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vre imprim.

Suggrer des pages

Cet outil analyse les pages dj prsentes dans votre livre et vous suggre des articles qui
pourraient s'inscrire dans le sujet gnral de votre livre. Cela permet d'ajouter votre
collection d'articles des articles auxquels vous n'auriez peut-tre pas pens et de crer votre
livre plus rapidement.
Pour dsactiver le crateur de livres. Attention, dactiver le crateur de livres supprime votre
livre en cours, sauf si vous l'avez dj sauvegard.
Ajouter des pages sans les afficher
Vous pouvez rapidement ajouter des pages en passant votre souris sur un lien interne.
Si vous attendez environ une seconde, un pop-up apparatra avec le message Ajouter
cette page votre livre. Cliquez sur ce lien et l'article li sera ajout votre livre.

Ajouter une catgorie entire

Si vous tes en train de naviguer l'intrieur d'une catgorie, vous pouvez ajouter tous
les articles (toutes les pages) de cette catgorie d'un seul coup. Le lien Ajouter cette
page votre livre se transforme en Ajouter cette catgorie votre livre. Cliquez sur
ce lien et tous les articles de la ca

you have to copy the specific text content and you can take care of
HTML tags, you can use browser view source options. All the major browser
give an option to source of the page, which you can access directly using the
format below or by right click. Since, right click is out of question here, we
will simply open chrome browser and type: view-source: before the post
URl Like


And find the paragraph or text you want to copy and then paste it into any
text editor.

Well, using this trick ethically or unethically is in user hand but for a normal
blogger like me and you, this tip will certainly he

ugh its less common these days, many sites still use JavaScript or an HTML attribute to
disable right-clicking on their pages. Its a practice we hope goes away, but in the
meantime, its not too hard to get around those restrictions.

Prevent Annoying Websites From Messing With the Right-Click Menu in Firefox

Many of these sites seem under the impression that disabling the context menu in your
browser is a good way to keep you from stealing their content. But disabling the context
menu in your browser also deprives you of a lot of other tools. While you can take the
nuclear option and just disable JavaScript in your browser, that limits the functionality of
a lot of sites that use JavaScript to deliver useful features. Instead, were going to show
you how you can re-enable right-clicking for specific pages youre viewing, and a couple
of extensions that limit these sites ability to impose the restriction in the first place.

Enable Right-Clicking on Individual Sites with a Bit of Your Own


This first method is probably the least intrusive. Its just a bit of JavaScript that resets
the context menu value for a page. When viewing a page with right-click disabled, you
can just type or paste this code into your address bar and hit Enter. You dont even have
to reload the page. Right-clicking should be enabled immediately.


Even better, you can create a bookmarklet out of that code so its always just one click
away. Select the code above and drag it to your browsers toolbar (or wherever you
store bookmarks). Rename it something that makes sense to you, but leave the code
intact for the URL.

Enable Right-Clicking a

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