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Resistance to sanity is MAD When minds are lost best lose

Resistence to MAD is sad yours before going MAD

If it makes you mad it probably is

Enforcing the Law A novel idea

Common Sense Evolution

Red Coats Mad Plan 2008

The Law is a book to go by...not a book to go buy Charter rights are not for sale or rent

Yet the members of the Society sell and rent them over and over again

The members of the Law Society of Upper Canada believe they are the law and are if we believe them

Law Society proclaims their members do not give a dam about the Canadians Charter Rights

The Law Society demonstrate they do not give a damn with every effort to prove it

Ontario Attorney General Michael Bryant demonstrates he doesn’t give a damn

and the “Roles and Responsibilities of the Attorney General” explains why
Politicians debate what’s good for the Society
and the Attorney General assures and enacts it

Lawyer’s debate them on the immoral’s behalf and sure enough their cut behalf

The moral majority finance it but victims don’t have a chance making us all victims perchance it

How MAD are we?

So glad you asked

Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Where’s Zack….. We want Zack

Too bad Zack didn’t realize the government was the organized crime

He might have been here today to help. Right?

Well you are here and realize the government is organized crime. Right?

Of course you do. First hand experience and now you’re a real honest to goodness RCMP

You knew before you received the evidence but what do you do? … is the problem at hand eh? Bill

Do you mind if I call you Bill, Bill………I’ll take that as a yes and you can call me Frank because I
obviously am frank. Eh Bill?

Here you have the conspirators counting on you and you know you can count on them, but what if the people
find out.

Hell, what’s the odds?

Are you sure?

I presume you can count on the Commission for Public Complaints.

Makes this individual want to cry.

You can be who ever you want to be and what you are, so are the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and so
ensures the individual’s lowly place in life in this great country of ours under the supremacy of God who is
just a figment of imagination as is our guaranteed Charter rights.

Why? You know why

You did answer the WHY’s in the November 12 2007 document didn’t you?

Mad Glad mostly sad Why?

Perhaps some of the guys can give you some insight.

November 13, 2007
info@cba.org; mail@cba-alberta.org;
edmonton@cba-alberta.org; cba@bccba.org; cba-
mba@mts.net; admin@cbanb.com; cba-
nl@nl.rogers.com; cbanwt@lawsociety.nt.ca;
cbans@ns.sympatico.ca; info@oba.org; cba-
pei@isn.net; info@abcqc.qc.ca;
cba.sk@sasktel.net; cbayukon@internorth.com
Frank Gallagher
34 Riverglen Drive
L4P 2P8

Dear Canadian Bar Association Reprsentatives

I am just an ordinary citizen of Canada, perhaps a little less passive and a little more
conviction towards the acquisition of justice as I have been on the trail 24/7 since June 30
2005 with it nowhere in site here in Ontario.

I have looked under every rock and found nothing but snakes, venomous for sure and I
was just wondering if they are spread throughout Canada.

My main concern is to whether or not the Canadian individual is actually guaranteed

Charter Rights as provided in The Constitution Act, 1982 or perhaps they are something
you can rent when needed and can afford them or is there perhaps a way of purchasing
them out right or can you only rent them if you have an excellent credit rating.

If a crook cleans you out is your acquisition to justice negated for being so stupid or is it
the governments fault for not getting the message to me that there are bad people running
around the country?

Well let me get to the point

I have accomplished nothing in the line of justice here in Ontario and in fact the evidence
I have collected along the way proves irrefutably it is impossible to achieve the justice as
stated and implied in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms for quite obvious
reason which the Law Society of Upper Canada related to me in a completely different
matter than the one I an providing you today.

They are quite adamant their members do not give a damn about the individual’s
guaranteed Charter Rights which makes it quite difficult for me to discern how it would
be possible for the individual to achieve justice consistent with the supreme law of
Canada, with their members having infested the legal system.

I am requesting you review the attachments and study the referenced evidence responding
Should you find anything that seems not particularly right in your understanding of The
Law take appropriate action to address the issues.

You will read that I do not have confidence in the government personnel due their
indifference to the issues I have addressed them where my analysis of the evidence
proves irrefutably government personnel are engaged in a conspiracy against the
Canadian people whereby the individual who is guaranteed Charter rights hasn’t a hope
in hell accessing them alone and hasn’t a hope in hell organizing the people to stand
together to assert their rights.

Of course if I was gay I would have a membership to contend with.

In any case I would like you to review the actions taken by the Law Society of Upper
Canada against the particular lawyer referenced within the said file and take action where
it is due in your professional opinions.

I am sending this to Canadian Bar Association Representatives across the country and I
presume the significance of the serious nature of the issues will be readily apparent to

I would appreciate very much if you each addressed the issues in an independent manner
and studied the evidence as if you each were the individual looking for justice.

In other words put yourself in my shoes using your intelligent heads to determine if you
would be getting a fair shake under the law and if not set out a course of action as to how
you would address it.

I do not expect you to respond to me nor do I expect you to act on my behalf.

I was hoping perchance once you have all completed addressing your analysis of the
evidence and identified the or any inadequacies as per your individual departments
perception of The Law, the Constitution, you would accumulate them to one department
and distribute the whole 15 to each department simultaneously for analysis for the
purpose of restructuring a Legal System conducive to and consistent with the individual’s
guaranteed Charter rights, which believe it or not is a significant concern to them even if
they are not aware.

Surely there can be no doubt it is time for significant change to the Legal System and
perhaps it will be more apparent if you should take on this endeavor independently and
then together as suggested or in some manner more suitable to your intelligence
obviously having a broader oversight than I could possibly have although I do have a
particular view perchance you have not yet chanced upon and I highly suspect no more
desire to do than I.

However having done so why not take advantage of putting your minds together to
compare apples against apples or oranges against oranges as you prefer.

Just a thought as they persistently pop up without a thought as to what to do with them.

I would appreciate it if someone would forward this information on to Mr. Gary H. Pon
up there in Nunavut because it just has become too costly to fax for me.

It has also occurred to me he may be lonely up there and glad to here from us in the
Perhaps he may suggest if we just all went ice fishing we would all keep out of trouble.

Thank you

Frank Gallagher
Frank Gallagher

I would appreciate however knowing if you see the necessity to address the issues in
some manner.

November 13, 2007

Frank Gallagher
34 Riverglen Drive
Keswick, On
L4P 2P8

Constitution Act, 1982

Part 1, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Canada is founded upon the supremacy of God and the rule of law
Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms
1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set
out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably
justified in a free and democratic society.

2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: (a) freedom of conscience

and religion; (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including
freedom of the press and other media of communication; (c) freedom of
peaceful assembly; and (d) freedom of association.

Guardians of the Canadians Charter of Rights and Freedoms


The Conspiracy
Office of the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada
Office of the Attorney General of Ontario

Law Society of Lower Tier Canada

On September 1 2006 the preliminary findings of an investigation undertaken by myself, a former
Provincial Government and City of Toronto employee, suggesting a provincial government
conspiracy against the people of Ontario were presented to the Premier of Ontario Dalton McGuinty
and several other top government officials including Peter Van Loan of the Federal Government to
provide them the opportunity to commence or cause to commence proceedings to expose the
government personnel involved so as to bring them before the justice system of Canada where the
evidence identified as the BLACK BOOK clearly showed there were serious inconsistencies of the
Ontario laws with the Constitution Act, 1982 the supreme law of Canada. Allegations of obstruction
of justice under the Tenant Protection Act, 1997 and the criminal code of the Constitution Act, 1982
When the Premier and others failed to respond to the BLACK BOOK given the apparent serious nature
of the issues I began to circulate the evidence to various government departments and levels of
government and upon receiving no positive response began to realize the whole legal system was corrupt
and in on a conspiracy against the people which presented some what of an impediment to my original
quest to have a fraud brought to justice, which expanded to include obstruction of justice by certain
government personnel and then to government conspiracy against the people.

In the early stages of my investigation I was running on plain old common sense and a whole lot of
experience in investigative practice having retired from a forty year career in land surveying having
spent 10 years with the province of Ontario, 16 years in the private sector where I was managing a small
survey office before wrapping up my 40 year career with 14 years at the City of Toronto.

Obviously the challenge was insurmountable to take on the whole damn government, one person against
Goliath without slingshot nor any faith in God.

What I did have was faith in me being particularly adept to the challenge, unorthodox in my ways
having always looked for better and faster ways than the conventional which had been well established
long before my presence on the scene.

