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Translational Developmental Psychiatry

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Neurological soft signs in patients with

schizophrenia: current knowledge and future
perspectives in the post-genomics era

Sergi Papiol, Mar Fatj-Vilas & Thomas G Schulze

To cite this article: Sergi Papiol, Mar Fatj-Vilas & Thomas G Schulze (2016) Neurological
soft signs in patients with schizophrenia: current knowledge and future perspectives in the post-
genomics era, Translational Developmental Psychiatry, 4:1, 30071, DOI: 10.3402/tdp.v4.30071

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/tdp.v4.30071

2016 Sergi Papiol et al.

Published online: 08 Jul 2016.

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Neurological soft signs in patients with schizophrenia:

current knowledge and future perspectives in the
post-genomics era
Sergi Papiol1,2,3*, Mar Fatjo-Vilas3,4,5 and Thomas G Schulze1
Institute of Psychiatric Phenomics and Genomics (IPPG), Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany;
Molecular and Behavioural Neurobiology, Department of Psychiatry, Ludwig Maximillian University, Munich,
Germany; 3Centro de Investigacion Biomedica en Red de Salud Mental (CIBERSAM), Instituto de Salud
Carlos III, Madrid, Spain; 4Departament de Biologia Animal, Facultat de Biologia, Institut de Biomedicina
de la Universitat de Barcelona (IBUB), Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain; 5FIDMAG Hermanas
Hospitalarias Research Foundation, Barcelona, Spain

Neurological soft signs (NSS), minor and subtle neurological abnormalities in sensory integration and motor
performance that are not part of a properly defined neurological syndrome, have been consistently observed in
patients with schizophrenia. The prevalence estimates of NSS in patients with schizophrenia have been reported
to be higher than in healthy subjects. Current evidence suggests that NSS are an integral part of the disease and
cannot be fully explained by the exposure to antipsychotic medication, as they are already present in treatment-
nave patients. NSS have been associated with cardinal features of the disorder such as cognitive impairment,
psychopathological severity, or functional outcome. The increased prevalence of NSS and/or related motor
precursors has been described at different stages of development (infancy, childhood, adolescence) in those
subjects who later developed schizophrenia. Evidence from family and twin studies indicates that genetic
factors play an important role in the emergence of NSS, and some authors have already suggested that such
neurological anomalies are suitable endophenotypes for schizophrenia. Some genetic association studies based
on a candidate gene approach have already reported the association of genetic variants with the severity of NSS.
This non-systematic review describes the potential relevance of NSS 1) in the understanding of schizophrenia as
a neurodevelopmental disorder, 2) as outcome predictors, 3) as biological markers during several stages of
development, and 4) as a candidate (endo)phenotype for genetic analyses. Likewise, the possibilities afforded by
the advances in high-throughput techniques in genomic analysis are also discussed.
Keywords: genome-wide association studies; motor function; sensory integration; endophenotype

Received: 18 October 2015; Revised: 28 April 2016; Accepted: 29 April 2016; Published: 8 July 2016

chizophrenia is an extremely severe and disabling Regarding the aetiology of the disorder, compelling

S neuropsychiatric disorder which usually emerges

during adolescence or early adulthood. It is char-
acterised by a set of symptoms and signs that include
evidence supports the notion that schizophrenia is a
neurodevelopmental disorder (3, 4). This model suggests
that schizophrenia is the final behavioural consequence of
delusions, hallucinations, paranoid ideation, disordered neurodevelopmental disturbances that start long before
thought, and cognitive impairment. Alterations in drive the onset of behavioural/clinical symptoms. Such distur-
and volition, blunted emotions, difficulties in commu- bances would be the result of certain combinations of
nication, and motor abnormalities are also commonly genetic and environmental risk factors. As regards genetic
observed in these patients. These symptoms and signs are risk factors, recent genome-wide association studies
generally clustered into positive, negative, cognitive, (GWAS) have just started to shed light on the polygenic
disorganisation, mood, and motor symptom dimensions architecture of this and other neuropsychiatric disorders
(1, 2). At least some of these dimensions (e.g. positive, (5, 6). However, the role of this genetic risk component in
negative, disorganisation) have different levels of pro- a developmental framework still needs to be ascertained.
minence across time and across individuals, making the Among environmental insults potentially related with
course and outcome of schizophrenia heterogeneous and alterations in neurodevelopment, obstetric/perinatal com-
clinically diverse (2). plications and prenatal infections are perhaps the most
Translational Developmental Psychiatry 2016. # 2016 Sergi Papiol et al. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons 1
Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Citation: Translational Developmental Psychiatry 2016, 4: 30071 - http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/tdp.v4.30071
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Sergi Papiol et al.

