and get back to
me ASAP please.

If you and you and you are not wondering why then you are part of the problem.

If you do not care then you just aren’t into the spirit of the law and quite possibly are selfish and don’t give
a damn about fair.

That’s okay, Constitution allows you to feel as you like. Believe what you like and whatever but when it
comes to matters of law you had better believe the rights and freedoms of everyone are equal to yours and
mess with them and you will be punished significantly until you believe it.

Punishment must be distributed equally in the same manner as we are entitled to equal justice.

Common sense and sound reasoning must be used to the extent of the very reasoning behind the Act and the
purpose of the Act.

Again there is nothing to argue for we know the law is as sound as can be, its only weakness is in those who
are mandated to administer it.

Like the reasoning applied to the tax system….mmmm perhaps that is a bad example and when we learn to
reason we can revisit that.

Let’s use charities then and the ability to pay, no even better how about child support.
I think that’s a good one.

Separated parents who have left their family know full well of the consequence of a broken marriage and a
lot of reasoning has been done on the subject and I suspect there is a lot more reasoning that needs to be
done but the reasoning goes that its not the fault of the children and they must suffer the least financially.
If we are to err we must err on the side of the innocent children.

Seems fair to me.

So, when a person decides to act in contravention of the Charter they have committed a crime against
society and in matters of the Constitution we are all one big family and it is up to all to look after each other
and when some of us stray we must show them the way.

If two people do exactly the same crime and you punish them with the same fine of let’s say $5,000 then
that would be fair if they both had the same income and the same total worth considering assets and all.

But when the fine is pocket change to one and a year’s savings to another we are neither being fair nor
would we accomplish the purpose of punishment which is to deter immoral inclinations for the support of
the guarantee.

This is a very serious matter that must be considered but even more is the matter of the victim.
It is every one of our responsibilities to see that we do not become victims and we must remember that the
victim could just as easily be you or I.

The victim must be compensated so as if the crime never occurred.

Generally there is no reason to leave the compensation up to this judge or that for it could all be

All the services provided by the public servants are the products of the whole, and it is the product I have
been writing about, it is unfair to judge any individual on the basis of the product of the whole.

It has been quite apparent to me and I do not stand alone when I say the product we are receiving is over
priced and that is obviously due to no competition.

This factor has huge ramifications in matters of costs and the development of products which the public
want and need.

Competition is the only way to know for sure what the people want and the only way to see that they get it
at a reasonable price.

This is concluded on the basis of sound reasoning but by further reasoning we can also determine that it is
unreasonable to apply this reasoning for the very reason of reason.

We taxpayers sure don’t want to pay for three or four different company agencies to do the same thing, for
the sake of competition and most likely some entity would control them all and we would be in worse shape
than we are now.

By the use of reasoning, having the same reason to reason we can reason that a group of people
having the same knowledge would reason to the same conclusion and of course would be the ideal.

By the very use of reasoning we could also reason that is not the case and can not possibly be nor is it a
desirable situation to reason for because who would we learn from and wouldn’t life be boring.

I am getting bored right now and I suspect so are you but I hope you got warmed up so that we can apply
some very good reasoning to the matter at hand.

We will assume from now on that we are all reasonable people and I will assume that you all know that I
consider there to be a problem that needs to be fixed and I am quite aware that there are many who see no
problem at all and there are just as many who see me as a problem and I could go on and on that line of
reasoning as could you all but here is the point.

We all live in Canada and we are all equal in the eyes of the law and we all have equal rights and freedoms
because that is the law. Not only is it the law, we are guaranteed it and the law is very fair and quite explicit.

The law actually is the result of some very wise reasoning and given the circumstance in heavy print above
we would have the ideal.

Of course we don’t have the ideal ingredients such as people of equal knowledge but for the very reason
that we do not have the same reason to reason The Constitution Act, 1982 was enacted to provide us all with
a very good reason to reason the same in matters of law.

There is nothing to argue be cause it is the law.

Unfortunately the Constitution Act is just a piece of paper with words on it until we put the personnel in
place to enforce the law and we put a system in place to finance it.

Both are done and yet we do not have the ideal of the Constitution.

I wonder why?

September 27, 2006

To: John Gerretsen

Minister of Municipal Affairs
and Housing

From: Frank Gallagher

34 Riverglen Drive
Keswick On.

Dear John

To be straight with you I have never had the opportunity to send a Dear John letter, not that there is
anything wrong with that, so I take this opportunity to do so.

I have just received today your response(pg 8) dated September 26, 2006 to my fax correspondence dated
August 31 2006, a copy of which is filed in the BLACK BOOK pages 12-45.
The BLACK BOOK is the name I have chosen for the compilation of files I have addressed to the Premier
of Ontario, Dalton McGuinty of which the cover page is dated September 1 2006.
Page 15 of the BLACK BOOK indicates that I have also sent you a copy of the correspondence to Dalton
McGuinty which consists of the cover page and pages 1-11

The BLACK BOOK consists of a cover page, 3 index pages, 266 pages and a back cover page and this file
has now been closed.

I have opened a new folder which I refer to as the BLUE BOOK dated September 15 2006 in which I am
filing all correspondence pertinent to the BLACK BOOK.

On September 25 2006 I faxed you along with others but apparently it has not yet reached your desk.

Having said that, back to Dear John

I have also chosen to address you in the familiar form because I feel I know you and if you knew me you
will know that I intend nothing personal in the contents of my writings to date and have been merely
expressing my frustrations with the system.

When you have finished reading the BLACK BOOK I believe that you will find that the modus operandi
of the various authorities administering law are incapable of backing the guarantee of the peoples rights and
freedoms as provided by the Charter and therefore we people are being robbed, not only of our protection
but also the money we pay for it.

Your response has confirmed which I have stated in my writings that the authorities are either incompetent
or brilliantly incompetent in matters of the Constitution Act, 1982. I believe I have zeroed in on the problem
from all approaches but I think at this time it would be prudent to say that the problem exists due to both of
the reasons stated but for different reasons depending on ones station and some are quite understandable and
forgivable before my writings and I also understand that the public servants are in a very precarious
dammed if you do and damned if you don’t position.

I also request that you provide me with the e-mail address of the RCMP Commissioner.

Thank you
Frank Gallagher


I am also forwarding this by fax to others who have not provided me with an e-mail address.
I will also be forwarding to others I find on the net whom I feel should be concerned.

I do not expect this to protect me but I hope it will help to expose this to the public.

I have documented this along with commentary in a file which I named the BLACK BOOK which consists
of a cover page, 3 index pages, 266 pages and a back cover page as you know.
I have sent you a copy as well as the York Regional Police, the Ombudsman, my MP and my MPP as well
as the Premier of Ontario to whom I addressed on September 1 2006 on the cover page and forwarded to
him, Dalton McGuinty.

I have closed that file and opened a new folder the BLUE BOOK which contains correspondence with
various authorities regarding my search for justice and I have attached an excerpt from it for your
attention.(Beginning page 4)

What you will read is the reason I am writing you now.

The evidence within the BLACK BOOK proves that the people of Canada are not being protected by the
administrators of the Constitution and this excerpt from the BLUE BOOK confirms my allegations.

On page 9 of this excerpt I ask the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing a few questions, but I do
not expect a prompt response and so I request that you provide me the answers.

I have also Cc this to the media and others to make known my concerns should anything happen to me as
I continue my quest for justice.
It is my hope that at least one of the recipients of this e-mail will share my concerns and dare to do
something for the people.

I suggest that it is every person’s duty to back the people’s Charter rights and even more, those people
who have been paid by the Taxpayer to do so.

Given the strength of the evidence, I suggest that failure of any person receiving this evidence to take the
necessary steps to correct this situation will implicate them in this conspiracy.

Michael Thomson, I hereby formally charge you with the responsibility to put in motion the formal and legal
procedures according to the Constitution Act, 1982 to deal with this conspiracy by the authorities who are
empowered by the Constitution Act, 1982 to carry out and enforce the provisions of the said Act and have
used that authority to suit their own purpose disregarding the rights and freedoms guaranteed to the people
by the Charter and in so doing have effectively quashed the guarantee. I go onto say that they use their
authority to collect taxes for the purposes of the Constitution and by so doing are guilty of Fraud,
Conspiracy and just about anything you can name.

I understand that most of you do not make the laws nor set department policy and I do know the difficulties
of proceeding forward as I have experienced the same which has been identified in the BLACK BOOK
regarding the gallagher papers and the Cover UP by the MAYOR’S OFFICE.

I hereby request you to take my concerns forward and inform me ASAP to whom you have addressed the
matter to and their e-mail address and request that person to do likewise and so on until the appropriate
action is taken to remedy the situation. I suggest that it is your duty and everyone else’s who come across
a superior who refuses to act appropriately or orders you to halt and remain silent, such as the gag order
that was issued to the personnel of my former employer the City of Toronto, Property Surveys
Management, to go around such person and charge them with obstruction of justice.

So, let’s get the ball rolling and see who is implicated in this conspiracy and I will not accept any
response that states that you do not have the authority because we all have the Authority of the
Constitution Act, 1982 and you have all the evidence you need to commence procedures.

You have the knowledge, experience gained at the taxpayers expense to act in service of them and the
rest of the population of Canada and I expect you to do so and I suggest that the majority of the people
have the same expectations of you.
6. Harass, hinder, obstruct or interfere with a landlord in the exercise of,

i. securing a right or seeking relief under this Act or in the court,

After corresponding with various levels of government I was not able to

find anyone to deal with this matter but the Premier, Dalton McGuinty
suggested I write the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Hon.John
Gerretsen who declined to review the matter stating that Dave Grech
coordinator of Investigations and Enforcement is the person whom he
appointed to investate such matters and he trusts him so case closed. As
for the ORHT he states they are at arms length from the government and
implied that he couldn't investigate them.

Duties of Minister
200. The Minister shall,
(a) monitor compliance with this Act
(b) investigate cases of alleged failure to comply with this Act and
(c) where the circumstances warrant, commence or cause to be commenced
proceedings with respect to alleged failures to comply with this Act.
1997, c. 24, s. 200.

I have written the Attorney General, Michael Bryant on several

occasions to investigate and file charges under:
Tenant Protection Act, 1997 but he has declined to respond.

206. (1) Any person who knowingly does any of the following is guilty
of an offence:
6. Harass, hinder, obstruct or interfere with a landlord in the
exercise of,
i. securing a right or seeking relief under this Act or in the court,

I have this all well documented but everyone declines to file charges.
I have been attempting to get this matter dealt with for over a year
now and nobody has accepted responsibility to investigate.

I reiterate that the evidence is overwhelming that the tenant filed a

false and misleading dispute with the ORHT and the Fraud regarding the
May 6 2005 agreement.

Could you please inform me as to who has jurisdiction to investigate

this matter.

I am determined to get to the bottom of this.

I suspect it has something to do with the fact that the Tenant
Protection Act,1997 is inconsistent with the Constitution Act, 1982

Thank you
Frank Gallagher

October 22 2006

To: Commissioner Giuliano Zacardelli

Fax: 613-993-0309

From: Frank Gallagher


Re: Obstruction of Justice

Minister of Municipal Affairs
and Housing
Hon. John Gerretsen etal
Tenant Protection Act,1997
Constitution Act,1982

ORHT-Tampering with evidence

Dear OPP

I(landlord) received an Order under section 69 Tenant Protection

Act, 1997 File # TNL-67103 which found for me directing my (tenant) to
pay me rent arrears and vacate my premises as per an agreement he had
signed Dated May 6 2005 which I had attached to my application to

The disput he had signed and filed was a complete fabrication and
contrary to the May 6/05 Agreement which he and I had both signed.

The tenant denied having ever seen the 4 pages of the May 6 2005 agreement
and denied having ever seen them.

I submitted evidence which proved beyond any doubt that the tenant
filed a false and misleading information which is an offence under the
Tenant Protection Act.
In so doing I also proved that he had committed fraud regarding the May
6 2005 agreement.

When the judicator realized what was happening I said "There oughta be
a law" and she responded "There is" and went on for a minute or two
articulating the matter.

When I tried to contact her after receiving the order to see if charges
would be laid the ORHT declined to file charges but I got a copy of the
hearing recording.

The part where I said "There oughta be a law" and her response were

There was no recording of the second day of the hearing.