So having recently retired having availability of time, confidence in my experience with fortitude and
conviction, confidence in the incompetence of government personnel and their persistence to resist
change and their general attitude of killing a day in their quest to retirement, their general ineptitude to
learn any more than what they have been told and adherence to routine and their general confidence in a
thing dependent on sticking together to a belief of ignorant persuasion unfounded of common sense and
having often taken on such challenges before to change the ideology of well established principles this
was an opportunity and challenge of a lifetime I had lucked upon. Attitude towards purpose is

As in any challenge it serves well to know your opponent and in this case they didn’t know me and in
fact they are so bloody ignorant they don’t even know themselves.

Their persistence to ignorance and continuity to incompetence enforced by habit and routine and their
confidence dependent on the support of others akin leave them extraordinarily vulnerable devoid of
common sense intent to original purpose of hire and that which is intended and necessary to accomplish.

I have taken on such challenges successfully many times before in single offices and departments before
but the whole damn government?

Ha ha ha, this indeed was going to be a decent challenge with no likely help in sight.

As I set myself to the task gathering and studying what ever I could get my hands on pertinent to the
endeavor being abundantly aware of the value of documentation and it’s authority upon circumstance
and the significance of priority of legitimate evidence and the difference between what is relative
evidence to the purpose and what is evidence as to what has been done whereas a continuity of evidence
coincidental to an erroneous presumption makes the whole string of evidence irrelative to the purpose
required to be achieved even though the evidence is abundantly weighted given an apparent advantage to
the erroneous conclusion over limited evidence of legitimate support credence must be given in support
of that which was originally intended even to the extent of taking many steps back before continuance of
the original legitimate course to purpose.

Once achieved with significance to fact, due consideration must be to the resolve from the point of
deception and resulting detriments in efficient effective manner consistent with and conducive to
original purpose with due regard to continuity of sanity.

Tradition is a preponderance of consistencies perhaps supported by a proliferation of truths but when

continuity of tradition is extrapolated inconsistent to sane and legitimate purpose it is null and void from
. 8
the point of diversion and all once considered truths from said point of deviation remain
evident true to the deviation however of no value relative to the integrity of legitimate purpose.
That is to state for all intent and purpose they are mythical and habitual in nature inane to

As is the nature of habit and the government personnel’s persistence to it being the basis their
intelligence is traditionally founded on they can be depended on to be consistent with each other
as assuredly as their confident is dependent on support from each other but break one link in
that chain and that which the chain supports collapses.

Within each department are a few competent people of unique perception amongst many
followers who are devoid of consistent sane reason persistently reasoning aloud aggravating
clear and precise path to intended purpose which assuredly must be reasoned but left to those

These inane people who learn by rote inundated with truths of superfluity gathered on diversion
obscure and befuddle the clear path providing obstacles to one, intent on taking it, where
tendency is to take the path of least resistance creating a long arduous journey of apparent
insanity to purpose but the only sane way to get there due the insanity.

Upon reaching the intended destination due regard must be given to straightening the course
from the point of commencement having proof of success in hand removing one by one the
obstructions that originally stood in path elongating the original trek to exorbitant financial and
time loss.

Failure to remove, these obstructions will persist to obstruct again and again to the humongous
detriment to successful achievement of effective efficient legitimate sane purpose they are inept
and detrimental to.

Digressions are the catalysts to eradicate the superfluities of diversions where associated truths
are relative to the diversions only as authentic as the diversion itself relative to the true bearing
from beginning to end of legitimate sane purpose where a traverse of trial and error was
originally traveled from beginning as a means to the success.

A straight line from beginning to end can then be drawn and any point along the diversion can
be computed as to its offset from the truth though indeed all and any evidence of the diversion
remains steadfast as truth of the diversion alone, not the truth of the true line of legitimate

These truths of the diversion serve a purpose of their own consistent with the diversion whereas
it may be beneficial to the true purpose to determine why the diversion was so far off course
and who was responsible and why for the purpose of deterrence of reoccurrence of the

With some incite as to where I am coming from and definite knowledge of intent to expose the
government conspiracy I have staged a mocked Public Trial where the evidence is real and the
public is not being all there is the “threshold” so to speak between the Reality and the Fiction.

Quite an accomplishment for just one individual but I have to admit I couldn’t have done it
without the cooperation of the government personnel who persistently remained true as to that
which I knew to be true about them. How true their incompetence and consistence to it. Eh?

Public Trial
Fiction or Reality?

The Fiction of the Attorney General

Fiction or Reality?


Yes, it is all in the belief

Nothing to do with what I believe for the evidence is real

What’s it matter what I believe now that I accomplished my belief?

I have proved it irrefutably to no one but me because no one has seen it, though available on the web for
the public to see no one has seen it I believe

Do you see what I mean? Oh, then you must have seen it.
So you are either no one or just no one of useful purpose to me or the issues I addressed. Right?

Given the evidence is real, you are real, I am real and it’s all on my web in the public domain which is real
and you have all been provided the evidence and televisions and radios are real, the Toronto Sun and Star
being real and yet I have heard nothing about the issues which are real being addressed I realistically find
you all guilty as I had set out to prove .

All that remains is the hanging, so to speak.

I have heard it said.

Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves.

Mission accomplished I believe.

Well that was good for me, was it good for you?

The thing with fiction and reality is they are both real with fiction being a deviation of reality.

Now we just draw a straight line from 1982 to 2007 with the individual’ guaranteed Charter Rights the

My individual guaranteed Charter rights were seriously violated on June 30 2005 at an Ontario Rental
Housing Tribunal by my former tenant in front of the judicator Nancy Fahlgren being well aware , in a
public building financed by the people of Ontario to administer justice to and for the people where justice
has not yet been served on this Wednesday the 14th day of November 2007 which you all are aware and in
fact have been found guilty as per which the evidence irrefutably proves by your refusal to commence or
cause to commence proceedings consistent with and conducive to the individual’s guaranteed Charter

You being the prominent government personnel whose e-mail addresses are listed on page 37 of the
document dated November 12 2007 “Mad Glad mostly Sad WHY?.doc” to be found on my web site

Court of Appeal

With due consideration to your rights to appeal even though you have not contested the findings of the
Public Trial which the evidence irrefutably proved and by your continued persistence not to deal with the
issues which are of a most serious nature regarding your willful refusal to demonstrate a modus operandi is
in place consistent with and conducive to the individual’s guaranteed Charter Rights and having been
provided the irrefutable evidence my Charter rights have been violated and remain steadfast not to
administer and enforce justice in respect of my Charter rights I have taken the responsibility to assure you
all will receive the justice you are entitled to under the Constitution Act, 1982 with due consideration to
your guaranteed individual Charter rights.

Having said that and after a preliminary investigation into the Federal Governments ability to perform their
duties consistent with and conducive to your individual guaranteed Charter rights I have initiated
proceedings in the form of a Public Inquiry to clear the way and safe guard your rights to a fair trial before
the Federal courts

The following is my initiatives to this endeavor.

On my web site Law Society of Lower Tier Canada http://groups.google.com/group/peoples-law-society

towards the bottom of the page you will see the following link to a document which is a cover document
addressed to the RCMP which I took to the Newmarket detachment accompanied by my mother on
October 18 2007 along with the documents listed on page 9 therein which Sgt. Steinebech declined to take
possession of
Request RCMP investigation of Government Conspiracy.doc (3)
Immediately below that are links to the evidence listed on page 9 aforesaid and below that is a link to
RCMP Meeting Recap October 18 2007.doc which is a recap of that said meeting with Sgt.
Steinebech RCMP

From there if you would care to join me on my web site Guardians of the Canadian Charter of Rights and
Freedoms http://groups.google.com/group/guardians-of-the-canadians-charter-of-rights-and-freedoms near
the top of the page you will see a link to my letter to Stockwell Day Minister of Public Safety dated
November 3 2007 which makes reference to previous efforts to get Federal Government personnel to
address the issues regarding the individual’s guaranteed Charter Rights.
Below that are links to other documents demonstrating my efforts to the endeavor and to this date
November 14 2007 I have not received any indication they are responsive to my concerns leaving the
individual’s guaranteed Charter Rights unprotected by the Federal Government the issuers of the
guarantee, which implicates them to the conspiracy and most certainly are responsible to back the
guarantee as is fundamental to common law having accepted financial benefit to provide a service
consistent with and conducive to the guarantee as per the provisions of the Charter to each individual.

With all the evidence in and having been provided the opportunity to respond to the evidence and failing to
do so and furthermore having not commenced or caused to commence proceedings consistent with and
conducive to the individual’s guaranteed Charter rights they too of the Federal Government referred within
the documents referred to herein are guilty of conspiracy against the Canadian people.

It may be Fiction to you people until the Public Read it when it will become real.

The Commission for Public Complaints Against the Royal Canadian Mounted Police have advised in
accordance with the RCMP Act, my complaint was forwarded to the Commissioner for appropriate action.
What do you suppose that means?
Toronto Star and Toronto Sun

I’m sure you know better than I how all this will work out.
Will I live long enough to see a real investigation?
How long should an investigation take when it is already done?
You have the evidence.