Fig. 1. Schematic summary of the current evidences of the presence of NSS or potentially related psychomotor precursors in
those subjects at high risk or who eventually developed schizophrenia across the developmental span. The developmental
periods in which environmental or genetic risk factors are relevant are also depicted. The period in which schizophrenia onset is
more likely is also represented. CNS: central nervous system; NSS: neurological soft signs.

commonly reported and replicated factors increasing the NSS in schizophrenia patients
risk of schizophrenia (710). An interesting observation in an important percentage
Several indicators of an abnormal development already of patients with schizophrenia after a careful clinical
present in early childhood also support a neurodevelop- evaluation is the presence of NSS, minor and subtle
mental model. Significant neuromotor impairments are neurological abnormalities in sensory integration and
frequently observed in an important proportion of motor performance (Fig. 1). NSS have been defined as
schizophrenia patients many years before the full-blown neurological abnormalities that, in principle, are not part
clinical symptomatology appears (11). Developmental of a properly defined neurological syndrome (27). The
delays in the areas of motor/language development are Neurological Evaluation Scale (28) and the Cambridge
more frequently found in patients with schizophrenia than Neurological Inventory (29) are the most commonly used
in the general population (1214). Likewise, lower general scales to measure NSS. Clustering analyses considering
cognitive abilities and impaired social development have the items contained in these or similar scales have shown
been observed in children who will later develop this that NSS can be grouped into several categories: integra-
disorder with respect to those who will not (11, 13, 1519). tive sensory function, motor coordination, sequencing of
Brain imaging has also provided evidence of structural
complex motor acts, and primitive reflexes (30). These
brain disturbances present before the onset of the disease
categories should not be considered as definitive since
or in first-episode schizophrenia patients (2022).
different authors have proposed different groupings of
Congenital abnormalities are perhaps the features that
signs depending on the analytical approaches/principles
better illustrate the effect of early developmental insults
applied (3133).
on the overall phenotype of this disorder. In this sense,
The original definition of NSS considered the fact that
minor physical anomalies (23, 24) or dermatoglyphic
deviances (25, 26) have been found in these patients in a they cannot be easily linked to abnormalities in specific
higher frequency than in the general population. Besides brain regions. However, advances in structural and
these features, neurological soft signs (NSS) are another functional neuroimaging techniques have already pro-
marker of especial interest (27). The present non-systematic vided some clues regarding the neuroanatomical sub-
review will focus on the potential relevance of NSS 1) in strate of, at least, some of these NSS (3439). In a recent
the understanding of schizophrenia as a neurodevelop- meta-analysis, NSS have been associated with atrophy in
mental disorder, 2) as outcome predictors, 3) as biological precentral gyrus, cerebellum, inferior frontal gyrus, and
markers during several stages of development, and 4) as a thalamus (40). The same study also showed that NSS-
suitable phenotype for genetic analyses. related tasks resulted in abnormal brain activation in