I corresponded with the Investigations and Enforcement Unit of the

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing and finally Dave Grech wrote
me to say that he would not be filing charges and his reason was
absolutely ridiculous and he ended with it would be my word against his
which is absolute B..S.. My tenant had no evidence to back his dispute
and I had a prodigious amount to conclude beyond any doubt that he was a
fraud and had filed a false and misleading information under the Act.
206. (1) Any person who knowingly does any of the following is guilty
of an offence:

The Key opens the minds to the door to HEAVEN as defined in the Charter

The Lord works in mysterious ways until common sense is applied.

It’s no mystery to me.


The Constitution Act
Reasoned well
By good reason
For good reason
By minds of reason
For minds of reason

Law by reason
Reason by law
Punish by mind
Punish for mind
Mind for reason
Reason for mind
Peace of mind
For all minds
Of one mind
Of Reason

Please forward this whole letter including my original of October 22 2006 along with
your response to Commissioner Giuliano Zacacardelli as it was addressed to and
intended for him.
I had phoned the London Office and was told this is the way to contact him.
I have spent 10 months attempting to communicate my concerns to the mind set of those
at the local office and I have no more time or patience to deal at this level.

Too many trees have died needlessly while trying to open doors that are welded shut.

Once again I thank you for your trouble.

----Original Message-----
From: Webmaster Webmaster [mailto:Webmaster@rcmp-grc.gc.ca]
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2006 9:25 AM
To: franklyone@hotmail.com
Subject: Re: RCMP Web Comment


I would recommend that you contact your local RCMP detachment and ask
for their assistance and advice.

National Communication Services
Services nationaux de communications
1200 Varnier Parkway
Ottawa, ON K!A 0R2

>>> RCMP Website <webmaster@rcmp-grc.gc.ca> 10/22/06 11:13 PM >>>

This is prominent in our history books and a good example of this is present today as
we attempt to resolve the consequences of such reason which inflicted dire problems
upon the aboriginal people which in turn inflicted dire problems upon us all.

I commend the government for being coherent to the fact that the aboriginal people
were wronged and I use this scenario as a very good example of reasoning after the
fact rather than reasoning in a timely fashion so as to prevent the necessity.

It’s an “If I only knew then what I know now” kind of thing.

Of course the people of the government today did not exist when this damage was done
so they can not be blamed nor can the rest of the people of Canada.

Simple fact is none of us are to blame for the initial deprivation but the problem
exists and it must be dealt with as soon as possible.

We are to blame for taking so long to understand and there is no excuse for that.

It is just fact that we are slow to understand, some slower than others.
Victims catch on real quick and government leaders are the slowest who do not get it
until they fall upon their own sword.

They truly never get it but they understand the necessity to please the voters. Kind
of a personal thing then and they bend over backwards for their cause.

Sad but true and until they are made to consistently understand they will consistently
be inconsistent with the Constitution Act, 1982.

I have a prodigious amount of evidence which Karen Noakes of the YRP will attest to
but she is no more capable of interpreting it than she is capable of interpreting the
Constitution Act.

I have provided the York Regional Police department with more than 400 pages (letter
size) of evidence and commentary in an effort to demonstrate my concerns and she wrote
two pages to explain what she understood.

Karen demonstrated ignorance and incompetence in matters of law and investigative

abilities, the latter dependant on the first.

I reason that she has reasoned that she has done a good job and her superior’s would
agree for common sense tells me that she would not deal with such evidence in this
manner on her own.

Her response is not evidence of the law which was the purpose she was to address but
it is evidence of her superior’s incompetence to administer the law for the purpose it
was intended.
I have written that it is quite possible that the law was authored to benefit a
certain group making the Constitution Act the catalyst of a conspiracy and that is
most likely the fact but that intention no matter how true it may be, will never be
argued as a defense and I will settle for a plea of incompetence.

So the irony is they are trapped in their own snare which is proof enough of their

These people must be brought forward and punished in a manner so as to prevent such a

That is the obvious intent of the supreme law of Canada.

Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law:

The way of God is the rule and the enforcers must guarantee compliance
Since their decline to deal with the matter I have written many departments at all
levels of government which have either failed to respond or declined to deal with the

Those who have responded are consistent with the opinions of the YRP and the RCMP.

This does not prove them to be right and me wrong but only evidences that which I have
stated in my writings and all the correspondence up to September 15 2006 has been
filed in the “BLACK BOOK” so that it may be presented for review.

I first began my commentaries which contained my views as an ordinary citizen living

in the democratic country of Canada who was of the opinion that the government was a
group of people chosen by the people to look after and protect us.

As the correspondence poured in it became apparent that my views were either wrong or
the government people were oblivious to the peoples concerns.

I am the type of person who considers all evidence as I learned early in life you can
not get to the truth without doing so.

I picked up this good habit early in my legal surveying career and found it very
useful and in fact a prerequisite for my duty to reestablish property lines in their
original position as required by law.

Of course law is the authority to do so and the mandate is to observe and obey the

I often found my self surrounded by people who were ignorant to the law and it is a
shame there exists such a majority of ignorance for it just made my job more difficult
but I have forty years experience in such matters and I know for fact that law and me
prevail over ignorance, most certainly when common sense is used to reason with and I
must insist that common sense is a prerequisite in all matters of law if they are to
be understood and obeyed.

There must be reason for everything we do and in matters of law we must apply our
arguments to the reason for the Constitution Act, 1982 and all laws must be reasoned
for that reason.

Any presentation of law which is inconsistent to the reason for the Constitution is
not a viable presentation and it is stated or implied in

Part 1, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law:

and supported by

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent with
the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.


Laws must be read in support of the intent of the Constitution Act, 1982

The reason for the Act is obvious to anyone of sound mind.

People reason in many different ways and when allowed to act on their reasoning to the
detriment of others a peaceful society is unachievable.

October 23 2006 December 18 2008
At the moment I have no idea who I was
RE: Charter Rights
responding to on my birthday October 23
Obstruction of Justice

Thank you very much for your response, but I have been there done that. They refuse to
respond to my concerns.

On or about January 3 2006 I submitted a preliminary folder to my local RCMP

detachment (Newmarket) laying out the details of the case and January the 18 2006
Michael Thomson, Sgt responded stating that I had proposed an investigation be
undertaken using the auspices of the Canada Business Corporations Act and as such,
this matter has been taken by their office to review.

It is the opinion of the DOJ and the RCMP concur that this is a civil litigation
matter. B…S…

When I first wrote I described the whole story and did make reference to certain
offences the Director of the Company, I had invested in, was guilty of under the Act,
however, I, being an amateur at this type of thing, just an ordinary taxpayer did my
best to present all that I knew about the case trusting those who we pay and have
gained experience in such matters would use their experience to read the information I
provided and translate it to legal definition which you all are familiar with.

I did not know what section, subsection of which Laws or Acts my former tenant was
guilty of when he fabricated his dispute and committed fraud at an Ontario Rental
Housing Tribunal.(I do now and I have informed them but they are oblivious to my

Common sense told me that justice is not achievable in an environment of lies.

The ORHT and the Investigations and Enforcement Unit refused to file charges.

I took the matter to the York Regional Police who reviewed my case and informed me
this was a civil matter.

Like the YRP, Michael Thomson, Sgt RCMP has chosen to focus on the part about the
Corporations Act rather than deal with the root of my concerns which surfaced at the
Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal when they declined to charge my former tenant with
fraud and filing a fabricated dispute.

These offices are financed by the people to administer justice to and for the people.

Both of these investigation forces financed by the people for the people have
indicated one of two things maybe both, by their actions.

Their inability to investigate objectively or and negligence to their duty to protect

the people of Canada as per the Constitution Act, 1982 and more particularly Part
1,Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

This is their responsibility to the people, but they have chosen to shrug their duty.

When they failed me I went to the YRP and RCMP to ask them to look into the matter and
all they did was investigate to see how they could put the responsibility on to me
ignoring all other evidence.
Not once did they refer to the root of the problem evidencing they are also part of
the problem.

This is absolutely abhorrent and intolerable and proves that we people can not expect
justice or protection from those who hold positions of trust within our legal system.
To:Michael.Thomson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca; mona.eichman@rcmp-grc.gc.ca

Cc: citytvhosts@citytv.com; city@thestar.ca; citydesk@tor.sunpub.com; comail@lsuc.on.ca;

dmaclean@taxpayer.com; ed_hird@telus.net; editor@rd.ca; franklyone@hotmail.com; jwilliamson@taxpayer.com;
letters@globeandmail.ca; 'media'; sylviagerl@ndp.ca; shennig@taxpayer.com; sue-ann.levy@tor.sunpub.com;
tkeirddin@taxpayers.com; Vanloan.P@parl.gc.ca; Vanlop1@parl.gc.ca; webadmin@justice.gc.ca

September 29, 2006 sent e-mails 7.43 AM to replace page 1 sent 5:35 AM Dates were corrected 2006 to 2005

To: Michael Thomson Fax to: Premier Dalton McGuinty, Tim Arkell, Ombudsman, Julia Munro, MPP,
RCMP Peter Van Loan, MP Bruce Herridge, York Regional Police
From: Frank Gallagher

Dear Michael Thomson

As you are aware I am a Canadian citizen who became victim to a scam.

This scam was identified at a Tribunal hearing of the ORHT on June 30 2005 where I had attached a copy of a May 6
2005 agreement to my application to evict my tenant Don Wilson for refusing to pay rent and for not vacating my
premises on May 31 2005 as per the May 6 2005 agreement which both he and I had signed and my mother had

On June 10 2005 Don Wilson had signed and filed a Dispute with the ORHT which was a humungous fabrication
which was an obvious contradiction of that which was contained in the May 6 2005 agreement
which he had signed.
During the course of the hearing Don Wilson denied having ever seen the May 6 2005 agreement and of course
denied having signed it or initialed it. I then produced another agreement dated April 13 2005 which Don Wilson and I
had signed and a friend of mine had witnessed. I showed it to Don and he denied ever seeing it and also denied ever
signing it.
I then introduced Dave Kirby to the Judicator as being the witness and he identified Don as the person who signed it.
Both of these agreements confirmed that Don owed me the rent money and both confirmed that he had given me
notice to vacate my premises on May 31 2005 quite contrary to the Dispute he had signed and filed with the Tribunal
stating that he was paid up until February 2009 as per special arrangements made in stock negotiations..
The agreements dealt with other matters regarding Don Wilson’s Incorporated business BioSafe which I am a major
share holder. The value of the document on paper to me and my friends is about $150,000
but it also protected the investors who had come before me increasing the value on paper to around $300,000.
Probably about 20 investors in all.
The reason I had him sign them in the first place is because he had given cause for me to distrust him.

The Tribunal was adjourned to July 28 2005 for the Tribunal’s decision and I should make note that Nancy Fahlgren
(Judicator) announced at the beginning of the hearing that the hearing that it was not being recorded.
I do have a copy of the June 30 as you know as I provided you a copy.

On August 10 2005 I received the Tribunal Order under Section 69, Tenant Protection Act, 1997 File Number TNL-
67103 dated August 8 2005 which found for me and Don Wilson was ordered to pay me the arrears and vacate my
I had asked Nancy Fahlgren on June 30 at the hearing if she would be charging Don Wilson with fraud and in fact I
had said “There should be a law” when it was revealed that Don was a fraud, and Nancy said “There is and that she
could forward it onto the Investigations and Enforcement Unit”. I should note that this part of the hearing is not on the
recording of the hearing so it was either erased or Nancy turned off the recorder.

The Tribunal Order never indicated that Don Wilson had been charged for fraud which initiated my search for justice
which I have not found to date.( over a year now)

What I have found is that which I am sure the public have been aware of but just unable to prove.

The administrators of the Constitution Act, 1982 have used their authority mandated by the Act for their own
benefit disregarding the Charter rights of the people.
Copy of letter to Ombudsman dated May 31 2006

They also have copy of BLACK BOOK

They refuse to respond

Michael Thomson [Michael.Thomson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca]

Cc mona.eichmann@rcmp-grc.gc.ca

From: Frank Gallagher

34 Riverglen Drive
L4P 2P8
905-476-8959 tel/fax
905-716-4927 cell

Re Don Wilson (BioSafe)

4021 Stouffville Road (just east of Kennedy Road, south side)
1994 white cadilac de ville plate # ASKA 151

February 6, 2006

Dear Michael

I am delivering the attached document to Don Wilson this morning.