You people could jump in anytime or do you expect it to be covered up and you’re just
doing your part?

Perhaps you don’t give a damn about the people.

The evidence appears that way wouldn’t you think?

You people operate under your rights guaranteed under the Charter and I am sure you
have had some interesting challenges.

How convenient that you just happened to have the media to support your cause.
It works because the people support you.

Why wouldn’t you support the people?

Just one of those things in reality Eh

Me, me, me.

Aren’t you guys first to claim the public have the right to know what’s going on?

Oh, I see. They have no rights unless you decide to support them.

It’s supposed to work two ways I am sure you know.

Just forgot for a moment. eh?

There is a huge story here of Historic Epic unless of course you like things fine how they
are with the people taking the shaft.

We’ll soon know

Why not interview some of the people. Start with Lawyer Files # 1-3. Find out where
Attorney General Michael Bryant first came into the picture. At the beginning, Right?
You know it all
Does the Commission do what they advertise to do?

Not bloody likely.

No government department or agency is going to be provided the authority to expose and

eliminate the government conspirators for obvious reason they are the ones who hand out
the authority. Right?

Well pretty soon I will have exposed the whole damn system from every direction.

Oh, I get it. Since I was doing so well gathering the irrefutable evidence in natural course
of pursuance of justice they would expose themselves rather than cover things up as they
would when reporters come snooping around.

Brilliant, I do all the work, and when you are ready to cash in when circulation slows
presto, you’re in business again.

Perhaps for Christmas you will give the people what they have long been waiting for.
Nail the government conspirators to the cross.

When they cite their traditional values and- the rule of law-which has long been the
well established legal principle of that elusive concept, hard to easily define which
protects the individual and society as a whole which the Attorney General is responsible
to guard as his Office has traditionally done you will be prepared to stomp on them.

Good plan. Don’t forget to give them enough rope and make sure they all get a chance to
speak to that proving that is indeed their present day ideology and mode of operandi.

Then perhaps cite the words of Confucius to support their traditionalism stretching far
back at least 2500 years ago.

“There were no dates in this history but scrawled this way and that across every page
were the words Benevolence, Righteousness and Morality….finally I began to make out
what was written between the lines; the whole volume was filled with a single phrase:

Then present the letter from the York Regional Police Deputy Chief Bruce Herridge
dated January 10 2006 where he makes reference to issues being connected to the
legislative framework which has long been established in this country. (See page 18)

Once they have all proved their consistency to helping the Attorney General guard –the
rule of law- that most elusive concept, hard to easily define, that well established legal
principle which the Office of the Attorney General has traditionally guarded to
incompetently protect the individual and society as a whole proving all the government
personnel are consistent and persistent to the endeavor proving irrefutably the established
modus operandi of the government today is consistent with the tradition and the Attorney
General who has guarded it well you can table the Constitution Act, 1982 (document)
which contains the guarantee to each individual and society as a whole which demands
competent responsible government personnel irreproachable to the support of the

Then when they do their Jackie Gleason “humma humma humma” we’ll laugh and laugh
and laugh savoring every moment before we nail them to the cross.

Ha ha ha, I get it, Brilliant Toronto Star and Toronto Sun as the darkness of night
representative by the Star slips into the bright sunny day representative by the Sun.

Sure it’s all documented but they are creatures of habit and will continue to argue as they
are wont to do and perhaps entitled to do before 1982 but once the Constitution was
enacted in 1982 their traditional ways were precluded as were all laws and precedence set
which were inconsistent with the spirit of the Law under the supremacy of God where as
to their inconsistencies were of no force or effect.

The ramifications are extraordinarily stupefying where the whole damn government
personnel of mandated authority have caused incalculable deprivations upon the
Canadian individual’s and has allowed to persist due the unusual coincidence of

circumstance where the ineptness of the people naïve to The Law being attentive to
private sector endeavors and their undying trust and faith in the legal system that the
personnel will watch each other consistent with The Law while the mandated authorities
of the establishment took advantage of their faithful trust as they carried on business as
usual as they have traditionally, defined in the words of Confucius so long ago.

Quite a formidable length of time indicative of the depth of experience to the traditional
endeavors to “EAT PEOPLE” as they ransacked, used and consumed them to sate their
avarice habits.
“Men’s natures are alike; it’s their habits that carry them far apart”
They have had 25 years to break their old habits while the people and society suffered as
they do from all of immoral persuasion, whereas the evidence shows their resistant to
change having been caught cold turkey must be stopped cold turkey and I have charged
the Commissioner of the RCMP with that responsibility.

Commissioner William Elliot alias “Bill” is just the man to do it being experienced in
their traditional habits of slippery ways appearing headed east towards the rise of a new
day but bent west intent of continuous darkness of their traditional good old days.

Mister Bill has chanced upon a most difficult challenge with no precedence to guide him
and the dire necessity unprecedented where cold turkey he must about face or end up on
our hot plates Christmas Day.
Somewhat of a befuddlement but the people are fed up with paying the bills, the
Michaels, Armands and Bruces and the Randys of The Law enforcerment who are
incompetent due their incoherence to it as they have been caught up and addicted to the
habitual ways of their predecessors as did they before them on and on in descent of chain
of ancestry being in dissent of present law namely the Constitution Act, 1982 which is the
supreme law of Canada which recognizes the principle of the supremacy of God affirmed
in the verbiage and particularly defined as
Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms
1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set
out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably
justified in a free and democratic society.
2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: (a) freedom of conscience and
religion; (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of
the press and other media of communication; (c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
(d) freedom of association.
7. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be
deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.
12. Everyone has the right not to be subjected to any cruel and unusual treatment or
15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal
protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without
discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or
mental or physical disability.

Attentiveness to The Law is mandatory to all Canadians but none should be more
informed than the government personnel financed to administer and enforce it whereas
they must be competent, responsible and irreproachable to it so as to support the
guarantee of the Charter in a manner consistent with and conducive to it as per any
guarantee of common law and tradition with due regard to common sense and the sanity
attributed to it.

It is the presumption that the Constitution (Document) and the Constitution

(Establishment) are one and the same but it is the presumption they must be the same that
provides the direction to where a conclusion lies but presumed evidence of the
presumption remains a state of mind until valid evidence is presented in it’s support and
every rock turned to assure no rebut exists to challenge.

Obvious neglect to precise coherence of The Law in administering and enforcing

provides clear and present danger to the individual’s guaranteed Charter rights where an
inconsistency in administering or enforcing The Law is an immediate deprivation to the
individual’s Charter rights not only directly of the victim of particular circumstance but
every individual who finances the system as a taxpayer and indirectly every person
dependent on them for their personal well being.

Where an inconsistency with The Law is identified it is incumbent upon the government
personnel mandated to administer and enforce it to immediately address the inconsistency
to eradicate any possibility of reoccurrence and when it is found that it is a human
deliberation for personal benefit due regard to deterrence must be applied with deliberate
due regard.

For the purpose of due regard to the necessity of coherence all verbiage of law must be
presumed to have been written in the spirit of God who is supreme in matters of the
supreme law of Canada and consistent due regard must adhere to its interpretation.

Credence must be given to that which can be least mistaken by humankind whereas the
following words of Jesus who was closest to God and knew well of his aspirations was
heard and well known to say.

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”

As common sense attests and commonly known, no law will be consistently obeyed
unless consistently enforced and where adherence to justice is demanded of law and
consistency to punishment must be attentive to an eye for an eye with due regard to
deliberate intent where priority is to diligence to the predictable and deterrence to the

Whereas the present modus operandi of the present authorities has been irrefutably
evidenced and proven incompetent to the endeavor and by the government personnel’s
consistence to it having demonstrated their continuance in persistence having been
provided the irrefutable evidence of their unscrupulous disregard in respect of The Law

which they have permitted to run rampant and provided asylum to their associate
accomplices leaves the presumption of their authority unsupported with no rock left
unturned leaving absolutely nothing to be debated finds them without authority leaving
them to be duly informed by a mandated authority who acts within the confines and
purpose of The Law.