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Citation: Translational Developmental Psychiatry 2016, 4: 30071 - http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/tdp.v4.30071
Neurological soft signs in patients with schizophrenia

inferior frontal gyrus, bilateral putamen, cerebellum, and studies have reported that NSS are associated with worse
superior temporal gyrus (40). pre-morbid functioning, longer hospitalisation length, or
Despite the differences in the scales and cluster a worse social functioning (5659).
definitions, both descriptive reviews and meta-analytic An important consideration while assuming that
approaches have consistently shown that NSS are more NSS are a schizophrenia trait is their stability over the
commonly observed in patients with schizophrenia com- course of the disorder. The static/dynamic status of NSS
pared with healthy controls (27, 30, 4143). Likewise, a has important implications not only for their potential
very important fraction of these patients (73%) has been predictive value regarding clinical course but also for
reported to show NSS aggregate scores outside the range their definition as a candidate endophenotype for genetic
observed in the healthy population (42). According to analyses (41). Several studies have reported that some
these studies, NSS represent one of the traits that better motor anomalies, which could be understood as pre-
differentiates schizophrenia patients from healthy sub- cursors of NSS, are already present long before the onset
jects. However, it has to be mentioned that it is not of the disease (12, 60, 61). Along the same lines, studies
a specific feature of this disorder since NSS have also in high-risk individuals and in first-episode medication-
been observed in other neuropsychiatric disorders (30), nave patients have also reported the higher prevalence of
although discussion exists about the specificity of some NSS with respect to healthy controls (6266). These and
NSS clusters (32, 39). other studies provide evidence for the pre-existence of
An important confounding factor that may have neurological disturbances in subjects at risk to develop
influenced the aforementioned studies is antipsychotic schizophrenia and reinforce the hypothesis of schizo-
medication. Motor side effects induced by this treatment phrenia as a neurodevelopmental disorder (see the next
such as tardive dyskinesia may easily be rated as NSS. section for further details). These studies, however, lack
As regards this issue, studies based on neuroleptic-nave the capacity to explain if once NSS are established, they
patients have shown that NSS are, to a large extent, not remain with or without fluctuations over the course
dependent on the exposure to antipsychotic treatment of the disorder. As regards the NSS stability over time,
(39, 44, 45). Moreover, no associations have been found some studies have shown that the decrease of NSS scores
between antipsychotic medication dosage and NSS (30, 42). across adolescence is a normal brain maturation process
However, some studies have observed associations be- in healthy subjects that is to a certain degree impaired
tween extrapyramidal symptoms or tardive dyskinesia in patients with schizophrenia. However, it is not clear
and NSS (44, 46). Taken together, these results indicate which NSS domains are affected as a result of a deviation
that NSS are an integral part of the disease rather than from this maturation process (67, 68).
the result of the exposure to antipsychotic medication. Some individual longitudinal studies (69) and a recent
meta-analysis (70) have provided interesting evidence
NSS and the clinical phenotype of of NSS scores decreasing in parallel with remission of
schizophrenia psychopathological symptoms, although not reaching the
Besides the intrinsic interest of NSS as indicators of an scores typically observed in healthy subjects, suggesting
altered neurodevelopment in patients with schizophrenia, the putative role of NSS as disease progression markers.
an increasing body of evidence suggests that NSS might It should be noted, however, that some follow-up studies
be an important predictor of psychopathological severity, have observed an important degree of stability in NSS
neurocognitive impairment, and overall functional out- over the course of schizophrenia (71).
come in this disorder (30, 42, 43).
Specifically, studies ascertaining the relationship be- Neurological abnormalities in childhood and
tween psychopathology and NSS have reported that adolescence
neurological signs have an important correlation with the As already mentioned in the previous section, a signifi-
severity of negative symptoms and the degree of disorga- cant amount of evidence indicates that 1) NSS are present
nised behaviour (4751). On the contrary, evidence of an before the onset of the disease and 2) a decrease in NSS
influence on positive symptomatology is less conclusive scores during adolescence is a normal process that may
(52, 53). be altered in schizophrenia patients (Fig. 1). From a
Cognitive impairment is increasingly being recognised neurodevelopmental perspective, the close relationship
as a core feature of schizophrenia. It affects several between an altered development and NSS has been
domains: working memory, executive function, verbal/ shown by several studies reporting that very early
visual learning, attention or speed of processing, among developmental insults are associated with increased NSS
others (54, 55). The literature regarding the relationship scores in the postnatal period (59, 7275).
between NSS and cognition suggests that specific NSS Prospective studies spanning infancy through adoles-
clusters are associated with specific cognitive domains cence have reported compelling evidence of the associa-
(30, 42, 43). Regarding functional outcome, several tion of neurodevelopmental abnormalities/delays with