In it you will find more information that should tip the scales in favor of Justice.

It requires you to make a few phone calls, to confirm my statements and then you
should be on your way to the court for the elusive warrant to investigate Don Wilson
for Fraud under the criminal code.

He has harassed my ex girlfriend and my ex wife.

I request that you make all the appropriate charges that the evidence allows for, and I
remind you that I have evidence up to my ears on him if you will take the time to meet
with me.

I do not have enough ink to inform you of everything and I am a two fingered clutz
on the keyboard.

I also request that you pass on this correspondence to the Department of Justice and ask
their office to respond to my writings.

Please inform me as to whom you addressed this matter to and provide me with their
e-mail address

Please keep me up to speed and I request that you do likewise.

Thank you

Frank Gallagher


He was at Larry Honsberger’s place a couple of weeks ago gathering up personal

belongings that he had stored in his garage. He could be on the move or even
worse, moved already.

Have you checked his drivers license data?


Please pay particular attention to Part 1, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Life, liberty and 7. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the
security of person person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in
accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.

The exception is there for the depraved who deprive anyone of their guaranteed Rights and

Make sure that you do not deprive the depraved for they will surely cry foul.
By so doing, they will confess to premeditated deprivation.
Which should warrant a larger sentence.
For they do understand Rights
Let them know
That we do

There is the law in black and white. I want my guarantee please.

With regards to my rights to see the company books and acquire the relative information as per the
Canada Business Corporations Act.

Michael J. Thomson of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police informs me that Don Wilson’s statement
that I need a subpoena / warrant to review the books are erroneous.

Does anyone know where I can hire some goons to assist me while I assert my rights and it is difficult these
days to find a gun to protect me when this big depraved fellow continues to thwart my efforts?

If I were to ask you to come with me to protect me while I attempt to carry on my duties as a citizen
shareholder of BioSafe, would you?

Would you act as my witness to his denying me of my rights?

Would you accompany me to prevent a crime?
Would you rather wait until he assaults me?

You have taken my rights to carry a gun to protect me.

Are you not responsible then to protect me ?

How often do you leave my rights and others to chance? Why does my guarantee kick in only after you
have failed to provide my guarantee? How come I can not sue the administers of the law for damages
ensued due to failure to back their guarantee?
Equality Rights
Equality before and 15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and
under law and equal has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the
protection and benefit
of law
law without discrimination and, in particular, without
discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour,
religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

Enforcement of 24. (1) Anyone whose rights or freedoms, as guaranteed by this
guaranteed rights Charter, have been infringed or denied may apply to a court of
and freedoms
competent jurisdiction to obtain such remedy as the court
considers appropriate and just in the circumstances.
Exclusion of (2) Where, in proceedings under subsection (1), a court
evidence bringing concludes that evidence was obtained in a manner that infringed
administration of
justice into
or denied any rights or freedoms guaranteed by this Charter, the
disrepute evidence shall be excluded if it is established that, having regard
to all the circumstances, the admission of it in the proceedings
would bring the administration of justice into disrepute.



Primacy of Constitution 52. (1) The

Constitution of Canada is the supreme
law of Canada,

Do not bother to explain to me what 24 (1) means.

It means that it is inconsistent with the rights of
others who have been guaranteed the provisions
under the Charter. You can not wait for me to raise the
money or decide that it is my duty as a decent person to
deal with the matter when you law enforcement people
have already been paid and trained at the tax payers
expense to do so. Once again I reiterate that I have done
plenty and am prepared to do even more to help society
clean up its act. You do your job and then I will step on
the bug while he is down. It sure beats him stepping all
over a decent society, only to have the law stepping all
over me, the victim when I am down. He has taken my
money and other’s and is planning now, how to take
another’s while you try to teach me how to do your job
with no pay while I learn.

It is a great idea to educate the public about the dangers that may lay waiting in the dark, but do not tell me to not go
down a dark alley because a dangerous person is there. Go get him, if you know he is there. Don’t feel that you have
done your job by warning me.

Do not blame me if someone steals from me in a society that you can not control. Control it for God’s sake and you
won’t have to warn me. Deal with them where ever you find them. If they have deprived me of my rights then they
have stolen much more than my money.

Read Don Wilson his rights and arrest the bastard.

I will look after my rights under the Canada Business Corporations Act if and when I please after you have
dealt with him under the criminal code or whatever you deem to be consistent with my fundamental rights
as a law abiding citizen under the charter and above all, make sure that you do not infringe on that bastards
rights who could care less about my rights, because we do not want to see him back in society infringing at
will on everyone and anyone, who were not made aware that he was out there, because you failed to educate
us. Meanwhile, I will continue to look both ways when I cross a street and, what was it that I should do if I
see a car coming? Never mind, I’ll ask my mother when I get home. I need a common sense answer for this


Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the
rule of law:

Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms

Rights and freedoms 1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees
in Canada the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such
reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably
justified in a free and democratic society.
Life, liberty and 7. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the
security of person person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in
accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.

Treatment or 12. Everyone has the right not to be subjected to any cruel and
punishment unusual treatment or punishment.

Equality Rights

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and
has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the
law without discrimination and, in particular, without
discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour,
religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.
I have identified a criminal on the loose and I have identified some of his crimes.
I have provided you witnesses and I have spent a lot of time.

You have passed the buck to me to do your job.

That is the biggest crime.

Your crime is the root of crime.

It is your indifference to it that causes it to flourish.

If you people will do nothing but push paper around, we innocent will continue to be pushed around by those people
who the Charter of Rights and Freedom was written to rid society of.

The next time you are told to forget common sense, because you are a cop now, you tell them, they are under arrest,
because common sense is required to interpret the laws. They are using their position of trust to turn the law against
society. That is a premeditated conspiracy to remove the people’s rights as guaranteed by the Charter, for monetary
gains, either personal or personal cause.
For God’s sake think.
Then don’t just sit their. Do something for Christ sakes.

Please forgive my ignorance as to the procedures and words you people use, language, inherent to the legal system.
After all, I am just a common citizen, still working to better my communication skills in everyday English.

I am not requesting that you prosecute this man under the Canada Business Corporations Act because, it is
quite clear that it has no force or effect due to its inconsistencies with The Constitution Act,1982, Part 1,
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

The Corporations Act is irrelevant to this situation, anyway because I am not asking you to deal with him as set out
under the Act.
I am describing certain crimes that this man has committed, using the words from the Act to describe them, which
infringe on my rights as guaranteed by the Charter. I remind you that I am a layman in law, attempting to
communicate in street English. I am unilingual in matters of law. You administers of the law are bilingual. You must be
able to interpret my language and apply it to yours to place my charges where they fit relative to the pertinent laws
which are the foundation of your language.

I am asking you to rid society of a man who lives and breathes and thinks for the sole purpose of stealing money from
others under false pretenses. That is fraud in my understanding of the word. Use your language to quote the law that
he has broken that allows you to act. In my language, he is a pedophile. He has used his experience of the law to
molest me,
a kid, in mind and sole .
I have more evidence than you have bothered to look at and you are negligent in your duty as Law Enforcement
Officers who have been paid well and provided great benefits by us tax payers to do so to ensure the Rights and
Freedoms of we the people under the provisions as set out by the Charter.

Just read the part, pertaining to the innocent criminal’s rights.

Investigate the evidence, which includes interviewing those people that I have mentioned, and if that is not enough, I
will provide you with more names and more evidence. A little effort on your part, and you will have a warrant to
remove this blight on society. The administers of law have chosen, to make lemonade from the lemons served upon
society instead of cutting the tree.

Do the job that you are paid to do and we will have a tamer society. At the very least, we will have a saner

I am very concerned that police officers driving around with guns on their belts in vehicles marked ”To Serve and To
Protect” have been taught to forget common sense when performing their duties.
May I suggest that you find the kingpin who has the power to embed such ideology into our line of defense against
the bad guys, and deal with him under the criminal code. But, do not forget his rights.
Do not forget that he should expect no leniency, as well as others who have been put in positions of trust to see that
we all live in a decent society as intended by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom.
That is the law that we pay for. That is the Law that we expect. That is the law that we will get.
Larry Honsberger, Bio Safe share holder, has been communicating with Rod Bradbury who has informed Larry
that he is not associated with Bio-Safe in any way, and most certainly has never been the Vice President of
Research and Development ,Bio-Safe, as so represented in the prospectus you provided me before I invested.
I have scanned in a copy(see pg 13) Oh, by the way, you still owe him $4,000 for services.
Rod Bradbury work 250-652-9150 fax 250-652-9190 Larry Honsberger 905-953-1577 cell 905-252-5566

I will be requesting a statement from him on his letter head to attest to this matter.

Larry is also communicating with Mark Edward Mathews by telephone and it seems that he is not and has never
held the position of Marketing Consultant with Bio-Safe as you have represented on the prospectus you
provided me before I invested. We will be asking him for a written statement also.Mark 416-251-5269 (see pg 13)

Do you remember that prospectus, the one with the picture of you in what looks like a lab coat?
Larry says that he and his girlfriend took that picture of you against the wall of his garage. He says it was not a
lab coat but just a reversible street jacket. Imagine that, I sure thought it was a lab jacket, but then I suppose,
you thought it looked a lot like a lab jacket yourself, Eh?(see pg 13)

I had being talking to and corresponding with Mac Shahasavar from Winnipeg who informed me that he gave
you $52,000 back in September 2004.
You are aware of this because he flew down to meet with you back in June 2005 when he informed you that he
would see you in court. Mac cell 204-962-2570 office 204-885-5555 ext.222 OK Direct 202-885-7777
You remember the $52,000 dollars that you received, the money that you said was coming in a couple of weeks
which you were going to pay me the back rent that you owed me, and the promissory notes. Yes, that same
$50,000 that you told my son Scott that you brought into the company after I had said that I was the only one
who has brought investment money in since I had invested and gave you 6 months free rent. The same $50,000,
that you told me that you never received.
You remember Scott, the fellow you were signing agreements with behind my back to void agreements you had
with me, to asssure Scott that my agreement of December 17 2004 was not valid while on the same day you
signed agreements with me to assure me that our agreement of December 17 2004 was valid. I have all the

Sure you remember, that is the time you went missing for 2 or 3 weeks. That is when Shawn Pecore, of First
Summit Capital,kept calling here to see where you were because you had important duties to perform to get us
on the Nasdaq. You remember how after months of waiting to get on the Nasdaq you pulled the plug on the very
last day, by not sending the authorization to the Nasdaq. Shawn Bus. 416-873-4773 Fax-416-266-4014
By the way, Shawn says that you got him for $5,000

I could go on and on, and I certainly intend to, but first I would like to offer you the opportunity to make things right. You
may be anyone, but for sure, I mean you, Don Wilson
I suppose you are still laughing, after all, you did tell me that I was out of your league and that I will never see any money
from you.
I must agree that you sure know the system.

I am a little more informed today and I thank you for that.

In fact, I now respect your knowledge of the system so much that if you fail to acknowledge that you will comply with all
the matters contained herein by February 10 2006 I will assume that I am still barking up a wrong tree and that you
have faith that the system was created for you.
I will be dropping off a copy of this in your PO Box # address, (the registered company office address) and your present
address, 4021 Stouffville road. I will take a witness.

I have provided equal opportunity to do the right thing. I can count on me.
Who else?

To those people who I pay their wages, as do all tax payers, I say this.
I hope that the evidence provided herein will be sufficient to warrant a proper
investigation of Don Wilson,president and director of Bio-Safe Technologies Inc.

Yours truly,
Frank Gallagher

Well, it seems that I can hope all I want, because the

RCMP replied as follows.

To: Michael Thomson
To: Don Wilson
4021 Stouffville Road
L4A 7X5

From: Frank Gallagher

34 Riverglen Drive
L4P 2P8

February 6, 2006

Re; Order under Section 69, Tenant Protection Act,1997

File Number TNL-67103


As you are quite aware, August 8 2005 you were ordered to pay me back rent, etc totaling more than $10,000
It is no surprise that I have not received any correspondence from you to make arrangements to pay as you informed
me that I will never see one penny from you.