That responsibly is Mister Bill’s, RCMP Commissioner William Elliot and under the
authority of the Constitution Act, 1982 (Document) which he has been charged, financed
and sworn to uphold must do so consistent with the spirit of The Law in the spirit of God
who is supreme as recognized by the supreme law of Canada, the Constitution Act, 1982
whereas the evidence presented to him is irrefutable to the fact the Government mandated
personnel referenced within the documents presented do not recognize the principles of
The Law namely the supremacy of God and the aspirations attributed to him which have
been clearly written into The Law and excerpts presented on page 15 thereby null and
voiding their authority wherever their inconsistency which the evidence is quite clear
they are consistent and persistent to inconsistency with the Constitution leaving them
without authority and vulnerable to any mandated authority who acts consistent with and
conducive to the spirit of The Law and God and it is Bill’s responsibility to bring them
before the courts to face the justice of the people and where any government personnel
mandated under the authority of the Constitution acts in a manner inconsistent with their
obligation to administer and enforce justice pursuant to The Law shall be immediately
removed of their authority and dealt with in consistent manner as the government
personnel brought before them.

Quite simple eh Bill? (aside…I know Bill’s watching)

Good, let the festivities begin.

The following e-mail addresses have been sent this document “Commissioner RCMP November
16, 2007” which is available for all to see on my web site “Guardians of the Canadians
Charter of Rights and Freedoms” http://groups.google.com/group/guardians-of-the-canadians-
charter-of-rights-and-freedoms I know Bill Commissioner RCMP William Elliot will study
The documente-mail
following as he addresses
reviews all thebeen
have evidence in competent
sent this document manner which will
“Commissioner RCMPlead him to it
November 16, 2007 which is available will
As per usual I request you all to study it well as if your way of life is dependent on it as each
individual’s way of life guaranteed by the Charter is dependent on your fortitude and conviction to it
FFF. You had best think for yourselves or others will do it for you.
“A man who has committed a mistake and doesn’t correct it, is committing another mistake”
I believe it is reasonable to presume that this applies to the ladies. Right Ladies?

Consistency of belief guaranties consistency of consequence

What can be said of truth without evidence or willingness to back

He who traditionally argues in defense in support of a tradition after its preclusion by Law, either stated or implied
confirms the tradition and his ineptness to kick the habit attesting to the incompetence of his immediate superior
and ultimately those under his authority.

Being the author I can assert this applies to the ladies equally.

I request you all take responsibility to assure everyone referenced herein has been made aware of the issues and
the importance to their well being so they may take advantage of this final opportunity to address them in a
manner consistent with The Law by which granted them their authority and to collect financial benefit for their
efforts in service of our Country and the Canadian people.

Perchance the RCMP forget to advise you of your rights upon arrest I take this opportunity to advise that you have
the right to remain silent and highly suggest you do so for persistent to traditional habit will betray you and will be
used against you as will the evidence I have documented irrefutably to your part in the conspiracy.

There are no words you can state in your defense that you haven’t already stated or implied by your silence when
immediate action was and is demanded addressing the issues and to restructure the system adept to the protection
and benefit of each individual as guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Under the clear and present circumstance you have only one favorable option beneficial to you and we the other
individual’s referenced in the Charter guarantee.

In the spirit of the season I wish you all a Merry Christmas hoping you experience the true spirit devoid of
commercialism which will take care of itself.

You have been charged and privileged to act in the service of the Lord under the authority of the Constitution
which recognizes His supremacy and by the power vested to you must restructure the legal system adept to your
responsibility to support the guarantee of the Charter consistent with the provisions granted equally to every
individual of Canada which is not an option of debate.

I wish you all a Merry, Merry Christmas and pray you will experience the true spirit of Christmas and retain it in
habitual bliss as you carry out your duties through the years to come in that spirit prerequisite to your power of

In that spirit of accepted habit you will attend to the issues addressed in my writings experiencing the joy
privileged with it as each individual finds God not as a fictional belief but a belief that is real as law and order
under His guidance consistent and conducive to His spirit in the spirit of The Law, the Constitution of Canada

The web of persistent deceit woven by the members of the Law Society for their members benefit will benefit
them no longer as priority is to the guaranteed individual’s Charter rights which are attached to them as an arm or
leg, not to be debated.
Those government personnel who do not act in good faith of The Law will experience the wrath of The Law and
God at their own expense.
Merry Christmas and goodbye
Frank Gallagher

Day.S@parl.gc.ca; MCU@JUSTICE.GC.CA
communications@ps.gc.ca;McGuinty.D@parl.gc.ca;ahorwath-qp@ndp.on.ca;bakerg@sen.parl.gc.ca; brooksn@scc-
ca;jcrivest@sen.parl.gc.ca;julia.munroco@pc.ola.org;kfl@sen.parl.gc.ca; kinsen@sen.parl.gc.ca;kennyco@sen.parl.gc.ca;

mbryant.mpp@liberal.ola.org; mininfo@mah.gov.on.ca;nolinp@sen.parl.gc.ca;
c.ca;vanlop1@parl.gc.ca;web@ps.gc.ca;webadmin@justice.gc.ca;wattc@sen.parl.gc.ca; whistleblower@ctv.ca;
zimmer@sen.parl.gc.ca; info@cjc-ccm.gc.ca

rbartolucci.mpp.co@liberal.ola.org; cbentley.mpp@liberal.ola.org; mbountrogianni.mpp@liberal.ola.org;

jbradley.mpp@liberal.ola.org; lbroten.mpp@liberal.ola.org; dcansfield.mpp@liberal.ola.org; dcaplan.mpp@liberal.ola.org;
machambers.mpp.co@liberal.ola.org; cdicocco.mpp.co@liberal.ola.org; ldombrowsky.mpp@liberal.ola.org;
dduncan.mpp.co@liberal.ola.org; mkwinter.mpp@liberal.ola.org; mmeilleur.mpp.co@liberal.ola.org; speters.mpp@liberal.ola.org;
gphillips.mpp.co@liberal.ola.org; spupatello.mpp@liberal.ola.org; lbroten.mpp@liberal.ola.org; pfonseca.mpp.co@liberal.ola.org;
htakhar.mpp.co@liberal.ola.org; dramsay.mpp.kirklandlake@liberal.ola.org;gsmitherman.mpp.co@liberal.ola.org;
gsorbara.mpp.co@liberal.ola.org; vdhillon.mpp@liberal.ola.org; bduguid.mpp@liberal.ola.org; kflynn.mpp@liberal.ola.org;
ljeffrey.mpp@liberal.ola.org; kkular.mpp@liberal.ola.org; mcolle.mpp@liberal.ola.org;
jbrownell.mpp@liberal.ola.org;bbalkissoon.mpp@liberal.ola.org; warthurs.mpp@liberal.ola.org;Nicholson.R@parl.gc.ca;
Emerson.D@parl.gc.ca; Blackburn.J@parl.gc.ca; Thompson.G@parl.gc.ca; Solberg.M@parl.gc.ca; Strahl.C@parl.gc.ca;

MacKay.P@parl.gc.ca; Hearn.L@parl.gc.ca; Day.S@parl.gc.ca;

Skelton.C@parl.gc.ca;Toews.V@parl.gc.ca;Ambrose.R@parl.gc.ca; Finley.D@parl.gc.ca; pm@pm.gc.ca; OConnor.G@parl.gc.ca;
Oda.B@parl.gc.ca; Prentice.J@parl.gc.ca; Baird.J@parl.gc.ca; Bernier.M@parl.gc.ca; Cannon.L@parl.gc.ca;
Clement.T@parl.gc.ca; Flaherty.J@parl.gc.ca; Verner.J@parl.gc.ca; Hill.J@parl.gc.ca; Kenney.J@parl.gc.ca; Ritz.G@parl.gc.ca;
Guergis.H@parl.gc.ca; Paradis.C@parl.gc.ca;dwatch@web.net;info@ocsj.ca; ocap@tao.ca;info@olderwomensnetwork.org;
terryoc2001@yahoo.ca; adavidov@torontohabitat.on.ca; justice@socialjustice.org;info@chfc.ca
sandra.conlin@rcmp-grc.gc.ca; robin.roberts@cpc-cpp.gc.ca; gsmith@chrt-tcdp.gc.ca; AdamsoV@erc-cee.gc.ca; potterl@scc-
csc.gc.ca;phil.jensen@servicecanada.gc.ca;AdamsoV@erc-cee.gc.ca; josee.dubois@psst-tdfp.gc.ca; elisabeth.nadeau@ps.gc.ca;
mmacpherson@pco-bcp.gc.ca; dgrandmaitre@gg.ca; tpulcine@privcom.gc.ca; aleadbea@infocom.gc.ca; clgascon@fja.gc.ca;
plourded@nafta-sec-alena.org; francois-giroux@cas-satj.gc.ca;bob.ward@chrc-ccdp.cadp.ca; info@police.york.on.ca; info@cba.org;
mail@cba-alberta.org; edmonton@cba-alberta.org; cba@bccba.org; cba-mba@mts.net; admin@cbanb.com; cba-nl@nl.rogers.com;
cbanwt@lawsociety.nt.ca; cbans@ns.sympatico.ca; info@oba.org; cba-pei@isn.net; info@abcqc.qc.ca; cba.sk@sasktel.net;

Individual Guaranteed Charter Rights and Freedoms
The Federal Government signed sealed and delivered the
Constitution Act, 1982
Part 1, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Whereas Canada is founded on principles that recognize

the supremacy of God and the rule of law

Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms

1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it
subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a
free and democratic society.