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schizophrenia (76). In a prospective study based on the The author showed that 7 out of 12 high-risk children had
British 1946 Birth Cohort, patients with schizophrenia a neurointegrative defect characterised by a delay of
achieved motor development milestones later than con- motor development (together with other developmental
trols (13). The milestone with the most striking differences features). These seven infants received a diagnosis of
between cases and controls was walking (13). Data from schizophrenia, or schizotypal or paranoid personality
the Northern Finland 1966 Birth Cohort pointed in a disorder (1:5:1) in adulthood. Several of these types of
similar direction, showing that a later attainment of motor studies indicated the existence of an altered psychomotor
development milestones such as standing or walking was development during the first 2 years of life (8690). It
associated with a higher risk of schizophrenia in adult- should be noted, however, that two of the studies observed
hood (77). The analysis of the 19721973 Cohort from a reduction of these abnormalities with age (90, 91). Such a
Dunedin, New Zealand, reported that children who resolution with age during infancy is difficult to interpret
eventually developed a schizophreniform disorder showed taking into account the disturbances in coordination
a poorer motor function over the several assessments they and fine motor control commonly observed in high-risk
underwent during childhood (11). Rosso et al., also in a individuals during childhood and adolescence (63, 86, 88,
prospective approach based on the 19591966 Boston 92). For example, the New York High-Risk Project
NCPP Cohort, observed anomalies in motor coordina- reported, after neurobehavioural measuring, deficits in
tion at 7 years of age and unusual movements at ages gross motor skills in 75% of the children between 7 and
4 and 7 in children who later developed schizophrenia (78). 12 years of age who were diagnosed with schizophrenia-
Cannon et al., by using a case-control design nested related psychosis in adulthood (63). Very similar results
within the 19511960 Helsinki Cohort, observed a motor were obtained by the Swedish high-risk study after
coordination deficit in those children who developed analysing 6-year-old children as regards gross and fine
schizophrenia in adulthood (79). neuromotor deviations (93). Mild incoordination and
In this context, studies based on the analysis of home awkwardness while performing rapidly alternating move-
movies of children who later developed schizophrenia are ments at age 7 were especially frequent in the offspring of
also of special interest. Walker et al. showed that during patients with schizophrenia in the Boston NCPP Study
the first 2 years of life, motor skills and neuromotor (94). With regards to school age and adolescence periods,
functioning had important differences between children the Jerusalem Infant Development Study reported poor
who later developed schizophrenia and those who did motor coordination, poor rightleft orientation, poor
not (12). Subsequent studies, based on a similar design balance, and motor overflow in the offspring of patients
(videotaped behaviours), also reported these deficits on with a schizophrenia diagnosis (95). The same study
general neuromotor functioning at older ages in children reported that poor neurobehavioural functioning was
who later suffered the disorder (80). two times more frequent in the adolescent offspring
Another methodological approach that has reported of patients with this disorder than in the offspring of
interesting results is the assessment of neuromotor im- control parents, with male offsprings showing a poorer
pairments in high-risk children (81, 82). High-risk children functioning (96).
are defined as those with relatives (mainly parents) with Taken together, these results indicate that slow neuro-
schizophrenia/psychosis diagnoses. Taking into account motor development is one of the main known risk factors
the outstanding heritability estimates of the disorder (83) in the development of schizophrenia (97). Although some
and the evidence from previous family studies (84), these of the motor abnormalities described in these studies are
children are potential carriers of a substantial genetic risk not strictly NSS according to standard definitions, they
to develop schizophrenia. According to the results of the could be understood as the first indicators of a neurolo-
Swedish high-risk study, already on the third or fourth day gical disturbance in these children.
of life, neurological deviations can be observed in the
offspring of mothers diagnosed with schizophrenia (85). Overlap between general neurological
The combination of a sample characterised by a high abnormalities and NSS
genetic risk burden together with a prospective design is Although evidence suggests a certain continuum of
theoretically optimal to understand how high-risk subjects anomalies starting with a very early neuromotor dysfunc-
behave regarding neuromotor function, cognition, social tion eventually leading to subtle neurological anomalies in
adjustment during childhoodadolescence, or their re- adult patients with schizophrenia, it has not been firmly
sponse upon exposure to environmental risk factors such proved. Moreover, a considerable fraction of patients with
as obstetric complications or drug use. Likewise, such a schizophrenia show motor signs not considered as NSS
design has the potential to identify indicators/markers such as abnormal involuntary movements, parkinsonism,
of risk long before the onset of the disorder. The first catatonia, or psychomotor slowing (98, 99). These reports
notable approach using this design was carried out suggest that, at least regarding motor functions, NSS
in the context of the New York Infant Study (86). would represent one of the expressions of an aberrant