Just for the record, I offer you this opportunity to do so before I commence legal actions against you.

You have had 6 months since the order, so I will expect your response immediately and nothing less than a
st th
reasonable plan of repayment with your 1 payment received by me by February 10 2006 will stop these

Re: Investigations under the Canada Business Corporations Act, Part XIX Paragraph 229(1)

I have requested the Royal Canadian Mounted Police investigate you.

I insert the following five pages which I delivered to the RCMP on January 3 2006

The following pages totaling 13 will remind you of certain matters that I have requested you to deal with pertaining to
my rights as a shareholder, to go to the registered office of the corporation and receive information such as the
names of shareholders etc, and my right as a shareholder to request a shareholders meeting to elect a new Director
within 18 months of my becoming a shareholder.

It has now been 24 months, and you have not held one shareholders meeting.

You have not provided me or any of the shareholders with any reports of the state of the company in that 24 month

I hereby request that you respond appropriately to all my concerns within the contents of these 13 pages and as
stated above I expect a confirmation by February 10 2006 of your intention to comply and a date that you will deliver.

These 13 pages will be submitted to the courts when I deem it to be prudent.

By the way. Don

How did the tests go out in Montreal with Bodycote Ref # AEB 20050601 June 6 2005
Ms. Wendy Moroz Fax 514-697-2090 e-mail bourg.m@bodycote.ca

I have tried to e-mail you at dnwilson.biosafe@rogers.com but it failed. Skipped out on them too, eh?

To: Michael Thomson
Michael Thomson [Michael.Thomson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca]

Cc mona.eichmann@rcmp-grc.gc.ca

From: Frank Gallagher

34 Riverglen Drive
L4P 2P8
905-476-8959 tel/fax
905-716-4927 cell

Re Don Wilson (BioSafe)

4021 Stouffville Road (just east of Kennedy Road, south side)
1994 white cadilac de ville plate # ASKA 151

February 6, 2006

Dear Michael

I am delivering the attached document to Don Wilson this morning.

In it you will find more information that should tip the scales in favor of Justice.

It requires you to make a few phone calls, to confirm my statements and then you
should be on your way to the court for the elusive warrant to investigate Don Wilson
for Fraud under the criminal code.

He has harassed my ex girlfriend and my ex wife.

I request that you make all the appropriate charges that the evidence allows for, and I
remind you that I have evidence up to my ears on him if you will take the time to meet
with me.

I do not have enough ink to inform you of everything and I am a two fingered clutz
on the keyboard.

I also request that you pass on this correspondence to the Department of Justice and ask
their office to respond to my writings.

Please inform me as to whom you addressed this matter to and provide me with their
e-mail address

Please keep me up to speed and I request that you do likewise.

Thank you

Frank Gallagher


He was at Larry Honsberger’s place a couple of weeks ago gathering up personal

belongings that he had stored in his garage. He could be on the move or even
worse, moved already.

Have you checked his drivers license data?


From : Michael Thomson <Michael.Thomson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
Sent : January 18, 2006 12:51:19 PM
To : <franklyone@hotmail.com>
CC : "Mona Eichmann" <Mona.Eichmann@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
Subject : BioSafe Natural Products Inc./ Bio-Safe Natural TechnologiesInc.

Dear Mr. Gallagher:

I have reviewed the documents, forwarded to our office here, that were submitted to our
Newmarket Detachment. You have proposed an investigation be undertaken utilizing the auspices
of the Canada Business Corporations Act,Chapter C-44 (CBCA) and as such, this matter has been
taken by our office for review.

A review of the matter has been completed and the Department of Justice (DOJ) has been
consulted in terms of prosecution under the jurisdiction of this Act.
Unfortunately, Part XIX, and Section 229(1) CBCA and thereafter of the Act is quite specific in
the terms of the investigation and enforcement of same. This is entirely a civil procedure that
requires the Court to issue an Investigation Order and thereafter appoint an Inspector. The
Inspector has specific authorization allowing entry and examination of the corporation's books
and records. These duties are outlined in Section 130(1) CBCA. Part XIX.1 outlines the
apportioning of the award of damages, and Part XX outlines remedies, offences and punishment.

Mr. Donald WILSON's assertions that a subpoena and/or a search warrant are required in order
to allow the shareholders to review the companies' books and records are erroneous, as outlined
in Section 21 (1-10) CBCA.

It is the judgment of DOJ and this office that this matter lies solely within the confines of
civil litigational procedures,and as such, DOJ will not consider prosecuting this matter and no
investigation will be undertaken by this office. An attempt has been made to verbally convey
this message via telephone, however the number provided appears to be the number of a fax
machine. The information provided will be kept on file for intelligence/ information purposes
only. If you have any further questions, these may be directed to the Writer at
the numbers listed below.

Yours truly,

M.J. Thomson, Sgt.

NCO i/c Central Intake & Admin. Support.
Greater Toronto Area - Commercial Crime Section,
Milton, Ontario
(905) 876-9656
(905) 876-9757 (Fax)

To: Chief of Police, OPP Chief of Police, RCMP

From: Frank Gallagher

34 Riverglen Drive
L4P 2P8 905-476-8959

January 3 2006

Dear Chief

I am a major investor in BIO-SAFE TECHNOLOGIES INC.

I have proven in a lower court of the Province of Ontario that the president and director DON WILSON has
filed false and misleading documents to argue his case with the Ontario Housing Rental Tribunal.

During the hearing I introduced two documents which DON had signed with a false signature. He denied
ever seeing or signing them.

I introduced a witness to one of the documents who attested that Don did sign them.

The contents of these documents represents a monetary value surpassing $150,000

and his actions at the hearing can only be defined as crooked by any rational person.

I have written a few public offices with the hope of finding someone who may be concerned but at this point
it seems that there is nothing illegal about this.

The Tribunal found for me and Don was ordered to pay me $10,000 +/- but leave it up to me to try and

I have attempted to get various departments to investigate him further but to no avail.

There is a con man loose in society which I have provided the evidence beyond any reasonable doubt in a
provincial court that he has taken money from me and about 20 other investors with the obvious intention of
denying our investments.

I have enclosed copies of the correspondence between Armand P. LA BARGE, Chief of Police, York
Region and myself and a CD of the hearing.

I would appreciate that you have a look at it with the hope that you see cause to investigate this man’s
operation. An early response at your convenience would be nice.

I personally do not have the resources to do the job.

There is no doubt that there is a criminal at large. I have identified him and located him for you.

Yours respectfully

Frank Gallagher

He was to pay me $800 per month since but I finally had him evicted on August 18 2005 owing me more
than $10,000 for rent.

He also owes me another $10,000 + or – for promissory notes, phone bills etc .

He refuses to pay.

He refuses to provide me and my friends with proper documents for our shares.

He has never held a share holders meeting since I first invested on the 7th of January 2004.
I have requested that he do so on several occasions and I have asked to see the company books.

He told me to get a subpoena.

I have asked for a copy of the certificate of incorporation and a list of the share holders, their addresses and
the number of shares that they own but he refuses to deliver.

Before he was evicted from my place I wrote him several times requesting that he complies and I requested
that he hold a meeting to elect a director which is required by law before 18 months has passed since

Note: The registered address of the business is a post office box on Yonge Street as above.

One of my friends attempted to contact him by registered mail at this address which was returned to sender.
after approximately 15 days.(Z4)

I know where he moved to when he was evicted from my place on August 18 2005 but I would not be
welcome there and I resist the urge to write him lest he moves to hinder investigation.

He would not leave a forwarding address and my attempt to follow him failed.

I was fortunate that he moved to a house on a main road and by luck I spotted his vehicle there on a later
search, not all that far from where I lost him.

I make this point to make it known that if not for my detective work his and BioSafe’s where abouts may go
unknown hindering prosecution and recovery of money that he owes me.

I wonder what address may appear on his drivers license. Perhaps post box # 260 unit 12 at 16715 Yonge

His last known address is 4021 Stoufville Road and his 1994 white Cadilac has plate # ASKA 151.

I could go on and on, but already I have surpassed brevity.

I hope that the evidence provided herein will be sufficient to warrant a proper investigation of Don Wilson,
president and director of Bio-Safe Technologies Inc.

Yours truly,
Frank Gallagher

My final agreement with BioSafe Natural Products Inc. on February 11 2004 issues me a total of
30,000,000 shares which includes the original shares acquired by me on the 7th of January 2004

It is also important to note that Don Wilson had registered a new company above as BioSafe Natural
Technologies Inc. on January 27 2004 just a couple of weeks before I went all in but my shares were still
of the Products corporation.

I also represent many friends who I have introduced to Don Wilson who have invested since then. Their
documents have the BioSafe Natural Technologies Inc. name on their agreements and I am listed as a
share holder on their documents. Others listed before me have an unstable number of shares as they show
differently on each agreement.

It is also important to note that none of the certificates provided to us are on the proper form, nor are they
signed except for one which is signed but has no certificate number.

You will also note that none of the agreements reflect the registered name of the corporation which is Bio-
Safe Natural Technologies Inc.

Note the dash in Bio-Safe

I wonder if it is more than coincidence that this name is only used on his tax return account # 9317185
Donald Wilson
16715-12 Yonge St, 260 (Ab)

and his

TD Canada Trust account # 3102-5208016 Bio-Safe. I am not sure of the 8 (Ca)

His TD access card # 1305-432-422-098 shows BIO-SAFE NATURAL TECHNOLOG

Don Wilson has also informed my mother and I on several occasions that we will be sorry for evicting him
and that I will never see anything from this business.

He has also told me that it will take me 10 years in court to unscramble the documentation which could very
well go beyond my demise. That would be a hell of a way to spend my remaining years.

I have plenty of evidence (documents) which lend credence to this but the documentation clearly shows his
dishonesty and more.

I have a document signed on 21st day of March 21 2005 by Donald Neil Wilson, President
BioSafe Natural Technologies Inc.

headed Proprietary Technology Declaration (Za) which states that all the intellectual property, know
how, process technology etc. are the sole property of Donald Neil Wilson.

I do not believe that he has the best interest of share holders at heart.

It is also important to note that there is no way that I can get information from Don Wilson (Bio-Safe)
I had provided him 6 months free rent in my basement from February 1 2004 to July 31 2004 to allow him
more time for research.

2) The April 13 2005 witnessed by Dave Kirby. (Exhibit Z)
Note that pages 2 and 4 were revised and signed on April 27 2005 and witnessed by
my mother Edythe Gallagher. (6 pages) original pages 2 and 4 are included.

These two agreements are similar in content with changes made to percentages of commission etc. and
records updated.

It is prudent to use the April 13 2005 agreement as case in point because I introduced it as evidence at an
Ontario Housing Rental Tribunal hearing on June 30 2005.

Don Wilson denied ever seeing the May 6 2005 agreement and the April 13 2005 agreement at the hearing.

I introduced Dave Kirby to the judicator as the person who signed the April 13 2005 as witness.

Dave Kirby stated that he did witness Don Wilson signing all 4 pages of the agreement.

This is all a matter of record and I have a copy of the record on CD provided by the Tribunal.

I had entered these documents to support my application to evict the said Don Wilson for failure to pay me
rent for approximately a year and to support my claim that he had agreed to leave my premises by the end of
May 2005.

It is important to note that Don Wilson signed these documents with a different signature than he has
used on previous documents

His denial of ever seeing these documents is powerful supporting evidence of my allegations.

I should also mention that at the hearing Don Wilson reiterated the words on his dispute (Z2) which he had
filed with the Tribunal to argue my application for his eviction and he also stated that he had the documents
to prove his statements.

I was amazed at the ease he spewed out his fabrication which surely would have been enviously nose
worthy to Pinochio.

Of course Don Wilson had no documents to prove his lies and of course I had and did present the evidence
to dispute his dispute.

The Order under Section 69 Tenant Protection Act, 1997 (Z3) File # TNL-67103 found for me ordering
Don Wilson to leave my premises and to pay me back rent.

Although this hearing was to determine matters relative to rental accommodation it would be reasonable to
say that the May 6 2005 and the April 13 2005 agreements which Don Wilson (Bio-Safe) had denied ever
seeing played a decisive role in the findings of the Order when I was able to prove that he did indeed sign
them and the contents within, relative to the rental hearing were verified by supporting documentation.