2. Everyone has the following fundamental 7. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and
freedoms: (a) freedom of conscience and security of the person and the right not to be
religion; (b) freedom of thought, belief, deprived thereof except in accordance with the
opinion and expression, including freedom of principles of fundamental justice.
the press and other media of communication;
12. Everyone has the right not to be subjected
(c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and (d)
to any cruel and unusual treatment or
freedom of association.

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal
protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without
discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or
physical disability.

Credence must be given to that which is least likely to be mistaken by humankind

The evidence I have provided to the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP on
November 8 2007, File No. PC-2007-2316 and ….2317 has been forwarded to the Commissioner of
the RCMP for appropriate action and acknowledged November 16 2007 File 2007-1355445 proves
irrefutably the Constitution (Establishment) administers and enforcers of the Constitution (Document)
are not only incompetent to that endeavor but have deliberately put a modus operandi in place
conducive to the well being and benefit of the immoral of society to the humongous detriment of the
moral majority who not only finance the system but are deliberately estranged from their individual
guaranteed Charter Rights.
Whereas the intent of the supreme law of Canada, the Constitution Act, 1982 which recognizes the
supremacy of God is to establish the spirit in which the Constitution (Establishment) is to structure a
system consistent and conducive to a moral society where every individual is guaranteed equality of
protection and benefit in all matters before and under the law
These nincompoops or conspirators, whichever you prefer have in fact structured a team of legal
specialists, members of the Law Society of Upper Canada to implement the Constitution in a manner
profitable to all the members of the Society and in their enthusiasm lost track of their original
legitimate purpose which of course was to put an efficient legal system in place capable of maintaining
the spirit of the Law in the spirit of God in the spirit of the moral majority who finance them to do so
and by their avarice indulgence have created a team of backasswards, highly skilled at scoring on our
own net.
I have presented the evidence for the distinct purpose of getting them the puck out of here and to put
personnel in place coherent to the Constitution intent to consistently score against the immoral until
they “cry uncle” After all that is what they are paid and authorized to do. Right?
Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms
1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it
subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a
free and democratic society.

In a free and democratic society every individual is responsible for their own actions and must be
consistently in the spirit and in compliance with the Law and as a whole must decide what is
justifiable. A Public Inquiry is demanded to determine what is justifiable

The government (Establishment) has not demonstrated a modus operandi capable of backing the
individual’s guaranteed Charter Rights and in fact the evidence I have provided has demonstrated their
established modus operandi is precisely contrary to their legitimate purpose to structure a system
consistent with the spirit of the Constitution to protect and benefit the people of a moral society where
each individual is presumed moral and in compliance with the spirit of the Constitution until such time
as evidence is provided to the authority having jurisdiction of ones non compliance whereas every
effort must be made in the spirit of the Law to substantiate the veracity of the accusation and the
preliminary evidence.

Where there exists a victim there most definitely exists a perpetrator and any evidence relative to the
circumstance linking one to the crime must be scrutinized for validity and any interference to the
initiative of discerning the truth is inconsistent with the intent of the spirit of the Law and in fact
obstruction of Justice.

Due consideration must be given to the priority stated or implied by the guarantee itself where due
diligence to the support of the guarantee must be irreproachably applied with fortitude and conviction,
FFF, Forthright, Forthcoming and Forthwith whereas the individual’s guaranteed Charter Rights and
Freedoms are contingent on the presumption one is in consistent compliance with the Law and where
evidence is presented to the authority of jurisdiction suggesting one has acted to the contrary the
presumption has been compromised and they are called upon to cooperate in the spirit of the Law to
demonstrate they are of the spirit of the Law where any demonstration to the contrary is to the
detriment of the spirit of the Law and the people who finance the entire system.

It is prudent to mention that the Federal Government personnel are representatives of the people who
must be irreproachable to the spirit of the Constitution and the money they spend is the people’s and
they must be able to demonstrate a modus operandi capable of assuring the money is used efficiently
and effectively as per the intent.

A person accused of a crime supported by reasonable evidence is obliged to cooperate in the spirit of
the Law and the people and failure to do so is obstruction of Justice and adds to the expense of
achieving Justice which is inherently passed on to the people depriving them of their money and right
to efficient effective Justice implicating the alleged further distancing them from their pure
uncompromised legitimate guaranteed Charter Rights and Freedoms.

If logical recourse consistent with the evidence provided against them is to search their premises or any
personal property they must permit it or be charged with obstruction of Justice.

One must ask why they would object if they were of the spirit of the Law which they must be to be in
compliance with the Law and most particularly what would they have to hide other than implicating

Any evidence acquired in the investigation implicating them to other crimes must be held against them
to which they must be brought to court to answer for.
The Law isn’t a game for the lawyers to play and profit from but an entity financed by the people to
assure their guarantee of protection and benefits are indeed guaranteed as provided by the Constitution.

Anyone who has committed a crime against anyone has committed a crime against the people who
ultimately finance the whole damn system and such a person is a detriment to the whole of society
where due diligence must be applied to rehabilitation and bringing them on side with the spirit of the
Law and the people of the moral society guarantied by the Federal Government being the people.

Persistence must be to nipping immorality in the bud and to that endeavor the Law must be initiated at
home where the parents must be held responsible for their children until they reach the legal age where
the administers and enforcers of the Law take over responsibility.

The Law is the spirit of society as a whole where the government (establishment) has been assigned the
responsibility to act representative of the people and due diligence is demanded to ensure they act
responsibly consistent with and conducive to the spirit of the Constitution and the spirit of the people
whose lives and well being and the state of the nation are dependent on their adeptness to the task being
number one in priority of initiatives mandatory to the government establishment financed and entrusted
to administer and enforce the Law consistently in the spirit of the Law and the people, where every
individual is equal in all matters of Law where the right to vote is irrelevant as a major number of these
individuals are prohibited from voting due to age and these people are wholly dependent on
government personnel doing their jobs in respect of their individual guaranteed Charter Rights and
Freedoms as well as the guaranteed Charter Rights and Freedom of all the people who do vote which
Charter rights are equally the same irrelevant to the opinions of the elected representatives who are
mandated to represent all the people equally in matters of their equal individual guaranteed Charter

Any government personnel who acts in non compliance with the Law does so on his or her own
personal initiative and are responsible for their own actions and will not be defended by the Federal
Government which is the people and all contracts of entitlements of employment to provide service to
the people and society as a whole are null and void upon conviction and where evidence has been
submitted to a government department having jurisdiction in such matters of a government employees
non compliance with the Law it is incumbent upon such department to commence or cause to
commence appropriate proceedings to determine the truth and upon conviction every effort must be
made to recover all benefits paid to such person from the earliest date of which such person was found
guilty to have committed.

The individual’s guaranteed Charter Rights and Freedoms are a fixed entity attached as an arm or a leg
with no restrictions in continuity commencing at the time of enactment of the Constitution in 1982 to
perpetuity where no government personnel has any legitimate authority to negate at any time without
the support of the people they are obliged to represent in the spirit of the Law they are bound to adhere
to and provide service to the people consistent with and conducive to their guaranteed individual
Charter rights.

I am of the opinion it is the Prime Minister of Canada who has the ultimate responsibility to assure the
government personnel are adept to the responsibility of backing the guarantee to each and every
individual as guaranteed and defined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms whereas he has
been granted the trust and authority by the people of Canada to act consistent with and conducive to the
individual’s guaranteed Charter Rights which are fixed, not to be debated nor a matter of his opinion or
anyone else’s as they are clearly defined and to be observed in the spirit of the Law and the spirit of
God which preceded him.
The individual’s guaranteed Charter Rights are fundamental to the Constitution and the very spirit
which Canada is founded on and it is incumbent upon every government personnel financed in the
service of our Country and the people to ensure due diligence to the guarantee. 28
Where evidence has been provided to the authority of jurisdiction it is incumbent upon them to present the
evidence to the alleged and bring them before the courts immediately to account for his or hers treasonable
actions where the only evidence he or she can present is he or she did initiate appropriate action as required to
maintain the continuity of the individual’s guaranteed Charter rights.