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Neurological soft signs in patients with schizophrenia

motor system rather than a final developmental stage of a barely provided any outstanding heritability estimate
generalised motor dysfunction. (120). Convergent evidence from family-based and herit-
Among those studies measuring NSS with suitable ability studies, therefore, suggest that NSS clusters closely
instruments, the Jerusalem Infant Development Study related to motor function would be the ones better suited
explored the stability of NSS over time, showing a long- for genetic analyses. However, further heritability studies
term stability from the childhood to adolescent assess- are warranted in order to obtain better estimates of the
ments regarding motor coordination, motor overflow, heritability of not only the total NSS but also the
and sensory-perceptual signs (95). In the context of the different clusters of signs.
same prospective study, Hans et al. observed that 40% of According to the evidence mentioned in the previous
the high-risk adolescents with a poor neurobehavioural sections, NSS 1) behave as a trait marker within the
functioning already had a poor functioning in infancy schizophrenia phenotype, 2) have a close relationship
and school age (96). Interestingly, a cohort study from with some of the cardinal features of the disorder, 3) may
Sweden reported that the total score for neurological have an important predictive value regarding functional
abnormalities at 22 years in high-risk subjects correlated outcomes, and 4) are closely related to developmental
positively with the score at 6 years of age (100). However, events leading to the disease onset. Therefore, under-
the same study failed to find such a correlation between standing how genetic factors determine the emergence of
the score at 22 years and the score registered during early NSS might provide clues to specific genetic factors that
infancy (100). contribute to the risk of schizophrenia in the context of
Data provided by these studies suggest that 1) NSS in an altered neurodevelopment. In this sense, the potential
high-risk subjects present a certain degree of stability interest of NSS as candidate endophenotypes in schizo-
during childhoodadolescence and 2) the link between phrenia has been thoroughly discussed in a review by
very early neuromotor abnormalities and NSS in adult
Chan and Gottesman (41). These authors concluded that
patients is not straightforward, especially considering that
NSS meet most of the criteria required for an endophe-
fluctuations in these neurological functions are expected
notype to be useful, although they acknowledged that
to happen as brain maturation progresses. Understanding
further research is required in order to confirm their
whether this heterogeneous group of neurological distur-
potential as suitable phenotypes for genetic analyses.
bances across the developmental span have a similar origin
or, on the contrary, represent different biological processes
with phenotypical resemblance might help elucidate their Molecular genetics and NSS
interest as predictors of disease onset/course at different Despite the interest of NSS in a genetic context, few
stages of development. Likewise, it might lead to the studies have attempted to associate them with specific
definition of suitable phenotypes for genetic analysis. genetic variants in genes of interest. The scarce literature
based on candidate-gene approaches, however, has re-
ported some results of interest. The first of these studies
Evidence for a genetic component in NSS
analysed a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the
The first family studies taking into consideration NSS
already described their increased frequency in non- serotonin 2-A receptor gene (HTR2A, chr13q14.2) in a
affected relatives of patients with schizophrenia compared sample of Han Chinese population (121). This study found
with healthy controls (101, 102). Most of the subsequent a trend for association between this genetic variant
family studies have reported that healthy relatives of (T102C) and lower NSS scores related to motor coordina-
patients with schizophrenia diagnosis have higher NSS tion in schizophrenia. Interestingly, very similar results
scores than healthy independent controls and lower NSS have been obtained in a more recent study based on a
scores than their relatives with schizophrenia (31, 100, Caucasian sample (122). In this study, the T102C poly-
103115). In the review by Bombin et al., motor signs are morphism of the HTR2A gene was also associated with
suggested to be the cluster of signs with a larger overlap a lower degree of NSS related to motor coordination
with schizophrenia genetic vulnerability (30). These in a sample of schizophrenia patients. Another study
results have been confirmed using meta-analytic techni- based on the catechol-O-methyltransferase gene (COMT,
ques (116, 117). These findings suggest that NSS are, to a chr22q11.21) analysed the influence on NSS of another
certain extent, genetically determined. SNP which modifies the structure and function of the
In this context, NSS heritability (h2) studies are of resulting protein (Val158Met) (123). This study, based on a
special interest in order to ascertain the amount of phe- Caucasian population, found an association of Val158Met
notypic variance of NSS that can be explained by genetic polymorphism with cognitive and motor deficits in
factors (118). Few studies have attempted to estimate the patients with schizophrenia. Another study based on
heritability of NSS (31, 119, 120). One of them reported general healthy population reported the effect apolipo-
important h2 values (between 0.53 and 0.99) for measures protein E gene (APOE, chr19q13.32) variants have on
of neurological motor signs while the other NSS clusters NSS (124). This study showed the association of APOE4