The CD of the hearing is recorded evidence of Don Wilson’s dishonesty which far surpasses rental matters
and supports my allegations under the Ontario Business Corporations Act.

The contents of these documents (May 6 2005 and April 13 2005) also reflect the issues of concern that
became apparent over time since I first invested with BioSafe Natural Products Inc. on the 7th of January

To: The Chief of Police
Royal Canadian Mounted Police

From: Frank Gallagher (Share holder) BioSafe Natural Products Inc./Bio-Safe

Natural Technologies Inc (Exhibit A1 & Exhibit A2))
34 Riverglen Drive
L4P 2P8 This document along with accompanying
905-476-8959 evidence denoted in ( ) was hand delivered to
franklyone@hotmail.com P. Goulet, Insp. RCMP. January 3 2006

November 15 2005

RE: BioSafe Natural Products Inc. Corporation # 6159206 BN #871599601RC0001

dated November 13 2003 Registered Office Address (A1) Still active

Donald Wilson
12 Tower Court
L3Z 2V2 Canada

Bio-Safe Natural Technologies Inc. corporation # 6186581 BN864226600RC0001

dated January 27 2004 Registered Office Address (A2) Still active

Donald Wilson
16715-12 Yonge ST #260
Ontario L3X 1X4

Dear ……

I, a major share holder of the above named corporations am applying for an investigation of Don Wilson
president and director of the same under the Canada Business Corporations Act ,Part XIX Paragraph
229 (1)

The charges include:

2(a) Don Wilson president, director ,etc has intended to defraud his share holders

(b) Don Wilson, power of the director has been exercised in a manner that is
oppressive or unfairly prejudicial to or that unfairly disregards the interests of a
security holder.

(d) Don Wilson, president, director ,etc. acted fraudulently or dishonestly.

It is a long story that I have to tell and I have an abundance of evidence to support my allegations in 2(a)(b)
and (d) above but in the interest of brevity I offer two agreements signed by Don Wilson and myself Frank
Gallagher .

1) The May 6 2005 witnessed by my mother Edythe Gallagher (Exhibit Z1) (4 pages)

I informed them this day would come and if they had of started getting prepared back in December 2007
they would be competently prepared so now we get to see the results.

Why would they want the public to know they are incompetent?

Don’t answer, we know don’t we?

They really are cooperative with the conspiracy but they were hired specifically for their incompetence.

Anyway I leave you all to ponder your decisions while we test the Complaints Commission.

Frank Gallagher
Charter Democracy Force


I did make mention I am not satisfied with your incompetent irresponsible trivial, frivolous vexatious Final
Letter of Disposition didn’t I?

I suppose the obvious does not require the formality.

If I seem a little frustrated and perhaps a bit irate perhaps if we looked at the evidence we could determine
the cause and help me out.

OOPS, silly me, I keep forgetting you are not required to give a damn but when the opportunity arises make
a kind gesture.

One more time I state unless the evidence that had been provided to the RCMP up until October 18 2007
has been thoroughly examined as to its validity of the charges of government organized crime of corruption
and conspiracy the RCMP have demonstrated their incompetence to protect the public interest.

Obviously the District Commander provides a good example of the incompetence that must ran rampant
throughout the force.

We cannot have that can we?

I presume your efforts are addressed similarly and I have to inform you the intended recipients of this
information are hardly as dumb as they would have to be to comprehend any reason for you not to act on
their behalf consistent with the Constitution.

Meanwhile I am requesting every recipient to jump in and act appropriately on behalf of the people in
legitimate support of the sanctity of the Canadian Constitution.

The inane dribble you offered as a competent responsible irreproachable response may well be what you
believe but as always evidence begets the truth and you people simply must familiarize yourselves with the

You state Sergeant Steinbach told me what my complaint was too vague which is utter nonsense but I know
after 10 months study of the evidence that is so overwhelming with nothing left to debate and out of
hundreds of pages of evidence you had to at least fill one page with something and why not utter crap that
comes so readily.

Given the most serious nature of the issues it is incomprehensible to suggest every (i) should be dotted and
(t) s crossed where if you were the competent responsible irreproachable people with fortitude and
conviction to every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights you would have laid out the red carpet and
thanked me for all the investigative work I did to help you better serve the public interest and Attorney
General Chris Bentley “guardian of the public interest” should have been pleased if not for the fact he is the
major player along with the DOJ.

You mentioned I was provided with the rationale back in 2006, January as I recall and that was an entirely
different matter when after the York Regional Police demonstrated their incompetence to deal with the
issues as well as many other government personnel I thought I would try in addition to address the matter
under the Corporations Act….whatever they call it further demonstrating Don Wilson’s character but
Sergeant Thomson pulled one of your tricks emphasizing that he was addressing the issues that I had
presented back in November 2005 I believe it was, maybe early December under the auspices of the
Corporations Act …whatever but since then I have provided the RCMP a preponderance of irrefutable
evidence of government organized crime if you care to stay to pertinent point, and it was delivered by e-
mail via the Michael Thomson e-mail address and Sergeant Roy Steinbach acknowledged they had the
evidence on file including a disk recording of the Tribunal hearing.

That is why he refused to accept the evidence I brought down because he stated they already had it.

Everything I am stating now is just reiterating the prodigious amount of reiterations published on the web
sites and all you have demonstrated is your incoherence to the evidence and your irresponsible attitude
towards the necessity of a responsible investigation on behalf of the people.

I have no further interest in addressing the crapola contained with your Final Letter of Disposition
when the evidence published on the web sites bares the truth and your report bares the truth of the
incompetent and irresponsible ineptness of the RCMP to protect the people as guaranteed by the Charter
when you make every effort to avoid the truth that lies within the evidence you stumbled over looking for
something to put in your one page letter of content.

Well the evidence stands for itself, not debatable and yet fools rush in to give it a try.

Gee, that segues me to the Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP who were kind enough to
explain their incompetence and was determined not to get any wiser, no matter how hard I tried.

formal request to the RCMP Commissioner to investigate the government organized crime as evidenced on
the Charter Democracy Force web site www.cdf.name which Robert Davis, Superintendent, District
Commander, Greater Toronto Area was kind enough to admit as did Staff Sergeant R.B. MacAdam that
you have possession of the evidence or access of all the evidence on the web sites but have chosen to ignore
it with blinders on and chose to emphasize your sole mandate was to determine whether or not the members
acted appropriately

This is how my first conversation with Staff Sergeant R.B. MacAdam began when he phoned me to see if I
would come down to the Newmarket office to discuss the complaint and now 10 months later the
incompetence remains..

It was about 3 weeks after he began looking into it on a part time basis he informed and at first I agreed to
go down, but when I asked if he had looked at the evidence on the web site he said no, he was just investing
the complaint against the RCMP members.

He had not yet talked to the 2 RCMP members and not looked at the evidence and he wants me to come
I questioned how could he possibly determine if they acted appropriately with out looking at the evidence
and of course the Law Society of Upper Canada is of the belief their member acted appropriately without
looking at the evidence and we see a significant CONSISTENCY throughout that evidence appears to be
irrelevant when members of the Law Societies are involved as the Attorney General who plays a major role
advising all government departments and agencies.

I told him he would first have to determine if the evidence was valid to the complaint or considered trivial,
frivolous or vexatious which I cited from the Complaints Commission brochure.

You state Staff Sergeant R.B. MacAdam is a veteran investigator which hardly supports your intended
purpose when logically in the peoples minds evidence plays a major role in investigations and if your
veteran investigators are not aware the public are in serious trouble.

OOPS: They are in serious trouble aren’t they?

All that has been noted is the pathetic incompetence of the person assigned to the investigation and for that
he gets a promotion and I can expand that to see how you made it to District Commander.

There can be no doubt you are aware of the conspiracy because you would have to be an imbecile not to
understand what is going on if you are familiar with the evidence.

Of course that has crossed my mind in earlier writings that for the government organized crime to be
successful persons in you positions have to be selected from the incompetent or cooperative to the
conspiracy permitting its persistent existence.

You have made reference to issues being discussed with the DOJ, which is absurd as the evidence clearly
shows the DOJ and the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada are major players in the

I know it appears that I am addressing these issues to you in an effort to make you people understand the
error of your ways but we know you are well aware, however it is imperative the public clearly understands
and it is to that endeavour I am most attentive.

Perhaps all the inconsistencies are deliberately entered to draw ones attention to them and would be of no
avail to argue, petty in nature distracting from the obvious serious issues they obviously never intend to
Perhaps they are intended to infuriate me so I will respond insanely providing them opportunity to divert the
issues to a mental instability.

Well, that does not work absolutely inane to competent responsible irreproachable sane moral purpose.

Reality is the truth impervious to perception yet precisely due to perception

The truth cannot change but perceptions are vulnerable and fickle things.
They will allow you to believe you are cunning intelligent above many, provide you confidence and
arrogance…and stuff like that.

Simple fact is it will betray you.

Do not believe?

Have a serious look at the Final Letter of Disposition from the point of view of an individual of the moral
majority who once believed their Charter rights secure and were treated fairly as if in a democracy.

The government organized crime has clearly been proven to be initiated at the top but its success is
dependent on the ignorance and cooperation of the ROYAL CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE.

As the economy gets worse nature will take its course has history attests and be assured we of the Charter
Democracy Force will humongously increase our efforts to the resolve necessary to prevention of the
predictable unnecessary chaos.

One has to wonder if terrorists is just a word attached to groups who are well aware that sane peaceful
initiatives to fair sane moral purpose of sane moral thought and reason is impossible with greedy imbeciles
devoid of conscience inept to sane moral thought and reason.

It seems to me the manipulative abilities of international corporate conglomerates and the humongous
advantage the affluent and influential have illegitimately over the people of the Lower Tiers the World
Trade Center was a likely target when the people are driven insane by the insanity of it all left unchecked.

Anyway, the people have a right to know what is published on the Charter Democracy Force web site and
with phase one now complete with the irrefutable evidence the upper echelon of the RCMP are involved we
can now direct our efforts full time to spreading the truth and we thank you for that for making it so vividly

This document “ReceivedSeptember102008” will be published in its appropriate place on the “RCMP Final
Letter of Disposition” web site http://groups.google.com/group/rcmp-final-letter-of-disposition

I need not mention how severely disappointed we are at but nothing we had not expected and certainly
nothing we were not prepared for.

We will give the Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP one more opportunity to
demonstrate their incompetence to serve the people consistent with the Constitution and of course make a
The evidence published on the Charter Democracy Force was collected by me Frank Gallagher who became
lucidly alert on June 30 2005 at an Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal hearing to the fact I had been
victimized by my former tenant DON Wilson president of a company I had invested in.

Over a period of three years I presented the irrefutable evidence of the crimes to a preponderance of
prominent government personnel, media and others whose e-mail addresses in the AAAAALIST document
are published on the original Charter Democracy Force web site

The CONSISTENCY of their do not give a damn attitude about the Constitution and the individual’s equal
guaranteed Charter rights indicative of the spirit that emanates from the Law Society of Upper Canada
demonstrated in the 2 part Law Society of Upper Canada document is overwhelming and pathetically
incomprehensible in terms of incompetence and ignorance to legitimate purpose.

So overwhelming that stretches far beyond the realm that such incompetence could be achieved naturally
and already certain there was much more to this than meets the eye turned my efforts to divulge the root of
the problem that led me right back to that which was immediately apparent at the beginning that the office
of the Attorney General of Ontario was behind it all, being advisor to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and
Housing John Gerretsen who was responsible to monitor compliance with the Tenant Protection Act, 1997
but demonstrated an irresponsible indifference to his responsibility.

This is all detailed in the 15 Lawyer Files, which we are all quite familiar with by now. Right?

Well to save me time and everyone else concerned the evidence published on the Charter Democracy Force
irrefutably proves the incompetence of the entire legal system to protect every individual equally as
guaranteed by the Charter but at the same time demonstrates an uncanny CONSISTENCY to protect every
individual involved in the conspiracy from the people adverse to the moral legitimate purpose that they have
the people “believe”

So CONSISTENT and so obvious that any sane person of moral thought and reason can discern the truth
that what we have here in Canada is government organized crime personified.