The responsibility to back the Federal Government’s Charter guarantee to the individual is ultimately the
responsibility of the people themselves who have entrusted their elected representatives to spend the people’s
money efficiently and effectively consistently in the spirit of the Constitution in the spirit of the people where
each individual’s Charter rights are one and the same with each other of the Constitution of fixed value for
perpetuity. Evidence must be presented to the people: Public Inquiry

I reiterate the individual’s guaranteed Charter rights are fixed stable in continued perpetuity no matter which
way the wind blows, no matter who is elected to power and where seemingly interrupted by any authority are not
and can not be and any person or persons artificially interrupting one’s guaranteed Charter rights will be charged
to compensate for damages and costs incurred including time and effort
endured along with mental anguish and other such detriments with the person or person’s responsible
made to pay from their own pockets whereas they acted on their own accord without legal authority
inconsistent with and non conducive to the Law they were obliged and sworn to uphold.

Due the seriousness of such an offense leaving the stability of the Constitution and the sanctity of the people’s
individual guaranteed Charter rights blowing in the wind it is incumbent upon the authorities having jurisdiction
in such matters to attend to the matter FFF where the person or person’s must be immediately relieved from duty
and immediately replaced with a responsible competent person adept to purpose.
To be clear the individual’s guaranteed Charter rights have nothing to do with politics yet where reasonable
evidence is brought forward of a political person being negligent in his or her duties in respect of an individual’s
guaranteed Charter rights it is a crime against all the people and the Constitution itself whereas one individual’s
guaranteed Charter rights are equal to every individual’s rights and every individual pays the consequence
directly or indirectly whether it be due the weakness of the system allowed to continue detrimental to their odds
of protection and unlikely assurance of equal benefit and of course we taxpayers suffer to the inevitable

The Constitution (Establishment) is structured in accordance with the Constitution (Document) and the
government personnel know the chain of authority and who ever assigns limited authority to the various
departments and agencies retains all the responsibility obliged by the Federal Government to structure a system
consistent with and conducive to the support of the individual’s guaranteed Charter rights which does not
preclude them of any responsibility of their assigns for ultimately they are responsible to ensure the right people
are in place competent to the purpose assigned.

RCMP Commissioner William Elliot and the Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP
will give due regard to this document as they carry out their duties in accordance with the Constitution
(Document) with the same due regard to
52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent with
the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.

Whereas no one has limited authority to act in support of the Law in the spirit and of the spirit consistent with
and conducive to the moral society guaranteed to each individual under the Charter and it is your sworn duty to
uphold the Constitution and bring the evidence before the people for their decision as to whether the arbitrary
actions of the government personnel employed to administer and enforce the Constitution and back the guarantee
equally to every Canadian individual is demonstrably justifiable.

PUBLIC INQUIRY warranted and demanded.

There are no arbitrary time limits or specific procedures to hinder me in pursuant of my guaranteed
individual Charter rights for they belong to me in perpetuity and any such measures introduced by any
government personnel are indicative of their true intent not supportive of the individual’s guaranteed
Charter rights. All delays have been due to them.
I highly suspect this presentation of mine exposing the government conspiracy initiated by members of
the Law Society of Upper Canada is not common to usual complaints forwarded to you people to study
and given the extreme significance relative to the well being and benefits of the Canadian Individual’s
and the improbability of an unbiased approach to the review of the evidence and the certain probability
the alleged conspirators will have implemented purportedly legal procedures to appear as if the issues
were dealt with FFF, Forthright, Forthcoming and Forthwith I request in such circumstance you review
such arbitrary laws and policies with respect to their consistency with the Constitution ensuring they
are conducive to the individual’s guaranteed Charter rights.

I remind you the individual’s guaranteed Charter rights are fixed in perpetuity, nothing to be debated
and yet the modus operandi of the illegitimate legal system implemented by the government authorities
and practiced by the members of the Law Society of Upper Canada is designed to their benefit where
the odds against Justice being administered are higher than that of winning at the Casino or a Lottery.

This is evidenced in the correspondence between myself and the Law Society of Upper Canada where
if they had been FFF it would have taken them 2 or 3 days at most in sane manner to review the
evidence I presented them to know the particular lawyer I complained about was anything but that
which is required of him to act in a manner consistent with and conducive to my guaranteed Charter
rights in an endeavor to see Justice served.

When you review the Law Society of Upper Canada document which is to be found in 2 Parts by
clicking on the links near the top of the web site
http://groups.google.com/group/guardians-of-the-canadians-charter-of-rights-and-freedoms you will
note the efforts I made and length of time it took to have them address the issue effectively and
efficiently due the simplicity of the complaint and how after all the time they wasted the issue remains
unattended to.

The document is clearly indicative of the injustice that can be expected in the courts and throughout the
legal system operated by their members where they made every effort not to address the issue and
evidence tabled attentive to support the integrity of their member and in so doing without effort to my
benefit provided me the irrefutable evidence of their nature not being compatible to administer and
enforce the Law consistent with and conducive to the Constitution (Document)

There was no possible way for them to account for the lawyer’s actions and their persistence not to
address the issues is consistent with those of the government personnel I addressed the relative issues
which I have presented to you.

I have written many times in the documents I have provided you the Law Society of Upper Canada
have either stated or implied in the said correspondence that they do not give a damn about the
individual’s guaranteed Charter rights and their members only obligation is to vigorously advance the
interests of their clients, alias the people who can afford their services.

May I suggest they have a particularly bad attitude as their members set out to administer and enforce
Justice consistent with the Constitution conducive to the individual’s Charter rights?

You will find throughout the Law Society document a simple question regarding the acquisition of a
copy of a contract the lawyer purported to have and since we are on the subject and it is pertinent to the
issues I have raised I request you acquire a copy of the said contract and enter it into evidence.

Is that too much to ask since I have no authority and by no coincidence the RCMP do.

I do expect under the auspices of the Constitution (Document) that all retrievable evidence will be
seeked and analyzed in pursuant of the truth where obvious omissions is contra productive to purpose.

Did you know in legal surveying which I spent 40 years at, all evidence found in support of or against
my decisions must be clearly noted on the face of the survey plan.

I will expect you both to respond to all the issues and the WHYs questioned in the Mad Glad mostly
Sad…Why? .doc which is to be found in the vicinity of the 2 Part, Law Society of Upper Canada
document on the aforesaid web site.

For your convenience I am also sending a copy of the Mad along with this document as an attachment.

There is another matter of relative importance which I request you address which government
personnel have refused to respond to.

The term “Threshold” has been used by YRP Deputy Chief Bruce Herridge and Sgt. Randy Craig OPP
Anti-Rackets to define an arbitrary line which purportedly legitimately deprives me of my right to
Justice and I expect you to question them to ascertain their intent as to the use of the word which they
have concluded my evidence didn’t toe the line.

I can guarantee you more assuredly than you can guarantee me my Charter rights are being protected
that a PUBLIC INQUIRY will be held one way or another and it would be prudent of you both to apply
yourselves to this endeavor FFF with attentiveness to due diligence to the most serious nature of this

Should either of you have difficulty retrieving the evidence from my web site or require more
information I will be only too happy to accommodate and I request you do not hesitate to ask.

Perchance you are of good intentions I ask you to understand and forgive my attitude which has
acquiesced over the 2 ½ year trek so far to Justice not yet in sight.

I remind you there can be no legitimate arbitrary protocol set out to hinder my guaranteed Charter right
to Justice and there can be no limit to your authority to see that I get it.

52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent with
the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.

All that stands in the way is you …as Confucius says

“To know what is right, and not do it, is want of courage, or of principle”

Face it now or die a thousand deaths ….something like that and I don’t know who to attribute
it to but I do know who it concerns.

Me too, but I will die but once, one way or another and I prefer a surprise.

We all have our druthers but what will be will be.

Frank Gallagher

Constitution Act, 1982
Part 1, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law

Guarantee of Rights and Freedoms

1. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it
subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and
democratic society.
3. Every citizen of Canada has the right to vote in
an election of members of the House of Commons
2. Everyone has the following fundamental
or of a legislative assembly and to be qualified for
freedoms: (a) freedom of conscience and
membership therein.
religion; (b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion
and expression, including freedom of the press 7. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security
and other media of communication; (c) freedom of the person and the right not to be deprived
of peaceful assembly; and (d) freedom of thereof except in accordance with the principles of
association. fundamental justice.
12. Everyone has the right not to be subjected to any cruel and unusual treatment or punishment.
15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and
equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race,
national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

The Federal Government enacted the Constitution Act, 1982 guaranteeing every individual
of Canada Charter Rights and Freedoms where it is ultimately their responsibility to structure a legal
system with competent irreproachable personnel with fortitude and conviction to administer and enforce
the Law consistent with and conducive to the Constitution whereas the individual is the most precious
commodity and the very backbone of the Constitution where each individual is responsible to conform
and abide by the spirit of the Constitution, the supreme Law of Canada which recognizes the supremacy
of God establishing the spirit to be that of a moral society where it is incumbent upon each individual to
respect the equal rights of every individual in Canada.
The concept couldn’t be simpler; after all we are all human beings with the same needs to sustain life.