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variant with NSS and its interest to identify subjects at risk If the difficulties of collecting a sample with these
of cognitive decline in later life. characteristics could be overcome, GWAS analyses using
NSS as the target phenotype might help elucidating the
NSS in the post-genomics era: current and role of genetic factors intimately related to the processes
future challenges leading to an altered neurodevelopment in patients with
Genetic studies of complex traits like psychiatric pheno- schizophrenia. This could consequently provide a better
types have experienced a revolution in the past few years understanding of the aetiology of schizophrenia in the
as a result of the technological advance in high-throughput context of a neurodevelopmental model, despite the fact
techniques for genomic analysis (5). In this regard GWAS that NSS cannot be considered as predictors of the risk of
have significantly contributed to the understanding of the schizophrenia due to the lack of specificity. Likewise, it
genetic architecture of many complex traits (see GWAS could enhance the identification of genetic factors closely
Catalog www.ebi.ac.uk/gwas/). related to disease features involving psychopathology,
Neuropsychiatric disorders are not an exception, and cognition, or functional outcome, finally finding paths
GWAS have currently identified more than 100 loci from genes to the clinical subphenotypes that have been
associated with an increased risk of schizophrenia (6). elusive so far.
Moreover, these studies have shed light on the polygenic
nature of this disorder in which, as in many other Conflict of interest and funding
complex traits such as height (125), body mass index The authors report no conflict of interest. This research
(126), or multiple sclerosis (127), the contribution of each was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
common genetic variant to the phenotype is small but the (DFG) grants: Klinische Forschergruppe (KFO) 241:
global effect of many of these variants accounts for an Genotype-phenotype relationships and neurobiology of
important fraction of the phenotype. the longitudinal course of psychosis TP1 (SCHU 1603/5-
To our knowledge, only one study has analysed the role 1) and PsyCourse Project 1: Complex clinical, neurobio-
of specific genetic variants identified by GWAS on NSS. In logical, and molecular signatures of the longitudinal
this study, a genetic variant (rs1344706) in the ZNF804A course of psychosis: leveraging comprehensive phenotyp-
gene (chr2q32.1) has been found to be associated with ing, novel machine learning, and (epi)genomic approaches
NSS, although results are difficult to interpret since the (SCHU 1603/7-1). Thomas G. Schulze was supported by
schizophrenia risk allele was associated with the presence the Lisa-Oehler-Foundation. This work was also sup-
of fewer NSS (128). Such an approach can be useful to ported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Com-
unmask the role of common genetic variants in both the petitivity, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI15/01420) 
risk of schizophrenia and the emergence of these neuro- co-financed by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional
logical anomalies. (FEDER) Una manera de hacer Europa. Thanks to
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