The RCMP who studied the evidence since I filed with the Commission for Public Complaints against the
RCMP November 8 2007 not November 7 2007 as suggested in their “Final Letter of Disposition had to
wade through the evidence which was apparently either over their heads or was simply of no concern to
them as they did their Law Society rendition of pathetic injustice oblivious to “The Spirit of the Law” and
the vital role evidence plays.

Well, the RCMP had an opportunity to show their stuff and blew it miserably incompetent to the conspiracy
and most assuredly no semblance at all to what is expected of a competent responsible irreproachable entity
of fortitude and conviction in continuity to support a moral society conducive to every individual’s
guaranteed equal Charter rights.

Such lame excuses to avoid addressing the major issues and even in what amounts to a one full page of
response maintains an inconsistency with actual fact, but then competence to any purpose is not expected of
them from their superiors so what you see is what you get and the public has no choice but to forget it and
move on to retain their sanity.


Police Services Act

R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER P.15

Declaration of principles

1. Police services shall be provided throughout Ontario in accordance with the following principles:
1. The need to ensure the safety and security of all persons and property in Ontario.
2. The importance of safeguarding the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of
Rights and Freedoms and the Human Rights Code.
3. The need for co-operation between the providers of police services and the communities they
4. The importance of respect for victims of crime and understanding of their needs.

In which way does a preponderance of paper proliferated with words protect every individual as guaranteed
by the Charter?

Of what purpose are such words and those found in the Constitution if staff is without principles?

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection
and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based
on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

Incompetence is a relatively simple matter to deal with when competence is the quest by all concerned

Deliberate incompetence is a simpler matter to deal with when incompetence is the quest by all concerned

When there is an obvious CONSISTENCY of incompetence it could very well be the person who perceives
the CONSISTENCY of incompetence to be obvious is personally consistently incompetent.

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent
with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.

Considering every individual’s safety and well being is at stake consistent CONSISTENCY of those people
assigned the responsibility to protect every individual equally as guaranteed is mandatory either stated or
Similarly and most assuredly government personnel financed to administer and enforce the provisions of the
Constitution must be competent responsible and irreproachable in continuity with fortitude and conviction
meaning they must be aware of their legitimate purpose and the serious ramifications upon society should
the CONSISTENCY not be consistently monitored and maintained.

The consequences of neglect are of the most serious nature to the public interest and most assuredly the
Attorney General of Ontario is the “guardian of the public interest” as the “Roles and Responsibilities of the
Attorney General” published on the Ontario web site attests.

CONSISTENCY is also prerequisite in the safety and wellbeing of personnel involved in the government
organized crime of corruption and conspiracy.
The painful obviousness of that which is predictable becomes pathetically more nauseating when proven
true. One charged with a crime can not be judged by the amoral and most definitely not by oneself.

Golden Rule

Confucius 551 BC – 479 BC

“Do not impose on others what you would not wish for yourself”
“There were no dates in this history, but scrawled this way and that across every page were the words BENEVOLENCE,
RIGHTEOUSNESS and MORALITY …finally I began to make out what was written between the lines; the whole volume was
filled with a single phrase: EAT PEOPLE”

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”

Jonathan Swainger
University of British Columbia history professor

Edmund Morgan’s compelling book “Inventing the People: The Rise of Popular Sovereignty in England and
America” opens with an assertion that the success of any form of government requires the acceptance of a number of
fictions. In democracies for example, it is necessary for the population to “believe” that the people have a voice
or…that the representatives of the people are the people”

Frank 1942 AD – 200_

Manager, Charter Democracy Force

When truth of a CONSISTENCY to a thing is the ultimate quest, the thing is self-evident even though supported by
only one statement is self sufficient, impervious to any number of CONSISTENCIES of truths that do not maintain a
CONSISTENCY with the thing .
When all is said and done and such inconsistency remains adverse to the CONSISTENCY of the thing deception and
prevarication is self-evident.
When persons develop prevarication to perfection they invariably deceive themselves making them inane to
any purpose vulnerable to sane purpose of humongous advantage to the Charter Democracy Force
maintaining CONSISTENCY to a thing fair and relevant to all of the moral society of the Constitution of
the democracy of Canada where eradication of amoral inclination is its purpose.

From the tone of my writing it is hoped you will comprehend that what concerns me does concern you one way or
another and all I can do is hope that you understand that I am a victim requesting justice as detailed on the Charter
Democracy Force web site www.cdf.name and 10 affiliate sites although in reference to the evidence originally
attached to the complaints you will find it on the original Charter Democracy Force site

There is sufficient evidence there that demands the RCMP look into in the 15 Lawyer Files and the Mad, Glad mostly
Sad….Why document that asks many questions Why that need to be formally answered even though they answer

I have made note of some very significant serious problems within the upper command of the RCMP in the following
pages, which includes a copy of their Final Letter of Disposition dated September 3 2008.

I believe considering your admittance of incompetence that this is a case of rare circumstance and at the
discretion of the Chair of the CPC request the CPC become involved and conduct its own investigation in
the public interest or conduct a public interest hearing or both.

Please acknowledge receipt and your intent to cooperate

Thank you
Frank Gallagher
September 11 2008

From: Frank Gallagher [mailto:frank.gallagher@sympatico.ca]
Sent: September 18, 2008 8:21 AM
To: 'complaints@cpc-cpp-gc.ca'
Subject: FW: Request Review of Complaint

September 18, 2008

Andree Leduc

I have not yet received acknowledgement of receipt of the e-mail I sent September 11 2008.
Please respond as to what actions you have taken regarding these most serious issues.

Thank you

Frank Gallagher
Charter Democracy Force

From: Frank Gallagher [mailto:frank.gallagher@sympatico.ca]

Sent: September 11, 2008 3:19 PM
To: 'complaints@cpc-cpp-gc.ca'
Subject: Request Review of Complaint

September 11 2008

Commission for Public Complaints Against the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
7337 137 Street, Suite 102
Surrey, British Columbia V3W 1A4
Fax 604-501-4095

Attention Andree Leduc

Enquiries and Complaints Analyst
Frank Gallagher
Re: File No. PC-2007-2316
Re: File No. PC-2007-2317
Charter Democracy Force
Re: Request Review of Complaint

Dear Andree Leduc

I hope you will be more cooperative than when you last wrote in December 2007 and refused to respond to my
several attempts to have you confirm that you will and make some effort to be competent when this inevitable day
arrived to request a review of my complaint against the RCMP as I am not satisfied with their deliberate
incompetence consistent with the government organized crime of corruption and conspiracy.

Given the evidence and particular circumstances it would ne naïve of me to believe anything other than you are under
the thumb of the major players of the conspiracy but never the less I must go through the motions following the
modus operandi of the government documenting every step of the way for both present and future use.

.You will notice how FFF, Forthright Forthcoming and Forthwith I endeavour to be expecting the same in return and
of course when not, it is painfully obvious and though I would prefer appropriate action from you I have learned to
settle for more evidence as if I didn’t have enough already.

From : Michael Thomson <Michael.Thomson@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
Sent : January 18, 2006 12:51:19 PM
To : <franklyone@hotmail.com>
CC : "Mona Eichmann" <Mona.Eichmann@rcmp-grc.gc.ca>
Subject : BioSafe Natural Products Inc./ Bio-Safe Natural TechnologiesInc.

Dear Mr. Gallagher:

I have reviewed the documents, forwarded to our office here, that were submitted to our
Newmarket Detachment. You have proposed an investigation be undertaken utilizing the auspices
of the Canada Business Corporations Act Chapter C-44 (CBCA) and as such, this matter has been
taken by our office for review.

A review of the matter has been completed and the Department of Justice (DOJ) has been
consulted in terms of prosecution under the jurisdiction of this Act.
Unfortunately, Part XIX, and Section 229(1) CBCA and thereafter of the Act is quite specific in
the terms of the investigation and enforcement of same. This is entirely a civil procedure that
requires the Court to issue an Investigation Order and thereafter appoint an Inspector. The
Inspector has specific authorization allowing entry and examination of the corporation's books
and records. These duties are outlined in Section 130(1) CBCA. Part XIX.1 outlines the
apportioning of the award of damages, and Part XX outlines remedies, offences and punishment.

Mr. Donald WILSON's assertions that a subpoena and/or a search warrant are required in order
to allow the shareholders to review the companies' books and records are erroneous, as outlined
in Section 21 (1-10) CBCA.

It is the judgment of DOJ and this office that this matter lies solely within the confines of
civil litigational procedures, and as such, DOJ will not consider prosecuting this matter and no
investigation will be undertaken by this office. An attempt has been made to verbally convey
this message via telephone, however the number provided appears to be the number of a fax
machine. The information provided will be kept on file for intelligence/ information purposes
only. If you have any further questions, these may be directed to the Writer at
the numbers listed below.

Yours truly,

M.J. Thomson, Sgt.

NCO i/c Central Intake & Admin. Support.
Greater Toronto Area - Commercial Crime Section,
Milton, Ontario
(905) 876-9656
(905) 876-9757 (Fax)

The taxpayer pays a humongous amount of money to finance a legal system structured to ransack them and
protects them selves and the government from them while they are doing it.

There oughta be a law!!!!

I know there is.

I mean there oughta be law enforcement, if the goods guys are going to be protected.

The following is my correspondence with the RCMP that began back on January 3 2006 that should take
less than an hour to determine what it took the RCMP 10 months to come with their absurd Final Letter of

I have requested “Reviews” to provide me with a copy of the true investigation undertaken by Staff
Sergeant R MacAdam who ended up with a promotion and Inspector Brian Verheul a retirement

“Reviews” refuse to respond.

They may be in on it too.

What do you think?

Public Inquiry warranted and demanded
Only the conspirators will object and thereby thrust themselves
upon their own swords

This was well worth the wait, but unfortunately society has paid far
too much for the pleasure and cannot afford to wait any longer.
September 26 2008 Expediency is of the essence

www.cdf.name PUBLIC INQUIRY NOW!!!!

The unscrupulous Government members of the Law Societies and their unscrupulous counterpart’s world wide are responsible for
present reality as certain as always as history attests where:
Reality is the truth impervious to perception yet precisely due to perception
Their insatiable quest for wealth and power in cooperation with the affluent and influential and multinational corporate
conglomerates have manipulated the markets indifferent to the safety and wellbeing of the people of the Lower Tiers and now when
their manipulations are back firing on them, they who have been ransacking us to poverty reveal they have always had the money to
deal with poverty and prove their indifference to poverty by now pulling out the money to save their asses. They are only coherent
to poverty when it nears them and justice will be learned the hard way.

Can we trust the people who have been irrefutably proven to be unscrupulous back stabbing cancers upon society to act
responsibility all of a sudden for Society or will they use their BENEVOLENCE, RIGHTEOUSNESS and MORALITY ploy to
keep their unscrupulous Law Societies luxuriously secure and us in poverty to the bitter end?

Quite a responsibility for the Chair of their Commission. Such a serious issue belongs to the democratic moral majority

I also request immediate confirmation as to whether or not you are in now in possession of the evidence
requested from the RCMP and whether or not you intend to immediately forward the requested evidence to

Thank you

Frank Gallagher
Charter Democracy Force


It is imperative you and everyone understands the present financial crisis cannot be dealt with appropriately
by the conspirators that caused it who will invariably be attentive to the preservation of their own asses and
their own financial well being, as always humongously detrimental to the safety and wellbeing of the
individual and society as a whole.

They must be exposed and appropriate action taken to ensure competent responsible people with fortitude
and conviction to the Constitution and our Charter rights are provided the authority to lead us out of the
financial crisis hugely detrimental to world peace and the well being of the world populace.

Once again the evidence published on the Charter Democracy Force web site irrefutably proves the
conspiracy and all government personnel who have responded to the evidence have had precisely the same
evidence to review and their responses or no responses is self – evident they are not competent responsible
and irreproachable with fortitude and conviction to the Constitution conducive to every individual’s
guaranteed Charter rights, however they have all been consistent with the conspiracy conducive to its

The evidence clearly shows due diligence to the conspiracy clearly orchestrated from the office of the
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada and the office of the Ontario Attorney General
regarding the issues I have presented relative to incidents that occurred in Ontario.

The RCMP Superintendent’s Final Letter of Disposition dated September 3 2008, less than 2 pages of
context is incomprehensible clearly demonstrating that he is not competent responsible and irreproachable
with fortitude and conviction consistent with the Constitution conducive to every individual’s guaranteed
Charter rights however it irrefutably proves he is consistent with the conspiracy.