Do not do to others Do unto others

What you do not want done to yourself As you would have them do unto you

Recompense injury with justice, and recompense kindness with kindness

Credence must be given to that which is least likely to be mistaken by man

That’s it, too simple, eh? That’s the spirit of the Law and yet the administers and enforcers don’t get it

Because they are human beings, that’s WHY. Ignorant human beings who refuse to grow up

Bully, gang like mentality, a phenomenon which takes over when people get together in numbers.

Members of the Law Society of Upper Canada and associates are behind it all.
The Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Robert Nicholson is a major player

Ultimately the Prime Minister Stephen Harper is responsible and must be held accountable.
How can such a miscarriage of justice be allowed to exist in a democracy where God is supreme?

I have presented evidence collected over 2 ½ years and the obvious analysis of it to the RCMP who have
to date November 27 2007 not been able to get their heads together as they have been caught up by the
befuddlement of circumstance as have we all.

When the obvious is not obvious there is something obviously wrong which happens to be the obvious.

The following is my analysis of the evidence and unbiased observation of the government personnel who
are mandated to administer and enforce the Law in Canada.
The story is true as are the facts which are to be found by clicking on link

This document is a digest of my quest for justice as per common sense and that defined as my guaranteed
right as a Canadian individual as provided by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms where many
obvious questions surfaced per circumstance providing obvious reason to investigate WHY I was not
getting the justice that belonged to me as per the guarantee granted me by the Federal Government in

The more I queried the more there was to query until eventually it became abundantly obvious the
government personnel at all levels of government didn’t give a damn about my individual guaranteed
Charter rights which culminated into one humungous WHY?

Sure, I was nobody special and far from it and a whole lot more annoying to the government
personnel because I refused to accept their indifferent attitude to my guaranteed rights.

Upon conversation and correspondence with various members of the York Regional Police fraud unit I
became aware that what has happened to me has happened over and over again to many others so much
so that the police have used their experience to determine what evidence and circumstance meets the
“threshold” to be able to proceed before the courts.

I found it somewhat discerning that two detectives I met with, Sgt. Fred Kerr and Cpl. George Rorke
stated that they could take similar evidence to a judge and one time a warrant will be granted and another
time denied and yet they didn’t bother taking my evidence for a warrant. They mentioned how often they
were frustrated by the courts and the immediate thought comes to mind as to why they are frustrated?
Are they just too ignorant to investigate the evidence to a proper conclusion or is it a problem with the
They also informed me I could take the matter to civil court but my lawyer would be negligent if he
didn’t inform me the odds of being reimbursed for my losses are slim.
Obviously if they felt they couldn’t get a warrant with many years experience dealing with the law my
chances was slim and foolish to throw good money after bad.

But wait a minute, what happened to my guarantee? My right not to be deprived. My equal right
to justice
15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection
and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination
based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

I can not even begin to imagine where the evidence I provided was lacking because every base was
covered. What was this arbitrary “threshold”? Nobody would respond to me.

I persistently wrote the YRP until Insp. Michael Flemming agreed to meet with me where he remained
steadfast with the original decision but agreed with me that it didn’t make sense but that’s “How it is”
He offered that’s the first thing they learn when they become cops that the law has nothing to do with
common sense which I agreed at the time but after an analysis of all the evidence using common sense I
have come to know for fact that it is not the Law that has nothing to do with common sense but the
administers and enforcers of it who are estranged from reality.

Nobody wanted to give me a written report though as to why the YRP wouldn’t investigate but through
persistence of written requests for a response I received one from Deputy Chief Bruce Herridge who
responded January 10 2006 using that word “threshold” again. See Lawyer File # 9 pages 19 & 20

I have written a prodigious number of times since requesting some answers to obvious questions such as
the meaning of the term “threshold” in reference to my situation which fell short to commence
proceedings and other obvious questions referenced above to no avail.

I never heard from them again until September 6 2006 when Phil Moreau of the Standards Branch of the
YRP phoned and talked for an hour discussing the Black Book dated September 1 2006 which I had
faxed Deputy Chief Bruce Herridge on September 5 2006.
I wrote Phil Moreau immediately after he hung up recapping our conversation but he never responded

On October 10 2006 Karen Knoakes # 440 Executive Officer of Public Complaints responded with
typical inane rhetoric I have come to know which does not address the issues or answer my questions and
then directed me to the Ontario Civilian Commission on Police Services should I not be satisfied with her

I had 30 days from October 14 2006 the day I received it to do so but thought it a futile venture
presuming they would not address the issues or answer the questions either but after meeting with
Sergeant Randy Craig OPP Anti-Rackets on November 14 2006 and his decline to take a preponderance
of evidence I brought him for the OPP to review and some of the comments he made I realized I was into
one humongous government conspiracy. See Lawyer File # 8.

When I got home that day I decided to assemble the evidence to present to the Ontario Civilian
Commission on Police Services which I drove town to deliver the following day November 15 2006 with
just one day to spare to make the deadline of 30 days.

They did as expected routinely acknowledging they had reviewed the evidence without addressing it or
answering any of the obvious questions and cited me section so and so and the file is accordingly closed.
See Lawyer File # 10

All 15 Lawyer Files and others can be found on my web site http://groups.google.com/group/peoples-
law-society including the 2 Part Toronto Sun document which irrefutably proves the crimes were
committed and the various government agencies and departments and YRP were involved in the

The evidence speaks for itself.

Of course it has yet to have the chance to speak to a legitimate capable investigative authority which acts
FFF with integrity conviction and fortitude consistent with the Constitution conducive to the individual’s
guaranteed Charter rights.
I have to admit the evidence doesn’t irrefutably prove the YRP and Commission are in on the conspiracy
but they are consistent with it and most certainly are inept to enforce the Law, the Constitution.

They are however persistently stubborn and ignorant as I have come to know the majority of government
personnel to be having spent 40 years in Legal Surveying beginning 10 years with the province and
ending with 14 years with the City of Toronto Property Management Surveys where I had joined them in
May 1990 leaving my manager position of a survey company in the private sector.

Government personnel tend to learn through observation and hand me downs acquiesced through time
generation to generation where they are reluctant to change not having full grasp as to what they are
actually intended to achieve. In matters of Law they can be huge pains in the asses as they can not relate
to anything other than “ this is how we’ve always done it” and they can at anytime produce a number of
well respected personnel to affirm their position.

In general I stood alone against them, me and the law that is which makes a decidedly huge difference
which I came to know early in my career.

I have no doubt the majority wanted to do what was right, they just didn’t know what was right and felt
comfort in numbers all believing they must be right because they have always done it this way or that.
It is somewhat exacerbating at times but you get use to their ignorance and eventually the word gets
around that I was right. I would never sign the notes unless I had investigated all the evidence thoroughly
and knew for a fact my final decision was consistent with the laws and every property owner got
precisely what they were entitled to by law.

I have had quite an extensive career and met all types and there was even the odd fool supervisor who
would tell me to change my notes and move a couple of survey stakes even after I pointed out a few
oversights. Just plain stubborn but after I realized he was not receptive to reasoning I would say okay
then you are the boss, and write a note in my report that so and so instructed me to do so and so against
my advice and demand he sign it. Always like the arrogant spoiled useless whatever they are off in a huff
and a puff and leave it my way, the right way according to law, common sense and according to the way
it was originally intended with everyone getting precisely what they bought and paid for.

So it’s not my first time at bat with such ignorance surrounding me but I must confess never has there
been so many against me but in the bye and bye it is the Law that counts and I am only the messenger.

Even though the incidences occurred in Ontario and the government personnel cited Ontario law which
they have come accustomed to and support each other in using them, they themselves are breaking the
Law, the supreme law of Canada where every individual is equal in all matters before and under the law
52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent
with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency, of no force or effect.

So inadvertently, through stubbornness, ignorance, incompetence and unwillingness to study the Law
or heed my writings have remained steadfast exactly where the conspirators wanted them adverse to the
spirit of the Law, the spirit of God and the spirit of the intended moral society to the benefit of the
immoral and the conspirators detrimental to the moral majority and their guaranteed Charter rights.

There is no readily available statistics for the numbers of victims caused by their ineptness to administer
and enforce the laws of Ontario consistent with the Constitution conducive to the individual’s guaranteed
rights nor is their any evidence of common sense being utilized by the various levels of administration
and enforcement as the evidence attests.

There is very convincing evidence of what I have come to know and stated of the government personnel.

Common Sense Evolution

Please give your heads a shake, read carefully every word and think for God’s sake.

It is the immoral that is the enemy of the moral society promised by the Constitution
The guy without the evidence against him is definitely the good guy in any given case presented to you.

Ask yourselves how anyone can be expected to abide by the Law if it doesn’t make sense?

On page 1 I have copied some excerpts from the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. What
is there that doesn’t make sense?

If the members of the Law Society of Upper Canada are not required to give a damn about the
individual’s guaranteed Charter Rights and these people administer and enforce the Law what are
the chances of an individual getting justice in their courts? Where’s the sense?

How can they be allowed to administer and enforce the Law inconsistently and adverse to the
individual’s guaranteed Charter rights? Where’s the sense?

If the Prime Minister is the legal representative of the people in the Constitution of Canada would
he not be obliged to ensure the government personnel are up to the challenge of administering and
enforcing the Law consistent with and conducive to the individual’s guaranteed Charter Rights
and Freedoms in respect of the people who elected him to represent them?

Who has more power than he and assuredly he has the eyes and ears of the media to do whatever it
takes to eradicate the government conspiracy against the people?

So having been provided the evidence why would he not use his authority for the people unless he
was in on the conspiracy?

Why would he enact the Federal Accountability Act if he didn’t know the government personnel
were irresponsible and unaccountable whereas all government personnel are responsible to do
their jobs as well as any person in the private sector?

Why wouldn’t they be held even more responsible and accountable when they are financed by the
people to do a most serious job which their lives, safety and well being are dependent on?

What chance does the individual have of accessing his individual guaranteed Charter rights when
the whole damn government doesn’t give a damn about the individual unless he finds a way to
organize the people in support?

Why should the individual need do anything other than submit his claim that his rights have been
compromised along with the evidence? After all he was guaranteed not to be deprived, Right?

What in hell kind of people are they who side with the immoral against the intended moral society?

Why wouldn’t the government be required to demonstrate due diligence to putting a modus
operandi in place consistent with and conducive to the individual’s guaranteed Charter rights?

Why do you suppose lawyers and politicians are low on the trust list and do you see any reason at
all they should be trusted?

Who in the Federal Government is responsible to back the guarantee of the individual’s Charter
rights If not the Prime Minister who appoints the Minister of Justice and the Attorney General of

The Prime Minister appointed Mary Dawson as Commissioner of Ethics and Conflict of Interest
and Louis Theoret as Federal Ombudsman of Victims of Crime and Stockwell Day as Minister of
Public Safety and Vic Toews as President of the Treasury…formerly Minister of Justice. Right?

I am thinking he has great influence in the government goings on….Doncha Think?

Why does the government frown on whistleblowers who are only trying to help?

Why is it that when one party accuses another of wrong doings the party retorts with the wrong
doings of the accusor when they were in power?

Why is this allowed to go on and on?

Why is it all about politics and not the well being of the Canadian people?

Why do I get responses from the police “that this is just how it is”?

I know how it is and am complaining “How it is” is not “How it is supposed to be” by the Charter

Obviously I could go on for hours asking questions but it is my deliberate intent to get you, the
Commission for Public Complaints Against the RCMP and the RCMP Commissioner in the spirit
due the seriousness of the occasion.

You do see the very serious nature of the issues don’t you?

You at the very least see the necessity to appear as if you see the serious nature don’t you?

You do understand how important even the lowliest of us consider our individual guaranteed
Charter Rights and Freedoms?

You do understand common sense and its importance relative to the Law and how important the
necessity of a modus operandi adept to the support of the individuals Charter Rights and

You do understand the significance of evidence and the necessity of a competent legal system
consistent with the Constitution and conducive to the justice of an individual’s guaranteed Charter

You do see that it is the Federal Government who enacted the Constitution Act, 1982 and it their
responsibility to back the guarantee having accepted financial benefit to do so making it binding?

You do know they are responsible for their assigns. Right?

You do know there is only one legitimate way to deal with the issues, don’t you?

You do know how serious I take this and will do so until my eventuality?

You do know the time is well over due to make things right, consistent with the Law and a moral
society. Right?

Well all that remains is to wait and see.

Why not use the time in the right attitude doing your job to make things right consistent with the
Law, the spirit of God and the people of a moral society?

The people just want to live the life they are entitled to and it is the responsibility of the police to
see that they get it.

The Law is not complicated when common sense is applied where God is supreme

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”

Everyone knows the meaning of these words except thieves and lawyers who set out ambiguous laws
beneficial to the immoral minority which they argue out in court for the lawyers benefit all at the expense
of the tax payer to the detriment of the victims and a moral society.

The government personnel has been structured and financed by the people to efficiently and cost
effectively provide the necessities of a moral society whereas immorality is a blight and it is priority one
to the guarantee of the Charter to structure a system attentive to the eradication of immoral inclination
where it is incumbent upon the government personnel to ensure staff is irreproachable to that endeavor.

This is fundamental to the Law where every individual is guaranteed equal Rights and Freedoms as
provided by the Federal Government in the Charter and they must be held responsible and accountable to
back the guarantee.

It is the responsibility of every individual to understand and obey the Law of the country and I reiterate
there can be no words clearer to define the Law than the words of Jesus who was most informed of the
aspirations attributed to God where the supreme law of Canada recognizes the supremacy of God..


Shall I teach you what knowledge is? When you know a thing, to hold that you know it; and when
you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it. This is knowledge.

Do not do to others
C o n fu c iu s
What you do not want done to yourself
5 5 1 B– 4C7 9 B C
Recompense injury with justice, recompense kindness with kindness

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”

You do not have to be religious to understand in fact one is more likely to understand if they are not a
religious fanatic for the message is clear and true to a moral society where often is the case religious
fanatics are prepared to follow the leader into war precisely contrary to the ideology.

“The people may be made to follow a course of action, but they may not be made to understand it”

“Learning without thought is labor lost, thought without learning is perilous”

The Obvious needs tending to

You can get to the east by going west but the shortest route is how the crow flies point to point

The members of the Law Society of Upper Canada are not required to give a damn about the individual’s
guaranteed Charter Rights and Freedoms and they are only obliged to vigorously advance the interests of
their clients.

How in hell can these people serve a moral society governed by the Constitution the supreme Law of
Canada which recognizes the supremacy of God where the federal Government has guaranteed
every individual equality in all matters before and under the Law as provided by the Charter.

It is incomprehensible that the police allow such absurdity of adversity to the Constitution and the
promised moral society which is the Federal government’s responsibility is to back the guarantee made to
every individual of Canada.

Every initiative must be directed to replace the incompetent irresponsible arrogant government personnel
with the prerequisite competent responsible personnel consistent with and conducive to the support of the
individual’s guaranteed Charter Rights which is FUNDAMENTAL to the foundation of the Constitution
and what Canadians stand for.

Idiotacracy must be immediately replaced Idealacracy

Where due diligence in sane format is mandatory to the serious nature of the Idealogy

The present Federal Government personnel are in Conflict of Interest to administer and enforce the Law
consistent with and conducive to the individual’s guaranteed Charter Rights and Freedoms.

Under the Federal Accountability Act, 2006 Mary Dawson has been appointed Commissioner of Ethics
and Conflict of Interest and has been mandated with the responsibility to address relative complaints and
as a citizen of Canada I hereby file a complaint with the Commissioner against the Federal Government
personnel referenced within my writings and published on my web site
http://groups.google.com/group/guardians-of-the-canadians-charter-of-rights-and-freedoms who by their
actions documented therein are in conflict of interest of the moral society guaranteed by the Constitution

The irrefutable evidence published on my web site http://groups.google.com/group/peoples-law-society

Ultimately the responsibility to back the guarantee of the Charter is with the Federal Government and I
have provided the evidence to the Prime Minister Stephen Harper, the Minister of Justice and Attorney
General of Canada and the Minister of Public Safety Stockwell Day who have declined to act responsibly
in appropriate manner consistent with the Constitution and in fact have demonstrated their persistence in
continuity of inane rhetoric conducive to a government conspired against the people in Conflict of
Interest of the foundation of Canada, the Constitution and the well being of every individual guaranteed
Charter rights.

Commissioner Mary Dawson

Commissioner of Ethics and Conflict of Interest
Federal Government.

I hereby request you study my complaints addressed in the aforesaid web sites and take appropriate
action to bring the pertinent government personnel on side with the law whereas a PUBLIC INQUIRY
is mandatory given the befuddlement of circumstance.

Your immediate attention is required

Thank you

Frank Gallagher
Frank Gallagher


Should you have any difficulty accessing the evidence from the web sites or should you require further
evidence or understanding pleas do not hesitate to contact me at franklyone@hotmail.com

The face of justice must be identified and made to face justice in pursuant of justice for all


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