On the other hand the evidence published on the Charter Democracy Force web site attests that I have been
competent responsible irreproachable with fortitude and conviction consistent with the Constitution
conducive to every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights where we comprehend the significance of
evidence and the necessity of its acquisition to support allegations and have applied every effort to obtaining
pertinent evidence to ensure the truth, the whole truth is being provided for all to see and act appropriately.

To maintain our consistency to the Constitution conducive to every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights
and our attentiveness to competent responsible and irreproachable approach with fortitude and conviction
we request confirmation you are now in receipt of the pertinent evidence requested from the RCMP with
relative information confirming the date that you received it.

Consistent with democracy and equality guaranteed by the Charter I request a copy of the evidence acquired
from the RCMP relative to my complaint where I am particularly interested in the contents of RCMP Staff
Sergeant R.B. MacAdam’s report after 8 months of studying the pertinent evidence.

Reality is the truth impervious to perception yet precisely due to perception

It is imperative that we know whether or not his perception of what he was to accomplish is consistent with
the Constitution conducive to every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights or not.

If you do not comprehend this then your perception is not adept to these most serious issues.

I remind you that laws, policies, procedures and normal routines set out by the conspirators are of no force
or effect as to their inconsistencies with the Constitution

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent with
the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.

I request you consider wisely before you make a decision not to cooperate with me consistent with the
Constitution conducive to every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights.

I request immediate acknowledgement of receipt of this document

“RequestReviewsProvideEvidenceOctober72008” published on the RCMP Final Letter of Disposition” web
site under heading “Reviews Correspondence”

October 7 2008

Commission for Public Complaints
Against RCMP

Re: File Nos. PC-2007-2316 & PC-2007-2317 www.cdf.name

Government Organized Crime
Corruption and Conspiracy

Dear Reviews

Your letter by Canada Post dated September 24 2008 states you have requested the RCMP to forward you
the pertinent evidence pursuant to my request where urgency is of the essence to ensure there is no time for
the RCMP and other conspirators to manipulate the evidence.

I am most concerned that you should now have secured a copy of RCMP Staff Sergeant R.B. MacAdam’s
report who was assigned by the office of the RCMP Commissioner to investigate my complaint.

The Staff Sergeant spent 8 months studying the evidence and it is germane to the complaint as to his
competence to review the evidence consistent with the Constitution in support of every individual’s
guaranteed Charter rights.

As the evidence on the Charter Democracy Force web sites irrefutably proves the entire government modus
operandi is consistent with that of the Law Society of Upper Canada, which has been documented and
published as the 2 part Law Society of Upper Canada document.

In this document they clearly state or imply their members are not required to give a damn about the
individual’s guaranteed Charter rights nor is evidence relevant to their decisions when it is against their

The “Roles and Responsibilities of the Attorney General” published on the Ontario web site clearly states he
is responsible as the “guardian of the public interest” and the “guardian of the rule of law” to protect every
individual and society as a whole and yet he has been provided the 2 part Law Society of Upper Canada
document along with a preponderance of other evidence which he has refused to deal with consistent with
the Constitution conducive to the support of every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights.

He is the advisor of all Cabinet Ministers, government departments and agencies who have all refused to
deal with these most serious issues and I expect no different from your Reviews office consistent with the

You have more than just the responsibility to study the evidence published on the webs sites to coherency to
determine if the RCMP have acted appropriately conducive to the protection of every individual as
guaranteed by the Charter as it imperative that you demonstrate due diligence to the support of every
individual’s guaranteed Charter rights particularly since the evidence highly suggests you will not be
cooperative with me as it is impossible to do so and remain consistent with the conspiracy.

Excerpt from page 4 follows

False statements are underlined


1) Complaint date November 7 2007 in error (False-November 8 2007)

2) The investigator also reviewed numerous documents found on my web sites in order to understand
the circumstances surrounding my complaint
That is what he stated in his May 20 2008 interim report
3) He has reviewed Staff Sergeant MacAdam’s report and wishes to share with me the results.
4) He emphasizes that despite the hundreds of pages of documentation involved in my complaint, the
RCMP’s sole mandate was to determine whether or not the members acted appropriately.

He is suggesting there is a difference as to how the evidence is examined. The evidence provided to
Sergeant Michael Thomson up to October 18 2007 when I met with Roy Steinebach is irrefutable to
the Government Organized Crime of corruption and conspiracy even though he refused to take the
evidence I brought to him that date he said he had access to the evidence that I had been sending to
Sergeant Michael Thomson’s e-mail address and I could continue to send evidence via the same
method, which I did and is all relevant up to the date I filed the complaint with the commission
November 8 2007. I presume he was instructed how to handle me before we met on October 7 2007,
(Correction: October 18 2007 not October 7 2007) perhaps a note on the file. As far
as Inspector Brian Verheul is concerned Superintendent Robert Davis states Inspector Verheul
instructed Sergeant Thomson and to how to deal with the evidence and is therefore responsible for
Sergeant Thomson’s actions. Inspector Brian Verheul had plenty of time to confirm whether or not
the evidence was relative to the Government Organized Crime of corruption and conspiracy. It is yet
to be determined if Inspector Verheul acted on his own or… consulted with his superiors.)

Please acknowledge

Frank Gallagher

Now it is your turn to provide us the irrefutable evidence of the Commission for Public Complaints Against
the RCMP for the public to see which you really have no choice but to cooperate with the conspiracy or
cooperate consistent with the Constitution conducive to every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights.

Of course this document will be e-mailed to everyone on the AAAAALIST and many others.

I will expect acknowledgement of receipt of the first page of this document informing you where the rest of
it is published and the other pertinent evidence.
Should you have any problems with the links to the documents or web sites please do not hesitate to contact
me at frank@cdf.name

The same if you need any help understanding the evidence or should you require more evidence, anything at
all please do not hesitate to contact me.

Frank Gallagher
Charter Democracy Force


You have more than enough to demand a Public Inquiry if you can find someone you can demand.
Perhaps you can find a way to get the information to the media.

You will read throughout the correspondence every government department and agency suggesting I get a
lawyer and deal with my personal issues, as they like to say, in civil court.

The July 26 2008 Saturday Star headlined the serious situation that the Middle Class cannot afford to access
the civil courts costing $60,000 for 3 days and the media who are on the AAAALIST have also been
provided the evidence of precisely what I informed them more than three years ago which they attempt to
orchestrate themselves out of this one.

Invariably everything they do is corrupt and they have no choice but to continue in their ways when they are
confronted but the jig is up.

There is always the option of finally doing things legal consistent with the Constitution conducive to every
individual’s guaranteed Charter rights.
That would require restructuring and come right out and fess the truth something they are not familiar with
so it could be somewhat clumsy.

From: Frank Gallagher [mailto:franklyone@hotmail.com]

Sent: September 25, 2008 3:15 PM
Subject: RE: Check: Correction

September 25 2008

Please make note of corrected date on page 4 of the Request Review of Complaint September 25 2008
document published on the RCMP Final Letter of Disposition web site

supports Inspector Verheul’s directives, given the nature of the file and the documentation being
There you have it, after careful consideration he finds no evidence that indicates that Sergeant
Steinebach or Inspector Verheul acted improperly and further more he supports Inspector Verheul’s
Was it he Superintendent Robert Davis, District Commander Greater Toronto Area that gave the order
not to investigate? Was it an obvious decision for him? Did he need to bother consulting with his
That is yet to be determined!!

10) If I wish to exercise my right to a review of this investigation of my complaint I may do so by

contacting the CPU at the Ottawa office

Of course I wish to exercise my right!!!

That is what this all about. Right?

I see Inspector Brian Verheul is retired now ( bottom of his 2nd page).
Before Staff Sergeant R.B.MacAdam finished the investigation he was provided a new job( See his
May 20 2008 interim report) with NCO i/c after his name as Occupational Health and Safety Services
“O” Division/ Return to Work/Medical Discharge Facilitator of Occupational Health and Safety
Services “O” Division

As predictable as the likelihood of people becoming victims with government members of the Law
Societies holding every position of authority in the legal system who are not required to give a damn
about every individuals guaranteed Charter rights of equal protection and benefits nor is the Law
Society of Upper Canada required to examine evidence provided in support of complaints against
their members.

See the 2 part Law Society of Upper Canada document published on the original Charter Democracy
Force web site.

CanLaw National Lawyer Referral Service confirmed this on their web site www.canlaw.com
and I copied other evidence from their site, which they were not too happy about which you will see
published on the Charter Democracy Force web site.

All evidence referred herein is published on the Charter Democracy Force web sites and was e-mailed to
everyone on the aforementioned AAAAAALIST and they were provided with the web site addresses
they would be published on.
It is predictable you of the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP will be orchestrated by
the superiors of the Government Organized Crime of corruption and conspiracy as it is apparent they
already caused Andree Leduc to not cooperate with me.

You will find that information on the “RCMP Final Letter of Disposition” web site or referenced where you
will find all the evidence stated herein, and quite probably more.

The evidence is irrefutable of the Government Organized Crime of corruption and conspiracy and with the
RCMP Final Letter of Disposition dated September 3 2008 they are securely implicated in the conspiracy.

sending via Sergeant Michael Thomson’s e-mail address was being kept on file and he
already had a copy of the recording of the ORHT hearing that I provided with the November
15 2005 evidence I gave to Inspector Peter Goulet.

5b) He did however tell me that he felt that my complaint was too vague and over reaching
and that it did not meet the CCS Investigational mandate.
He refused to look at the evidence I brought with me and the evidence on the web sites is
not vague at all.
He did not state the evidence was vague and over reaching and the evidence irrefutably
proves his opinion as to the relevancy of Government Organized Crime of corruption and
conspiracy is valueless and I suspect that he is not all that familiar with the file and was
just acting on instructions.
5c). He also told me that there was already a file open regarding my allegations and went on to
explain that it did not necessarily mean that the RCMP was going to investigate the complaint.
(Sergeant Steinbach told me for certain the RCMP was not going to investigate the complaint)

6) Inspector Verheul did not deal with me directly, but he did provide direction to Sergeant
Thomson, my principle contact person, that if material being submitted continues to relate to the
issues already reviewed then nothing further should be done than to place a copy of the
correspondence on the file.
As previously mentioned Inspector Verheul is responsible for Sergeant Thomson’s actions and when I
brought the matter to his attention prior to filing the complaint he should have looked into it and he has
had plenty of time since as he has been provided all the evidence the same as the rest of the people whose
e-mail addresses are in the AAAAAALIST document published on the original Charter Democracy Force
web site

7) In the course of his investigation Staff Sergeant MacAdam also determined that my initial
complaint involving my investment in Mr. Wilson’s company and the Ontario Rental Housing and
Tenant’s Act dispute was reviewed and that I was advised in writing that the matter was most
appropriately handled through the civil provisions provided for in the noted statute and that no
criminal investigation would be undertaken
I presume reference is being made to Sergeant Michael Thomson’s January 18 2006 e-mail again.
He has to fill in the report somehow. Heaven knows I am not referring to reiterations being particularly
reiterative myself. I am noting the struggle to put something to paper that looks legitimately convincing.

8) When I was not satisfied with that response I wrote back the same day and Sergeant Thomson
wrote his second letter dated February 7th 2006, further explaining that if I suspect criminal
activity, the police service with primary jurisdiction would be responsible for investigating the
allegations and it seems the Ontario Provincial Police had also reviewed my complaint and had
referred me to the York Regional Police as the police services of jurisdiction. It was established
as well that I had met with the YRP previously and was told that the matter was civil and that
they would not be conducting an investigation.
I do not seem to have a copy of that letter in my computer files, perhaps in my 3’ stack of hard copy but it
is irrelative.
The police sent me in circles as to who had the authority whereas the YRP was the original police force
of jurisdiction but they have persistently refused to look into the Government Organized Crime of
corruption and conspiracy, the same as the OPP and the RCMP whereas they all have been provided the
same evidence.

9) After careful consideration of the details surrounding my complaint, he finds no evidence that
indicates that Sergeant Steinebach or Inspector Verheul acted improperly and furthermore he

I reiterate all police have a responsibility to be consistent with the Police Services Act and the
Constitution conducive to every individual’s guaranteed Charter rights of equal protection and
benefits and it is each person’s superior that is responsible to see that they are competent responsible
and irreproachable with fortitude and conviction to every individual as guaranteed with particular
attention to victims, attentive to any flaws in the system that should be addressed to prevent such
reoccurrences to some other individual.

Police Services Act

R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER P.15

Declaration of principles

1. Police services shall be provided throughout Ontario in accordance with the following principles:
1. The need to ensure the safety and security of all persons and property in Ontario.
2. The importance of safeguarding the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of
Rights and Freedoms and the Human Rights Code.
3. The need for co-operation between the providers of police services and the communities they
4. The importance of respect for victims of crime and understanding of their needs.
Obviously Inspector Robert Davis has insulted my intelligence and demonstrated his
incompetence for success as either the bad or good guy.

You will see in many of my writings I presumed the RCMP Commissioner William Elliot had
been consulted and it was he who actually is behind the refusal to investigate along with Minister
of Public Safety and so on right up to the DOJ and higher.

5) Staff Sergeant MacAdam’s investigation revealed when I attended the Toronto North Detachment on
October 18 2007 and met with Sergeant Steinbach, it was not to make a new complaint but rather to
provide more documents with respect to the same complaint I had previously made to the
Commercial Crime Section (CCS). I was advised in 2006 that CCS would not be investigating this
complaint and I was provided with the rationale for that decision being informed the Department of
Justice had been consulted prior to responding to me.
As previously stated only the first file I provided to Inspector Peter Goulet dated November 15
2005 made reference to the Canada Business Act issues that Sergeant Michael Thomson
addressed in his report on January 18 2006.

From then on it was all about Government Organized Crime of corruption

and conspiracy and the refusal of the YRP, OPP, RCMP and many
government departments and agencies to deal with the issues which led to
the Ontario Attorney General who advises them all and he is the “guardian
of the public interest” which he refuses to guard.
5a) Sergeant Steinbach declined to take more documents and explained the CCS Intake process to
I printed out the evidence to take down to him because the RCMP web site stated they do not
take evidence by e-mail.
He refused to take the evidence stating he already had it because the evidence I had been
evidence thorough and thoughtful and of course he is a pertinent witness to attest that the report the RCMP
present at the review is in fact the report that he prepared for the investigation of the complaint.
Superintendent Robert Davis is also a pertinent witness to attest that the final report he sent me after 1 ¾
months reviewing Staff Sergeant R.B. MacAdam’s report is indeed the report he prepared.

I ask that you immediately request a copy of Staff Sergeant R.B. MacAdam’s report to ensure no time
is allowed for a fixed new replacement report.
A copy of Superintendent Robert Davis’s report is enclosed.

It is within your competence to determine if they are consistent with each other.

Address of contents of Superintendent Robert Davis dated September 3 2008

False statements are underlined


1) Complaint date November 7 2007 in error (False-November 8 2007)

2) The investigator also reviewed numerous documents found on my web sites in order to understand
the circumstances surrounding my complaint
That is what he stated in his May 20 2008 interim report
3) He has reviewed Staff Sergeant MacAdam’s report and wishes to share with me the results.
4) He emphasizes that despite the hundreds of pages of documentation involved in my complaint, the
RCMP’s sole mandate was to determine whether or not the members acted appropriately.

He is suggesting there is a difference as to how the evidence is examined. The evidence provided to
Sergeant Michael Thomson up to October 18 2007 when I met with Roy Steinebach is irrefutable to
the Government Organized Crime of corruption and conspiracy even though he refused to take the
evidence I brought to him that date he said he had access to the evidence that I had been sending to
Sergeant Michael Thomson’s e-mail address and I could continue to send evidence via the same
method, which I did and is all relevant up to the date I filed the complaint with the commission
November 8 2007. I presume he was instructed how to handle me before we met on October 7 2007,
Correction: October 18 2007 not October 7 2007
perhaps a note on the file. As far as Inspector Brian Verheul is concerned Superintendent Robert
Davis states Inspector Verheul instructed Sergeant Thomson and to how to deal with the evidence
and is therefore responsible for Sergeant Thomson’s actions. Inspector Brian Verheul had plenty of
time to confirm whether or not the evidence was relative to the Government Organized Crime of
corruption and conspiracy. It is yet to be determined if Inspector Verheul acted on his own or…
consulted with his superiors.)

It is superfluous to just stick with the complaint I filed November 8 2007 against Sergeant Roy
Steinebach and Inspector Brian Verheul. They have some splainin to do as does Superintendent
Robert Davis that will inevitably lead to their superiors.

I complained of Government corruption and conspiracy and they refused to investigate, and when
Staff Sergeant R.B.MacAdam investigated the evidence thorough and thoughtful when forming
conclusions based on the relevant evidence, in order to determine which was relevant he had to be
thorough and thoughtful as he stated he was.

That remains to be seen but Superintendent Robert Davis’s report is self- evident he is not.

Police Services Act
R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER P.15

Declaration of principles

1. Police services shall be provided throughout Ontario in accordance with the following principles:
1. The need to ensure the safety and security of all persons and property in Ontario.
2. The importance of safeguarding the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of
Rights and Freedoms and the Human Rights Code.
3. The need for co-operation between the providers of police services and the communities they
4. The importance of respect for victims of crime and understanding of their needs.

It is all about common sense and the law, not aware at the time the absence of it throughout the personnel of
the system but with further thought and reason determined it was too consistent to be incompetence and
eventually proved it was deliberate organized crime of corruption and conspiracy by members of the Law
Societies beginning in the very first line of the Charter, all documented on the web sites.

The Sergeant Michael Thomson e-mail dated January 18 2006 specifically states that I proposed an
investigation be undertaken utilizing the auspices of the Canada Business Act and as such investigated the

This information is all published on my web sites that RCMP Staff Sergeant Bob MacAdam investigated
and states in his interim report dated May 20 2008 that he felt he should be thorough and thoughtful when
forming conclusions based on the relevant evidence.

Since Superintendent Robert Davis, District Commander, Greater Toronto Area does not comprehend the
need to be competent responsible and irreproachable with fortitude and conviction for the safety and
wellbeing of every individual as guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms nor is he
competent to command a police force consistent with the Police Services Act I will just address the issues
he stated in his September 3 2008 Final Letter of Disposition, which is self-evident

In such serious matters of government organized crime of corruption and conspiracy well documented and
filed with you on November 8 2007 and studied by Staff Sergeant Bob MacAdam in a manner he felt was
thorough and thoughtful when forming conclusions based on the relevant evidence as he states in his
interim report dated May 20 2008, and finally completed on July 11 2008 as stated in the letter from the
Professional Standards Unit signed by Sergeant Karen Delorey, after 8 months of studying the prodigious
amount of irrefutable evidence of government organized crime of corruption and conspiracy published on
my web sites that had been provided to Inspector Brian Verheul, Milton detachment via e-mail addressed to
Sergeant Michael Thomson since January 18 2006 it is incomprehensible that the final 2 page report dated
September 3 2008 by Superintendent Robert Davis only contained a little more than one page of relative
text, especially since he states Staff Sergeant R.B. MacAdam was a veteran investigator.

It states in the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP pamphlet Andree Leduc mailed me
when confirming my complaint that if the CPC carries out a further investigation an investigator will gather
all the information relevant to the complaint and will conduct interviews with me, the RCMP members(s)
involved, and any witnesses.

The pertinent evidence is published on my Charter Democracy Force web sites aforementioned and the
report by Staff Sergeant R.B. MacAdam is now pertinent evidence having spent 8 months studying the
All evidence published on this site is pertinent including correspondence with Andree Leduc of your
Surrey, British Columbia Office.

The RCMP Final Letter of Disposition dated September 3 2008 implicates Inspector Robert Davis to be in
on the Government Organized Crime of corruption and conspiracy and the details are explained in
document “Request Review of Complaint September 23 2008” published on the aforementioned web site of
which this is the first page.

The links to the evidence originally published on the sites referenced in my original complaint to your office
November 8 2007 were corrupted so I opened a new site CDF Documents and transferred pertinent evidence there
informing Staff Sergeant R.B.MacAdam and everyone else published on the AAAAALIST
of the original Charter Democracy Force web site http://groups.google.com/group/charter-democracy-force The CDF
Documents web site can be accessed from this site. .

It would be prudent to mention that I have been providing the irrefutable evidence of Government Organized Crime
of corruption and conspiracy to Sergeant Michael Thomson of the Milton RCMP office since January 18 2006 when
he responded to the evidence I originally left with Inspector Peter Goulet of the Newmarket detachment dated
November 15 2005.
On January 3 2006 Inspector P. Goulet wrote to inform the evidence was originally reviewed by members of the
Federal Enforcement Section and it was learned I was concerned about possible offences under the Canada Business
The Act falls under the investigative mandate of the RCMP Commercial Crime Section also located in Newmarket
and was being forwarded on to them for review.
I had indeed originally requested the RCMP address the relative issues regarding my former tenant Don Wilson
president and director of Bio Safe under the Canada Business Corporations Act, Part XIX Paragraph 229 (1)
having already attempted to get the York Regional Police to deal with Don Wilson under the Criminal Code and
Tenant Protection Act, 1997 but they declined to do so.

By the time I went to the RCMP with the November 15 2005 cover letter and evidence I had already tried several
government departments to address the issues that occurred June 30 2005 at the ORHT but to no avail, so that is the
reason I presented the issues in different manner under the Canada Business Act to try my luck that way.
This is all documented on the Golden Rule for Society …Gold for Law Society web site
under the heading Royal Canadian Mounted Police Compiled A – C documents now available on the
“RCMP Final Letter of Disposition” web site along with other pertinent evidence.

You must remember I was just a victim experienced in another field of endeavor with no experience in how the police
carried on business at the time and simply provided the evidence that crimes had been committed by my former tenant
and president of a company that I had invested in and thought they would be dealt with by professional people in
these matters not realizing I had to dot (t) s and cross (i) s and follow procedures I was not aware of or experienced in.
I was under the opinion at the time that the people financed all government personnel involved in the administration
and enforcement of the law to be proficient competent responsible and irreproachable with fortitude and conviction to
the safety and wellbeing of every individual as guaranteed by the Charter of equal protection and benefits consistent
with the Constitution and the Police Services Act.
My opinion has never wavered.

Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP

Reviews & Investigations Unit

FAX #: 613-952-8045

TELEPHONE #: 1-800-267-6637

E-MAIL ADDRESS: reviews@cpc-cpp.gc.ca

From: Frank Gallagher [mailto:frank.gallagher@sympatico.ca]

Sent: September 23, 2008 3:24 PM
Subject: Check

September 23 2008 Frank Gallagher

34 Riverglen Drive
Commission for Public Complaints against the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Keswick, On.
Canada Post: Bag Service 1722 L4P 2P8
Ottawa, Ontario 905-476-8959
K1P 0B3 frank@cdf.name
www.cpc.cpp.gc.ca Charter Democracy Force
Re: File No. PC-2007-2316
Re: File No. PC-2007-2317

Re: Request Review of my Complaint

RCMP refuse to investigate
Government corruption and conspiracy

Dear Commission Representative

I have received the RCMP Final Letter of Disposition dated September 3 2008 signed by Superintendent
Robert Davis, District Commander, Greater Toronto Area and he informs if I wish to exercise my right to a
review of this investigation of my complaint I may do so by contacting the Commission for Public
Complaints Against the RCMP at Canada Post: Bag Service 1722, Fax-613-952-8045, and

I do wish to exercise my right to a review of this investigation of my complaint. I have had some
difficulties communicating with Andree Leduc, Enquiries and Complaints Analyst at the 7337 137 Street,
Suite 102, Surrey, British Columbia V3W 1A4 office so I am submitting this Request for Review of my
Complaint by both Fax-613-952-8045 and your on line form at www.cpc.cpp.gc.ca.

Andree Leduc will get the whole document by e-mail along with the rest on the AAAAALIST

All pertinent evidence regarding this Request for Review of my Complaint is published or referenced on the
“RCMP Final Letter of Disposition” http://groups.google.com/group/rcmp-final-letter-of-disposition
affiliate web site of the Charter Democracy Force

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